
Glacial/Hoof 1/9/15

Jan 9th, 2015
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  1. [00:59] <14Glacial_Shroud> Seven consecutive knocks would resound on the property of GreenHoof, undoubtedly able to wake up anyone who might have been sleeping. It might have nearly sounded like town guards trying to break their way in more than a single mare unladen with clothes of any kind. Glacial stood resolute at the door, the blade of a sword sticking out of a saddlebag to her left. On her right, a saddlebag of scrolls sticking so far
  2. [00:59] <03@GreenHoof> [sticking so far-]
  3. [00:59] <14Wizard_Bot> [omai~]
  4. [01:00] <14Glacial_Shroud> [far out of the bag, there'd not be an easy way to close it. "Hoof. Please open the door." She called aloud, knocking in another repetition of 7.]
  5. [01:03] * @GreenHoof stirs at the first couple of knocks and falls off the couch in the living room, awkwardly scrambling his way to his hooves. The stallion's head darts around, focusing on the door when he hears a voice. With a cold bead of sweat forming on his forehead, he grabs Phoenix's unsheathed sword and leans it against the doorpost, keeping a nervous hoof on it as he opens the door.
  6. [01:07] * Glacial_Shroud stood before him with eyes that clearly haven't slept in an unhealthy amount of time. Bloodshot eyes with dark rings to surround them. "...Graces above...I need your help. Really bad. No one else in this whole fucking town gives a shit, and you're probably the last person willing to help me on this. It's Able, and while I know that the whole Vault business isn't yours to care about, but I'm begging you, ple
  7. [01:08] <03@GreenHoof> [begging you, ple-]
  8. [01:08] <14Glacial_Shroud> [you, please hear me out."]
  9. [01:11] * @GreenHoof takes in the fatigued visage of the unicorn, his hoof dropping from the sword as she speaks. The stallion's own dark circles under his eyes betray his lack of rest the past week, and as her words register to him his hooves grow cold. Immediately, he nods and steps aside in a gesture for Glacial to enter. "Okay, okay," Hoof says in a half-awake rasp, "What happened Glacial?"
  10. [01:16] * Glacial_Shroud /me managed to literally drag herself into his home, closing the door with a soft flare of TK. "Th-the fucking Sanctuary. I knew it was a trap from the beginning. There's just no possible way that any stupid prophecy cou--guhg..I'll spare you the details. Point is, Able, Hidden, and Rain went down there and they haven't been back in over a week. This is the longest expidition anyone's taken down there and I
  11. [01:17] <14Glacial_Shroud> [I haven't heard shit from the Board, or even the other Vault Administrators." She cast a glance over towards Hoof, finally taking a moment to breathe, "Will you come with me to find them? I don't trust anyone else, and I don't personally know anyone else whose got the same will to live that you've managed to pull out of nowhere before. If you don't want to, I don't blame you...but you're honestly my last option he
  12. [01:18] <03@GreenHoof> [last option he-]
  13. [01:18] <03@GreenHoof> [I assume "last option here."?]
  14. [01:21] <14Glacial_Shroud> [correct]
  15. [01:26] * @GreenHoof wraps his hoof around the sword and carefully brings it over to the sheath on his chair, holstering it as he listens. The mare's frantic words started to bring forth Hoof's own anxiety about the situation. The visitor's words from the other day weren't very reassuring, and combined with Hoof's own touchiness and Glacial's spiel, made a sense of panic creep up from his chest. He forces it down; there was no time for that. Turning to Glacial, he shakes his head. "I know... I know they've been gone. I've been worried sick. It shouldn't be taking this long." The diminutive stallion leans his side against the chair. "Someone... came here the other day, from the Sanctuary. Said they dissapeared into their destined gate or whatever, and haven't come out yet. He said there's nothing we can do but wait..." Hoof says wistfully, folding his ears back and looking down.
  16. [01:27] * Curious is now known as Curious|bed
  17. [01:31] <14Glacial_Shroud> "I don't believe you!" Glace immediately shouted back, her spine arching like a cat about to fight over her last meal. "I--I can't believe you...Bull-shit on this destiny crap, Hoof. My /husband and wife/ are potentially trapped down there and you expect me to wait?! They have 3 kids at home, I have a science seat to hold for while also heading up administration for the Vault. I will /NOT/ wake up another morning t
  18. [01:31] <03@GreenHoof> [morning t-]
  19. [01:33] <14Glacial_Shroud> [morning to see my baby's face and not be able to tell them where their father is. Please Hoof. I know this isn't your problem, but you said it yourself: It should not take this long for a team of three to explore a chamber, no matter how large. I'll lend you equipment if I have to."]
  20. [01:42] * @GreenHoof picks his head up, his ears tightly folded back at the yelling as he shrinks away from the taller unicorn. His timid expression melts away to something more serious, standing up as tall as he can. "Hey, my marefriend's up there!" Hoof returns with a slightly louder voice, but still raspy and weak, "This is just as much my problem as it is yours! Tonight's the first damn night I've managed to fall asleep in days! It's fuckin' *killing* me to just wait around for 'destiny' to play out while she could be dead for all I know!" Hoof takes a deep breath and exhales, shifting his weight on his hooves and pacing around the living room, half thinking and half explaining. "Regardless of how bullshit this 'destiny' may be, the only thing we have to go off of is that we can't *do* anything to make them come back out." Hoof stops and looks to Glacial, his voice going quieter. "I was already packin' up to make my way there 'till that 'guardian' or whatever showed up."
  21. [01:45] * Aurora[Sleep] ( Quit (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
  22. [01:47] * Glacial_Shroud winced back as Hoof responded, "R-right. Sorry. I think we've both been affected by this too much, or maybe not enough. But there's /got/ to be something more. Wizard has increased the watching, Midnight wants to wait, and Time just...she wants some book or whatever. Either way, I'm going down there tomorrow morning. Of this you can be sure. If you'd like to go with me, I would happily take your side in com
  23. [01:48] <03@GreenHoof> [side in com-]
  24. [01:50] <14Glacial_Shroud> [side in combat and otherwise. If you don't wish to go, then I'll let you catch up on sleep and devise a new plan. You don't have to answer now, but please try and find me before I leave, lest I assume you don't wish to go and have us both end up looking for each other as well."]
  25. [01:58] * @GreenHoof grunts behind his closed mouth, leaning from side to side as he considers the mare's words. He could stay at the farm, waiting, perhaps fruitlessly. Maybe nothing would ever happen, and Rain would never come back. Or maybe they'd show up the next day. The green pony's heart yearned to seek out more answers at that place on the fate of his 'special somepony'. Waiting around sitting on his hooves was no way to live, constantly asking himself what he should or shouldn't be doing. But... even if he went to the Sanctuary and found no answers, at least it would be doing something other than agonizing in wonder at home. He also couldn't help but wonder to himself why this pony would pick him of the choices available to seek the answers, when she seemingly didn't know Hoof's own loved one was missing as well. After a few moments of consideration, he hesitantly nods, sighing. "Alright," he says softly. "Tomorrow morning we'll leave together. I'll gather what I need. you bring everything you can that might help us. Even if we can't find the answers, at least we'll be doing something to try to help."
  26. [02:04] * Glacial_Shroud paused a moment as a sigh came from her, "I still don't buy this prophecy business. But thank you..." She'd drop her bags and sort of collapse into a hug around his neck, burying her muzzle into her hooves. "...He promised me that he'd protect what was important, and I don't want to believe that I've been lied to. We'll find them all, bring them home, and give them a stern talking to, alright?" She'd pat hi
  27. [02:04] <03@GreenHoof> [She'd pat hi-]
  28. [02:06] <14Glacial_Shroud> [pat him on the back a little before releasing. "I also finished Rain Drop's sword." Glace gestured over to her bags, "She gave it to me, that I might fix it...took long enough, but now she's not here to receive it. So you know, two birds, one st...guh. Do you have a bed I can use?"]
  29. [02:12] * @GreenHoof tenses up at the hug, but gradually accepts it, the little stallion staying still as she pats his back. His expression turns into a stressed frown at the mention of Rain's sword, wishing nothing more than to see that purple face again. He squeezes his eyes shut, composing himself as she releases him, looking up to her and putting on the most reassuring smirk he can muster, though it isn't very convincing. "We'll do whatever it takes to get them back, Glacial," he says softly. Registering her question, his ears flicker as he thinks. "Oh. Sure. Uh, I've been sleeping on the couch. Me and Rain's bed is empty. Please... sleep there," he says, pointing a hoof at the open door leading to Hoof's bedroom.
  30. [02:14] <14Glacial_Shroud> !roll 1d2
  31. [02:14] <14GameServ> Glacial_Shroud rolled 1d2: 2 <Total: 2>
  32. [02:16] * Glacial_Shroud blinked as Hoof responded, "...The couch? Ah--Hoof, no. I'm not going to take the house owner's bed while he yet sleeps on the couch. No, I would instead like to stay with you, be it on the floor or in the bed. I'm sure you've many opinions on this, but I have...troubles, sleeping alone. It also makes me a little uncomfortable to sleep in her bed, circumstances given."
  33. [02:17] * @GreenHoof :/ faces, the pony's ears flickering as his gaze shifts to the couch. "It's... just as comfy as the bed. I've been sleeping there since Rain's been away..."
  34. [02:19] <14Glacial_Shroud> !roll 1d20
  35. [02:19] <14GameServ> Glacial_Shroud rolled 1d20: 10 <Total: 10>
  36. [02:21] * Glacial_Shroud frowns as well, "I'm sure it is, but for the reasons you've j--ergh. I-I'll go." She'd start towards the bedroom, still fairly uncertain about the endeavor, but largely unwilling to trod through the cold to get back to her hectic household. She'd enter the bedroom of Hoof and Rain, immediately looking upon the perfectly made bed. Rain must've done it herself on the day she left with Able and Hidden. Instant
  37. [02:25] <14Glacial_Shroud> [Instantly, the room flashed, shifting in construction. A grey stallion was seen laying on the bed, presumably asleep. To the left, a basket of flowers lay with the visage of what might have been a mare. Walking closer towards the flowers, the mare was revealed to be Glacial herself, putting up a poor attempt to hold back tears. "You promised me..." whimpered the spectral mare. And just like that, the scene reverte
  38. [02:25] <14Glacial_Shroud> [scene reverted back to the pristine room that she had been previously offered to sleep in. Glace shook her head, knowing that her own paranoia wasn't going to keep her awake for another day.]
  39. [02:30] * @GreenHoof watches Glacial as she leaves for the bedroom with an unsure expression on his face from her reaction. If she was anything like him, she would not be getting much sleep with her dislike of being alone. Hoof tiredly makes his way next to the couch, placing a hoof on it to climb up. He hesitates for a moment, glancing down at the couch, then to the bedroom door. The stallion sighs and takes the hoof off the couch, tiredly half-limped to the bedroom, entering. He silently goes over to a corner, and the little pony curls up on the floor, wrapping his tail around him.
  40. [02:31] <14Glacial_Shroud> !roll 1d20
  41. [02:31] <14GameServ> Glacial_Shroud rolled 1d20: 13 <Total: 13>
  42. [02:36] <14Wizard_Bot> [Is this a will roll, I assume?]
  43. [02:36] <14Wizard_Bot> [If so y'have +1 according to stats ;3]
  44. [02:36] <14Glacial_Shroud> [More of a sanity roll in a ballpark estimate of a DC]
  45. [02:37] <14Wizard_Bot> [Sanity = will roll :3]
  46. [02:37] <14Glacial_Shroud> [w/e]
  47. [02:37] <03@GreenHoof> [caaaalm down~]
  48. [02:38] * Glacial_Shroud climbed up onto the bed, trying to move past what she had just seen and labeling it simply as paranoia. She didn't disturb the covers, instead laying somewhere in the middle of the bed like a dejected dog. She'd close her eyes and actually manage to dream of something other than being potentially widowed. Most of the details were blurred, but she'd otherwise awake as soon as it was over, realizing that it w
  49. [02:39] <03@GreenHoof> [that it w-]
  50. [02:39] <14Glacial_Shroud> [was in fact rather cold.]
  51. [02:42] * @GreenHoof silently peers up at the mare as she just lays in the middle of the bed, frowning to himself from his corner rolled up in a ball with his tail curled around him. Slowly, he closes his eyes, but his mind was too busy with running checklists and notes on preperations he'd be making the coming morning to drift to sleep.
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