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a guest
May 11th, 2017
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  1. ocaml -I scripts -w -3 unix.cma scripts/ _build/hack/utils/get_build_id.gen.c
  2. ocamlbuild \
  3. -use-ocamlfind -pkgs sedlex \
  4. -no-links -I src/commands -I src/common -I src/common/audit -I src/common/config -I src/common/errors -I src/common/profiling -I src/common/utils -I src/dts -I src/embedded -I src/parser -I src/parser_utils -I src/parsing -I src/server -I src/services/autocomplete -I src/services/inference -I src/services/flowFileGen -I src/services/port -I src/third-party/lz4 -I src/typing -I hack/dfind -I hack/find -I hack/globals -I hack/heap -I hack/hhi -I hack/injection/default_injector -I hack/procs -I hack/search -I hack/socket -I hack/third-party/avl -I hack/third-party/core -I hack/utils -I hack/utils/collections -I hack/utils/disk -I hack/utils/hh_json -I hack/third-party/inotify -I hack/fsnotify_linux -I hack/stubs -I src/stubs -lib unix -lib str -lib bigarray \
  5. -lflags "hack/third-party/inotify/inotify_stubs.o hack/heap/hh_shared.o hack/hhi/hhi_elf.o hack/utils/files.o hack/utils/get_build_id.o hack/utils/handle_stubs.o hack/utils/nproc.o hack/utils/realpath.o hack/utils/sysinfo.o hack/utils/priorities.o hack/hhi/hhi_win32res_stubs.o src/embedded/flowlib_elf.o src/third-party/lz4/lz4.o src/third-party/lz4/lz4frame.o src/third-party/lz4/lz4hc.o src/third-party/lz4/xxhash.o hack/utils/get_build_id.gen.o -cclib -l -cclib pthread -cclib -l -cclib elf -cclib -l -cclib rt " \
  6. -ocamlopt "/usr/bin/ocamlopt.opt -runtime-variant _pic" \
  7. src/flow.native
  8. + ocamlfind /usr/bin/ocamlopt.opt -runtime-variant _pic -c -w A -warn-error A -w -3-4-6-29-35-44-48-50-52 -w -4-6-29-35-44-48-50 -package sedlex -I hack/utils/collections -I src/commands -I src/stubs -I src/parsing -I src/common -I src/server -I src/parser_utils -I src/dts -I src/parser -I src/embedded -I src/typing -I src/third-party/lz4 -I src/common/profiling -I src/common/config -I src/common/audit -I src/common/errors -I src/common/utils -I src/services/autocomplete -I src/services/inference -I src/services/port -I src/services/flowFileGen -I hack/find -I hack/stubs -I hack/heap -I hack/procs -I hack/hhi -I hack/fsnotify_linux -I hack/dfind -I hack/utils -I hack/socket -I hack/third-party/inotify -I hack/third-party/avl -I hack/third-party/core -I hack/injection/default_injector -I hack/utils/hh_json -I hack/utils/disk -o hack/utils/collections/myMap_sig.cmx hack/utils/collections/
  9. Uncaught exception: Invalid_argument("Fl_package_base.query")
  10. Command exited with code 3.
  11. Compilation unsuccessful after building 354 targets (353 cached) in 00:00:02.
  12. make: *** [Makefile:198: build-flow] Error 10
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