
Text Adventure Chapter 94 Log

Sep 27th, 2014
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  1. >It’s not that you’re so much completely petrified by fear, so much as you just don’t want to drown in treasure.
  2. >You’ve always said that’d be a good way to go (and drowning in liquor), but this isn’t what you had in mind.
  3. >You pat your hoof back and feel Gable still standing stock still behind you, the both of you leaning back to back in this little clear pile with this stupid ass treasure all around you.
  4. >It’s maddening that you can’t take a single bit, and yet here it is just taunting you, daring you to touch it.
  5. >You pull a bit on Gable’s armor to get his attention, and you speak like you’ve been standing there for a whole week doing nothing.
  6. “I will give you so many blowjobs to fly us over to the exit, drop us down, and get the fuck out of here. Like, you could even have a sip of my rum. That's how serious I am about getting the fuck out of here without touching anything.”
  7. >He looks back at you as well as he can without losing balance.
  8. >”Your real rum?”
  9. “...Y-yeah.”
  10. >”I get to wet my whistle and my lips, right?”
  11. >You didn’t really think it through when you told him that.
  12. >Iron’s going to be pissed, but too late to turn back now.
  13. “It’s a date, now use those damn wings and don’t kill us!”
  14. >Gable pulls his arms back around you and holds you tight by interlocking his talons together, and he jumps up with added wingpower to fly straight up.
  15. >When the two of you are in the air, he throws you up and flips around, catching you in his grasp and keeping the two of you at eye-level.
  16. >Nose to beak.
  17. “What’re you staring at? Never been this close to a mare before?”
  18. >”Shut up. I’m concentrating.”
  19. >You roll your eyes, but when you see he’s serious you stay quiet for the benefit of your lives at hand.
  20. >He begins to weave through the massive piles of the booby-trapped treasure by thrusting each of his flaps to send him up and back, keeping the two of you curled up as possible.
  21. >You cling to him like your only link to life, because he literally is right now.
  22. >You might’ve done it too hard, as Gable starts pulling you back a bit in the middle of four huge piles.
  23. >”Hey, loosen your damn grip or I won’t be able to move!”
  24. “Where am I supposed to grab!?”
  25. >He sighs like he’s talking to a child, which pisses you off a bit.
  26. >Before you can make a comment about it, he grabs your hooves and pulls them off of his waist, wrapping them around his neck instead.
  27. >He braces you up to him and makes sure you’re secure.
  28. >”There, is that better your highness?”
  29. >You’re so close to his face you can smell his breath.
  30. >Yeah, it smells like meat, what’d you expect?
  31. >He continues with trying to get out of the cave alive, a few minutes passing before the two of you are finally able to see the trapdoor where you came in.
  32. >”Oh, shit…”
  33. “What?”
  34. >You look at the exit from around his cheek, and your hopes for not getting squished by Midas gets, well, squished.
  35. >The entire opening’s been filled with treasure.
  36. “Great…”
  37. >The tenacious gryphon doesn’t stop flying to it, however.
  38. >He stops right over it and looks you right in the eye.
  39. “...What are you doing?”
  40. >”Remember when I said don’t cling so tight?”
  41. >You eye him as he continues.
  42. >”Well, don’t let go.”
  43. >He’s going to do what you think he’s going to do, isn’t he?
  44. “...Don’t you dare.”
  45. >”Sorry.”
  47. >Gable flips over and starts twisting like a missile straight at the trapdoor, and crashes right into the magic-laden treasure headfirst!
  48. [-20 HP]
  49. >Holy shit, your head!
  50. >You can’t see from the spots clouding your vision.
  51. >You start to move a hoof to feel the bump, but a talon grabs it and pulls it back as you suddenly feel a dangerous pressure building around your body.
  52. >In the midst of the gold and silver chaos, you see wings, paws and determination claw through the infinitely multiplying metals, keeping you in tow as you feel everything crowding around you tighter and tighter…
  53. >It’s too much, and not even Gable can keep up with the trap’s vice grip.
  54. >So this is how you die, huh?...
  55. >You’d thought out of everything that’s happened, you’d die fighting the shadow.
  56. >Looks like you won’t even get to help…
  57. >All of a sudden, you smell fresh cave air.
  58. >You open your eyes and see salvation.
  59. >He managed to fly out of the treasure!
  60. >You watch as the rest of the multiplication takes place underneath you, nearly flooding the rest of the cave with it.
  61. >Eventually it stops, much quicker than before since there was only a small opening for them to go.
  62. >When all is still, you look back at him with trembling eyes.
  63. >”...Berry, remember this moment right here the next time you decide that my instincts are bullshit.”
  64. “Just set us down over there…”
  65. >Gable flies to the edge of the other two paths.
  66. >You get off of him promptly and wipe yourself off of gold dust and dirt, deciding it’d be best not to give him eye contact for a little while.
  67. >”So, where now?”
  68. >You look at the other two tunnels with a little less rashness.
  69. >The left path seems to go down very quickly, and is the only path where the cart road turns.
  70. >The center path goes straight ahead but something seems extra dark about it, like it expands.
  71. >The right path has been caved in by booby-trapped treasure.
  72. >What would you like to do?
  76. >Looking through the center path, you get a little curious what could be there.
  77. >It must be its own huge cave, and there’s hopefully not any trap-laden treasure in it.
  78. >Besides, going down a path that’s obviously the right way? Way too predictable.
  79. >The path that the tracks go down is where you think it probably is, but that’s what they want you to think.
  80. >That’s probably a trap too!
  81. >In fact, with that little stunt the entire cave is probably protected somehow, and you could be stuck in here forever, with no food and no water and-
  82. >”Hey, what’s up with you?”
  83. >You look back at Gable for a moment before taking an unnecessarily large swig of rum.
  84. >As every drink pours down your throat, you feel yourself getting less and less stressed, relaxation taking over once again.
  85. >Your lips curl off of the top of the bottle with a loud, satisfying sucking noise, and you start walking to the middle path.
  86. “Thish way! Hic..”
  87. >He chuckles softly to himself as he follows you.
  88. >When you walk through the small archway into the path, the ring’s light illuminates the interior slowly.
  89. >The light stays uniform around you, indicating that if there are walls, they’re not anywhere near you.
  90. >In fact, you walk forward for nearly a minute, and there are no walls to be found, just a bubble of light with you and Gable inside.
  91. >”What is this place?”
  92. >Looking around isn’t going to do anything right now.
  93. >Maybe you should just turn around and-
  94. >Your hoof bumps something hard and you squeal like a little filly, hooves scraping across the rock as you run back and jump into Gable’s arms in shaking, trembling fear.
  95. >It takes him a second to realize what you just did, and he pushes you away.
  96. >”Hey! It’s just a gem, Berry. Hey…”
  97. >He walks ahead of you and picks up a big blue gem, shining under the warm light of your ring.
  98. “I knew that! I… I’m just jumpy from the goldapalooza back there.”
  99. [Gable has received a Gargantuan Gem.]
  100. >You both look all around you, seeing absolutely nothing but brown rock ground.
  101. >However upon closer inspection, you swear you see some twinkles out in the distance of the darkness.
  102. >The gem wasn’t trapped since you were able to touch it.
  103. >What would you like to do?
  107. >Inspect Gargantuan Gem
  108. [Even bigger than a Large Gem! Value: 640 bits]
  110. >You get a bit of a premonition of what’s going on.
  111. >There may not be any walls, but there has to be a ceiling, right?
  112. >You look up, and see…
  113. >Darkness.
  114. >Shit, so much for that idea.
  115. >It’s too pitch black to see anything in here.
  116. >If only you had some sort of light you could throw around.
  117. >You raise your hoof to scratch your head in thought, but it hits and dings the fire ring around your neck.
  118. “Huh.”
  119. >”What?”
  120. “I think I just got an idea.”
  121. >”That’d be a first.”
  122. “Bite me, now check this out.”
  123. >You breath in and raise your ring to your lips, and ‘fire’.
  124. >Because it’s fire, get it?
  125. >If you’re shooting fire, shooting is also called- aw, fuck it.
  126. >Used Drunk Dragon!
  127. >Your fire breath rockets out into the darkness, passing over light across the entire cavern.
  128. >The light flashes over the walls, shown to exist.
  129. >They’re just really, really, really far away.
  130. >Then the light passes over a huge pile of non-trapped, unadulterated doubloons.
  131. >There’s gems of all colors and all sizes, emeralds, rubies, even a few diamonds scattered about!
  132. >Then the remnants of the fire passes over two gigantic green eyes.
  133. >This ain’t no good.
  134. >You back up slowly with a wide stare and bump into Gable, who has a look of intense fear frozen on his face.
  135. >If he’s pissing his pants, then you’re in trouble.
  136. >You look back, and see those same eyes glinting in the darkness, rising higher and higher.
  137. >And that’s when you see smoke.
  138. >No, fire.
  139. >Whatever it is suddenly blasts out a blue flame so hot and bright it nearly blinds you, coursing over your head like a lethal river.
  140. >When you’re able to see again, there are patches of hanging straw that’ve been lit by the flames like makeshift braziers.
  141. >Within the dim light, lies the biggest dragon you’ve ever seen.
  142. >With blazing scarlet scales and a body bigger than all of Ponyville, those steely, glaring eyes that have pupils larger than your body tower over you.
  143. >He does not look happy.
  144. >Especially since your breath combined with his much hotter, bigger one melted most of the gem pile together.
  145. >What do you do?
  151. >You swallow the lump in your throat, wishing you had a drink.
  152. >You feel like if you make any sudden movements, he’ll use you and Gable as toothpicks next time he goes on a murderous rampage.
  153. >But there’s got to be something you can do, right?
  154. >Now you wish the rest of the group were here.
  155. >If Anon and AJ and Pinkie were here they’d have beaten this thing into a bloody pulp by now.
  156. >But, looks like you have to rely on your brains for this one.
  157. >Oh, why did you have to drown your brain in alcohol?
  158. >You swallow one more time, and speak as strongly as you can, but instead you do a great impression of Fluttershy.
  159. “Hey, uh, cool, you can do that too, huh?... Pretty useful, I gotta say. So, uh…”
  160. >The dragon begins to lean in, his wings beginning to spread.
  161. “L-listen, I'm gonna be honest with you, we just came in here looking for this one thing, probably in a box about this big. You wouldn't have happened to see it, eh?”
  162. >The dragon snorts, and a big wave of dark blue smoke clouds over you and Gable.
  163. >The two of you cough and hack like two cancer patients that can’t get off menthol.
  164. >You wave away and try to be as polite as you can.
  165. “If you j-just give us some directions, we’ll be happy yo leave and you know, never come back?...”
  166. >The mythical creature rockets forward to the point where his teeth encompass your whole vision.
  167. >Gable is still as a statue, unmoving, while you’re trying to back away but he won’t let you.
  168. >The sight nearly gives you a heart attack when they part, his lips beginning to move.
  169. >>”Why should I let two insignificant little pests leave my lair when they decided to take my treasure, and carelessly wander through my prized trophies?”
  170. “Wait… what?”
  171. >>”Do NOT play dumb!”
  172. >His voice shakes the entire foundation of the mountain.
  173. >>”I heard the ruckus in the other tunnel. You attempted to steal my own worth, only to be overwhelmed by my charm. It is a shame you did not perish… But you will now.”
  174. >You can’t help but whimper a bit as he raises his head back up, standing on all fours with four unique thuds that rock the cave with vibrations.
  175. >>”Tell me why I should let you go, thieves?”
  176. >What do you say?
  180. >It’s very hard to even gather strength to talk when you could be spit roast in a matter of seconds.
  181. >But Gable’s not about to say anything, so you try your best to return the live-saving favor.
  182. >You look over at him and you slap the gem out of his hand, letting it fall to the ground.
  183. “Well we’re not exactly alone! We came here as part of a group, and…. Look.”
  184. >You take out your bit pouch and throw a few coins down near the gems.
  185. [-20 bits]
  186. “We’re sorry, we had no idea this was your home and… I know we don’t have much, but take that as an apology. We’re on a journey to-”
  187. >>”What are your names?”
  188. >Your throat catches in the middle of the sentence, caught off-guard by the question.
  189. >Glancing at Gable, you see that he’s still completely tongue-tied.
  190. >This is getting ridiculous, you thought he was supposed to be a fearless fighter, right?
  191. >He didn’t even flinch when he had to fight the all powerful Princess Cadance, who at the time was beefed up with weird shadow juice!
  192. >...Speaking of, if you were able to handle her, why can’t you handle this dragon? He’s big, sure, but that just means he falls harder.
  193. >However, when the dragon breaths another cloud of hair-burning smoke into the two of you, you decide to stick with talking for now.
  194. “...Uh… I’m Berry Punch, and…”
  195. >You nudge the petrified gryphon in the ribs.
  196. >”...Gh-uh, Gable.”
  197. “Yeah, that’s him. Why do you ask?”
  198. >The dragon regards the two of you carefully before subtly licking his lips.
  199. >>”I always know the names of my prey… It makes it more personal.”
  200. >You become so shocked by this statement you can’t stop smiling with your mouth open.
  201. >You quickly snap yourself out of it and hold your hooves up in defense.
  202. “Wait wait wait! Listen, we’re on a journey to find the uh, the rings, the Nine Rings of Kiniwawa and we-”
  203. >”Kinich-Ahau…”
  204. >You glare at Gable before continuing.
  205. “And we really need this set because we need the power to defeat a great power, a shadow, that’s trying to destroy this world, not to mention its already destroyed its own!”
  206. >The dragon raises one huge eyebrow with a bored expression on its face.
  207. “We know that there’s a ring in this cavern… We were just looking for it, not your gold, honest! See, a few weeks back this shadow passed over a town called Ponyville and-”
  208. >>”BE QUIET.”
  209. >OHfuckohfuckohfuck-
  210. >You tremble wordlessly, trying not to empty the remnants of your drink down your leg.
  211. >>”I care not for this ‘shadow’ that you lie of.”
  212. “B-but-”
  213. >>”Though, I do wonder if you have such potential, that you imply…”
  214. >The dragon raises itself and moves into a sitting position, and his tail suddenly lashes out at the two of you.
  215. >Instead of hitting you, it smashes into the ground right next to Gable, sending a shockwave that knocks both of you over a few feet.
  216. >>”I have a game for you to play.”
  217. >Oh, this should be fun.
  218. >>”You are fighters, and I seek entertainment. If you woke me from my nap, then I will have it not be a waste. If you can fight and overcome my challenge, then you may leave my presence, and get your little ring.”
  219. >You stand up with Gable’s help as you consider the request.
  220. >He has something for you to fight that isn’t a 12 story dragon, so that seems fair enough.
  221. >>”I want to see you struggle for your lives if I am going to allow you passage.”
  222. >Do you accept the challenge?
  226. >What else could you do?
  227. >It’s a free passage to get out without being the hot topic and get to kick some royal ass while you do it.
  228. >After a concerned but excited look from Gable, you look up at the dragon and flick your ring.
  229. “What do you have in mind?”
  230. >The dragon’s teeth begin to realign in such a way that there is an upward crescendo of altitude at the back angles of the jaw.
  231. >Oh, he’s smiling.
  232. >>”Good…”
  233. >”What’s your name, then?”
  234. >The dragon’s smile fades pretty damn quick.
  235. >You look over at your feathered FAGGOT AND PUNCH HIM IN THE GUT.
  236. >”Auf… He knows ours, we get a right to know our bloodmaster.”
  237. “You’re suicidal, aren’t you?”
  238. >>”Ator. Now, witness your challenge.”
  239. >You and Gable watch as ‘Ator’ wrenches his neck back, and throws a powerful blast of white flame in between you and him.
  240. >It explodes into the ground, but instead of radiating outward and killing you instantly like you expect, the power of the flames begins to show magical qualities, turning into some sort of spell.
  241. >The ball of primordial magic begins to twist and spin on the ground, growing taller as if it were some sort of tornado until it reaches a stead.
  242. >The twisting mass of fire converges its lower half closer to the ground, and the top half sprouts elemental arms with multi-gemmed braces, a sword and a shield.
  243. >The last thing to materialize is two searing blue eyes that give a very menacing stare.
  244. >>”Survive, and you keep your lives.”
  245. >You and Gable ready yourselves to defend from one of the biggest elementals you’ve ever seen.
  246. >“Do you… you think we can do this?”
  247. “Don’t worry, he’s not so hot.”
  248. >”Berry-”
  249. “We may be out of the frying pan and into the fire-”
  250. >”For fuck’s sake-”
  251. “Hey bro, don’t flame me.”
  252. >”...Ator, can I go and she fight?”
  253. “Very funny. That’s one I’ll have to remEMBER.”
  254. >Gable charges ahead of you without warning, and the elemental brandishes its weapons.
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