
Friday Friend Pantheon

Nov 14th, 2018
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  1. [THE FIRST]
  2. --Dan
  3. (Nature)
  4. ----God of nature and obscurity
  5. -Chaotic Neutral
  6. -((A nebulous cloud with stars of every color strewn throughout))
  7. ---Magic
  10. --Madeline
  11. (Knowlege)
  12. ----God of knowledge and time
  13. -Neutral Good
  14. -((Eye symbol overlaid on a scroll))
  15. ---Ceres
  17. --Evan
  18. (Life)
  19. ----God of vitality and the afterlife
  20. -Lawful Good
  21. -((A halo'd Drill spear with outspread wings))
  22. ---Vyrv
  24. --Ryan
  25. (War)
  26. ----God of war and change
  27. -Chaotic Evil
  28. -((a firey iron helmet flanked by red flags))
  29. ---Obczidon (ohb-C-don)
  32. --Jacob
  33. (Tempest)
  34. ----God of storms and harvest
  35. -Chaotic Good / Air
  36. -((several layers of vortex))
  37. ---Mete (meh-tay)
  39. --Dillon
  40. (Light)
  41. ----God of luck and wealth
  42. -True Neutral / Water
  43. -((A golden stream of liquid from an ornate vase))
  44. ---Fortema
  46. --Jason
  47. (Forge)
  48. ----God of strength and crafting
  49. -Lawful Evil / Fire
  50. -((A sword mid creation))
  51. ---Kironna
  53. --Erica
  54. (Trickery)
  55. ----God of competition and revelry
  56. -Lawful Neutral / Earth
  57. -((A giant drinking horn surrounded by grapes))
  58. ---Ea
  61. --Autumn
  62. (Grave)
  63. ----God of creation and monsters
  64. -Neutral Evil
  65. -((depicted as a manticore))
  66. ---Typhos
  68. So at first all there was, was Magic. Magic was formless and had no meaning. Until Magic became aware of itself. Magic began to question it's existence, who it was, and why it was. As Magic reflected upon itself it became something. Form became a part of Magic and the first god was made. Ceres, the goddess of knowledge and time was the embodiment of all of the questions Magic asked about itself, but it was left without answers. So Magic adapted form again as the god Typhos who created the world and all the mountains and streams and valleys, the trees and the birds and the beasts, and finally Typhos created man. Through man, Magic began to find answers to the questions it longed to understand, but still Magic was not satisfied. There was no growth of ideas in man, nor was there any way to stop cruelties of men who collected power and rule over others for themselves. The anger dwelling in Magic became another god, Obczidon, the god of war and change. Obczidon gave man the gift of breaking tyranny wherever it lie and the courage to express ideas and grow them. Magic was content, but war brings death and Magic felt great grief for souls who wander the earth lost. With a new understanding of death, Magic found a new understanding of life. With compassion and love, the god Vyrv oversaw the souls of the people who passed, helped them grow and become better, and sent them back to the earth to put those lessons to use. Together, Magic and these 4 gods created the material plane, and thus were therefore known as the high council.
  69. Magic saw the material plane and was fascinated by it. However, Magic saw that the world was changing and shifting faster than man could adapt as the powerful and chaotic elemental forces threatened to tear the material plane apart. Magic, reflected now not on itself but the nature of the world. Storms swirled and blew and in their destruction they left nothing. The storm had purpose but it's wanton fury left man defenseless and without food or shelter. Magic took the storms and created the elemental plane of air, and Mete in the process. Mete watched over the storms and brought rains to bring man bountiful harvests. But lo, for the oceans and the tides also held much contempt for man, making every trip a gamble for one's life and livelihood. Magic saw this and extracted from the world the elemental plane of water and Fortema to guard it's foreign shores. Fortema saw man and pittied the creature and bestowed upon those who sail the waters wealth and luck, as the forces of the plane of water weren't the easiest to control. And while the heavens and the seas raged upon world, so too did the lands of which man resided. Trees and beasts that tower beside mountains and valleys that shudder at man's hubris. Magic saw how earth was hurt by the ways of man and provided to it respite in it's own elemental plane. Ea soon followed as the resources man depended on dwindled far below what was needed. Ea blessed man with wine and meat, but instead of just giving it to man, Ea made each resource a challenge to be won. But still, the earth shuddered and cried in it's attempt to retaliate towards man. Through fires and volcanoes the earth made life as volatile for man as possible. Magic, understanding it's frustration gave the earth a wellspring of vitriol through which to arm itself in the elemental plane of fire. Still the world wished for only a fair fight, and the god Kironna showed man how to mold the ores from the earth into weapons and armor. These 4 gods are thusly know as the aspects.
  70. And so Typhos, who has so far tried to change the nature of man as they take and they hurt and they scar the land on which he created, finds his only solution is to keep man small, to keep man humble. Typhos, who's greatest creation was man now creates monsters to teach man of their place. The once revered god of creation was now branded the Betrayer by the very people he made.
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