
The Pony Tracks

Mar 28th, 2012
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  1. >work a shitty 9-5 job six days a week. Decide to blow off some steam by doing something new on your one day off.
  2. >on Sunday go down to the fluffy pony track.
  3. >Arrive at the tracks and make your way to the ticket booth.
  4. >notice at least two men trying to scalp what are undoubtedly fake tickets
  5. >as you approach the front gate a group of protesters catch your eye
  6. >they are holding various signs declaring what goes on side the race track to be a heinous and brutal crime against fluffy ponies and mother nature.
  7. >Dirty hippies
  8. >one of them approaches you asking for your signature for a petition to shut down race tracks like this one
  9. >tell him to get a hair cut and a job then proceed to buy ticket
  10. >once you are inside and after you purchase a large soda you make you way to your seat
  11. >mid-way up from the field, not the best seats but not the worst either. Taking a moment you survey the track
  12. > The "track" in actuality is a maze built atop an old horse racing track. Walls are three feet high and made out of concrete so that no fluffy pony can jump over them to cheat. It was also full of traps specifically designed for fluffy ponies
  13. >Luckily due to the positioning of the bleachers, the crowd could easily see into the maze and for those fans to far away, a large Jumbo-tron hung from the center of the ceiling provided different camera angels.
  14. >after getting some glimpses of the ponies competing, some of the more experienced gamblers run off to place last minute bets.
  15. > several fluffy ponies are placed in a holding cell at the front of the maze and mill around aimlessly in the cramped space.
  16. >At the other end of the maze the fluffy ponies have been told is a very large bowl of spaghetti (Fluffy ponies love spaghetti) and a loving family ready to take them home.
  17. >Every fluffy pony wanted to win.
  18. > The idea is that several fluffy ponies would be placed in a holding cell at the front of the maze and be forced to make their way through it will avoiding traps and other such difficulties.
  19. >you had picked Number Eighty-Seven going to your seat. It had always been your favorite number.
  20. >taking a sip of your soft drink you nearly choke in surprise as the sirens blare announcing the race is about to begin.
  21. >Twenty-four Fluffy ponies are unloaded from cages and put into the holding area that also serves as the start of the Maze. They are a mix of mostly earth ponies with some unicorns and pegasai thrown in for good measure.
  22. >A clock appears on the jumbo-tron, counting down from 1:00. You turn your head in time to see an employee walking towards the fluffy ponies in the holding pen upon further inspection you think he is holding a balloon.
  23. >Almost as one, the fluffy ponies follow the bouncing balloon the employee is holding. cries of "giv pwease", "wan pway!" and "be fwend?" can be heard even from your seat as the fluffy ponies desperatly try to move each other out of the way to get at the balloon.
  24. >as the clock counts down past 0:15 a cruel smile emerges on the man's face.
  25. >Leaning down he holds the balloon just above the gathered fluffy ponies, teasing them with it asking if they want it. the clock is down to 0:05 left and you watch as the man draws his arm back, his free hand holding something.
  26. >the clock hits 0:00 and you see the balloon suddenly pop.This unexpected reaction from an object that was just moments ago bringing them happiness scares the fluffy ponies who turn to run away from the loud noise.
  27. >Just as the first pony reaches the door, it automatically and still screaming in shock and terror they rush out into the Maze.
  28. >Almost immediately the people in the front rows are thankful for the splatter-shield in front of their seats as one pony trips a wire and is suddenly cut in half by a buzz saw rapidly emerging from the wall.
  29. >This only sows further confusion and fear as the remaining fluffy ponies desperately scramble to get away from this newest monster, crushing another whom had the misfortune of falling over right before the first ponies death.
  30. >Two ponies take a left and run for what seems like hours in their tiny minds. it is in reality a minute and a half.
  31. >What causes them to stop is a small red ball sitting on the floor tied to a small rock at the end of this passage. "Bwall bwall!" cries out a female in joy, the horrors she had witnessed just moments before completely forgotten and she runs forward to claim her prize.
  32. >Just before she is able to grab the ball however the ground opens up and swallows her.
  33. >she barely has a chance to scream as the weight sensitive trap doors give out under her and drops her into a pony-sized pit full of six inch spikes. the other pony looks at what happened to it's friend and ponders for a moment before asking "fwend? where go?"
  34. >"Mother fucker!" cries out one man from behind you a few rows up. You're willing to wager someone just lost a decent amount of money.
  35. >The other fluffy pony decides that if his friend did not want the toy he would take it Approaching the ball slowly, he bends down and gently taking it in his mouth to only to pause for a minute. In his dim mind something seemed very wrong with this new toy.
  36. >This ball did not taste like other ones. the rubber balls he had played with in his short life where chewy. This new one was cold and made out of something very hard thay tasted like the bars of his cage. Deciding to show the others the "Mystery ball" he had found, he gives it a hard yank and tumbles onto his back and watches the string falls to the ground with something small and shiny still on it.
  37. >"ooh pwet" the fluffy ponies say around the toy in his mouth just before the "bwall" detonates.
  38. >Again the people in the front row are thankful for the splatter-shields
  39. >Elsewhere in the maze another pony was having a Dilemma of it's own. "hav to poopies!" it cried out desperately seeking a litter box. It had needed to potty for a very long time and was almost unable to hold it in anymore. knowing what happened to fluffy ponies whom did not use the "potty box" it looked all the more desperately squeezing it's tiny cheek's together.
  40. >After rounding a corner the little fluffy finally sees the object of it's search. There sitting out in the open is a perfectly safe looking littler box.
  41. >"yay poopies and sketties!"the fluffy pony calls out and charges the littler box. Jumping into it he lets out a small sigh of relief and does his business. Next he had to decide which way to go. Because fluffy ponies don't know their directions he chose the way that looked the nicest and went to move.
  42. >Except it could not. looking down and giving another tug the pony finally noticed it's legs had become stuck in the litter and even worse, he was slowly being sucked under.
  43. >"hwep fwuffy pwease" came its cries of fear and desperation. Following the instinct of any trapped animal, it began to thrash about with all of its fluffy pony might which only causes the process of sinking to pick up speed.
  44. >another fluffy had been nearby and quickly waddles to the aid of the stricken pony. Moving as fast as it's tiny hooves could carry it. Arriving the pony looked around and went its sinking herd-mate
  45. >pwease hewp get out! dis game no fun" the stuck pony pleaded while the other tried to devise a plan. Thinking as quick as any fluffy pony can, the second pony turned around and lowered its tail to the first one.'s mouth.
  46. "gwab onto tail, I save ooo" the second pony said heroically. Sadly she had not considered that allowing another fluffy pony to bite it's tail might actually hurt. So it came as no surprise that when the now very panicked pony bit his would-be rescuers tail she jumped up in surprise and fell backwards screaming into the litter box on top of him.
  47. >three minutes later when another fluffy pony had to potty it came to an empty litter box with no signs of use.
  48. > One male fluffy pony has wanders down one of the maze's hallways."Hewp pwease, fwuffie wost" he calls down the hall between tears and waits for a few seconds. hearing no response he continues his search sniffling.
  49. >after a few more turns his face brightens up as he spots a female fluffy pony staring blankly into the wall. approaching her the male smiles, happy to have finally found someone in this scary place. he stops when he notices what is laying around her
  50. >she is surrondedd by fluffy ponies whom are sleeping.
  51. >"fwends!" he cries out and runs towards the others only to come to a halt half a foot away.
  52. >lifting his head he sniffs the air and takes a deep inhale and starts to feel a funny burning in his crotch. "wha wrong, why huwt?" he asks the fluffy pony that has yet to even acknowledge his existence.
  53. >He moves towards the female, legs moving of their own volition and before he can cry out in panic he has mounted her and hugging on as tight as he can begins to hump will all his fluffy strength.
  54. >he looks over to the sleeping ponies and begins to babble "pwease hewp dis nawt wight!" the other fluffy ponies remain asleep.
  55. >After four minutes of frantic humping the male lets out a sharp cry of Ecstasy and falls off the mare, dead.
  56. >A man nudges you in the arm laughing softly. " I cant believe it! I come here every Sunday and at least three or four of them stupid bastards humps that fuzzy pillow to death."
  57. >you look at him puzzled. you knew fluffy ponies where incredibly stupid but you doubted it was that bad.
  58. >The mane gives you a grin, "before every race they spray that pillow down with pony pheromones and the little shits go for it every time"he explains to laughing slightly.
  59. >Returning your gaze to the game you continue to watch the trying to see if eighty-seven was still alive.
  60. >Finally after another fifteen minutes full of adorable death, the last six ponies arrive at a very long hallway leading the the end of the maze.
  61. >What luck! Eighty-Seven is still alive and unharmed.
  62. >you begin to feel cautiously Optimistic about the outcome.
  63. >Holy shit you could actually win for once in your life.
  64. >A fluffy pony catches the pleasant scent of spaghetti in the air and begins walking down the hall. He gets seven steps before he accidentally sets off a pressure tile and there is a terrible sound as the wall next to him rumbles open.
  65. >And several red rubber balls roll out
  66. >"Pway!" the pony calls out to no one in particular and runs back chasing the balls. The others ponies, through extreme will power resist playing and instead head further down the hallway.
  67. >As they progress down the hall a blue pegasus clumsily runs ahead of the other ponies. "Me be fwist" it cries in excitement right before it activates another pressure pad.
  68. >There is the brief smell of something vaguely like gasoline before gouts fo flame shoot from the wall on either side of the unlucky pegasus.
  69. >he shrieks in pain and turns around running towards the other fluffy ponies with cries of "hewp fwuffie!" It only takes a second for the others to add their screams to his own.
  70. > "no wike, no wike !" the immolating pony cries out and leaps onto another pony. "huggies make betta" it demands before the flame spreads to the other ponies fur and so they are both screaming and running back down the hallway.
  71. >The last three fluffy ponies, a uncorn, pegasus and earth pony, somehow manage to avoid catching fire like their companions and traverse the rest of the hall. They walk through the open door to see the strangest site they had ever known in their lives.
  72. >There, kneeling in front of a large collection of food dishes, was what had to be the oldest fluffy pony in the world. His furr was as white as snow and he seemed to be covered in dust. after a few moments he stirred and looked up.
  73. >"Welcome" he says in a voice as thick with dust as his appearance. "You have but one test before you." he Motions to the various the various fluffy food bowls on the floor
  74. >"Chose and eat from the one that was used by the first fluffy pony to walk the earth and grant life to our kind. Be warned, while the real bowl grants life the false ones take it."
  75. >The three remaining ponies look at each other, oblivious to what this strange fluffy pony is talking about and one babbles happily "new fwend?"
  76. >The ancient fluffy sighs and walks over to the wall and knocks on it three times with his hoof. The wall opens to reveal the largest bowl of Spaghetti any of them had ever seen. The fluffy ponies become excited quickly.
  77. >"Sketties!" cries out the unicorn and he runs full tilt towards the heavnly tower of pasta goodness.
  78. >As soon as he passes the through the door frame there is a bright flash of silver and as he continues to run his lower half falls away as his upper half continues. It only takes him a few moments to relaize he has been bisected.
  79. >The other two fluffies watch in horror as he cries out "back weggies, WHERE WEGGIES!?" it only takes him a few moments to bleed out.
  80. >The ancient fluffy does not bother to turn around and behold the scene of gore. He has already witnessed it many times before. looking at the two survivors he repeats himself "Choose"
  81. >Looking at each other afraid they approach the bowls at the same time. The Pegasus picking up a very flashy and expensive food bowl while the earth pony picks up a very old and worn out dish. looking over it the earth pony felt homesick for his cage and friends.
  82. >The ancient looked at them both and nodded in approval. "you may now claim what is rightfully yours." with these words he returns to his kneeling position in front of the remaining bowls.
  83. >The pegasus walks through the door first already having forgotten what happened to the unicorn he was with and only asking "why fwuffie sweepy?" when she sees his upper body.
  84. >finally she has reached the massive pile of Spaghetti. placing her chosen dish on the ground she noses some spaghetti into it and takes a few tentative bites.
  85. >"mmmm dis so gud!" she proclaims and continues to eat for the whole of five seconds. suddenly she does not feel so good. "fwuffie have tummy ache" she manages to say before looking at her hoofs and noticing the furr around them is fading from it's normal green to Grey with shocking speed.
  86. >"wha happenin" is all she manages to cry out before her lower jaws falls off and her tongue flops out. Within a few moments the pony is reduced to a pile of dust.
  87. >"She chose poorly" the ancient fluffy mutters before returning to his prayers.
  88. >the earth pony slowly waddles in." fwend?" she asks confused as to where the pegasus has vanished too. The smell of the spaghetti hits her nose and within a moment she is in front of the massive pasta dish her friends forgotten.
  89. >placing her bowl gently on the ground and takes a moment to nose some spaghetti in. She takes a few bites and quickly finishes the bowl. as she takes the last bite as a horn sounds.
  90. >"ladies and gentle" a voice booms over the tracks speakers " this weeks winner is number Eight-Seven!" There are various cheers and boos from the crowd which are lost on the fluffy pony as it is taken out of the maze by a handler.
  91. >Standing up and stretching you make your way towards the bookies genuinely surprised to have won.
  92. >Ten minutes later you stand in line waiting to collect your winnings. As you approach the front of the line the man ahead of you shakes his head and says he only wants the money. You find this curious as to the best of your knowledge, the track only awards cash prizes.
  93. >finally it is your turn and you hand the women your bet. "Congratulations sir" she says to you in a voice that tells you she has grown tired of handing out large sums of cash to people that are not her."Now" she continues "not only are you entitled to your cash winnings but, if you so chose you may also take home the fluffy pony you bet on."
  94. >look at her confused before asking "What happens to the little guy if I do not take him home?" the women grimaces for a second before replying "you really do not want to know sir."
  95. >Just before you can tell the women you just want the money, the handler approaches you with a carrier from which causes you to pause.
  96. >on the one hand, the little guy had won you quite a bit of cash and you felt you sort of owed him. on the other hand you had heard of how stupid and death-prone they where.
  97. >"where newh fwends?" the fluffy asks confused and a bit scared. sighing you hold out your hand for the carrier. "Just give me the damn pony and my winnings."
  98. >The women quickly counts out your winnings and hands them to you. looking down at the case your holding you let out another sigh. "Does he atleast have a name?" you ask and handler looks at you as if you've grown another head.
  99. >"Why would we bother to the little shits when they are going to die?" with these words he turns and leaves.
  100. >Walking back to your car pocketing your money as you go.After unlocking it and put the carrier in the front seat securing it.
  101. >"Where we go?" the fluffy asks from the confines of his cage.
  102. >"Home lucky, we are going home"
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