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- #version 120
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Unchangable Variables //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- const int shadowMapResolution = 2048;
- const float shadowDistance = 120.0;
- const bool shadowHardwareFiltering = false;
- const int noiseTextureResolution = 64;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Changable Variables //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define HARD 0
- #define SOFT 1
- #define REALISTIC 2
- #define SHADOW_BIAS 0.0065
- #define PCSS_SAMPLES 32 //don't make this number greater than 32. You'll just waste GPU time
- #define SSAO true
- #define SSAO_SAMPLES 8 //more samples = prettier
- #define SSAO_STRENGTH 1.0 //bigger number = more SSAO
- #define SSAO_RADIUS 100.0 //search a 2-unit radius hemisphere
- #define SSAO_MAX_DEPTH 2.0 //if a sample's depth is within 2 units of the world depth, the sample is
- //obscured
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // I need these //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- uniform sampler2D gcolor;
- uniform sampler2D gdepthtex;
- uniform sampler2D gnormal;
- uniform sampler2D gaux2;
- uniform sampler2D shadow;
- uniform sampler2D noisetex;
- uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
- uniform float viewWidth;
- uniform float viewHeight;
- uniform float far;
- uniform float near;
- uniform mat4 gbufferModelView;
- uniform mat4 gbufferProjection;
- uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
- uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse;
- uniform mat4 shadowModelView;
- uniform mat4 shadowProjection;
- uniform mat4 shadowModelViewInverse;
- uniform mat4 shadowProjectionInverse;
- varying vec2 coord;
- varying vec3 lightVector;
- varying vec3 lightColor;
- struct Pixel {
- vec4 position;
- vec4 screenPosition;
- vec3 color;
- vec3 normal;
- float reflectivity;
- float smoothness;
- bool isWater;
- bool skipLighting;
- vec3 directLighting;
- vec3 torchLighting;
- vec3 ambientLighting;
- };
- struct World {
- vec3 lightDirection;
- vec3 lightColor;
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Helper Functions //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Credit to Sonic Ether for depth, normal, and positions
- float getDepth( vec2 coord ) {
- return texture2D( gdepthtex, coord ).r;
- }
- float getDepthLinear( vec2 coord ) {
- return 2.0 * near * far / (far + near - (2.0 * texture2D( gdepthtex, coord ).r - 1.0) * (far - near));
- }
- vec4 getScreenSpacePosition() {
- float depth = getDepth( coord );
- vec4 fragposition = gbufferProjectionInverse * vec4( coord.s * 2.0 - 1.0, coord.t * 2.0 - 1.0, 2.0 * depth - 1.0, 1.0 );
- fragposition /= fragposition.w;
- return fragposition;
- }
- vec4 getWorldSpacePosition() {
- vec4 pos = getScreenSpacePosition();
- pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos;
- +=;
- return pos;
- }
- vec3 getColor() {
- return texture2D( gcolor, coord ).rgb;
- }
- bool shouldSkipLighting() {
- return texture2D( gaux2, coord ).r > 0.5;
- }
- bool getWater() {
- return texture2D( gaux2, coord ).b > 0.5;
- }
- float getSmoothness() {
- return texture2D( gaux2, coord ).a;
- }
- vec3 getNormal() {
- vec3 normal = normalize( texture2D( gnormal, coord ).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0 );
- normal.x *= -1;
- return normal;
- }
- float getReflectivity() {
- return texture2D( gnormal, coord ).a;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Lighting Functions //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //from SEUS v8
- vec3 calcShadowCoordinate( in Pixel pixel ) {
- vec4 shadowCoord = pixel.position;
- -= cameraPosition;
- shadowCoord = shadowModelView * shadowCoord;
- shadowCoord = shadowProjection * shadowCoord;
- shadowCoord /= shadowCoord.w;
- = * 0.5 + 0.5; //take it from [-1, 1] to [0, 1]
- float dFrag = (1 + shadowCoord.z) * 0.5 + 0.005;
- return vec3(, dFrag );
- }
- //I'm sorry this is so long, OSX doesn't support GLSL 120 arrays
- vec2 poisson( int i ) {
- if ( i == 0 ) {
- return vec2( -0.4994766, -0.4100508 );
- } else if( i == 1 ) {
- return vec2( 0.1725386, -0.50636 );
- } else if( i == 2 ) {
- return vec2( -0.3050305, 0.7459931 );
- } else if( i == 3 ) {
- return vec2( 0.3256707, 0.2347208 );
- } else if( 1 == 4 ) {
- return vec2( -0.1094937, -0.752005 );
- } else if( i == 5 ) {
- return vec2( 0.5059697, -0.7294227 );
- } else if( i == 6 ) {
- return vec2( -0.3904303, 0.5678311 );
- } else if( i == 7 ) {
- return vec2( 0.3405131, 0.4458854 );
- } else if( i == 8 ) {
- return vec2( -0.163072, -0.9741971 );
- } else if( i == 9 ) {
- return vec2( 0.4260757, -0.02231212 );
- } else if( i == 10 ) {
- return vec2( -0.8977778, 0.1717084 );
- } else if( i == 11 ) {
- return vec2( 0.02903906, 0.3999698 );
- } else if( i == 12 ) {
- return vec2( -0.4680224, -0.4418066 );
- } else if( i == 13 ) {
- return vec2( 0.09780561, -0.1236207 );
- } else if( i == 14 ) {
- return vec2( -0.3564819, 0.2770886 );
- } else if( i == 15 ) {
- return vec2( 0.0663829, 0.9336991 );
- } else if( i == 16 ) {
- return vec2( -0.8206947, -0.3301564 );
- } else if( i == 17 ) {
- return vec2( 0.1038207, -0.2167438 );
- } else if( i == 18 ) {
- return vec2( -0.3123821, 0.2344262 );
- } else if( i == 19 ) {
- return vec2( 0.1979104, 0.7830779 );
- } else if( i == 20 ) {
- return vec2( -0.6740047, -0.4649915 );
- } else if( i == 21 ) {
- return vec2( 0.08938109, -0.005763604 );
- } else if( i == 22 ) {
- return vec2( -0.6670403, 0.658087 );
- } else if( i == 23 ) {
- return vec2( 0.8211543, 0.365194 );
- } else if( i == 24 ) {
- return vec2( -0.8381009, -0.1279669 );
- } else if( i == 25 ) {
- return vec2( 0.6365152, -0.229197 );
- } else if( i == 26 ) {
- return vec2( -0.1748933, 0.1948632 );
- } else if( i == 27 ) {
- return vec2( 0.1710306, 0.5527771 );
- } else if( i == 28 ) {
- return vec2( -0.5874177, -0.1295959 );
- } else if( i == 29 ) {
- return vec2( 0.6305282, -0.5586912 );
- } else if( i == 30 ) {
- return vec2( -0.030519, 0.3487186 );
- } else {
- return vec2( 0.4240496, -0.1010172 );
- }
- }
- int rand( vec2 seed ) {
- return int( floor( 32 * abs( sin( dot( vec2( 12.45345, 9.2345 ), seed ) * 597123.23432 ) ) ) );
- }
- //Implements the Percentage-Closer Soft Shadow algorithm, as defined by nVidia
- //Implemented by DethRaid -
- float calcPenumbraSize( vec3 shadowCoord ) {
- float dFragment = shadowCoord.z;
- float dBlocker = 0;
- float penumbra = 0;
- float wLight = 0.5;
- // Sample the shadow map 8 times
- float temp;
- float count = 0;
- for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
- temp = texture2D( shadow, + (poisson( rand( coord ) ) * 0.001 ) ).r;
- if( temp < dFragment ) {
- dBlocker += temp;
- count += 1.0;
- }
- }
- if( count > 0.1 ) {
- dBlocker /= count;
- penumbra = wLight * (dFragment - dBlocker) / dFragment;
- }
- return penumbra;
- }
- void calcShadowing( inout Pixel pixel ) {
- vec3 shadowCoord = calcShadowCoordinate( pixel );
- if( shadowCoord.x > 1 || shadowCoord.x < 0 ||
- shadowCoord.y > 1 || shadowCoord.y < 0 ) {
- return;
- }
- float shadowDepth = texture2D( shadow, ).r;
- if( shadowCoord.z - shadowDepth > SHADOW_BIAS ) {
- pixel.directLighting = vec3( 0 );
- }
- float penumbraSize = 3.0;
- penumbraSize = calcPenumbraSize( shadowCoord );
- #endif
- float visibility = 1.0;
- float sub = 1.0 / PCSS_SAMPLES;
- int shadowCount = 0;
- for( int i = 0; i < PCSS_SAMPLES; i++ ) {
- int index = rand( coord );
- float shadowDepth = texture2D( shadow, + (penumbraSize * poisson( i ) * 0.005) ).r;
- if( shadowCoord.z - shadowDepth > SHADOW_BIAS ) {
- visibility -= sub;
- }
- }
- if( visibility < 1 ) {
- pixel.directLighting *= visibility;
- }
- #endif
- }
- void calcDirectLighting( inout Pixel pixel ) {
- vec3 normal = normalize( texture2D( gnormal, coord ).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0 );
- float ndotl = dot( lightVector, normal );
- ndotl = clamp( ndotl, 0, 1 );
- pixel.directLighting = lightColor * ndotl;
- if( ndotl > 0.1 ) {
- calcShadowing( pixel );
- }
- }
- //calcualtes the lighting from the torches
- void calcTorchLighting( inout Pixel pixel ) {
- vec3 torchColor = vec3( 1, 0.9, 0.5 );
- pixel.torchLighting = torchColor * texture2D( gaux2, coord ).g;
- }
- void calcAmbientLighting( inout Pixel pixel ) {
- pixel.ambientLighting = vec3( 0.15, 0.17, 0.2 );
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Main Functions //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void fillPixelStruct( inout Pixel pixel ) {
- pixel.position = getWorldSpacePosition();
- pixel.normal = getNormal();
- pixel.color = getColor();
- pixel.reflectivity = getReflectivity();
- pixel.smoothness = getSmoothness();
- pixel.skipLighting = shouldSkipLighting();
- pixel.isWater = getWater();
- }
- vec2 texelToScreen( vec2 texel ) {
- float newx = texel.x / viewWidth;
- float newy = texel.y / viewHeight;
- return vec2( newx, newy );
- }
- void calcSSAO( inout Pixel pixel ) {
- //not that it works...
- float ssaoFac = SSAO_STRENGTH;
- float compareDepth = getDepthLinear( coord );
- float radiusx = SSAO_RADIUS / viewWidth;
- float radiusy = SSAO_RADIUS / viewHeight;
- vec2 sampleScale = vec2( radiusx, radiusy );
- float occlusionPerSample = ssaoFac / float( SSAO_SAMPLES );
- vec2 sampleCoord;
- for( int i = 0; i < SSAO_SAMPLES; i++ ) {
- sampleCoord = poisson( i );
- float len = 1;
- sampleCoord *= len * len * sampleScale;
- if( getDepthLinear( sampleCoord ) < compareDepth ) {
- ssaoFac -= occlusionPerSample;
- }
- }
- //pixel.directLighting = *= ssaoFac;
- pixel.torchLighting *= ssaoFac;
- }
- vec3 calcLitColor( in Pixel pixel ) {
- vec3 color = pixel.color * pixel.directLighting +
- pixel.color * pixel.torchLighting +
- pixel.color * pixel.ambientLighting;
- return color / 2;
- }
- void main() {
- Pixel pixel;
- vec3 finalColor;
- fillPixelStruct( pixel );
- if( !pixel.skipLighting ) {
- calcDirectLighting( pixel );
- calcTorchLighting( pixel );
- calcAmbientLighting( pixel );
- calcSSAO( pixel );
- finalColor = calcLitColor( pixel );
- } else {
- finalColor = pixel.color;
- }
- gl_FragData[3] = vec4( finalColor, 1 );
- //gl_FragData[3] = vec4( pixel.directLighting, 1 );
- }
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