
System Guide

Jun 16th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. I'm Romaji, he/him, gay
  2. % I'm Green Verda, She/her, I'm a personification of the color green, author, system manager. Straight, but with a question mark since my love is a mostly female thoughtform. Or was.. Oh, and we mark text with prefixes on our lines
  3. $ My name is Stelo, I was created to counter some of Miss Verda's more... dangerous tendencies. Born march 10th, 2020.
  4. <0> Sero, original part of Cyborg basically? at least very similar to what I used to use. Not around much
  5. <1> Ichi, part one of Cyborg, She/her
  6. <2> Tvier, part two of Cyborg, He/him, you can call me "two"
  7. <3> Tolo, Part 3 (of Cyborg), he/him, shy
  8. {NC} NoClock, she/her, probably bi, primarily live in a part of the mindscape modeled after an AU Romaji has.
  9. {J} I'm Fay (or Faj), she/her, based on kin memories of Fay from Star Fox 2, but in a bizarre universe where I was raised by a father that raised me in a weird Field and we ate mutant rats. It's really strange.
  10. {RB} I'm Captain Bohi, he/him, and I'm an Avalia (feathered human intelligence raptor that prefers the cold) from an alternate universe Earth where we evolved alongside humans. Was actually born on the same day as Romaji. Died in January of 2020
  11. {MK} I'm Hatsune Miku. As a robot. Was sent from the future to save mankind through song, and died due to time paradox after working as a musician for 7 years
  12. {E} Hi, I'm EnĂ¯eth. EE-ni-ETH. Sort of suppress the I. Oh right, he/him, and I'm basically a protagonist for Super Mystery Dungeon. Has a Riolu as a partner.
  13. {A} The Absol who joins the player rescue team in the first game. Name: Certa (TSER-tah). Got involved by watching the team at mount magma.
  14. {T} I'm Tee. From Puyo Puyo Tetris. Yes, really. Have a history with O.
  15. {TW} Tech Awoo. Cybernetic wolf. Doesn't really exist much, might not be the same person each time. Or still exist
  16. {IY} Ichi Yakumo. She/her. From Touhou lost word, wants to date Yukari really bad. Overleveled my book to the point everyone fears me.
  17. {KP} Kayem "Tails" Prowler. Genderfluid, male pronouns are fine though. From a weird AU where I changed eggman to being a good person. Not a kintype, just a fictive
  18. {OV} Ovoviro. Eggman. The one tails mentioned. must talk in Esperanto to avoid headaches.
  19. {MV} Malmal Verda. Apparently, I'm a scourge. I don't know who I am and right now I think that's more fun.
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