
fire plain

Jul 10th, 2019
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  1. Ichida went into the little shrine of fire created in the guild hall, this place is where he felt most connected with the element and the beast known as Ifrit. Ichida would take a deep breath and allow his spirit to manifest into a flame familiar and enter his deep thoughts, while in this state Ichida was completely still and unable to move or hear unless forcefully broken from his meditation.
  3. Ichida inhaled a decent amount of air and exhaled flames from his mouth, his body was warm to the touch as flames surround his body and coved his eyes.
  5. "Ifrit these are my inner thoughts and well be able to communicate with each other without being in battle. I know you probably don't have time for small talk, but I wish for use to bond on a deeper level than swinging a blade at people and hoping for victory."
  7. There was a deep silence for a long while he could only assume the beast didn't want to nebothered with such trivial conversation, but Ichida didn't break his concentration he simply waited.
  9. "Listen boy I didn't grant you my boy for us to have conversation I did it because I live for battle though I'm still unsure how we got paired. We are totally different and yet work so well together it's a pain and now you wish to talk with me, the hell are you planning now?
  11. I doubt this will solve anything or help us achieve greater power, therefore, I won't participate in whatever this is."
  13. Ichida couldn't help but smile it seems the arrogant nature of the beast seems to have rubbed off on Ichida a little bit.
  15. "Listen you already started talking, therefore, you are already a part of it and if you don't talk with me I won't fight anymore. I'd hate to do that and all with the fallen angel, but I'd do anything if it helps better myself"
  17. Ichida took another deep breath as the flames continued to form around his body, He'd take flight as the wind compressed the flames and the claw of Ifrit formed around his arm.
  19. "Fine though this is a even new low for you...I should tell Rukia on you, but I'll avoid that for now. What do you even want form me Ichida?"
  21. It seems there was an agreement made for the most part and now progress was being made. Ichida took another deep breath as the ideas begin forming in his mind though he was unsure if he could even do such a thing.
  23. "I wish to create a plan of our own. One in where there is nothing but flames, however, it's more of a mental state of mind. For example my eyes are covered with flame thus giving you a full field of vision and my using the flame realm to notice an incoming attacks or something along thoselines.
  25. It's still a work in progress, but with enough practice I'm sure we can do it..."
  27. Ichida waits for the response.
  29. "Hmmm?;It's not the worst idea you've come up with, but I have an idea of my own. Let's just hit stuff hard and win our fights, easy right?"
  31. Ichida sighed it seems only one of them were taking this seriously and with that he'd begin to break mediation though he'd leave Ifrit with a message.
  33. "Next time I return take this serious our I'll replace you."
  35. Ichida smirked as he broke from the mental fiery plain.
  36. (Ichida Rikiya)
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. Ichida crossed his legs like before as he begin to enter the state of his own fire plain in which he could make contact with the beast Ifrit. The flames would begin to over Ichida's eyes followed by the wind covering his body then finally the flames burst though the wind aura kept them compressed. Ichida would inhale then exhale a long stream of flames casing the flames around him to grow bigger and brighter.
  40. Ichida would let his spirit form into yet another flame familiar to walk in this plain that he's created for himself. Which the conditions he set for himself to enter this plain he'd sit there waiting for the beast to approach him, but he'd again start of the conversation.
  42. "I've given some though about what you said and it's not a bad idea, but we can take both our ideas and refine them into something a little more complex.
  44. If we aim to be the Shogun then we need to work together in-order toachieve greatness. I cave a lot of the people here and I care a lot for your as well Ifrit, but we need to work together instead of against each other if we wish to become something greater than we already are.
  46. You're thoughts?"
  48. Ichida left the floor open for the beast to leave any comment weather it's negative or positive. Ichida needed to grasp this part of his life and become something more than just the fire melee user that people know. Having full control over an element would truly show mastery of his skills.
  50. "Hm? I given thought to your crazy idea, however, I don't really care for the same goals as you Ichida I was made to fight and that's what I will continue to do.
  52. I will burn us out until there's nothing left to fight with anymore that is my own goals, but I feel as though we could take it to another level if you truly wish to though I don't see how becoming a master of the flame will solve anything."
  54. Ichida smirked a bit it seems the comments the beast made were always interesting. It makes for a decent conversation and allows Ichida to gives more of his views to the beast.
  56. "Becoming a mater of an element is far different than just using the element freely. There is a difference in people that use fire because they can and others that truly wish to see something more. I know that there are secrets I can only dream of and I'll needed your help to achieve them.
  58. We'll both have something to gain and still have very little to lose in the process, but it take the both of us to achieve this. We will master the flame, this art is know for being wild and untamed and we shall be the first to tame it."
  60. The spirit plain of the flame begin to rumble.
  62. "HAHAH! you are a crazy fool, but I like that I wouldn't have it any other way and you suit my wild nature perfectly. I'll assist you and given you any knowledge I know about the flame in doing this I hope you find what your looking for you crazy human."
  64. Ifrit spoke briefly and yet this mediation was successful in it's own way. The only thing that was left was to train and really try to grasp the concept of fire on a deep level that what he had before.
  66. Ichida stood up and the once heated area become cool yet again.
  67. (Ichida Rikiya)
  68. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. Ichida enter his small shrine yet again repeating the same process allowing the flames to form around his body followed by the winds coming to compress the flames around his body. Ichida eyes begin to turn fiery as he inhaled and exhaled a large amount of flames that have been stored up within his body.
  71. He'd enter the fire plain which was created by him in-order to speaking with Ifrit on a deeper level. He'd send his consciousness into a flame spirit as he transcends the mortal plain.
  73. The area around Ichida becomes hot and the demon like claw forms around his arm. The heavy breathing of the beast Ifrit could be felt within this plain though it didn't bother Ichida.
  75. "I hope your ready to begin?; I want use to come together as a unit and master these wild flames that we control somewhat. You were born within the flame and I merely got lucky enough to obtain you.
  77. I don't know how long this might take, but I'm willing to take as long as I need to achieve this goal.
  79. I've been thinking of a lot of different ways to tame this wild element even though some my be extreme it's well worth it. This will require us to do a lot of traveling and train and I hope your up for such an adventure."
  81. The plain remained silent for a moment though he knew the beast heard ever detail of Ichida's plan. The only thing left was the execution of said plan and he can finally rest easy knowing he complete any goal set for himself.
  83. "Boy I'm not one for all this training, and yet you continue to make me part of your plans?; I say one thing and feel anything everyday talking won't make me want to achieve something greater.
  85. I like results and so far you haven't disappointed me, but I'm curious to see what training you have in-store for us later down the line.
  87. You want to tame such a wild element and honestly I feel it's impossible, but knowing you might find a way to make the impossible a reality."
  89. Ichida would chuckle a little it seems Ifrit was finally staying to learn a little more about his will to push forward. Ichida gave a few nods in his spiritual form.
  91. "You do pay attention, huh?; I will continue to push forward and achieve my goal at becoming the shogun of Huangzhou. This goal is a large one and will require everything I have and that's what I will give to this goal.
  93. I will give everything I have to master the flame even if it destroys my body in the process I'm looking forwards to it. I want to be a person everyone can count on and that being said it time to begin our training."
  95. Ichida would leave his fire spirit plain, all the air around him has become cool and the claw on his arm vanished. It seems yet another successful meditation was completed with Ifrit and it gave Ichida some new in-sight.
  96. (Ichida Rikiya)
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