
[Flutters][FR, Clop] The Numbers Game, Part Apples (Fourth)

Nov 15th, 2012
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  1. >You Usain Bolt up the stairs.
  2. >Once you reach the ground floor you start doing the
  3. >"oh-shit-I-woke-up-late-and-now-I-have-to-get-to-work-or-get-fired" shuffle with your pants.
  4. >You put your right foot in.
  5. >You pull your right foot out.
  6. >You put your right foot in and you struggle all about.
  7. >Spike is still arranging books on the shelves.
  8. >He turns to you in moderate concern. "You okay there, [Anon?] What did you and Twi do down there anyway?"
  9. >There it is again. Even though you just came and you're clearly in refraction, the sound of your name stirs your member.
  10. >As if running and putting on pants wasn't difficult enough.
  11. We just talked with our lower mouths is all.
  12. >Spike looks confused. "Lower mouths?"
  13. >You're hopping to the door, pant armor nearly donned.
  14. Oh yeah, you should ask her about it some time. It's a lot of fun.
  15. >That should buy you some time if Twilight decides to come looking for you.
  16. Well Spike, I better go. It was great seeing you and all that...
  17. >You put the finishing touches on your belt and dart out the door, slamming it behind you.
  18. >The tree shakes from the force of the slam and a few of the library's books fall from their shelves.
  19. >"Yeah... Real great..." Spikes huffs and starts putting the books back where they belong.
  20. >Outside you take a deep breath.
  21. >You better keep moving.
  22. >Twilight wouldn't be long and you were pretty sure she'd read more than her fair share of mating ritual books.
  24. >You shudder at the thought and start power walking blindly in a direction.
  25. >You would've been running, trying to put as much distance between yourself and Twilight as possible, but...
  26. >You wanted to try to be as inconspicuous as you could.
  27. >Every single pony on the street was one word away from being immediately demoted to worst pony.
  28. >It was like starting a Minesweeper game with 999 problems.
  29. >But fucking a horse ain't one.
  30. >Think. Think. Think.
  31. >Wasn't there something you could do?
  32. >Or somep0ny who could help you?
  33. >Twilight said that magic can't help, so Rarity and even the princesses are most likely out of the picture.
  34. Only a potion can counter-act a potion, huh?
  35. >You mumble to yourself, oblivious to your surroundings.
  36. Wait... then that means...
  37. >You've managed to walk to what is more-or-less considered the center of P0nyville.
  38. >You exclaim, cocking your arm to the side and pointing to the sky:
  39. Of course! Zecora!
  40. >Some of the nearby p0nies turn in your direction and give you quizzical looks.
  41. >"[Anon,] are you doing alright?"
  42. >A shiver wiggles its way throughout your body.
  43. >Oh no.
  44. >Alfredo detonation in t-minus potato...
  46. Oh yeah... I'm fine... I'm just... late for something...
  47. >"You sure [Anon?]"
  48. >You cringe and ball your fist, trying to suppress your physical reaction.
  49. Yes Lyra, I'm fine. Thank you, but I should really be going.
  50. >You start making your way towards the Everfree Forest.
  51. >Unfortunately, it's quite a walk from the center of town.
  52. >As you pass by familiar faces, they smile and greet you.
  53. >"Hiya [Anon]"
  54. >"[Anon], what's up?"
  55. >"In a hurry, [Anon?]"
  56. >Each time you wave them off, doing your best not to slow your pace as a result of your growing rod.
  57. >"Great to see you, [Anon!]"
  58. >"Hey [Anon,] we still on for cider at the Watering Hole later?"
  59. >"Oooooh! [Anon!] Wanna come inside and try my new cupcakes?"
  60. >Your body is seizing up from all of the firing neurons.
  61. >It's begging for release.
  62. >Every step you take is excruciating.
  63. Not... now... Pinkie...
  64. >"Okie dokie , Lokie..." she says as she bounds off.
  65. >Thank Celestia she didn't use your name.
  66. >Never in your life have you appreciated Pinkie's quirks more than that moment.
  67. >But seriously...
  68. >Damn this magical horsey land.
  69. >You've never hated friendly neighbors as much as you do right now.
  71. >Eventually, you make it to the edge of the Everfree.
  72. >Holy shit.
  73. >You may be as horny as a male rabbit accidentally placed in the females' cage but...
  74. >You're cognizant enough to see that this place was way more terrifying than they made it out to be in the show.
  75. >You gulp and tentatively enter the maze of trees.
  76. >At least it's daylight.
  77. >You'll have to remember to ask Twilight to send ol' Sunny D a letter of appreciation for you.
  78. >If you ever get to the point where you can talk to her again.
  79. >Or if you ever get out of this place.
  80. >You realize that you've been walking long enough that you can't tell where you're going and where you've been.
  81. >Come to think of it, you never even knew where exactly Zecora lived in the Everfree anyway...
  82. God damnit, brain. What are you doing up there?
  83. >Back at Brain Corp.
  84. >More fire.
  85. >Just fire everywhere.
  86. >The boss just flings his hands over his head and paperwork whips about in the air.
  87. >"Fuck it! Just put Dick in charge. I quit!"
  88. >You hear the faint sound of a door slam in the recesses of your mind and jolt back to the situation at hand.
  90. Fuck. Well, what do I do now?
  91. >As if in response, your member perks up and your jeans shift ever so slightly.
  92. >You reel from the motion, the aphrodisiac's effects kicking in once more.
  93. >After your body settles back down somewhat, you decide to continue forward.
  94. >But your dick has other plans.
  95. >It starts pulling to the left in your pants.
  96. What the-?
  97. >The farther forward you go, the more your dick turns, until it's practically hugging your thigh.
  98. >You groan in annoyance.
  99. >Fucking potions.
  100. >Fucking getting lost.
  101. >Fucking Cheerilee.
  102. >Fucking Twilight.
  103. >What the fuck else can go wrong?
  104. >In your desperation, you address your penis.
  105. What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you trying to lead me somewhere?
  106. >To your utter disbelief, you feel the head of your cock shift up and down.
  107. >You stand in place, shocked and silent for a moment.
  108. Did you... Did you just nod?
  109. >The motion repeats itself.
  110. >Well, you've gone off the deep end.
  111. >Your penis has gained sentience and is in self-preservation mode.
  112. >You're lost anyway, might as well give it a shot.
  113. >You follow your cock compass and somehow miraculously end up at Zecora's hut.
  114. >Apparently dick compasses always point to poon.
  116. >"It's been quite a while since [Anon] last, I did see."
  117. >"What brings you to this part of the Everfree?"
  118. >By this point, you've been built up so much by the trigger phrase that you're dribbling pre-cum.
  119. >But at least you aren't blacking out like before.
  120. >Maybe you're building up some kind of tolerance or something.
  121. >Fuck, you hope not.
  122. >That's going to be a disaster once... if this problem ever gets sorted out.
  123. Zecora, please try not to say my name again.
  124. >"I can see that your mind and body are quite sore."
  125. >"But to not speak your name? Whatever for?"
  126. Cheerilee gave me a powerful aphrodisiac that is phrase activated. I went to Twilight for help, but...
  127. >Your eyes narrow and you scowl.
  128. She just told me that magic can't fix the effects of a potion and then she added my name to the activation list.
  129. >Zecora nods in understanding. "What the purple pony said is not wrong."
  130. >"However, the duration of a potion is not long."
  131. >You grin and hug the striped p0ny.
  132. >But then your smile turns to a frown.
  133. So you can't cure me of the effects?
  134. >Zecora shakes her head.
  135. >You hang your head and mutter in the direction of your crotch.
  136. Great... What am I going to do about this until then?
  137. >Zecora follows your gaze and blushes lightly.
  138. >"Please do not think it rude of me, but..."
  139. >"Is has been quite a while since my last rut."
  141. >At this, your cock somehow manages to shoot up even straighter than before.
  142. >It was like the class bell just rang on a Friday.
  143. >And the first one out the door got a diamond horse.
  144. >Even though Penis has pretty much been promoted to head honcho, you can still hear slivers of conscience in your head.
  145. Look Zecora... That's really nice of you. And I appreciate the offer. Really, I do...
  146. >Do. Do. Do it.
  147. But you're a pony and I'm a human. And besides, the potion only allows Cheerilee and Twilight to actually get me off.
  148. >Zecora smirks and saunters over to a table with a familiar looking book resting on it.
  149. >She carries it over to you and flips it open.
  150. >It's the same as the book Twilight showed you.
  151. >"I am familiar with the potion of which you speak."
  152. >"With a few more ingredients, it could receive a minor tweak."
  153. >"With a twig of capron and a berry of lum,"
  154. >"It could be made so that for me, you'll cum."
  155. That's nice Zecora, but...
  156. >Doitdoitdoitdoitdoit.
  157. >You gulp.
  158. But you're still a pony.
  159. >She simply smiles and turns the page.
  160. >She points a hoof at one of the figures.
  161. >"You see, that was already a part of my plan."
  162. >"I can modify this recipe to make me temporarily human."
  163. >"News about this potion you will adore."
  164. >"Ingredients for the human potion, I need no more."
  165. Well, I... I...
  167. >Your head is too fuzzy to argue.
  168. Okay... Let's do it.
  169. >Zecora gives you a map with the locations of the ingredients she needs for the first potion and you head out.
  171. >You reach the first area marked on the map.
  172. >Fuck, you really wish that your brain was working well enough to remember how freaky the forest was.
  173. >You could have asked Zecora to come with you.
  174. >Oh well, it's too late now.
  175. >Besides, she's brewing up the human transformation potion...
  176. >Honestly, you're surprised you're able to think at all.
  177. >You double-check the picture of the ingredient that you need and locate it quickly.
  178. >One down, one to go.
  179. >You check your map.
  180. >The second ingredient isn't even that far from where you are.
  181. >You'll be rid of this infernal boner in no time.
  182. >And not a moment too soon.
  183. >You never knew how difficult it was to walk with a raging boner until now.
  184. >You mean, you've had some experience.
  185. >Lonely nights, house to yourself.
  186. >You'd throw on some Old Time Rock and Roll and slide around your house in your socks.
  187. >Like that Guitar Hero commercial.
  188. >Except you totally did it first.
  189. >Anyway, the point is that you'd always been naked when sporting your boner at home.
  190. >Pants completely change the playing field.
  191. >Come to think of it...
  192. >You know what?
  193. >Fuck pants.
  194. >You tear them off and throw them and your boxers on the forest floor.
  196. >Not a second passes after you've removed your denim shield before you hear a rustling among some nearby trees.
  197. >Oh fuck.
  198. >You tense up and clutch at your discarded clothes.
  199. >Something WOULD attack you when you're feeling most vulnerable.
  200. >Your adrenaline starts to pump and you dart into some nearby bushes.
  201. >After several moments of your heart attempting to escape your chest, you no longer hear anything.
  202. >You peek out of the bush and look left and right.
  203. >There's nothing.
  204. >Oh wait.
  205. >You take another look at the ingredient pictures.
  206. >The lum berry!
  207. >Nice.
  208. >You separate the berry from the bush and grin.
  209. Everything's coming up Milhouse.
  210. >You begin to walk back in the direction of Zecora's when...
  211. >There's a sharp pain at the back of your head and you collapse forward.
  212. >The last thing you see as your eyes close are two pairs of yellow hooves.
  213. >And the last thing you hear:
  214. >"Oh my, [Anon.] You look hurt. Mama better take you home and fix you up."
  215. >And then...
  216. >Darkness.
  218. >You wake later with blurred vision and a pounding headache.
  219. >You groan and start to sit up.
  220. >But you can't.
  221. >You can't even move your head.
  222. >Your other head, however, seems to be just fine.
  223. >He's still straight as an arrow, unfazed by your obvious peril.
  224. >It's almost like he's mocking you.
  225. >He's free and you aren't.
  226. >Whatever, now's not the time.
  227. >You look around as much as you can, trying to get your bearings.
  228. >Okay.
  229. >You're in a bed.
  230. >Two large windows to your right.
  231. >Vines entangled in the rafters above.
  232. >A few birdhouses hang from the ceiling.
  233. >And your arms, legs, and head are strapped to the bed with gauze.
  234. >Lots of gauze.
  235. >You remember seeing Fluttershy just before you fell unconscious.
  236. >You breathe a sigh of relief.
  237. >If there was any mare who could help, it was Banana Hush.
  238. >As if she were telepathic, Fluttershy struts into the room wearing a nurse outfit.
  239. >"Oh [Anon,] I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried when I found you lying on the ground."
  240. >You cringe at your name.
  241. Yeah... how did you get there so fast?
  242. >"Oh, I was just... you know..." Her sentence trails off into mumbling.
  243. And why I am strapped down to the bed?
  244. >Damn brain, you're getting really good at this "thinking-while-horny" stuff.
  245. >And while you're at it, isn't there something you should be remembering right now?
  246. >Oh yes. There is.
  247. >Before you got knocked out, you saw more than just Fluttershy's legs.
  248. >You also saw...
  249. >A thick tree branch hitting the ground next to her.
  251. Fluttershy... Did you... knock me out?
  252. >She hides behind her mane. "Oh... umm... yes."
  253. >You can feel your rage building up.
  254. >Like someone just dropped a Mentos in your body-Pepsi.
  255. >But you've been so good about struggling through your arousal, why not try frustration as well?
  256. >You calm down and sincerely ask:
  257. Why in Equestria would you do that?
  258. >"Oh... Well... Because, umm... I want t-to... be with you, [Anon...]" She whimpers and averts her gaze.
  259. >You'd be daaawing right now if you weren't so confused.
  260. >Or hard.
  261. >The latter being a fact that Fluttershy has picked up on.
  262. >"And I can see that you want me, too." She places a hoof to your tip.
  263. >You writhe from the sensation, letting out a loud groan.
  264. >Parts of your body temporarily shut down from the quasi-orgasm, including your mouth.
  265. >Fluttershy takes your response as a sign of acceptance and climbs onto the bed and on top of you.
  266. >You can feel her dripping mare juices falling along your leg and thighs as she crawls up.
  267. >You open your mouth to protest.
  268. >To tell her that she's wrong.
  269. >To tell her about your predicament.
  270. >But it's no use.
  271. >It refuses to cooperate.
  272. >You can only watch in horror as Fluttershy removes her panties.
  273. >They're coated with her sexual secretions.
  274. >You feel even more dripping onto your pelvis and balls.
  275. >C'mon mouth! Work damnit!
  276. >Your jaw quivers in its attempt.
  277. >Almost there!
  278. Fl- Fl-
  279. >Go go go!
  280. Fluttershy, I-
  281. >Yes! Finally!
  282. >Unfortunately, your open mouth is greeted with Fluttershy's newly-shed underwear as she stuffs them in.
  284. >"Don't worry, [Anon.] You don't have to tell me. I know this is your fetish."
  285. >Fluttershy smiles and begins to rub her wet folds along your erect shaft.
  286. >If you could cum right now, you'd fill the fucking aquarium at Sea World.
  287. >Instead, you just spasm and your mind shorts out again.
  288. >Fluttershy moans as she slides awkwardly against your member, wings erect.
  289. >"Oh, [Anon!] I'm cu-cumming." she whinnies and you feel her juices pool between your legs.
  290. >You scream into the cloth panties, overflowing with unobtainable desire.
  291. >"Don't worry, I'm going to make you feel good too."
  292. >Another scream is muffled by the underwear.
  293. >She can't.
  294. >She can only drive you further insane.
  295. >She lifts her body directly over your shaft.
  296. >Your eyes widen.
  297. >You keep trying to convey to her somehow that this is wrong.
  298. >She's supposed to be good with animals, right?
  299. >She's supposed to know what they're thinking, right?
  300. >What they need...
  301. >When they're in trouble...
  302. >But it's futile.
  303. >She lowers herself onto your cock and your senses fry.
  304. >Your body is doing everything it can to make you cum.
  305. >But you can't.
  306. >You feel your mind slipping.
  307. >You might die here...
  308. >Raped to death by a yellow p0ny...
  309. >You're about to resign yourself to your fate when suddenly...
  310. >Fluttershy's body seizes up and slumps off of your shaft.
  311. >"A lot of fun Fluttershy was having, it seems."
  312. >"But now it's time for her to have sweet dreams."
  313. >In the bedroom doorway is Zecora in a human's body with a blowgun.
  314. >You black out again.
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