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Nov 15th, 2019
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  2. #
  3. # This file is recreated with default settings on every pwnagotchi restart,
  4. # use /etc/pwnagotchi/config.yml to configure this unit.
  5. #
  6. #
  7. # main algorithm configuration
  8. main:
  9. # if set this will set the hostname of the unit. min length is 2, max length 25, only a-zA-Z0-9- allowed
  10. name: 'Pwnagotchi'
  11. # currently implemented: en (default), de, el, fr, it, mk, nl, ru, se, pt-BR, es, pt
  12. lang: en
  13. # custom plugins path, if null only default plugins with be loaded
  14. custom_plugins:
  15. # which plugins to load and enable
  16. plugins:
  17. grid:
  18. enabled: false
  19. report: false # don't report pwned networks by default!
  20. exclude: # do not report the following networks (accepts both ESSIDs and BSSIDs)
  21. - 'NCC-1701D'
  22. - 'NX-01'
  23. auto-update:
  24. enabled: true
  25. install: true # if false, it will only warn that updates are available, if true it will install them
  26. interval: 1 # every 1 hour
  27. auto-backup:
  28. enabled: true
  29. interval: 1 # every day
  30. files:
  31. - /root/brain.nn
  32. - /root/brain.json
  33. - /root/.api-report.json
  34. - /root/handshakes/
  35. - /root/peers/
  36. - /etc/pwnagotchi/
  37. - /var/log/pwnagotchi.log
  38. commands:
  39. - 'tar czf /root/pwnagotchi-backup.tar.gz {files}'
  40. - 'scp /tmp/backup.tar.gz pwnagotchi@$(date +%s).tar.gz'
  41. net-pos:
  42. enabled: false
  43. api_key: 'test'
  44. gps:
  45. enabled: true
  46. speed: 19200
  47. device: /dev/ttyUSB0
  48. onlinehashcrack:
  49. enabled: true
  50. email: ''
  51. wpa-sec:
  52. enabled: false
  53. api_key: ~
  54. api_url: ""
  55. wigle:
  56. enabled: false
  57. api_key: ~
  58. bt-tether:
  59. enabled: true # if you want to use this, set to
  60. devices:
  61. android-phone:
  62. enabled: false
  63. search_order: 1 # search for this first
  64. mac: ~ # mac of your bluetooth device
  65. ip: ~ # ip from which your pwnagotchi should be reachable
  66. netmask: 24
  67. interval: 1 # check every minute for device
  68. scantime: 10 # search for 10 seconds
  69. max_tries: 10 # after 10 tries of "not found"; don't try anymore
  70. share_internet: false
  71. priority: 1 # low routing priority; ios (prio: 999) would win here
  72. ios-phone:
  73. enabled: true
  74. search_order: 2 # search for this second
  75. mac: '40:9C:28:79:6B:FD' # mac of your bluetooth device
  76. ip: '' # ip from which your pwnagotchi should be reachable
  77. netmask: 24
  78. interval: 5 # check every 5 minutes for device
  79. scantime: 20
  80. max_tries: 0 # infinity
  81. share_internet: true
  82. priority: 999 # routing priority
  83. memtemp: # Display memory usage, cpu load and cpu temperature on screen
  84. enabled: true
  85. scale: celsius
  86. orientation: horizontal # horizontal/vertical
  87. pawgps:
  88. enabled: false
  89. #The IP Address of your phone with Paw Server running, default (option is empty) is
  90. ip: ''
  91. gpio_buttons:
  92. enabled: false
  93. #The following is a list of the GPIO number for your button, and the command you want to run when it is pressed
  94. gpios:
  95. 20: 'touch /root/.pwnagotchi-auto && systemctl restart pwnagotchi'
  96. 21: 'shutdown -h now'
  97. led:
  98. enabled: true
  99. # for /sys/class/leds/led0/brightness
  100. led: 0
  101. # time in milliseconds for each element of the patterns
  102. delay: 200
  103. # o=on space=off, comment the ones you don't want
  104. patterns:
  105. loaded: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  106. updating: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  107. # internet_available: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  108. unread_inbox: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  109. ready: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  110. ai_ready: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  111. ai_training_start: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  112. ai_best_reward: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  113. ai_worst_reward: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  114. bored: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  115. sad: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  116. excited: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  117. lonely: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  118. rebooting: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  119. wait: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  120. sleep: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  121. wifi_update: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  122. association: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  123. deauthentication: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  124. handshake: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  125. epoch: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  126. peer_detected: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  127. peer_lost: 'oo oo oo oo oo oo oo'
  128. webcfg:
  129. enabled: false
  130. # monitor interface to use
  131. iface: mon0
  132. # command to run to bring the mon interface up in case it's not up already
  133. mon_start_cmd: /usr/bin/monstart
  134. mon_stop_cmd: /usr/bin/monstop
  135. mon_max_blind_epochs: 50
  136. # if true, will not restart the wifi module
  137. no_restart: false
  138. # access points to ignore
  139. whitelist:
  140. - 'NCC-1701D'
  141. - 'NX-01'
  142. - 'FieldhouseUSA WIFI'
  143. # if not null, filter access points by this regular expression
  144. filter: null
  145. # logging
  146. log:
  147. # file to log to
  148. path: /var/log/pwnagotchi.log
  149. rotation:
  150. enabled: true
  151. # specify a maximum size to rotate ( format is 10/10B, 10K, 10M 10G )
  152. size: '10M'
  154. ai:
  155. # if false, only the default 'personality' will be used
  156. enabled: true
  157. path: /root/brain.nn
  158. # 1.0 - laziness = probability of start training
  159. laziness: 0.1
  160. # how many epochs to train on
  161. epochs_per_episode: 50
  162. params:
  163. # discount factor
  164. gamma: 0.99
  165. # the number of steps to run for each environment per update
  166. n_steps: 1
  167. # value function coefficient for the loss calculation
  168. vf_coef: 0.25
  169. # entropy coefficient for the loss calculation
  170. ent_coef: 0.01
  171. # maximum value for the gradient clipping
  172. max_grad_norm: 0.5
  173. # the learning rate
  174. learning_rate: 0.0010
  175. # rmsprop decay parameter
  176. alpha: 0.99
  177. # rmsprop epsilon
  178. epsilon: 0.00001
  179. # the verbosity level: 0 none, 1 training information, 2 tensorflow debug
  180. verbose: 1
  181. # type of scheduler for the learning rate update ('linear', 'constant', 'double_linear_con', 'middle_drop' or 'double_middle_drop')
  182. lr_schedule: 'constant'
  183. # the log location for tensorboard (if None, no logging)
  184. tensorboard_log: null
  186. personality:
  187. # advertise our presence
  188. advertise: true
  189. # perform a deauthentication attack to client stations in order to get full or half handshakes
  190. deauth: true
  191. # send association frames to APs in order to get the PMKID
  192. associate: true
  193. # list of channels to recon on, or empty for all channels
  194. channels: []
  195. # minimum WiFi signal strength in dBm
  196. min_rssi: -200
  197. # number of seconds for wifi.ap.ttl
  198. ap_ttl: 120
  199. # number of seconds for wifi.sta.ttl
  200. sta_ttl: 300
  201. # time in seconds to wait during channel recon
  202. recon_time: 30
  203. # number of inactive epochs after which recon_time gets multiplied by recon_inactive_multiplier
  204. max_inactive_scale: 2
  205. # if more than max_inactive_scale epochs are inactive, recon_time *= recon_inactive_multiplier
  206. recon_inactive_multiplier: 2
  207. # time in seconds to wait during channel hopping if activity has been performed
  208. hop_recon_time: 10
  209. # time in seconds to wait during channel hopping if no activity has been performed
  210. min_recon_time: 5
  211. # maximum amount of deauths/associations per BSSID per session
  212. max_interactions: 3
  213. # maximum amount of misses before considering the data stale and triggering a new recon
  214. max_misses_for_recon: 5
  215. # number of active epochs that triggers the excited state
  216. excited_num_epochs: 10
  217. # number of inactive epochs that triggers the bored state
  218. bored_num_epochs: 15
  219. # number of inactive epochs that triggers the sad state
  220. sad_num_epochs: 25
  221. # number of encounters (times met on a channel) with another unit before considering it a friend and bond
  222. # also used for cumulative bonding score of nearby units
  223. bond_encounters_factor: 20000
  225. # ui configuration
  226. ui:
  227. # here you can customize the faces
  228. faces:
  229. look_r: '( ⚆_⚆)'
  230. look_l: '(☉_☉ )'
  231. look_r_happy: '( ◕‿◕)'
  232. look_l_happy: '(◕‿◕ )'
  233. sleep: '(⇀‿‿↼)'
  234. sleep2: '(≖‿‿≖)'
  235. awake: '(◕‿‿◕)'
  236. bored: '(-__-)'
  237. intense: '(°▃▃°)'
  238. cool: '(⌐■_■)'
  239. happy: '(•‿‿•)'
  240. excited: '(ᵔ◡◡ᵔ)'
  241. grateful: '(^‿‿^)'
  242. motivated: '(☼‿‿☼)'
  243. demotivated: '(≖__≖)'
  244. smart: '(✜‿‿✜)'
  245. lonely: '(ب__ب)'
  246. sad: '(╥☁╥ )'
  247. angry: "(-_-')"
  248. friend: '(♥‿‿♥)'
  249. broken: '(☓‿‿☓)'
  250. debug: '(#__#)'
  251. # ePaper display can update every 3 secs anyway, set to 0 to only refresh for major data changes
  252. # IMPORTANT: The lifespan of an eINK display depends on the cumulative amount of refreshes. If you want to
  253. # preserve your display over time, you should set this value to 0.0 so that the display will be refreshed only
  254. # if any of the important data fields changed (the uptime and blinking cursor won't trigger a refresh).
  255. fps: 0.0
  256. display:
  257. enabled: true
  258. rotation: 180
  259. # Possible options inkyphat/inky, papirus/papi, waveshare_1/ws_1 or waveshare_2/ws_2, oledhat, lcdhat, waveshare154inch, waveshare27inch, waveshare29inch, dfrobot/df
  260. type: 'waveshare_2'
  261. # Possible options red/yellow/black (black used for monocromatic displays)
  262. # Waveshare tri-color 2.13in display can be over-driven with color set as 'fastAndFurious'
  264. color: 'black'
  265. video:
  266. enabled: true
  267. address: ''
  268. origin: null
  269. port: 8080
  270. # command to be executed when a new png frame is available
  271. # for instance, to use with framebuffer based displays:
  272. # on_frame: 'fbi --noverbose -a -d /dev/fb1 -T 1 /root/pwnagotchi.png > /dev/null 2>&1'
  273. on_frame: ''
  276. # bettercap rest api configuration
  277. bettercap:
  278. # api scheme://hostname:port username and password
  279. scheme: http
  280. hostname: localhost
  281. port: 8081
  282. username: pwnagotchi
  283. password: pwnagotchi
  284. # folder where bettercap stores the WPA handshakes, given that
  285. # wifi.handshakes.aggregate will be set to false and individual
  286. # pcap files will be created in order to minimize the chances
  287. # of a single pcap file to get corrupted
  288. handshakes: /root/handshakes
  289. # events to mute in bettercap's events stream
  290. silence:
  291. -
  292. - ble.device.lost
  293. - ble.device.disconnected
  294. - ble.device.connected
  295. - ble.device.service.discovered
  296. - ble.device.characteristic.discovered
  297. -
  298. - wifi.client.lost
  299. - wifi.client.probe
  300. -
  301. - wifi.ap.lost
  302. - mod.started
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