
Lava Girl Crisis

Feb 27th, 2016
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  1. Lava Girl Crisis
  3. Includes: Lewd things (eww, gross) and monstergirls. Lava Golems, Succubi, and one Bee girl. You have been warned. I guess? Well, about there being only one Bee girl anyway (for which I am so sorry, I have let you down)
  6. Lying at the foot of a lone mountain, sat a quaint village. It was surrounded on all sides by a seemingly endless forest. Though it was close to evening time, many of the wooden houses were cold and empty. There was hardly any trace of life throughout the entire village. Anywhere, that is, except for the town hall.
  8. Dozens of men, women, and children were crammed into the overly hot, stuffy construction. Rows of benches were filled to the brim with shouting citizens. Noise permeated the air throughout the heated sanctum, spilling out into the atmosphere around the hall. It was enough to lure anyone that wasn't even involved to investigate the cause of the howling inside.
  10. The banging of a wooden gavel finally brought an ominous silence. A wide podium raised in front of the crowd held a long table, which seated the most important and wisest members of the village. Four elderly leaders, three men and one woman, faced the hostile expressions before them. The oldest, a man with a long and full beard, set down the gavel as he stood.
  12. "My fellow brothers and sisters! We have gathered here in this time of crisis, to band together! This is not the time to be pointing fingers, but to find a solution to our problem." The old man's glare alone silenced many of those that attempted to retort. As he sat back down, the man to his left began to speak.
  14. "It is true that smoke has been seen coming from the mountain. No one knows why yet, but the land we have called home for generations is under the threat of an eruption." Murmurs rippled through the crowd. "That's not even the worst of it. It would seem..." A grave look fell over him. "Monsters are taking the opportunity to move in as well."
  16. The silent audience roared with shouts and yells again. A random man stood from the pews. "This is all because you accepted that damned trade treaty with those heathens! This is divine punishment!" Another man stood up. "Why must we be punished for your sin!? I say we banish the heretics responsible for this!"
  18. "ENOUGH!" A singular voice boomed. Silence laced with fear froze everyone in the room. The men that had been standing dropped to their seats. A lone figure leaning against the back of the wall drew the attention of all those brave enough to look. He was an enormous, broad shouldered, ox of a man. A woodcutter by trade, his muscles that were finely honed through years of work caused him to be the one man in town that nobody wanted to anger. "These accusations are gettin' us nowhere. Why don't we all just calm down now, and not worry 'bout the little things."
  20. The old woman at the front smiled at the control the wood cutter exerted. Deciding that it was her time to speak, she gracefully rose from her seat. "We have already sent a messenger to Grune, asking for the help of any monster hunters that might help us. Until they arrive, we need to come up with a plan to help everyone move safely." She held up a hand gesturing to the side of the stage. A bespectacled girl jumps slightly, clearing her throat. She shuffles through a stack of papers in her hands as she speaks up.
  21. "Ah, yes, well, I have assembled several, uh, projects that might help buy us time. I, um, I a-also have another plan, that m-might just solve all our problems, b-but it's very risky." She wiggled and writhed under the focused attentions, clearly uncomfortable being the center of attention. Her popularity in the town did little to divert the stares. Her twin braids and conservative dress could not hide her girlish charm, which drew many advances from most of men present. This night, however, the men were mocking her instead of lusting for her.
  23. "Oh? What could you possibly have thought up?" One man jeered. His voice was followed by a woman's sneer. "Lara, don't you think this isn't the time for your delusions?" A few laughs rung through the hall. The girl in glasses, Lara, shrunk into herself and started to tear up. More people slung their ridicules at her.
  25. One man's laughter was cut short, followed quickly by the sound of a body hitting the floor. The woodcutter stood over him, unperturbed by the shrieks around him. He slowly and purposefully walked up to Lara. "Alright li'l miss, what's our options?" He picks up one of the parchments she had dropped, and hands it to her.
  27. She sniffs, wipes her eyes, and gives a small smile. "Th-thanks, Jack. Ahem. Well, first, we can start building more defenses around the area. It won't help us get out, but it should help us hole up against the increase of monsters in the area." She pulls a paper out of the stack. "We'll need a lot of wood though, and we might have to round up metal from throughout the village. That means we would be asking a lot of you, J-Jack."
  29. Whether he noticed the blush creeping through her face or not, he merely shrugged his shoulders. "That's fine, cuttin' wood is much better than the alternative. What else ya got?" She pulls some other papers together.
  31. "This plan is, um, completely focused on escaping. We can build several large transport wagons to relocate as many people as we can. Normally, the time needed to successfully complete such a project would make it unfeasible, but I've already determined several houses and storage units we can convert relatively quickly."
  33. Her enthusiasm was met with only cold stares and silence. "Um, well, I didn't have much faith in that plan." She tried to set down the stack in her hand, but there was nowhere to put them. She started turning around in circles, before Jack just took them from her hands. "Th-thanks..."
  35. The bearded man from the table cleared his throat. "Miss, if you would please continue." Lana blushed in embarrassment. "...S-sorry..." She straightened her back. "This last plan is a gamble. I would need a small team to be willing to go with me to the mountain. I have researched a way to prevent the eruption, but it would require..." She pauses out of hesitation. "...a live monster."
  37. Gasps came from frightened women, while men angrily asked why they should risk their lives for this. The gavel banging on the table, while not silencing everyone, brought the noise down to a level where people could be understood.
  39. "A monster!? Are you daft!? We are simple folk, if we could handle them we wouldn't be in this mess!"
  41. "All you want us to do is sit here, run away, or go on a suicide mission!? This is our home! Can't you do better than that!?"
  43. A soft voice, almost completely drowned out in the cacophony, spoke up for the first time. The last man at the table, raised his hand. "This plan was my idea." The entire crowd faced him in disbelief. He was considered the wisest man in the village, and many owed him a great debt for his sagacious advice. "I asked dear Lana to see if there was anything we could do to prevent the oncoming disaster. When she said there might be a way, then that gave me hope that we can stop this catastrophe." His voice wasn't strong, but it still carried authority and power in it's age. "Now, if there are any questions, ask them. Otherwise, it is time to vote."
  45. "What kind of monster do we need?" Jack was the first to speak. Lana jumped a little, but rushed out an answer. "W-we need to catch a lava golem. There should be plenty at the site."
  47. A wiry, scrawny, beanpole of a man stood up. "If they are still underground, wouldn't they be called magma golems?"
  49. "Shut up, Dirk."
  51. After silencing the wise ass, the debate continued. Most of the town was split between building up the defensive wall, or sending out the small squad of disaster prevention. The problem was that no one wanted to volunteer to go. So far the team consisted of Lana, Jack, and a hunter named Franz. They still needed one more person.
  53. "We absolutely need someone else if this mission is to be a success. If no one volunteers, we will go with the plan to bolster defenses." A woman raised her hand. "Chief, what if we nominated someone to go?"
  55. The chief stroked his beard, mulling it over. "Well, as long as everyone votes for them. If not, then we can't force someone to go against their will." The crowd exchanged knowing glances amongst each other.
  57. "In that case, I nominate Dirk."
  59. "I second that motion!"
  61. "Aye!"
  63. In fact, the only person speaking against this decision was Dirk himself. "Oy, whoa, wait! Why is everyone voting for me!?"
  65. An overweight woman pointed a sausage-like finger at him. "Because you are a rude, despicable, nasty human being!"
  67. Dirk held a hand to his chest. "In what ways? I'll have you know I am quite the gentleman."
  69. "You rubbed shit all over the community board!"
  71. "You can't prove that was me! Besides, I bet someone was just posting what they really thought of this place!"
  73. "What about all the dead flowers you keep stuffing in everyone's bags?"
  75. "Obviously the work of some troll girl. I bet someone around here is feeding it, heedless of the consequences."
  77. "When are you gonna move out of my basement!?"
  79. "What!? Stay out of this, mom!"
  81. After even his own mother joined, the call to vote came through. It was the first time in the history of the village that a unanimous decision had been reached. The village chief banged the gavel one last time, a ring of finality resounding the declaration of the village's conclusion throughout the ears of every man, woman, and child present.
  83. "With that, this meeting is adjourned. Lara, good luck to you and your team. Go, and make whatever preparations you need." As the bodies slowly began to file out, one voice was still heard.
  85. "Uh, no, I voted no. It can't be unanimous if I don't agree to it." Dirk pleaded with everyone that would listen. He even forced some of those that wouldn't to hear him out. A large hand clasped his shoulder. Jack's beaming face looked down on him.
  87. "Sorry there, li'l guy. The village has spoken." Jack gave a firm squeeze to Dirk's shoulder, and escorted him outside. With the gang fully assembled, it was time to gather everything they would need for the journey. Well, later anyway. A good night's rest was needed first.
  89. ...
  91. The group reassembled after dawn. Even Dirk, though he was forcibly dragged along. A pile of overstuffed bags sat in the middle of their loosely formed circle. Satisfied, the intrepid heroes set off towards the mountain top. The trip shouldn't take very long, but the threat of monsters popping out around every corner made their pace slow to a cautious crawl.
  93. Every shake of the bushes caused Dirk to hide behind Jack. His cowardice gave the others a way to laugh off the imminent danger around them. Without any warning, a form darted out from a dense copse of trees and collided with Franz.
  95. "See!? I told you we were being watched!" Dirk shouted, as if being right would save their companion.
  97. The buzzing of insect wings reverberated through the trees, threatening to drown out all other noises. The source came from what appeared to be an enormous bee. This was no bee however. It had the body of a woman, with short blonde hair that perfectly framed her feminine face. Large, pure black eyes focused entirely on her prey, as they sat under bobbing antenna. Her bee-like abdomen bobbed behind her, as her wings furiously beat to carry her and her prey away.
  99. The only thing preventing her from flying away with Franz was the sheer force of Jack's efforts to hold her back. "Dirk! Stop yelling and help out!" The battle for flight was slowly going in the bee girl's favor. Jack's feet were slipping across the ground as he was being dragged along. He grunted from the battle, muscles getting sore from the sudden strain.
  101. Dirk looked around frantically. His eyes landed on a large rock, so he quickly rushed over to it. He picked it up, and hurled...he picked it up...he...ran over to a slightly smaller rock. This time he successfully picked it up, and hurled it at the bee girl. It hit it's target directly in the head, knocking it unconscious.
  103. "Dirk! You daft, dumb, dipshit! You just hit Franz!"
  105. "Forget about him! Let his noble sacrifice be our chance to escape!"
  107. Lara sighed. She finished digging through her pack, finally finding what she was looking for. After sticking her finger into the air to measure the wind velocity, she let fly the object in her hand. A fog exploded from the impact site. The three figures became obscured almost instantly. A small thud, followed by the dwindling sounds of buzzing, was the only indication of life in the smoke.
  109. Jack, carrying Franz's limp body, walked out of the gas while sputtering and coughing. "Th-thanks, li'l la- cough cough, lady." He forced out weakly. Slightly blushing, Lana told him not to worry about it. The two of them focused upon Dirk, with twin disapproving glares.
  111. Jack started on him first. "Just what was that all about!? We almost lost someone, just now! D'you even realize that!?"
  113. "I didn't even wanna go on this journey, remember? If letting someone else be taken instead of me means I get to go back, then I'll let 'em take that shot for me." Dirk fired back.
  115. Lana moved to stand between the two. That was more for Dirk's benefit, as Jack was poised to lay hands on the smaller man in a manner most painful. "Whoa, easy there guys, everything is okay for now. Let's just focus on the task at hand for now, okay?"
  117. Jack kept his glare trained on Dirk, breathing heavily as he fought against his rage. He finally just snorted and walked away. The quest from there was consumed in awkward silence. Unable to take it anymore, either from boredom or to distract himself from the burden of carrying Franz, Jack turned to Lana. "So, uh, what was that thing you used earlier? To take out that monster, I mean."
  119. "Oh? That was just a simple smoke bomb. I figured if beekeepers could use smoke to harvest honey from little bees, then I could use it to knock out a monster sized one." Though she tried to hide it by acting modest, her flushed face showed her inner pride.
  121. "That's pretty clever! What else ya got in that sack o' yours?"
  123. "All sorts of stuff! I brought along whatever might be helpful for dealing with the local monster species. I have more smoke bombs, stink bombs..." She counted with her fingers as she rattled off an assortment of items. The two of them continued like that happily until Franz woke up.
  125. He groaned, and rubbed his head as he started to stir. Jack put him down on the ground so he could finally rest his arms. "Ugh, how long was I out?"
  127. "Not long, maybe a couple of hours. Just in time for lunch too!" Replied Lana, cheerfully.
  129. "That's good to hear! But what happened to me anyway? My head feels like I ran into a wall."
  131. "You were attacked by a bee monster. When we tried to save you, there were some...complications." Lana wanted everything to just be settled, so she held back on mentioning the whole truth. "Fortunately, it didn't manage to carry you back to the nest, thanks to everyone's efforts."
  133. Enough food was packed to last until they reached the top of the mountain, so lunch wasn't a concern. Worrying about hunting for enough food for the return trip would come later, so for now, they ate without a care. With more than two more days left to travel, no time was wasted on small talk. The small meal was wolfed down quickly.
  135. As a cohesive and totally unified unit, the troupe endured countless perils along their journey. Like, one time, a squirrel totally ran across the path. Dirk may have wet himself. Finally, after facing down every trial and tribulation the mountain had to offer, they reached the top peak.
  137. Smoke billowed out of a cavern entrance. Even from outside, the heat from the heart of the mountain could be felt against the biting chill of wind. The cavern seems dark and ominous. Dirk fearlessly ducks behind Jack's back. "Uh, so, what now? You said you needed a monster right?"
  139. "Yes, there should be plenty to choose from inside the mountain. You, Jack, and I will venture inside to collect it. Franz, could you wait outside as a lookout?"
  141. "Yeah, no prob sweetheart." Franz throws out a thumbs up. "I'll holler if something bad heads this way."
  143. "W-w-wait, why a-am I on the i-infiltration team!?"
  145. Jack's large arm falls over Dirk's shoulders. "'Cause you're just that lucky, son." He leans in closer, almost touching his forehead against Dirk's to look him in the eyes. "Besides, do you really want to stay outside, alone, in monster territory?"
  147. "I suddenly want to be apart of this!"
  149. "Shut up Dirk."
  151. The three of them made their way inside.
  153. ...
  155. Franz watched their disappearing forms, oblivious to the silent landing behind him. When he did turn around, he came unexpectedly face-to-face with a woman. At least, she had all the makings of a woman. Wide hips, full rear, and perky breasts to draw a man's eye. There were a few add-ons that differentiated her from normal females, though.
  157. The bat wings that spread out behind her flapped gently in the breeze. Coming out of her lower back, a long, thin, black tail ending in a spade lazily swirled in the air. Her manner of dress consisted of little more than a leather bikini with a few extra straps for decoration. Adorning her wavy golden hair, sat two curving horns that circled from the back of her head to the front, as if to resemble a crown. Perhaps most striking of all, however, were the glowing red eyes surrounded by black sclera.
  158. She was, without a doubt, a succubus.
  160. "Why, hello there handsome. Fancy meeting you here." Her voice was dripping with honey and pure seduction. Mesmerized by her eyes, Franz couldn't even respond. "I'm sure a gentleman such as yourself wouldn't mind escorting a lady home, would you?"
  162. "I-I...I..." Franz stuttered, as his mind furiously fought against whatever charm magic the demon was casting.
  164. She pouted. Her eyes intensified in their glow, shining like a beacon. "Obey." That was all she said. It wasn't threatening, loud, or commanding. She spoke simply as one would to a lover. Franz started to stumble towards her.
  166. She smiled. "Good boy."
  168. ...
  170. Inside the rumbling echoes of the cave, the remaining team members found themselves crawling over boulders and mossy floors. A faint glow starts to creep around the corners ahead, lighting up what was pitch black darkness. After gulping to gain some courage, Jack lead the way into the light. The path lead them to a short ledge overlooking the source of light and smoke.
  172. "By the word of the holy, this is incredible. And yet..." Jack gazed around the small area. There was nothing around them, except a four meter drop into the awaiting magma below. "...Where are the monsters? I don't see any-"
  174. "Mmmmmmaaaan." A moan drifted up from the cauldron of certain death. The boiling surface began to bubble furiously. Breaking the surface was over a dozen oozing figures. The higher they raised, the more feminine they became. Hardened plates of magma formed various features over their 'flesh.'
  176. "So th-these must b-be the magma golems, right? How on earth are we supposed to nab one of them out of...of...this?" Dirk gestured around with his hands wildly.
  178. Lana gently shoved him to the lip of the crater. "With the right bait of course."
  180. Dirk's eyes widened. "No! No no no, no!" He planted his feet down to stop his advancement. "I am not going near those things!"
  182. "I agree, tha's too dangerous, even fer someone like him." Jack unexpectedly came to Dirk's defense.
  184. Lana sighed. "Look, you don't have to get close to them. Just get their attention, so they'll crowd around your feet." She pulled a vial of blue liquid out of her pack. "Then I'll use this to grab one, easy. Trust me, okay? Anyway, they can't climb out to get you, or they would have already.
  186. Still unconvinced, Dirk faced the ledge. It was time to be brave, for once in his life! He could do this! With shaky steps, he creeped up as close as he dared. "H-Hey! You, uh, things! Yeah! Look at me!" He waved his arms in the air. He kept waving and yelling as all of the girls crowded around below.
  188. "Mmaaannnn..."
  190. "...Mmmmmann..."
  192. More and more moans drifted up, until a disorganized chorus rang through the air. Eager and hungry faces looked up at the source of the racket. Dirk gulped. "O-Okay Lana! I think I got-!"
  194. Whatever words he wanted to say were lost forever as he felt someone shove him from behind. He managed to turn around enough as he began to fall to identify his attacker. Lana stood where he so recently had, arms outstretched and sporting a devilish grin. He didn't even have time to scream as he fell to the arms waiting for him.
  196. "Lana! What have you done!?" Jack roared. "You, you just murdered him! How could you do that!?"
  198. Lana faced him, and started laughing. Not an evil laugh, but a normal laugh as if she heard a funny joke. "Dead? Far from it, darling. He now lives with his new lovers, to be protected and ravished for the rest of his life. A fate that you will soon share."
  200. She sauntered over towards Jack, hips swaying seductively. With every step she took, her body began to change. Horns sprouted out of the back of her head. Black wings ripped out of her dress, fully extending to show them off. A tail grew and swayed around her. Finally, her eyes took on the same appearance as the one who met Franz outside.
  202. "L-Lana? What...what happened to you?" Jack could barely breath. He just saw someone pushed into a lava pit, and now the shy but sweet girl he had known for years became a monster in front of his eyes.
  204. "Oh, don't look so surprised, Jackie poo. All you had to do was marry me. But instead..." Her eyes narrowed, and her sensual voice turned sharp. "You had to make goo goo eyes at some baker! A man! When I was right in front of you, always ready to give you my heart and body! But I met someone. In exchange for giving these sweet girls a husband, she'll give me the power to make you mine forever." She rubbed her shoulder against Jack's chest. "How could I resist?"
  206. As with Franz, Jack's eyes began to become lifeless. His body slumped against hers. Lana lifts Jack's chin with one slender finger. "Now, why don't we go give the village the good news? How Franz and Dirk tragically died, but now everyone is safe. And of course we can't forget about our engagement announcement."
  208. "...Yes, mistress..."
  210. ...
  212. Dirk fell.
  214. Down into the molten pool of girls he sank. His eyes widened in fear, he had no choice but to watch as his clothes burned away. He flinched as he felt the heat burrow into his very core. He finally clenched his eyes shut as he awaited his death. Yet, nothing happened.
  216. Something was wrong. He did not feel pain, all his limbs seemed to respond, and he was still breathing. He peeked out through a crack in his eyelids, and saw a curious face staring back at him.
  218. "Mman?" She questioned.
  220. "Uh, yes?" He didn't know if she could even understand him. If she did, her face gave no clue of it. Her eyes drifted down his body slowly, devouring every detail. They finally rested on his exposed crotch. Instantly, her eyes focused like a predator that had found it's prey.
  222. "...Mannn!" She burbled loudly. Cries of 'man' repeated through the pool, becoming louder and louder. The first one closed what little distance there was between herself and Dirk. She wasted no time in spreading his legs, and slammed her mouth over his nethers.
  223. "Aah! N-No, stop!" Dirk recoiled, not from pain, but from unexpected pleasure. The burning of her mouth seeped into him, the demonic heat bringing him to full hardness almost instantly. "W-Waaai- ah, n-nooo..."
  225. Her fiery tongue swam over his length, massaging his glans fully. She began to suck intensely, enough to make her cheeks wrap around the meat in her mouth. Dirk's virgin body could not resist her ministrations, and he quickly built to climax. Shot after shot of his essence poured down the girl's throat.
  227. Dirk didn't have much time to recover from his high when another lava monster shoved the first one away. She glared at the first, as if to say 'you had your turn.' The second one looks down on Dirk's wilting flower. Grasping it with her hand, she allows her body heat to soak into his flesh. In no time at all, he's back at full mast.
  229. Licking her lips in a lewd display, she makes a show of bringing her sizable chest down around the twitching rod before her. Dirk weakly raised a hand, trying to utter words to make her stop, but she began to move her pillowy soft breasts slowly up and down. Despite being so squishy, each mass still provides enough firmness to clamp down around him. She squeezes herself hard, causing Dirk to gasp. The second girl begins to moan as she moves faster, each stroke arcing sparks of delight throughout their bodies.
  231. "Guh, I-I'm gonna...gonna-!" Dirk's eyes roll back, and he can feel his balls contract. Sensing he was at his limit, she brought her mouth down over his tip, just in time to catch his second release. She hungrily laps up any drops that tried to escape. Satisfied with gathering a mouthful, she swallows loudly.
  233. Dirk was spent. He had given up more than he thought his body could hold, and sweat disappeared in puffs of steam all over his body. He was left gasping for air as she removed herself from in front of him. A third monster moved into her place. She was the largest so far, not a girl but a fully matured woman. It was obvious that she was tired of waiting for her turn, as she jumped on him as soon as she arrived.
  235. Her figure melted over Dirk's before it hardened again. He was now trapped inside of her, completely helpless and unable to escape. Unable to contain her lust, she pressed her lips against his. She worked her way around his face, down to his chest, kissing wildly as she went. When she got to his nipple, she teased it with her teeth, before sucking it fiercely.
  237. "Ooooh! Oh, n-not there! It f-feels so, so, g-goood~!"
  239. Dirk was lost to the world, his mind unable to think in the sweltering atmosphere and teasing. However, the hunger she felt for his flesh could not be satisfied by this alone. She laid him back as far as he could go, and allowed her body to morph into a position to straddle him. Using one hand to guide him to her entrance, she teased his tip with her dripping lips. A trail of lava slid down his shaft, causing Dirk to buck his hips instinctively.
  241. Her lewd grin grew wider. "Hu...husssbaaannd..." Then, she thrust herself upon him until he was fully hilted. A loud gasp of surprise left her lips, and her body convulsed. Her walls contracted over and over.
  243. As she recovered from the shock of the entry, she began to shake her hips. Each stroke was different than the last. The many folds and ridges formed from various hardness would change as she listened to Dirk's moans. As his cries of joy filled her ears more and more, her pussy changed to better please him.
  245. "H-Huuusbaaahnd!" Her back arched, her eyes rolled back, and she screamed in ecstasy. Her walls clenched tighter than they ever had before. Unable to bear being squeezed so hard, Dirk let out a cry as he once more unleashed his load, this time into the womb of the woman on top of him.
  247. She collapsed on him, both of them breathing heavily. Dirk's eyelids started closing against his will.
  249. "I don't...think I can...go back home...anymore..."
  251. Dirk lost consciousness.
  253. ...
  255. Franz awoke with a start. He didn't recognize where he was. As he started to rip the sheets wrapped around his body, he felt a weight on his lower half. He froze when he saw who was lying with him. Snoring lightly, was a succubus. She was laying between his legs, and had apparently fallen asleep with his dick still inside her mouth. His morning wood caused her cheek to poke up like a tent.
  256. She moaned as she shifted slightly. It seemed she had not yet awoke. Franz tried to calm himself, and plan his escape. With as much care as possible, he tried to move her head away from his crotch, but every movement made her tongue caress him.
  258. Moving her that much must have affected her dream. She started mumbling happily, and lightly sucked on him. Franz twitched inside her mouth, but he held himself back from grabbing her head and thrusting wildly into it. By the gods, why can't I focus? All I want to do is, is, start violating her. But I...I can't. I gotta get out of here...right? Do I really? What if I-
  260. He shook his head, trying to resist this alien thought. She was a demon, and having sex with a demon was forbidden. The mere thought of doing such a thing could be met with punishment, but surely the village would understand. She had taken him by surprise, forced him
  262. The memories of the night before all came back to him. He held his head in his hands as the flood of images showed him engaging in act after act of depravity. He remembered how he begged for it, obeyed her without question, and how he loved every second of it.
  263. "Oh...gods help me. What have I done?" His voice was mixed with fear, regret, and a hint of happiness.
  265. This was enough to stir his companion out of her slumber. She wearily started to open her eyes. Her eyes widened when she looked down and saw what was in her mouth. She looked up to Franz, giving him a smug grin and started to slurp noisily. She knew from last night's experience where his sweet spots were, and attacked them vigorously. She felt the muscles in his cock harden and sucked greedily. Franz gave one last grunt, before he painted her throat white.
  267. "Y-You vile demon, you can't keep me here forever. Release me immediately!" He spat out weakly.
  269. "Mmm...that would be more effective if you weren't cupping my face so tenderly, sweetheart."
  271. He looked down at his hands, and sure enough he was. H-How!? When did I do this!? He pulled his hands away, as if he had touched a hot poker.
  273. "Oh, come on sweetie, I don't need magic to keep you here anymore. Besides, you did far worse than simply touch my face last night." She held his head in her hands, and pulled him in for a kiss. It was slow at first, building into passionate exchanges. After a few minutes of exploring each other's mouths with curious tongues, she pulled back. A bridge of saliva still connected their tongues. She leaned right beside his ear to whisper the dirtiest, foulest, most depraved thing he ever heard.
  275. "We also held hands last night while trying to make children..." Her smile split her face in half. " the missionary position."
  277. Franz's screams could be heard for miles.
  279. ...
  281. Lana and Jack made their way back to the village. she hid her demonic features so no one ever even suspected a thing. After they got married, they moved away so they could celebrate their heretical union in peace. Lana never once regret her decision.
  283. Dirk spent most of his waking moments tending to the lava golems' needs. No one ever dared enter his cave, and he couldn't leave. He stopped trying to escape quickly, due to him being lazy, and deciding that being a communal sex toy wasn't too bad a deal for free food and board. His wives still fight over whose turn it is to this day.
  285. ...
  287. Somewhere out there, a lonely bee girl is till looking for a husband to take back to her nest.
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