
Alola Girls Ch. 9 (WG, BBW)

Mar 28th, 2020
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  1. Chapter 9
  3. Early the next morning Jack woke up to the sound of a phone alarm. He was sleeping next to Sina who immediately started rustling. “Gotta go to school Jack.” She said. Jack rolled his hungover self over and rubbed his eyes. He was a bit nauseous, and had a pounding headache. Sina was rolling her almost 240 pound self out of bed when she stopped and looked at Jack.
  5. “Uh... could I get a ride?”
  7. Jack’s eyes opened and he remembered the events of last night. “Where to?”
  9. “Just the school. It’s like ten minutes away.”
  11. “Oh of course.” Jack said. He checked his phone and saw it was 7:15. He hadn’t woken up before 9 AM once his sleep habits stabilized. Jack slowly got up and went for some water and his medicine cabinet.
  13. They were in the car in five minutes and stopped by a fast food place for a quick breakfast. Sina’s order needed a large bag to carry, while Jack just got a coffee. Sina munched on her food for the few minutes it took to get to her apartment. The pair were still pretty hungover, but Jack did notice something in his rearview mirror. A white car had been following him, its windows tinted.
  15. He parked in the drop off zone in front of Sina’s apartment complex, she gave him a kiss and smiled.
  17. “Thanks for a great night, and the ride.” Sina said.
  19. “Anytime.” Jack said.
  21. “I’ll hit you up about when we can hang out next.” And with that, Sina slammed the door shut, still carrying her large bag of fast food sandwiches and frappucino. He’d had the windows open and heard a feminine voice call out to Sina.
  23. “Hey fatass! Is that bag for just you or your entire class?”
  25. Jack’s attention turned to Sina whose posture immediately shriveled up. Jack saw a very attractive, very skinny young woman with perfectly done brown hair marching over to his sexual conquest of the night before. The young woman had a fine, slim, blue dress on.
  27. Sina’s head looked at the ground. “Giselle, can you just lay off...” Sina moaned, clutching her bag of food.
  29. Jack got out of the SUV and left his keys in the vehicle with the engine running.
  31. “Sina, you and the other whales are setting a terrible example for your students. If kids think fat is normal they’ll-” She stopped and turned to Jack who had taken a stand in between the young woman and Sina. “You got a problem dude?” She asked, an arrogant tone in her melodic voice.
  33. Jack cleared his throat. “Leave her alone.”
  35. “Wow... Eloquent. I bet that works in every situation.” Giselle retorted.
  37. “Jack you don’t have to-” Sina started.
  39. Giselle then busted out with a malicious, cackling laugh. “Oh my goodness, Sina, how drunk did you get this guy last night? I can’t believe a whale like you could get a guy-”
  41. Jack towered over both girls, being quite tall, and took a couple steps toward Giselle with a serious sense of gravity. “Chill out please.” Jack asked calmly.
  43. Giselle laughed once more. “Look, she and some other teachers have gotten fat as fuck since they came to Alola, I’m just trying to help them get healthier. You both should be thanking me.” She said smugly. “Besides, what are you gonna do to me? You’re just some random dude here.”
  45. Jack wasn’t sure what to say, but suddenly a familiar male voice called from down the sidewalk. “Jack Cobal, hey!”
  47. The trio turned to see professor Kukui dashing down the sidewalk. The tension dropped as Kukui joined them. “Jack, glad to see you make it down to the school finally.”
  49. Jack smiled. “Uh yeah...”
  51. Kukui gave Jack a fist bump as a greeting. “I can’t wait for you to see what the school will do with the grant money you gave this place. It’ll be put to really good use.”
  53. Giselle’s jaw dropped. “Wait you’re the-”
  55. Kukui smiled. “Yeah, Jack, allow me to introduce one of our top teachers at the academy, Giselle.”
  57. Jack grimaced. “We’ve met.” Giselle’s arrogant smirk had been replaced with a dazed expression.
  59. Kukui then looked at Sina. “And I assume you’ve met Sina as well then. You sure are popular here on Melemele Island, Jack.”
  61. “Comes with the territory.” Jack said.
  63. Giselle bowed her head. “I-I didn’t know you were the big donor for the academy, I’m so sorry for offending you.”
  65. Kukui looked at Jack with an obvious question in his eyes but he remained silent.
  67. “Don’t apologize to me, it’s Sina you need to apologize to.”
  69. “Of course...”
  71. Giselle quickly apologized and got going, with Sina waddling off to the apartment building soon after.
  73. Kukui gave him a friendly elbow jab in the side. “Birds of a feather, eh Jack?”
  75. Jack looked at Kukui a bit confused.
  77. “You’re a fan of larger ladies, lets say. Same with me. Although I don’t quite have the set of ladies you do...”
  79. Jack blushed. “Yeah... It just sort of happened when I first hooked up with Misty.”
  81. “I think Lillie really likes you.”
  83. “Yeah...” Jack said again.
  85. “She knows at least? That you aren’t sticking with one girl?” Kukui asked.
  87. “Basically. I’m not trying anything with her, she’s going through enough already with Nebby and her mother. Last thing she needs is some heartbreak.” Jack said.
  89. “Good to hear.” Kukui said. “I’ve got a lecture I’m going to have to get to pretty soon, but come back around whenever you want. It’ll be good for you to get to know the school. See you around.” With that, Kukui departed. Jack turned around and noticed the same white car with tinted windows parked a hundred feet away. He decided he’d make his way over to it but not look at it.
  91. As he started walking he realized he was without his bodyguards, this was a slightly dangerous maneuver he was attempting. He had a couple Pokemon with him at this point, but that was about it. As he got closer to the car, it sped off quickly. Jack chased after it from the sidewalk, but couldn’t get a glimpse of the person. He saw a couple digits of the license plate number. He decided to go to his SUV, which still had the keys in it, and hopped in. The white car was out of sight, so he made a quick u-turn and sped off as quickly as he could.
  93. At a stoplight, he saw he had a text.
  95. Hilda: Where the hell are you?
  97. Jack: Dropped Sina off, ran into Kukui. I’ll explain when I’m back
  101. Jack smiled at the all caps. He’d be in for it when he got back to the house. When he arrived to his property, Hilda was waiting outside in front of the front door with her arms folded over her paunchy belly.
  103. When he got out of the SUV, Hilda immediately started her tirade. “Jack, we have bodyguards for a reason. Just wake one up and bring them with you!”
  105. “It wasn’t that big a deal, so I can’t leave the estate without a bodyguard?”
  107. “PRECISELY!” Hilda barked. “You’re too rich and important, anything can happen.”
  109. Jack tried to ease the tension by smiling. “Well, there was something but I handled it...”
  111. “Oh crap.” Hilda said. “What was it?”
  113. “Some white car followed me, not sure from where. Really bothered me. I dropped Sina off at her apartment complex and the car stopped there too. I went to confront them and they sped off.”
  115. Hilda’s jaw dropped. “Damn it Jack... Did they follow you back here?”
  117. “Definitely not.” Jack said.
  119. “Okay... but it’s not hard to find where you live in the right circles.” Hilda said. “Promise me you won’t leave the place without bodyguards. I’ll get even more for you if you want.”
  121. Jack shrugged. “Eh... I’ll promise I won’t leave here without one. And for now, lets hang back on hiring another bodyguard.”
  123. “Okay.” Hilda said. “Did you get breakfast?”
  125. “No.” Jack said.
  127. “Mallow’s cooking it up right now.” Hilda said, and opened the door, allowing him in.
  129. Jack most of the day training with his Pokemon. The girls gorged themselves most of the day. It was after lunch and he was outside near the pool when he get a text from Hilda.
  131. Hilda: Come to the office, just got something for you
  133. Jack went inside, passing Lillie sweeping the floor and causing her flabby body to jiggle with each motion of the broom. Mallow and Zinnia were in the hot tub relaxing with some drinks.
  135. “What’s up Hilda?” He asked as he entered the office.
  137. Hilda took a long swig of her soda and gulped down some potato chips she’d been snacking on. “Lusamine just *urp* invited you to a dinner sponsored by Aether in a few days.”
  139. “Cool.” Jack said. “I don’t have anything on the schedule do I? And where is it?”
  141. “You’re free, and it’s at the The Heart of the Sea. Sounds like it’ll be a group of 15-20.”
  143. “Is that all?”
  145. “Jack... I think you’ll need to go suit shopping. It’s a very fancy dinner party.”
  147. “Okay... Who should I bring?” Jack asked, wondering if Zinnia or Misty would have any preferences for the task.
  149. “Well, things may be more complicated. I think this dinner is to lure you and your bodygaurds away from the house.” Hilda explained. “If they’re both gone, Lillie and Nebby would have little to defend themselves with.”
  151. “You talked to Looker and Anabel didn’t you?”
  153. Hilda blushed. “No actually. I’m just thinking about the suspicious car from earlier today. If Aether is serious about getting Nebby back, they may know you have it already.”
  155. “So, don’t go then?” Jack said.
  157. “No, I think we could bait them.” Hilda said.
  159. “So now call Looker and Anabel?”
  161. “Yeah...” She said. “But Aether could be monitoring this place, so if they see there are a number of people here, they won’t do anything. We have to smuggle them in without anyone noticing.”
  163. “Tinted windows, garage?” Jack asked.
  165. “Yeah. Looker and Anabel should be enough. I think I’ll have to go with you in order to bait them in.”
  167. “That’s four guests at the dinner party. You sure I get that many?”
  169. “I’ll make the arrangements. The food will be amazing too, can’t wait to try it.” Hilda said.
  171. “Okay...” Jack said.
  174. ***
  176. Jack emerged from his bedroom in the comfiest, most formal looking suit he’d ever put on. Hilda trailed behind him and had made sure every part of his outfit was perfect. He wore the scarlet and gold colors of Cobal Industries’ logo on his tie. Waiting for him was Lillie, Anabel, and Looker. Looker was pensively reading over some copies of reports about Team Skull and Aether, while Anabel and Lillie had been happily munching on some of Mallow’s cinnamon buns.
  178. “Oooooh, looking great Mr. Cobal!” Anabel complimented. She and Looker had been smuggled in a day prior, and he hadn’t expected to see the professional pantsuit she wore to look so tight and ill-fitting as it did now. Her paunch stuck out like she was pregnant.
  180. “Thanks Anabel.” Jack replied.
  182. “Give us a look at the back.” Anabel suggested. Jack blushed but obliged, spinning around slowly. “That tailor deserves a raise, it must fit perfectly.”
  184. “Well he was pretty outrageously expensive, so it better be perfect.” Hilda grunted as she struggled with her plain black and white dress. “This damn thing...” She complained.
  186. “I think Mallow’s cooking is getting to us staff members.” Lillie said in between bites of one of her many cinna-buns in front of her.
  188. Hilda grimaced and Anabel laughed. “Yeah, just in the day I’ve been here I’ve eaten like such a pig. If I was here for a week I’d gain ten pounds!” She joked.
  190. Looker cleared his throat. “I think you already have.” He observed.
  192. Anabel laughed more. “No, just getting used to Alolan cuisine is all. My metabolism will adjust. Nothing to worry about.” She said, taking another cinna-bun.
  194. Jack was taking Hilda, Zinnia, and Misty with him to the dinner, leaving Mallow behind with Lillie, Nebby, and the duo of Looker and Anabel. If a move was made, the officers would handle it, and Mallow was no slouch of a trainer herself. Zinnia would actually be leaving the dinner party unannounced to reinforce the house not long after arriving, or at least that was the plan. They wanted the house to appear undefended, and with both bodyguards away, raiding the property would look like easy pickings to the people Looker and Anabel had agreed might be watching Jack.
  196. Five minutes later Zinnia and Misty emerged from the large bathroom they shared. The two had gone dress shopping in the days leading up to the party, seeing as they’d outgrown even the most recent dress pickings between glutting themselves for Jack’s pleasure and due to the crazy levels of tastiness Mallow’s cooking was. Zinnia’s black dress was quite nice, covering her chest and going down to her legs. She sighed as she looked longingly at the dish of cinna-buns Anabel and Lillie were slowly destroying.
  198. “I swear this was pretty loose at the store a few days ago...” Zinnia said aloud, indicating how tightly the fabric stretched around her gut.
  200. “Combo of shrunk in the wash and we made two battle buffet stops afterwards?” Misty said jokingly.
  202. Zinnia laughed uneasily. “Yeah that would do it...”
  204. “I got mine a size big. I’ve come to grips I’m not getting skinnier anytime soon with Mallow around.” Misty admitted. Her light blue dress clung to her fat. Her dress was a similar style to Zinnia’s.
  206. Hilda then went up to Lillie. “I think it’s time to keep Nebby by your side for the rest of the night.”
  208. Lillie gulped down the last of another cinna-bun and nodded. She then leaned forward and pushed forward with all her might to get off the couch, needing a couple breaths afterwards. She promptly left the room, looking for Nebby in the staff quarters’ hall of the mansion.
  210. Hilda then turned to Zinnia. “Do you have your change of clothes for when you leave the party?”
  212. Zinnia nodded. “They’re in the SUV already.” She said.
  214. “Good. And your Salamence is ready to fly you here?” Hilda asked.
  216. “Yeah... Might have to take a couple rests though.” Zinnia said sheepishly. “I’m twice the girl than he’s used to carrying after all.”
  218. Hilda’s palm met her forehead. “At some point I’m going to have to talk to Mallow about the nutrition of what she’s cooking for us, but that’s for another time.” She said.
  220. Ten minutes later they were piling into the luxury SUV. Hilda dropped the trio off at the front entrance as she went to park. Jack led his hefty, well dressed and hungry bodygaurds to the restaurant entrance, where they were promptly escorted to the event hall portion of the high end hotel.
  222. They were hardly the first there, and Jack spotted Lusamine at a table busily chatting and stuffing her face with finger foods placed around her vicinity. He immediately got hard at the thought of what happened the last time he saw her in this hotel, and how gorgeous she looked in her regular Aether uniform, triple chin and all.
  224. Misty sighed with relief seeing Lusamine. “At least I won’t be the biggest girl here.”
  226. “Indeed, Misty.” A strange, feminine voice came from beside them. The voice was from a woman in a dark pink dress and was probably somewhere north of 350 pounds. Her dark hair and intense stare immediately piqued his sexual interest, but then he noticed she was arm in arm with an odd looking man in a lab coat.
  228. Misty gasped when she realized who it was. “Sabrina! It’s you!”
  230. “Yes... it has been a while since our Kanto days.” She said.
  232. “I remember you left the gym pretty suddenly, what happened there? Everyone was wondering.” Misty asked.
  234. Sabrina smiled lightly. “I had more important things to do.”
  236. “Oh... Here? What have you been up to?” Misty said.
  238. “I joined the Aether Foundation and helped with their extremely important work.” Sabrina said monotonously. Her tone of voice bothered Jack a bit, like she was actively disinterested in what was in front of her.
  240. “Oh, okay...” Misty said, unsure of what to do with Sabrina’s lack of interest in the conversation. A server came up and offered champagne glasses. Misty and Jack both accepted.
  242. “Allow me to introduce my husband, Faba.” Sabrina said, using her flabby arm to indicate the odd looking man with slightly greenish tinted hair and a lab coat.
  244. “Ah, hello there.” Faba said, shaking Misty’s hand.
  246. “Pleased to meet you.” Misty said, trying to hide the awkwardness.
  248. “And who might your companions be?” Faba asked.
  250. “Oh, this is my boss Jack Cobal, of Cobal Industries. And this is-”
  252. Upon Jack’s introduction Faba had started talking right over Misty. “Mr. Cobal, I’d heard you were in Alola. It’s a pleasure to have someone of such a distinguished company here in Alola.”
  254. “Uh, thank you...” Jack said.
  256. “President Lusamine mentioned you were a person of interest here in Alola, and I hope you will come to Aether Island very soon. In light of my busy schedule as branch chief, I’d be willing to offer my time to give you a personal, grand tour of the facility itself. Whatever you’d like to see, I will show you. How does that sound Mr. Cobal? Good right?”
  258. Jack smiled fakely. “That would be appreciated, but my schedule is set by my agent, Hilda-” He turned to introduce her, but she wasn’t next to him. He saw she was at the hors d’oeuvre table with Zinnia, greedily piling food on her plate. “Oh, she’s getting some food. I’ll mention it to her.”
  260. “Good, good.” Faba said. “I apologize, but I must leave for a short bit. There are many other guests I must introduce myself to.” He said, leaving Sabrina, who stared intently at Jack.
  262. “Can I help you?” Jack asked.
  264. She cleared her throat. “Jack, may I speak to you privately?”
  266. Jack turned to Misty and Zinnia and shrugged. “Yeah sure, what’s up?”
  268. She spoke with more interest than she‘d had with Misty. “I meant for you and I to be alone. I understand your bodyguards are to remain nearby, so if we could go to the deck and they watch from inside, would that be appropriate?”
  270. Zinnia gave Jack a pat on the back. “Just keep it quick you two.” She joked. “I’ve got a date with the hors d’oeuvre table over there.”
  272. “Grab a plate for me too.” Misty said, following Jack and Sabrina to the door.
  274. The sun was setting to their left, leaving shadows everywhere. Jack opened the door for the massive woman to go through the door. With champagne glass in hand, Jack followed behind her, mesmerized by the odd woman’s hypnotic balls of flesh she called her backside. She started to turn around to face him and Jack’s gaze went right back up. She had quite the large bosom as well, her dress letting her ample clevage be revealed to the world.
  276. “Mr. Cobal, you are aware of my abilities.” She stated seriously.
  278. “Yeah... Lusamine mentioned you were psychic, right?” He almost mentioned Lillie had told her as well, but he didn’t want to let on Lillie was with him. Although they probably knew about it anyways.
  280. “Yes. It’s an odd gift that I have, sometimes it’s prophetic visions. Other times it’s the ability to know the intentions of others.”
  282. Jack didn’t respond, expecting her to explain more, but she’d paused for a few seconds. “Okay...”
  284. “I left my job as a gym leader for one reason: to save the world. Something is about to happen here in Alola that could be cataclysmic to the entire planet.” Sabrina said, deathly serious.
  286. “Oh... uh, what is it?” Jack asked.
  288. “Are you aware of the being known as Necrozma?”
  290. “No...”
  292. “I received a vision of it being awakened here in Alola and absorbing all light. Many people and Pokemon would die in the aftermath. I simply had to help.”
  294. “And that’s why you joined the Aether Foundation?”
  296. “Yes, they are the only ones with the ability and knowledge to prevent this from happening. And not just them, but your help will be needed.”
  298. Jack was taken aback by this. “Wha- what can I do? I’m just some playboy, I’m not a strong trainer-”
  300. “I’m not sure why, but you are in my visions, and have a role to play in the events to come.” Sabrina said. “Although preparing for the worst case scenario is necessary. There are some things you can do to help with that as well.”
  302. “Oh... like what?” He said, unsure if this was a bunch of bologna.
  304. “In order to ensure the continuation of the human race, vast procreation will be necessary. I myself am pregnant with my husband’s child, and have asked he impregnate other women just in case."
  306. “Wait, are you saying-”
  308. “Yes. It’s high time you used the harem you have built. The fate of the human race may depend on your succesful copulation-”
  310. Jack shook his head. “No no, I don’t need to hear this.” Jack said, starting to head for the door.
  312. “Why do you think fertile-aged women are getting fat in Alola?”
  314. That froze him in his tracks. “Is that-”
  316. “Yes Mr. Cobal. In case of the cataclysm, women with more fat stores will be able to live longer without food. They will also be able to nurture babies more effectively.” Sabrina said.
  318. Dozens of thoughts entered his mind as he realized all the fat young women he‘d been interacting with. It wasn‘t just his small group, most of the Battle Buffet attendees were fat women of child bearing age. Sina, Misty, and Zinnia had all said they‘d been skinny before coming to Alola. Lillie had said she was very skinny only a couple years ago.“Are you saying Aether Foundation has been behind the fattening of Alolan women?”
  320. “No, we have not. Our collaborators are a different story though.”
  322. “Collaborators?”
  324. “You’ll have to come to Aether to see for yourself.” Sabrina said. “And for the record, this is all very secret information I’m telling, Mr. Cobal. Aether wouldn’t like to cause a panic, and lucky for us most wouldn’t believe it anyways. I’d recommend not telling anyone.”
  326. “I’m not sure I believe it myself...”
  328. “Give it some serious consideration please, we need you, Jack. Lucky for us, you’ve been feeding your women very well. I know you’ve been enjoying the side effect of our collaborators’ help. And I’d recommend you begin impregnating your attendants. The survival of the human race may depend on it.” Sabrina said, then got close to him, belly bulging to him. “Hug me.” She ordered.
  330. While a bit freaked out, he couldn’t resist hugging the mass of blubber in front of him. He did so, and she rubbed her gargantuan gut against his groin, probing for reaction. Suddenly he had a vision of all the wondrous time he could spend having sex with her, her moans and the incredible pleasure every time he’d cum inside her, to their little toddlers running around the couch the two of them cuddled on...
  332. Suddenly it stopped. Sabrina’s red cheeks and scared eyes were back in his vision now. “I-I’m so sorry Mr. Cobal, I... sometimes these visions happen, especially when it’s uh...” She was lost for words as desperation set in her face.
  334. “Your powers I assume??" He asked. She nodded. “Sabrina, you’re married. Don’t do it again.”
  336. “Thank you for understanding... that was not my intention.” She said. “Good day sir.” And with that, she departed, globular spheres of flesh bouncing side to side as she waddled inside. Zinnia and Misty soon replaced her. He had quite a hard on after such a vivid vision.
  338. “What happened there?” Misty called out. “I’ve never seen her expression change from that disinterested look. She looked so flustered.”
  340. “Fuck, I don’t know if I can explain properly. Just weird stuff.” Jack replied, trying to shake the thoughts from his mind. “Nothing from the house yet?” He said lowly.
  342. “No. It’s about time I get moving though. It’s a shame, the food is so fucking good.” Zinnia complained.
  344. Jack smiled. “Next day off for you I’ll take you out to a nice dinner here, just you and me.”
  346. Zinnia smiled. “I’ll come hungry.”
  348. “Aren’t you always?” Misty quipped.
  350. Zinnia’s smile turned into her salivating. “Yeah...” Zinnia then waddled off to the “bathroom” so she could go be backup at the house.
  352. “Should we go inside?” Misty asked, extending her arm.
  354. “Probably.” Jack said, taking one last wistful look at the waterfront before taking Misty’s arm.
  356. Sabrina was nowhere to be found, although Faba was boasting of his accomplishments very loudly to a couple of people. Jack spotted Hilda speaking to a large woman, both munching on hors’dervs when the other spoke. Jack gave Misty’s arm a light pull and the two made it over to Hilda and her conversation partner.
  358. “*urp* Jack, this is Kahili.” She said, food spilling onto her chin as she spoke.
  360. He extended his hand and she shook it. The young woman was somewhere around 250 pounds with massive hips, he could only imagine how larger her ass was. Her thighs were thick and meaty, especially with the light glue dress on barely covering her lower thigh. Her double chin and silvery hair instantly caught his attention. Her breasts were large but not ridiculous, although her dress barely fit over them. Food particles littered the front side of her dress.
  362. “Your agent has been talking about you. Only good things though.” Kahili said.
  364. “She’d be a pretty bad agent if she was talking shit.” He replied. “You from around here?”
  366. “My parents own the Hano Grand Resort.” She replied.
  368. “She was a world class golfer as well.” Hilda said. “I was a big fan of hers in my younger days.”
  370. Kahili went red. “Yeah, I don’t golf too much anymore. Got a stress fracture on my hand. Now the only thing I use it for is picking up a fork and a spoon.” The group laughed.
  372. Misty introduced herself and got another plate going. Jack had another glass of champagne.
  374. Kahili swallowed another bite of food then boasted. “These hors’dervs are very good, but the ones at the food at Hano Resort are even better. Hilda, Jack, you’ll have to come by sometime.”
  376. Hilda looked down at her paunch, bulging against the confines of the dress and Jack could tell she got a little tense. “Yeah, I’ll have to at some point...”
  378. “Sounds like a wonderful idea.” Jack said. “I’ve been on Melemele island for a few weeks and haven’t even checked out the other islands.”
  380. “Oh you simply must. I know where all the best places to eat are in Alola, we’ll have to make an excursion.” Kahili said enthusiastically, and Hilda got Kahili’s number.
  382. He saw Lusamine waddling over, breathing heavily. She looked even bigger than when he’d first met her. “If that’s possible.” He thought to himself.
  384. “Good evening Mr. Cobal, enjoying things so far?” Lusamine asked.
  386. “Very much so.” He said, taking an offered champagne glass and raising it to the hostess of the party. What number glass was that? He wasn’t so sure anymore.
  388. “Oh my, Misty, that is you!” Lusamne said, looking at Misty.
  390. Misty laughed. “Yeah, been a bit since I’ve seen you here.” Misty spoke, referencing her days as Lusamine’s favorite waitress.
  392. “And this-” Lusamine abruptly stopped upon realizing Hilda was almost a quarter the size as herself. “Oh Jack, I didn’t know you kept the company of such skinny women.” Lusamine commented. “There’s room to grow for her as well.” She said.
  394. Hilda’s cheeks were red as a tomato. “I’m Hilda, Mr. Cobal’s agent.”
  396. “Pleasure to finally meet you.” Lusamine said, holding out her hand. Hilda shook it, and almost instantly relaxed. “The main course will be coming out soon. Make sure you get your fill.” Lusamine said to Hilda, then turned back to Jack. “I apologize in advance, but I’ve got certain business types sitting at your table.”
  398. Hilda cleared her throat. “Mr. Cobal lets the Board do what it desires with the company. He doesn’t talk business unless it has to do with the Cobal Foundation.”
  400. Lusamine smiled. “Yes of course.” Lusamine then waddled over to the next set of attendees.
  402. The dinner proceeded rather slowly from there. A couple Aether members gave testimonies about the conservation work they’d been doing. Dinner came out, lobster smothered in sweet butter and more sides than he could comprehend. He thought Hilda and Misty had stuffed themselves silly with hors’dervs, but they hardly said a word for twenty minutes as they gorged on their respective meals.
  404. They weren’t the only women eating ridiculous portions, across from him was some egghead CEO and his wife, a very fat woman named Courtney. Apparently she was a software engineer, and had designed many of the security systems for Aether. She was the size of Lillie, or close to it, weighing 350 pounds. Jack was hypnotized by watching her eat. Courtney lacked a chin, had a red dress on that barely fit her, and had short pink hair. All he could tell was she wasn’t the most endowed woman in the world, she had an enormous gut underneath, it protruded into the table.
  406. Jack did some small talk, learning about charitable groups on the island and what sort of things Alola wanted from its non-profit organizations. Hilda did take down Courtney’s husband’s number, but not much else of note happened. He was waiting for his phone to vibrate, hopefully an update of some sort, but nothing came.
  408. Hilda and Misty had finally tapped out of dessert after just one helping, and Hilda really had to force it down. She was just finishing up something on her phone when she dropped it to the floor.
  410. “Oh darn...” She said, bending over to reach it. Jack watched as her devastatingly bloated gut bulged against the confines of her dress. Suddenly the loud rip broke the air as Hilda’s dress fabric finally gave way to her burgeoning pot belly. She covered her mouth and went red as a tomato again.
  412. Courtney belched loudly and held a glass of beer up to toast Hilda’s dress. “I remember the first time I did that, it was actually in this very building!” Courtney said.
  414. Hilda didn’t respond as her face lost color with humiliation. Misty put her hand on Hilda’s shoulder to comfort her, and as Misty opened her mouth a loud belch came out too. “Oh, excuse me...” Misty said sheepishly.
  416. Hilda got up, grabbing her ripped fabric together as best she could. Her gut stuck out of the hole noticeably.
  418. The event was winding down and the trio left not long after. Zinnia’s absence hadn’t been noticed, apparently. Upon getting in the backseat, Hilda fell into a deep food coma, snoring at a noticeable volume. Jack was anxious to get a hold of anyone at the house so he called Zinnia.
  420. “Did anything happen at the house?” He asked.
  422. Zinnia was breathing heavily. “Uh... Not sure...” She breathed heavily. “I didn’t... make it...”
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