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May 21st, 2019
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  1. # Find and explain 3 Euclid or Keter SCPS.
  2. #### SCP 096, "shy guy". It is a tall skinny pure pale white humanoid creature that if looked at the face will come and shred you to pieces. The travel distance of the creature seems to be unlimited unless physically unable to get to that destination, aka the moon and such, but research on that has not yet been made. The only ways you can "look" at SCP 096 is through artistic representations of the creature. If looked at by video or photo or physically means death.
  3. SCP 173, "peanut". It is a concreate statue that has red and green markings on its "face", the creature does have a some what humanoid shape but is too big and round without any defying traits. The creature makes a mucus or a substance that is a mixture of faeces and blood. The creature must be looked at, at all times! If not then it will come to you and snap your neck, ending you. If you send D-Class to clean its cell you must tell 2 of them to keep looking at it while 1 of them cleans the mixture.
  4. SCP 049, "The plague doctor", (Its nickname will be Doc for easier notice of the description). Doc looks like a plague doctor from the 17th century though his mask is not of doctor status, but of a performance mask sued to show an expression for the actors. Doc says that humans have a deasses that needs to be rid of, but Doc's way of doing it, is well different from most cases. Doc would touch the victim using its right hand and they would instantly die without any show of pain, after the death of the victim Doc would start to operate on the victim. After the operation the victim becomes SCP-049-1, they would become zombies. If you want a short expo.
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