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a guest
Oct 8th, 2017
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  1. # On Region Enter and Exit messages
  2. on region enter:
  3. set {_region} to "%region at player%"
  4. if {_region} contains "s5-spawn" or "s5-claim-tutback" or "s5-claim-tutback2" or "s5-claim-tutorial" or "s5-parkour-snowglobe" or "s5-spawn-elevator" or "s5-spawn-gateexit" or "s5-spawn-gatewarning" or "s5-spawn-vote" or "s5-spawn-wildportal" or "spawn":
  5. stop
  6. if {regionmessages.enabled.%player%} is not set:
  7. chance of 10%:
  8. message "&8&oTo enable the Enter and Exit messages, type &7&o/regionmessages" to player
  9. stop
  10. set {_waited} to difference between {regionenter.cooldown.%player%.lastused} and now
  11. if {_waited} is less than 60 seconds:
  12. stop
  13. set {regionenter.cooldown.%player%.lastused} to now
  14. wait 1 tick
  15. set {_rg} to "%region at player%"
  16. replace all " in world %player's world%" in {_rg} with ""
  17. # message "&2&m>&7 You have entered &f%{_rg}% &2&m<"
  18. message "&2&m>&7 You have entered &f%owners of region%'s &7land &2&m<"
  19. # send player title "" with subtitle "&2&m>&7 You have entered &f%{_rg}% &2&m<" for 2 seconds
  20. send player title "" with subtitle "&2&m>&7 You have entered &f%owners of region%'s &7land &2&m<" for 2 seconds
  21. chance of 25%:
  22. message "&8&oTo toggle the Enter and Exit messages, type &7&o/regionmessages" to player
  24. on region exit:
  25. set {_region} to "%region at player%"
  26. if {_region} contains "s5-claim-tutback" or "s5-claim-tutback2" or "s5-claim-tutorial" or "s5-parkour-snowglobe" or "s5-spawn" or "s5-spawn-elevator" or "s5-spawn-gateexit" or "s5-spawn-gatewarning" or "s5-spawn-vote" or "s5-spawn-wildportal" or "spawn":
  27. stop
  28. if {regionmessages.enabled.%player%} is not set:
  29. chance of 10%:
  30. message "&8&oTo enable the Enter and Exit messages, type &7&o/regionmessages" to player
  31. stop
  32. set {_waited} to difference between {regionexit.cooldown.%player%.lastused} and now
  33. if {_waited} is less than 60 seconds:
  34. stop
  35. set {regionexit.cooldown.%player%.lastused} to now
  36. set {_rg} to "%region at player%"
  37. replace all " in world %player's world%" in {_rg} with ""
  38. # message "&2&m>&7 You have exited &f%{_rg}% &2&m<"
  39. message "&2&m>&7 You have exited &f%owners of region%'s &7land &2&m<"
  40. # send player title "" with subtitle "&2&m>&7 You have exited &f%{_rg}% &2&m<" for 2 seconds
  41. send player title "" with subtitle "&2&m>&7 You have exited &f%owners of region%'s &7land &2&m<" for 2 seconds
  42. chance of 25%:
  43. message "&8&oTo toggle the Enter and Exit messages, type &7&o/regionmessages" to player
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