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Sep 21st, 2017
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  1. To start, I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this kind of thing. I'm still pretty wound up about this situation, so please don't let my venting lead you to believe that it's always been this way. I promise our marriage really was happy before all of this.
  2. 2 years after our daughter was born, my wife and I moved back to our hometown to be closer to our parents. Shortly after that, my wife got it in her head that I needed facial hair and in general more body hair. I'm not really sure what prompted it, she just said she'd "like to see what I'd look like with a beard" and (until tonight) never really expressed more than that. I told her then she better buy me a novelty beard because it wasn't going to happen any other way.
  3. Background: I don't grow much facial hair outside of small awkward patches that I shave immediately. I can't even grow stubble, and naturally I just don't have much body hair. I've grown "normally" in every other way: I'm above average height, I have a deep voice, full head of hair, in good shape, etc.. just no facial hair/minimal body hair. Doctor says it's genetic and just the way it is. It's never really bothered me, and TBH I actually really like this about myself.
  4. Anyway, she just couldn't wrap her head around this. It's not like I hid this from her or anything, I've been clear about it for as long as we've been together. It wasn't something she had just learned about, almost 5 years into marriage. At first, she really didn't believe me, then she thought something was wrong with me. It had to have taken 6 months for her to really accept it. And she's not uneducated, she's an NP for fucks sake. Meanwhile the whole time I was growing more resentful and confused, how did I end up married to someone for 5 years that refused to understand a basic fact about me? We weren't having sex, which was initially her doing but later I started rejecting her more and more.
  5. One morning before work I had a moment of clarity. This wasn't working, we stopped trying to make it work. Our daughter just turned 3, and while we did our best to keep our problems out of her life, we're not as good at separating these things as we thought we were. It was marriage counseling or divorce.
  6. It really helped for awhile. My wife apologized, and while she still couldn't explain her beard fixation, she said she'd work to respect me more. I also promised to work harder on our marriage (I was all but checked out before), I agreed to more actively participate and enforce my boundaries. This all worked great for awhile.
  7. And then my wife decided I had low testosterone. Why? Because 1) I had a vasectomy 3 years ago, after the birth of our daughter and 2) She lacks the ability to critically read sources on the internet. I told her we'd test it again (my doctor did a test both before and after the vasectomy, all normal) if and only if she'd promise to drop this whole topic, and just accept me for who I am.
  8. As part of this agreement, she wanted to stop going to marriage counseling because she felt our counselor was "only understanding my side". I agreed, because why would we need counseling if she was finally going to drop it? After all that was the source of our problems. And if she brought it up again, I should just be able to enforce my boundaries and.... something. I honestly don't know what I was thinking.
  9. Of course that test comes back normal, and surprisingly we were pretty good for a few months, it was the happiest I'd been in awhile. Until it ended about 3 months ago. At dinner one day she, out of fake concern for my health, told me that she just "heard" that testosterone boosters would help me be more energetic.
  10. Now, I never complained about a lack of energy, our sex life was the best it's been since our daughter was born, nothing that would cause her to even think this. So I told her thanks but no thanks and left it at that. Over the next few months she'd keep bringing it up, and I started to "Gray Rock" the topic.
  11. Then tonight, over a nice meal for my birthday (with our daughter luckily at my parents), she gave me an ultimatum. It was vital to our marriage that I "at least tried" and if I wanted to make our family work, I'd go to my doctor for a testosterone injection, and to top it all off that would be my birthday present.
  12. Now all that old resentment came up. The fucking nerve, if I at least tried? I told her she was destroying our family because she couldn't accept my body for some vague bullshit reasons she didn't even understand. I already did more than enough to try to accommodate her needs and I'm really just done with it.
  13. She asked me again to consider trying. Naively, I asked if she meant for our marriage or to meet her impossible needs. She said the injections: she had a baby for me, she was on birth control for years, she changed her body for me. All I did was get a vasectomy, why can't I do more for her?
  14. So I finally lost it, I let a year and a half of angst and garbage come out of my mouth, and most likely ended our marriage. Approximate quote, to show how ugly and final this was: "You've lost your god damn mind if you think any of this shit will work. If you were actually worth your fucking education you'd stop reading bullshit blogs and listen to an actual, real, doctor when he tells you you're full of shit. I can't just inject some shit and be a better partner for you, and even if I could I fucking wouldn't."
  15. Then I left, and now I'm here at my parent's place with our daughter. Now that I write it all out I really don't know what to make of it. I really need some outside perspectives. This is over right? Where exactly did this go off the rails? What do I/we even do after this?
  16. tl;dr: Genetically I can't really grow facial/body hair. In a short time my wife became fixated on it, then became obsessed with "fixing" it. Tonight, on my birthday, she gave me an ultimatum that turned into a huge fight. Is this really the end of it? Is there anything more to do, other than call a divorce lawyer?
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