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May 27th, 2017
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  1. 14:11 SiobhanF Hello
  2. 14:13 SparrowBliss Hi!
  3. 14:13 SiobhanF How are you?
  4. 14:18 SparrowBliss I'm awesome, of course. You?!
  5. 14:19 SiobhanF Good, bit bummed I couldn't leave London for a wedding
  6. 14:20 SparrowBliss Why couldn't you?
  7. 14:20 SiobhanF I have to take care of people
  8. 14:21 SparrowBliss You can't take them with you?
  9. 14:21 SiobhanF No...
  10. 14:21 SparrowBliss Oh, that sucks
  11. 14:21 SiobhanF My sister and my mother..
  12. 14:21 SparrowBliss Are they sick
  13. 14:21 SparrowBliss ?
  14. 14:21 SiobhanF Mom's depressed, sister is living with amnesia
  15. 14:22 SiobhanF My mother hasn't left her room in years...
  16. 14:23 SparrowBliss Oh... I'm sorry to hear that...
  17. 14:23 SparrowBliss I'm surprised you're telling me this
  18. 14:23 SiobhanF is only 12 and takes care of two people
  19. 14:23 SiobhanF shrugs
  20. 14:23 SiobhanF What's the point in hiding it?
  21. 14:23 SparrowBliss No point, I guess. I just don't even know your name.
  22. 14:25 SiobhanF Siobhan
  23. 14:26 SparrowBliss That's pretty. I'm Sparrow. How old are you?
  24. 14:26 SiobhanF As old as I look?
  25. 14:26 SiobhanF looks older
  26. 14:28 SparrowBliss 14?
  27. 14:29 SiobhanF Sure *smiles*
  28. 14:29 SiobhanF Do you happen to know if there's beer in the fridge?
  29. 14:30 SparrowBliss Um... you're not old enough to drink.
  30. 14:30 SparrowBliss doesn't believe she's even /that/ old
  31. 14:32 SiobhanF sighs
  32. 14:32 SiobhanF but I need to attend the wedding in spirit
  33. 14:33 SparrowBliss Sparkling grape juice? *smirks a bit*
  34. 14:34 SiobhanF Is it prosecco?
  35. 14:35 SiobhanF It's sparkly and grape juice *smirks back*
  36. 14:35 SparrowBliss Uh, no. That's white wine. So nope!
  37. 14:36 SiobhanF You're no fun
  38. 14:37 SparrowBliss And you're a minor. *shrugs*
  39. 14:39 SiobhanF chuckles
  40. 14:40 SparrowBliss So who's wedding?
  41. 14:41 SiobhanF No idea, my boyfriend asked me to come
  42. 14:41 SiobhanF His aunt I believe
  43. 14:43 SparrowBliss Oh, that's sweet. How long have you two been together?
  44. 14:43 SiobhanF Few weeks
  45. 14:44 SparrowBliss Cute. *smiles* Love at first sight? Or still in the 'like' stage?
  46. 14:45 SiobhanF What's the difference?
  47. 14:45 SparrowBliss One is love and the other is not?
  48. 15:01 SiobhanF He's like, basically my first boyfriend?
  49. 15:01 SiobhanF I had one before, but... he wasn't there like all the time, so I broke up
  50. 15:03 SparrowBliss Oh. *nods* What's your boyfriend's name?
  51. 15:07 SiobhanF Grayson
  52. 15:08 SparrowBliss Grayson...? What's his last name?
  53. 15:10 SiobhanF Firestar?
  54. 15:11 SparrowBliss That's my brother...
  55. 15:15 SiobhanF Really?
  56. 15:15 SiobhanF bites lip
  57. 15:15 SparrowBliss Mhm.. *looks her over*
  58. 15:17 SiobhanF feels suddenly as if she has to be judged
  59. 15:19 SparrowBliss So, if you hurt him, you're dead. Just so you know.
  60. 15:19 SiobhanF Killing a minor will look good on your criminal record? *chuckles*
  61. 15:20 SiobhanF isn't planning on hurting Grayson
  62. 15:21 SparrowBliss I'm not worried about my record. I'm just making sure you're aware of the consequences. *smiles*
  63. 15:21 SiobhanF When I'm free of my responsibilities I plan to travel the world with him and get hang ten on every beach.
  64. 15:22 SiobhanF We love surfing
  65. 15:22 SparrowBliss I know what he loves. I
  66. 15:22 SparrowBliss ooc: oops
  67. 15:23 SparrowBliss I know what he loves. I just don't want him hurt.
  68. 15:23 SiobhanF What if he hurts me?
  69. 15:24 SparrowBliss Well, first of all... you're not my brother, so I'm more worried about him. But second of all, how I handle a situation where my brother is at fault is between me and him
  70. 15:26 SiobhanF Wow, don't need to get all hostile...
  71. 15:26 SparrowBliss I'm not. I'm just letting you know. *chuckles*
  72. 15:29 SiobhanF Look, since we're sort of familyish now... I'm Siobhan Isabel Fedyaev-Wyatt, I'm twelve years old, I live in London with my mother and my sister. My father died. My parents used to have a restaurant. I take care of my mother and sister, I cook, I do groceries... I still go to school. I hope to become a famous surfer and actress. I have no intention to hurt---
  73. 15:29 SiobhanF your brother, he's awesome, his personality fits mine, we have the same ideas about things, we like the same things. We just don't agree on music. *chuckles*
  74. 15:32 SparrowBliss Oh, honey.. we're not family. It does sound like you have a lot on your plate, although we've had to deal with the death of our father also. And Oly and I got taken away from the family that loves us and sent to live with someone that doesn't..
  75. 15:32 SparrowBliss We actually have something in common, though. I'm an actress. Not huge yet. But I will be!
  76. 15:33 SiobhanF I'm dating your brother, what else would you call it?
  77. 15:34 SiobhanF I kind of want to act on theaters, broadway and such... I should take singing classes as well.
  78. 15:34 SparrowBliss I would call it that you're dating my brother. *laughs*
  79. 15:34 SiobhanF I don't plan on un-dating your brother.
  80. 15:34 SiobhanF I plan to stick around.
  81. 15:36 SparrowBliss I've done music videos, I perform on stage, and I've done off broadway.
  82. 15:36 SiobhanF I did Romeo and Juliet in school...
  83. 15:36 SparrowBliss So did I! It's my passion *beams*
  84. 15:38 SiobhanF I got an A for it
  85. 15:38 SparrowBliss That's good. School's important.
  86. 15:39 SiobhanF Yes... This was my first A ever
  87. 15:40 SparrowBliss Why your first one?
  88. 15:41 SiobhanF Because I never got an A before
  89. 15:42 SiobhanF Not on high school at least.
  90. 15:46 SparrowBliss Oh. Did you study...?
  91. 15:46 SiobhanF I study
  92. 15:47 SparrowBliss What grades do you receive?
  93. 15:48 SiobhanF Does it matter=
  94. 15:48 SiobhanF ?
  95. 15:48 SparrowBliss If you don't want to say, then whatever. *shrugs and thinks about something*
  96. 15:51 SiobhanF I just don't know what it would add to the conversation
  97. 15:51 SparrowBliss How you do in school can show a lot about who a person is.
  98. 15:52 SiobhanF Not really
  99. 15:52 SiobhanF My IQ doesn't even remotely make sense with the grades I get.
  100. 15:52 SiobhanF So not really
  101. 15:53 SparrowBliss I'm not worried about your IQ
  102. 15:53 SiobhanF You don't have to be worried about anything
  103. 15:55 SparrowBliss looks at her for a minute. "Alright, I'm done trying." stops talking
  104. 15:56 SiobhanF Am I such a horrible person to talk to?
  105. 15:57 SparrowBliss I'm trying to get to know my boyfriend's girlfriend, and... you're making that difficult.
  106. 15:58 SiobhanF Your boyfriends?
  107. 15:59 SparrowBliss brother***
  108. 15:59 SparrowBliss ooc: oops lol
  109. 15:59 SiobhanF (ooc: I'm laughing my ass off xD)
  110. 16:00 SiobhanF You don't get to know me by knowing my average in school though.
  111. 16:01 SparrowBliss Depending on the circumstance, it can show if you're lazy, ambitious, a perfectionist, etc.
  112. 16:01 SparrowBliss It doesn't matter anyway. I mean... you're argumentative too, and I don't want to deal with that.
  113. 16:03 SiobhanF I'm very lazy trying to take care of my family, go to school, sign up for the school play and surf... yep.
  114. 16:04 SparrowBliss It was an example...
  115. 16:04 SparrowBliss Yep, I'm done.
  116. 16:04 SiobhanF is going to get beer from the fridge and gets up to go to the kitchen
  117. 16:05 SparrowBliss doesn't know what she's going to get and takes out her phone
  118. 16:07 SiobhanF comes back with a bottle of beer between her lips taking a good chug. ( )
  119. 16:08 SparrowBliss looks for a minute, realizes it's alcohol-free, and shrugs as she goes back to her phone
  120. 16:08 SiobhanF didn't want to piss her off even more
  121. 16:09 SparrowBliss is done trying
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