

Sep 12th, 2016
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  1. Erelye: **A B Y S S A L ~~8~~ O D D I T Y**
  3. [**R4-██ approved guidelines: **]
  4. Bill Cipher: >PLAY GAME
  5. Erelye: [**Loading...**]
  6. Erelye: [**Loading...**]
  7. Erelye: [**Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.**]
  8. Bill Cipher: [> Recall the recent past.]
  9. Bill Cipher: (If possible.)
  10. Erelye: [**You recall the recent past.**]
  11. Erelye: [**Your name is AZURE LAPIS. On a mission to acquire the VOID SHARDs of Facet Nine for use in the Infinity Eye (/), you have reached the IOTA SECTOR, following a variety of escapades you haven't the time to elaborate upon. After landing on the surface of the gigantic library dominating the sector, you and your allies were encountered by MALPEIYC OF GETEN, who allowed you entry into the depths, after tearing his amber gem out of his chest, and giving it to you. Upon entering the library, you met a series of eight tablets, half of which were filled out with cryptic messages. You are currently standing before a table in the central room, three doors yet unopened. Three Ochre Slabs and Tablets and a candlelit andalusite gemstone are on the table before you all. What do you do?**]
  12. Bill Cipher: Hm. The andalusite is Vardeveig on some level, yes?
  13. Erelye: [**You aren't absolutely certain, but your intuition suggests this is likely the case, as does the reaction of Charoite.**]
  14. Bill Cipher: What's the best way to store this object?
  15. Erelye: [**You don't know. Bubbling isn't the way to go, however. Of this, you are certain.**]
  16. Erelye: [**Please enter command.**]
  17. Bill Cipher: I know
  18. Bill Cipher: just thinking
  19. crystalcat: Hrm.
  20. Bill Cipher: <@121058722813444096> how would we store vardeveig's gem?
  21. crystalcat: Bubbling won't work...
  22. crystalcat: Let me check the inventory.
  23. Erelye: [**If you're having trouble, you can always ask the members of your party. They are your friends, after all.**]
  24. Bill Cipher: Do so.
  25. Erelye: [**Cyan shrugs, and Topaz says little. However, Charoite looks over to you, and speaks. "I'll hold on to her. If there's a problem, I think I can rewire the tablet to produce another gemstone. I've got a rudimentary education on how these things function."**]
  26. crystalcat: Ooh.
  27. Bill Cipher: > Give the gem to Charoite.
  28. Erelye: [**"If that's okay with you, that is."**]
  29. crystalcat: Give the gem to her.
  30. Bill Cipher: Open west door.
  31. Erelye: [**An interesting choice. You stride over to the door ahead of the group. It appears to be an entirely smooth limestone gate bearing a touch activator. You rest your palm atop the hand symbol, and the door slides back. The room within appears to have been stripped of anything of real value. There are just shelves, and two sets of footprints in the dust layering the floor. There is a wooden crate in the northwestern corner of the chamber.**]
  32. Bill Cipher: Examine crate.
  33. Erelye: [**It appears to be empty, given that the lid has been cast to the side. The sets of footprints both begin and terminate here.**]
  34. Bill Cipher: Leave; enter east door.
  35. Erelye: [**Are you sure?**]
  36. Bill Cipher: No?
  37. Bill Cipher: Physically check to make sure that the crate is empty.
  38. Erelye: [**You physically search the crate. Upon moving it, you notice a square metal plate hidden beneath.**]
  39. Bill Cipher: Press plate.
  40. Pope Cipurr: oh right
  41. Erelye: [**You press the plate. It suddenly dawns on you that this is an elevator pad.**]
  42. Bill Cipher: stand on elevator pad; follow it to secrets.
  43. Erelye: [**You all descend into the hidden depths.**]
  44. Erelye: !roll 1 4
  45. Erelye: [**The pneumatics hiss, and the pad locks itself into place on the floor below. You feel a rushing of wind in your hair, and several chinks in the stone wall behind you.**]
  46. Erelye: [**An aged voice calls out from the depths. "__Reveal yourselves, thieves.__"**]
  47. Bill Cipher: OH BOY.
  48. Bill Cipher: step up, player 1.
  49. Erelye: [**You step forward. A blaring light blinks on, casting light into the dark chamber remarkably effectively. You appear to be standing in front of a series of glass cases filled with jewelry and antiques atop tables. There is an elderly goblin with tattered wear and a hard-light crossbow retrofitted with what appears to be magetear propellants staring at all of you.**]
  50. Bill Cipher: > resist urge to recoil at sight of jewelry
  51. Erelye: [**Now, *why would you do that?***]
  52. Bill Cipher: :/
  53. Bill Cipher: Tell the goblin that we didn't steal anything.
  54. engie: ~~As in, why would the urge be resisted, or why would the urge happen~~
  55. Erelye: [**"__Damn right, ye didn't. If you had, you would've gotten a bolt to the neck. But you were going to, weren't you. You people can't bother to just pay for these things like rational people. Or, those owls can't.__"**]
  56. Bill Cipher: ...We weren't going to take any of this jewelry, if that's what you're saying.
  57. Erelye: [**The goblin lowers the crossbow. "__Very well. Would you like to buy anything? As a matter of fact, this junk is all on sale for around twenty cash strings. The good stuff's in the back.__"**]
  58. Bill Cipher: how many cash strings do we have?
  59. Erelye: [**Two hundred ninety-two.**]
  60. Bill Cipher: examine jewlery.
  61. Erelye: [**There is a Friendly Offering, the Aristocratic Jewelry, an ancient diap, and a post-it note telling you there's Azure and Vermilion Dust in the back.**]
  62. Bill Cipher: Do these items have special properties?
  63. Erelye: [**Would you like to examine them? If so, which items?**]
  64. Bill Cipher: The Friendly Offering and the diap.
  65. Bill Cipher: Nah, fuck it, all three.
  66. Erelye: [**Friendly Offering: A silver bracelet embedded with a sizable red spinel cabochon. This very artifact was gifted to the illustrious АМА-ДРАХИС by the esteemed ПЕРЛИЛ-ДРАХИС, mere months prior to the outbreak of a second civil war. The evidence suggests the gem upon the jewelry isn't as inert as one would hope.
  67. Diap: An ancient coin of some sort. The front face bears the visage of some sort of serpent, the words "ИОС АРАЛОУС" flowing about it. The back face details a hammer, chisel, and diamond.
  68. Aristocratic Jewelry: A silver pendant decorated with a cut stone of hematite. It is said that aristocrats of the Grayholdian court tended to make their enemies into jewelry after slaughtering them.**]
  69. Erelye: [**... You're not even sure this guy knows that gems can be reduced to the actual stone.**]
  70. Bill Cipher: examine dust in the back.
  71. Erelye: [**Azure Dust: The unevenly-ground powder of some sort of diamond. In the wake of war, it was not a particularly intelligent decision to assist to ruthless allies bent on total victory. Now, They must pay the nebulous price for all eternity thereafter. The substance once stained the summoned autumnal hand of some aristocrat or other.
  72. Vermilion Dust: Crushed almandine, evidently by sonic burst. Almandines were once fortunetellers of the order of РОС-ДРАХИС, though not of any court. Now, they are but a distant memory, save for the Pink Sanctuary of the Chi Sector, whose rivers run with tears. Or saliva. That translation was never really clear.**]
  73. Bill Cipher: purchase azure dust immediately. how much is it worth?
  74. Erelye: [**Fifty cash strings.**]
  75. Bill Cipher: buy it.
  76. Erelye: [**You purchase the Azure Dust. Now what?**]
  77. Bill Cipher: buy the vermilion dust, too. the aristocratic jewelry as well.
  78. Erelye: [**The Vermilion Dust is twenty-five cash strings, and the three other items are currently on sale collectively for twenty.**]
  79. Bill Cipher: buy them all.
  80. Erelye: [**You do so. The goblin, who is evidently called Lorentz, as suggested by a name tag, grins. "__Pleasure doin' business with ya. Come back soon. Or, don't. We move around a lot.__"**]
  81. Bill Cipher: examine area for any other entrances, exits, or objects of interest.
  82. Erelye: [**There are no other entrances or exits, save for what appears to be a hole that was broken through by bare hands. A rack of magetear batteries lines the wall. "__Those aren't for sale.__"**]
  83. Bill Cipher: hm. leave.
  84. Erelye: [**You are now back in the main room of the library. Cyan, Charoite, and Topaz seem a bit creeped out. And by a bit, you mean significantly so.**]
  85. Erelye: [**The north and east doors remain unopened.**]
  86. Bill Cipher: :)
  87. Bill Cipher: east.
  88. Erelye: [**You unseal the east door. Immediately, you catch the sight of a heavily-armored figure in a deep green cloak decapitating a large droid wielding a plasma gatling weapon with a hard-light edged irhvium greatsword, in a shower of cyanic mechanovitae. Not appearing to notice you, the being pulls up a holographic screen, taps a few things, and disappears in a beam of light.**]
  89. Bill Cipher: WHAT THE FUCK
  90. Bill Cipher: ***__WHAT THE FUCK__***
  91. Bill Cipher: *inhales, exhales*
  92. Erelye: [**That was the Venator, of course.**]
  93. Bill Cipher: examine room
  94. Erelye: [**You examine the room. There is nothing of interest, save for a large computer terminal attached to a metal shelf of some sort.**]
  95. Erelye: [**And the corpse of the droid, of course.**]
  96. Erelye: [**You are all still in shock.**]
  97. Bill Cipher: ((who is the venator, exactly.))
  98. Erelye: [**The Venator is a mysterious traveler you have met a number of times in your voyage. They have spoken to you a few times, usually after murdering large groups of heavily-armed opponents with extreme ease.**]
  99. Bill Cipher: interesting.
  100. Bill Cipher: examine terminal.
  101. Erelye: [**The terminal is rather complex, attached to no fewer than three keyboards, and with two large screens. The shelf affixed to the terminal proper holds a green orb and a mask.**]
  102. Erelye: [**It is not currently on.**]
  103. Bill Cipher: have every member of the party touch the green orb. then, examine mask.
  104. Erelye: [**You all brush your fingers across the orb in turn. It does nothing, save sparkle a few times. Charoite mutters something about leeches, or perhaps leeching, under her breath.**]
  105. Erelye: [**Archivist's Visage: A machine-crafted mask of refined corotite, with an emerald coating. The eye sockets of the mask have been covered, representing belief in intuition over all, and eyes on the inside. An oval-esque shape has been cut out of the mask's forehead.**]
  106. Erelye: [**The orb appears to be made of some sort of *prehnite*, if you catch my drift.**]
  107. Bill Cipher: I feel dumb for not catching it
  108. Bill Cipher: I assume it corresponds to one of the gems
  109. Bill Cipher: so whoever it is, use it?
  110. Erelye: [**Check out your guidelines.**]
  111. crystalcat: ...Archivist?
  112. crystalcat: Oh, it's for Vardiveig.
  113. crystalcat: Take a picture of the mask.
  114. Erelye: [**Vardiveig's gem was and is not remotely oval-shaped.**]
  116. crystalcat: Prehnite get.
  117. Erelye: [**You do so. Congratulations.**]
  118. Erelye: [**The printed photo has no extra text or ink on it, save for a doodle of a scythe in a corner.**]
  119. crystalcat: Hrm.
  120. crystalcat: Either AMA-DRAXIS or PERLIL-DRAXIS.
  121. Erelye: [**What now?**]
  122. Bill Cipher: try to get cyan to spark the terminal backt o life?
  123. Bill Cipher: never mind, don't, that might fry it.
  124. Erelye: [**The terminal isn't plugged in. There's an electromagnetic socket in the wall nearby.**]
  125. Bill Cipher: plug in the terminal.
  126. Erelye: [**You plug it in. Immediately, the thing springs to life. Both screens immediately start outputting a combination of error messages and sets of coordinates. A secondary generator emits a hologram of some planet, with a number of white dots all over one continent, marching toward a number of small green dots around a larger one.**]
  127. Bill Cipher: the civil wars.
  128. Bill Cipher: try to fix the errors.
  129. Erelye: !coin
  130. Erelye: !roll 1 5
  131. Erelye: [**You manage to repair approximately fifty-five percent of the errors.**]
  132. Erelye: [**Immediately, huge chunks of the planet just *disappear* from the hologram.**]
  133. Nomble: What's the error messages?
  134. Bill Cipher: ...huh.
  135. Bill Cipher: as in, a glitch? or they were destroyed by the fighting?
  136. Nomble: Probably gem colony?
  137. Erelye: [**The error messages are in standard Algol format for 'coordinate does not exist'. You are pretty certain that this isn't an error.**]
  138. Bill Cipher: interesting.
  139. Bill Cipher: have the white/green dots changed at all?
  140. Erelye: [**The green dots are now scattered around the planet, instead of upon it. The white dots are all gone.**]
  141. Erelye: [**Save for one.**]
  142. Bill Cipher:
  143. Bill Cipher: try to mess with the terminal in productive ways.
  144. Erelye: [**There are two commands on the keyboards that don't appear to be locked down by the generator projecting a hologram. Zoom in, and zoom out.**]
  145. Nomble: Attempt to recognize sector with zoom out.
  146. Erelye: [**You zoom out. You get a map of the entirety of Kristalli territory, with no distinctions between sectors.**]
  147. Erelye: [**Noticeably, large swathes of land in the upper right fringe are missing from this map.**]
  148. Bill Cipher: zoom in a bunch to see if we can recognize the single remaining white dot.
  149. Erelye: [**You zoom in as far as you can go. The hologram shifts and twists, the foci moving elsewhere to get a larger area to project.**]
  150. Erelye: [**The projector displays a life-sized hulking figure, at least nine feet tall, and scorched entirely black. You all look at it. Charoite's lip quivers, and she grabs Topaz's hand. You swear the thing is *staring* at you.**]
  151. Bill Cipher: The **Scorched Sentinel.**
  152. Bill Cipher: (Or something like it.)
  153. Erelye: [**You feel a burning sensation in your gem.**]
  154. Bill Cipher: Shut off the terminal.
  155. Bill Cipher: Leave.
  156. Erelye: [**You shut the terminal off. The hologram stays for a few moments more, until the figure seems to almost nod, and it dissolves into static. You are now in the main room once more.**]
  157. Bill Cipher: north door.
  158. Erelye: [**You open the north door, and step into a cuboid chamber. There are murals on most of the walls. A pedestal stands in the center of the room, with a slot in its center, and text upon it.**]
  159. Bill Cipher: examine pedestal, text, and slot.
  160. Erelye: [**The pedestal is half a meter tall. The slot itself is rather thin, and curved inwards, as if it were to accept some sort of blade. The text before it reads “*АWИИФЦИ QИВ ИММЕ-ЕРТТ,
  162. Bill Cipher: AWIIFCI QIV IMME-ERTT,
  164. Erelye: [**A green post-it note beside this has some sort of poem upon it in the same black ink and handwriting you saw on the notes from the main room.**]
  165. Bill Cipher: STRIKE WITH GREY DEATH,
  166. (PAST TENSE) NOW ??? ??? ??? DEFEAT THEM(?)
  167. Bill Cipher: examine poem.
  168. Erelye: [**The poem reads, “*Beset upon me grayed death,
  169. So tacitly through azure cleft.*”**]
  170. Bill Cipher: was that what the drenovian was :/
  171. Erelye: [**Please enter command.**]
  172. Bill Cipher: I was waiting for an answer whopps
  173. Bill Cipher: do we have a blade that would fit?
  174. Erelye: [**Yes. You know which one.**]
  175. crystalcat: The Autumnal Hand.
  176. crystalcat: >Insert the Autumnal Hand.
  177. Erelye: [**It fits perfectly. You hear a click, and the grinding of stone unleashes candlight into the darkened chamber, casting a sinister glow on the murals.**]
  178. Erelye: [**You remove the blade, and return it to your inventory.**]
  179. Bill Cipher: examine murals.
  180. Erelye: [**Do you examine the northern mural first, the western mural first, or the eastern mural first?**]
  181. Bill Cipher: hm.
  182. Bill Cipher: eastern.
  183. Erelye: [**The eastern mural depicts a short figure with pale white skin and an almost squarelike head observing a navy cube etched with indecipherable characters. The eyes of the being are a shining yellow, reflecting the candlight. There is a blank humanoid carving behind the cube, devoid of color or detail.**]
  184. Bill Cipher: north.
  185. Erelye: [**The far northern wall displays an artisanal mural of various colors and shapes. It seems new. In the center, a crumbling throne carved with snakes, a single shining planet above, circled by beams of light. Around the throne, three figures stand. On the utmost left, the tallest figure stares up into the distance, holding in their hands what appears to be a floating solidus, entirely undecorated. Their robed body is pale white, save for all above the waist, which has been seared gray, a scorched diamond in their forehead. A scythe is upon their back, blade stained blue.**]
  186. Erelye: [**The second figure stands back-to-back with the first, somewhat shorter. Clad in a deep gray suit, this entity holds with both hands a shining titian octahedron, staring into it with eyes reflecting the cosmos themselves. Their chest is stained red beneath the suit jacket, the source a barely-hidden hole. The third figure is on the right side of the throne, staring off into the distance as well. They are the second-tallest, cloaked in ash-stained black with a beaked mask obscuring their face. The third figure holds an axe dripping with the reflection of the cosmos, a peculiar assuredness in their obscured gaze.**]
  187. Erelye: [**The throne proper in the mural is sat upon by a small owl, staring directly at you.**]
  188. Bill Cipher: Grey Diamond, and... two others.
  189. Bill Cipher: West.
  190. Erelye: [**The west mural depicts four figures standing on a rooftop terrace, starry cosmos above. The first has noticeably blue hair and a gem in their back, the second a cyan gem in their forehead. The third, an orange gem in their navel. The last has a purple gem in their forehead. They are all looking in awe upon a pink diamond floating in the air. You are unnerved by this mural in particular.**]
  191. crystalcat: Gah!
  192. Bill Cipher: :whoa: what in the actual fuck
  193. Erelye: ((/AFK. When I return, we shall get into the good stuff. Feel free to theorize on the murals here whilst I'm gone, or otherwise post reactions.))
  194. crystalcat: The three who endeavor to ascend the states of existence.
  195. crystalcat: Grey Diamond and Solidus, Malpeiyc, and Aft'mathai.
  196. Bill Cipher: so we're a prophecy, then.
  197. Bill Cipher: Aft'mathai?
  198. Bill Cipher: Solidus was a person?
  199. crystalcat: Solidus is a project.
  200. Bill Cipher: I know.
  201. crystalcat: A project to create a massive superweapon of some sort.
  202. crystalcat: Aft'mathai is the ash phoenix we encountered in that one sector, who possessed Topaz and caused us to have to cleanse her.
  203. Bill Cipher: ah yes, the ashen plague.
  204. crystalcat: In around 13 days, he'll attempt to breach the Veil, and it will go shoddily.
  205. crystalcat: AO will then get massively hard, unless we reach a sector before then and stop it/
  206. crystalcat: Luckily, we're on track.
  207. Bill Cipher: the Vei?
  208. Erelye: ((/UNAFK.))
  209. Erelye: [**Please enter command.**]
  210. Bill Cipher: Well, we looked at all the murals. Now what? Is there another way out?
  211. Erelye: [**You turn around to the source of the sudden candlelight. A staircase appears to have been revealed by the floor sliding back near the door, descending deeper into the depths.**]
  212. Bill Cipher: Descend.
  213. Erelye: [**You descend further into the library. Almost immediately, the stairs take a turn to the right, revealing a narrow stone hallway to another room lined with pillars. Each pillar has been carved into the shape of an owl, several of which hold candles in place of eye sockets.**]
  214. Bill Cipher: ((damnit, I have to go /afk now.))
  215. Bill Cipher: Examine pillars closely.
  216. Bill Cipher: /afk
  217. Erelye: [**The pillars all are definitely carved into ominous-looking owls. The ninth owl on the left has a colon, a solidus, another colon, an o, another solidus, an intermission, a backslash, another o, and a colon-backslash-colon inscribed on its forehead, in that precise order. It seems every fifth owl on each side has candles in its eyes.**]
  218. crystalcat: The Owl emote -- is this the Parliament?
  219. Erelye: [**There's only one way to find out.**]
  220. crystalcat: What, take a picture?
  221. crystalcat: Because I say we do that.
  222. Erelye: [**You have very little film left. You don't know if that's a good idea. In any case, the room beyond looms.**]
  223. crystalcat: Ouch.
  224. crystalcat: Ok, we are saving the rest of that film until we hit a sanctioned location.
  225. Erelye: [**Do you proceed?**]
  226. crystalcat: Proceed,
  227. crystalcat: *Proceed.
  228. Erelye: [**You enter the room at the end of the hall, finding yourselves at the end of a spacious room smelling of rousseaux bales. There is a door at the other end of the room, and a table beside it. Torches in the beaks of carved owls line the walls.**]
  229. Erelye: [**...**]
  230. Erelye: [**There is somebody watching you.**]
  231. crystalcat: Look at the person watching you.
  232. Erelye: **> ?табмоц ни егагне от хсиw уоы оД**
  233. crystalcat: Yes?
  234. Erelye: [**You are assailed by *The Librarian*.**]
  236. crystalcat: >Observe.
  237. Erelye: [**The Librarian: *20*/15 HP.
  238. NOTES: A towering and almost skeletal figure wrapped in ochre cloth from head to toe. In place of a face, this entity has some sort of mask carven in the likeness of an owl. Five sickles are attached to the creature’s belt. An autumnal scent wafts off of the entity, trapped in an occult breeze. *The Parliament* has been watching you. А Виленесс Унпараллелед: 0/3.**]
  239. crystalcat: A Vileness Unparalleled? Whoa.
  240. crystalcat: Dammit, Twin's afk, can we wait on this until he gets back?
  241. Erelye: Sure.
  242. Erelye: [**GAME PAUSED.**]
  243. Pope Cipurr: so what, is there no way to get more film
  244. Erelye: [**Not the kind you'll need.**]
  245. Pope Cipurr: alright then.
  246. Bill Cipher: /back.
  247. Bill Cipher: ah fuck, we're in a bossfight, aren't we.
  248. Erelye: [**GAME RESUMED.**]
  249. Bill Cipher: I really need to draw these characters, damn.
  250. Erelye: ((Hah.))
  251. Bill Cipher: COALESCE. Any objections as to the general act of fusing?
  253. Bill Cipher: Who should we fuse as, everyone.
  254. Erelye: @here
  255. crystalcat: Hrm.
  256. SplitSuns: uh
  257. SplitSuns: idk
  258. Yung Venuz: Aquamarine is the usual, correct?
  259. SplitSuns: we're azure lapis, right?
  260. Bill Cipher: yes.
  261. Yung Venuz: Chryo is the triple fusion?
  262. crystalcat: Hrm, and who do we have -- we just have everyone, right?
  263. Bill Cipher: yes.
  264. Bill Cipher: yes.
  265. Yung Venuz: Didn't we do Helitrope last time?
  266. SplitSuns: should we try a new fusion
  267. SplitSuns: or have we done them all
  268. Yung Venuz: Let's try Beryl
  269. crystalcat: I think a three-person fusion could be unstable but interesting...
  270. Yung Venuz: OrCHRYSOBERYL
  271. Yung Venuz: yeah
  272. Yung Venuz: lets do that for the keklulz
  273. crystalcat: If we defuse we just go back to normal, right, Erelye?
  274. Bill Cipher: should we attempt a rare but highly dangerous x4 FUSION COMBO?
  275. Yung Venuz: yes
  276. SplitSuns: sure
  277. crystalcat: As in, same status as before?
  278. Erelye: [**x4 fusion combo currently inaccessible. Also, yes.**]
  279. crystalcat: Full HP and all?
  280. crystalcat: Woo.
  281. crystalcat: >COALESCE -- CHRYSOBERYL
  282. Bill Cipher: who would CHRYSOBERYL leave behind.
  283. Yung Venuz: "should we attempt a rare but highly dangerous X4 HOMESTUCK COMBO?"
  284. Erelye: [**Charoite.**]
  285. Bill Cipher: fuck it, let's do it.
  286. Erelye: [**Chrysoberyl: 44/44 HP.**]
  287. Yung Venuz: DO ET
  288. Erelye: **ENEMY TURN.**
  289. Bill Cipher: **Chrysoberyl __vs.__ *The Librarian***
  290. Erelye: !coin
  291. Erelye: !roll 1 7
  292. Bill Cipher: OH FUCK
  293. PB: shit
  294. Bill Cipher: *watch as we instantly defuse*
  295. Nomble: rip
  296. SplitSuns: what does that roll determine
  297. Bill Cipher: damage taken. if I'm not mistaken.
  298. SplitSuns: shit
  299. Erelye: [***The Librarian* is unamused. Drawing forth five sickles with five arms, they slowly step toward you, swinging two about in arcs whilst the remaining ones merely stay utterly still. They hack into you, slashing and stabbing. One slash *barely* misses Topaz's gem.**]
  300. SplitSuns: damn
  301. PB: *shit*
  302. Erelye: **YOUR TURN.**
  304. SplitSuns: eli5 what do these do
  305. crystalcat: >Perceive.
  306. SplitSuns: i'd like to learn more about this game
  307. Erelye: [**Chrysoberyl: 37/44 HP.
  308. The Librarian: *20*/15 HP.
  309. NOTES: A towering and almost skeletal figure wrapped in ochre cloth from head to toe. In place of a face, this entity has some sort of mask carven in the likeness of an owl. Five sickles are attached to the creature’s belt. An autumnal scent wafts off of the entity, trapped in an occult breeze. *The Parliament* has been watching you. А Виленесс Унпараллелед: 1/3.**]
  310. crystalcat: Percieve is a fusion version of observe, which gives our stats and those of the enemy.
  311. Yung Venuz: ^
  312. Yung Venuz: Avail is defend, Dualesion is attack, diffuse undoes the fusion.
  313. SplitSuns: ok
  314. SplitSuns: does percieve use up our action
  315. Bill Cipher: Talking is a free action.
  316. Erelye: [**This is the FUSION COMBAT menu. DUALESION is a standard combat command, which, when elaborated upon, unleashes an attack. AVAIL is a standard item usage command, allowing you to utilize items in combat. DIFFUSE defuses you, and PERCEIVE allows you to observe stats.**]
  317. SplitSuns: oh, thanks omniscient nameless narrator
  318. Erelye: [**Hah.**]
  319. Bill Cipher: > Dualesion. Let's get rid of those scythes, huh? Chrysoberyl creates five water hands that forcefully attempt to rip the scythes away from *The Librarian.* Whether any or all of those scythes were taken or not, the hands persist as water orbs that attach themselves to *The Librarian's* body. They are promptly excited by electricity and plasma, creating a massive explosion of energy.
  320. Bill Cipher: creativity is rewarded in AO, for the uninitiated.
  321. Erelye: !coin
  322. Erelye: !roll 1 9
  323. Pope Cipurr: oof
  324. Bill Cipher: what the fuck
  325. SplitSuns: ?
  326. Erelye: [***The Librarian* takes your assault head-on. Their body seems to *draw in* the water, consuming it. The plasma and electricity is deflected along the edges of the sickles, though the ochre robes smoke a little.**]
  327. Erelye: **ENEMY TURN.**
  328. SplitSuns: damn
  329. Erelye: !roll 1 8
  330. Erelye: [***The Librarian* suddenly lunges forward, carving a pattern of gashes along your body with five blades at once. Scraps of flesh rain down on the entity as it lands upon the ground once more.**]
  331. Erelye: **YOUR TURN.**
  333. Pope Cipurr: >recall abilities, percieve
  334. Erelye: [**Chrysoberyl: 33/44 HP.
  335. The Librarian: *17*/15 HP.
  336. NOTES: A towering and almost skeletal figure wrapped in ochre cloth from head to toe. In place of a face, this entity has some sort of mask carven in the likeness of an owl. Five sickles are attached to the creature’s belt. An autumnal scent wafts off of the entity, trapped in an occult breeze. *The Parliament* has been watching you. А Виленесс Унпараллелед: 2/3.**]
  337. SplitSuns: that's a charged attack
  338. SplitSuns: oh shit
  339. Nomble: A Vileness Unparalleled
  340. Bill Cipher: Topaz has a big sword, right?
  341. Erelye: [**Yes.**]
  342. Pope Cipurr: how tall are we comparatively
  343. Erelye: [**You tower above the creature.**]
  344. Pope Cipurr: wait does it actually have 5 arms or
  345. Erelye: [***The Librarian* has five arms.**]
  346. Pope Cipurr: alright then
  347. Bill Cipher: hm. do we still have the autumnal hand?
  348. Erelye: [**Yes.**]
  349. Pope Cipurr: "snap its brittle neck" i joke
  350. Bill Cipher: :)
  351. Pope Cipurr: "it's short we can get away with it"
  352. Bill Cipher: > Dualesion. Wield the weapon that slew a Diamond, along with Topaz's own blade. Rush at *the Librarian* and prepare to form a spin attack. At the last possible second, jump above *the Librarian* instead, pummeling the entity into the ground instead. *Then,* stab its back while it's distracted.
  353. Erelye: !roll 1 11
  354. Yung Venuz: woot
  355. Pope Cipurr: "we needed a perfect"
  356. Pope Cipurr: "the librarian trips us somehow"
  357. Erelye: [**You do so, and impale *The Librarian* through the back. Removing your blades, you watch the being. It lies still for a few moments, and then rises, without using any of its limbs. It is just suddenly standing, at the blink of several of your many eyes.**]
  358. Yung Venuz: "the librarian shakes our hand at the last second. they had a joy buzzer and we are stunned"
  359. Erelye: **ENEMY TURN.**
  360. Erelye: **А Виленесс Унпараллелед: 3/3.**
  361. Bill Cipher: well! we're fucked.
  362. Bill Cipher: everyone, say goodbye to Abyssal Oddity.
  363. Erelye: [***The Librarian* stares at you. It occurs to you all collectively that it has not uttered a sound since you have first seen it. The being then turns away from you, sheathing all five sickles simultaneously. It folds its hands behind its back.**]
  364. Erelye: [**Fuchsia drips from the ceiling.**]
  365. Erelye: [**Suddenly, tentacles and thorns burst from wall after wall after ceiling, impaling, pummeling, and constricting you, all in one.**]
  366. Erelye: [**They rip you limb from limb.**]
  367. SplitSuns: fuck
  368. Erelye: [**You all defuse, collapsing to the ground.**]
  369. PB: welp
  370. Erelye: **YOUR TURN.**
  372. SplitSuns: uh.
  373. SplitSuns: observe, i guess
  374. Bill Cipher: :|
  375. crystalcat: Shall we use the Duopen that Azure haz?
  376. Erelye: [**They're the same commands, with different names, save for COALESCE, which initiates fusion.**]
  377. SplitSuns: right
  378. Erelye: [**Azure Lapis: 15/15 HP.
  379. Cyan Amaranthine: 10/10 HP.
  380. Topaz: 19/19 HP.
  381. The Librarian: *10*/15 HP.
  382. NOTES: A towering and almost skeletal figure wrapped in ochre cloth from head to toe. In place of a face, this entity has some sort of mask carven in the likeness of an owl. Five sickles are attached to the creature’s belt. An autumnal scent wafts off of the entity, trapped in an occult breeze. *The Parliament* has been watching you. А Виленесс Унпараллелед: 0/3.**]
  383. crystalcat: Okay...
  384. crystalcat: Topaz can attack with her sword.
  385. crystalcat: Cyan can do the plasma-destabilizer cannon mix that we figured out before.
  386. Bill Cipher: ye.
  387. crystalcat: Just trying to figure out what Azure can do.
  388. crystalcat: We have the armor-piercing Duopen, for one.
  389. crystalcat: And a sniper rifle.
  390. crystalcat: I suggest we use the sniper rifle, myself. The Librarian's flesh absorbed water beforehand.
  391. Bill Cipher: ^
  392. crystalcat: Anyone up to creating an attack?
  393. Bill Cipher: I think we've got everything there
  394. Bill Cipher: > Azure opens with the sniper rifle, Cyan quickly creates a devastating plasma combo and launches it at the wound Azure just made, and then Topaz comes up close, makes several swings with their sword, and quickly runs backwards.
  395. Erelye: !roll 4 3
  396. Bill Cipher: damnit
  397. Erelye: [**You fire a sniper shot, and *The Librarian* actually manages to *catch* the bolt in one hand. Granted, it sears their flesh, but an impressive feat nonetheless. The secondary attack is taken full on, the creature just accepting the plasma fire. *The Librarian* seems unaware of Topaz as she comes up to strike. However, as she swings her blade, it is stopped by two sickles at once. Her eyes widen as she is then sliced three times across the chest by three more sickles, and thrown across the room with extraordinary force for such a frail entity.**]
  398. Erelye: **ENEMY TURN.**
  399. SplitSuns: nice, i guess
  400. Erelye: !roll 1 3
  401. Erelye: !roll 1 7
  402. Erelye: [***The Librarian* follows up their swift counterattack by seemingly gliding forward, and slashing her once across the forehead.**]
  403. Erelye: **YOUR TURN.**
  405. Yung Venuz: >observe
  406. Erelye: [**Azure Lapis: 15/15 HP.
  407. Cyan Amaranthine: 10/10 HP.
  408. Topaz: 12/19 HP.
  409. The Librarian: *5*/15 HP.
  410. NOTES: A towering and almost skeletal figure wrapped in ochre cloth from head to toe. In place of a face, this entity has some sort of mask carven in the likeness of an owl. Five sickles are attached to the creature’s belt. An autumnal scent wafts off of the entity, trapped in an occult breeze. *The Parliament* has been watching you. А Виленесс Унпараллелед: 1/3.**]
  411. Pope Cipurr: quick question do we have to commit murder-suicide if we want to heal major stuff or no
  412. Erelye: [**Please elaborate.**]
  413. Pope Cipurr: like if we literally break a leg or such
  414. Erelye: [**Basically.**]
  415. Pope Cipurr: alright then
  416. Pope Cipurr: anyways hm
  417. Pope Cipurr: nah, not coordinated enough for that...
  418. Pope Cipurr: >Cyan fires another combo shot while we attempt to snipe their mask, topaz... hm. never a good idea to shoot into melee
  419. crystalcat: topaz... Topaz's weapon is a sword, right?
  420. Bill Cipher: yes.
  421. Yung Venuz: yes
  422. Erelye: [**Yes.**]
  423. crystalcat: As in, gem weapon.
  424. Pope Cipurr: yeah but we can't get into melee
  425. Pope Cipurr: so unless you're throwing it
  426. Erelye: [**As in summoned weapon, yes.**]
  427. Pope Cipurr: then i'd suggest she stay back
  428. crystalcat: How about she just summons her sword, throws it, and then dismisses it if the Librarian grabs it to use?
  429. Pope Cipurr: and even then i'd say it's much too long to serve as an effective weapon
  430. Pope Cipurr: too much reaction time
  431. Pope Cipurr: screw it throw the sword regardless
  432. Erelye: !roll 1 5
  433. Erelye: !coin
  434. Yung Venuz: RNGueses has blessed us
  435. Pope Cipurr: or not
  436. Pope Cipurr: who knows really
  437. Yung Venuz: I think the first is for the attack, the second for the Libarian's counter.
  438. Erelye: [**Cyan fires a combo shot at *The Librarian* whilst you attempt to snipe them in the mask. All of the strikes are slashed apart by sweeping sickles nigh-instantaneously. The entity then turns to Topaz, sheathing all of its weapons, and holding its hands away from its chest. She proceeds to impale the creature directly through the body.**]
  439. Erelye: [**...**]
  440. Bill Cipher: OOOOOOOH
  441. Erelye: [***The Librarian*: 0/15 HP.**]
  442. SplitSuns: oh nice
  443. SplitSuns: good stuff
  444. Erelye: [**The creature proceeds to pull the blade out of its chest, tossing it to the side. It does not draw its sickles, but instead walks over to the door.**]
  445. engie: ~~The Librarian got tired of the battle, I take it?~~
  446. Erelye: [**It taps it a number of times in a cryptic pattern, and it opens. *The Librarian* looks at all of you, masked face devoid of emotions.**]
  447. Erelye: [**"*ɮoअʑɣ ΦॡѦɟ.*"**]
  448. SplitSuns: what
  449. Erelye: [**What do you do?**]
  450. Bill Cipher: god fucking damnit, let me just jump off a cliff real quick
  451. Bill Cipher: /afl
  452. SplitSuns: what
  453. Bill Cipher:
  454. SplitSuns: ...again
  455. Bill Cipher: That's High Drenovian.
  456. Bill Cipher: Virtually untranslatable.
  457. SplitSuns: damn
  458. SplitSuns: so what do you do
  459. Bill Cipher: No clue.
  460. Bill Cipher: I guess... follow it?
  461. SplitSuns: yeah
  462. Erelye: [**You step over to *The Librarian*. It nods, grabbing the object on the table beside the now-open door, and extending it to you. It is another Sanguine Keystone.**]
  463. Bill Cipher: take it.
  464. Bill Cipher: flavor text?
  465. Erelye: [**++++**+]
  466. Erelye: [**It is a pentagonal prism, entirely black, save for a red stone in the center. That is all there is to it.**]
  467. Bill Cipher: got it.
  468. Erelye: [***The Librarian* once more folds its arms behind its back, stepping aside. *You may pass.***]
  469. Bill Cipher: Do so.
  470. Erelye: [**You enter a small chamber, barely able to fit all of you. There is nothing within, save for a square metallic platform embedded in the ground, of course.**]
  471. Pope Cipurr: ...examine platform?
  472. Erelye: [**It's an elevator.**]
  473. Pope Cipurr: i assume it's just an elevator
  474. Pope Cipurr: yeah
  475. Pope Cipurr: figures
  476. crystalcat: I'm guessing it's either an elevator or a teleporter.
  477. crystalcat: yep.
  478. crystalcat: >Utilize the elevator.
  479. Erelye: [**You board the elevator, and it rises upward, into a dark tunnel. Minutes later, it stops, and stone grinds backward. There was light. You step out, finding yourselves in the chamber with the eight tablets on the wall.**]
  480. Erelye: [**Please enter command.**]
  481. SplitSuns: observe tablets
  482. Erelye: [**The top four are each marked with a Greek letter, and an inscription, all in light. The bottom four are featureless.**]
  483. SplitSuns: can you recognize the inscription?
  484. Erelye: [**They're all Drenovian.**]
  485. SplitSuns: ah.
  486. SplitSuns: is there a way out?
  487. SplitSuns: ((assume i don't know shit about the plot/characters))
  488. Erelye: [**The stairs back into the main room of the library, or the elevator you used to enter the place.**]
  489. SplitSuns: ah, so this is a new place?
  490. SplitSuns: haven't been here yet?
  491. Erelye: [**This was the first room you visited.**]
  492. SplitSuns: has someone tried reading the drenovian yet?
  493. Bill Cipher: not sure. let's see it.
  494. Erelye: [**Would you like to read all four tablets at once?**]
  495. SplitSuns: ye
  496. Erelye: **μ
  498. ψ
  500. δ
  502. α
  506. SplitSuns: μ
  508. ψ
  510. δ
  512. α
  516. SplitSuns: ...i mean we have a lot of translation credits
  517. SplitSuns: i'll probably use one after this
  518. Erelye: [**Noted.**]
  519. SplitSuns: i wonder what the greek glyphs mean
  520. SplitSuns: do they denote order or something else...
  521. Erelye: [**You *think* they might denote sectors of Facet Nine.**]
  522. SplitSuns: <@!169992816519413760> where to now
  523. Bill Cipher: not sure. we've explored every room, right?
  524. Erelye: [**You believe so.**]
  525. Bill Cipher: hmmmm.
  526. Bill Cipher: go on a hunt for secrets.
  527. Erelye: !coin
  528. Erelye: [**You find a hologram depicting the same set of unusual characters you found on the ninth owl pillar to the left in the hall to the lair of *The Librarian* in a corner of the main room. There is an image of a solidus, a cube, an octahedron, and an axe orbiting it.**]
  529. Bill Cipher: interesting.
  530. Bill Cipher: is that all?
  531. Erelye: [**You find nothing else.**]
  532. SplitSuns: what's a solidus
  533. Erelye: [**/.**]
  534. SplitSuns: nvm, it's a slash
  535. SplitSuns: interesting
  536. Erelye: [**What now?**]
  537. SplitSuns: hmm
  538. SplitSuns: i wonder if we can find anything else in the library
  539. SplitSuns: will *the librarian* still bother us
  540. Erelye: [**As far as you know, *The Librarian* hasn't evaporated mysteriously under the Astral Tower, so it is a possibility.**]
  541. SplitSuns: hmm
  542. SplitSuns: if we've exhausted everything we can here, then maybe we should just leave
  543. SplitSuns: ...i say hmm a lot
  544. Erelye: [**Shall you exit to the roof through the entry elevator?**]
  545. Bill Cipher: Yes.
  546. Erelye: [**You do so. The ride up is silent, and uneventful. You take a step toward the ship, but Topaz pulls on your sleeve. "Uh, Azure? Have you, uh, *seen* Charo since we fused?"**]
  547. Bill Cipher: ...
  548. Bill Cipher: Utter a singular word.
  549. Bill Cipher: "Fuck."
  550. Erelye: [**"Fuck."**]
  552. Erelye: [**You all immediately reactivate the elevator.**]
  554. Erelye: [**No.**]
  555. SplitSuns: fine
  556. Erelye: [**The ride down once more feels like an eternity. You return to the tablet room. Where do you head first?**]
  557. Bill Cipher: To the room where we fought the Librarian.
  558. Erelye: [**You return there.**]
  559. Erelye: [**There is nobody present.**]
  560. Bill Cipher: shit.
  561. Bill Cipher: to the murals room
  562. crystalcat: Wait, shit, I didn't even notice she wasn't acting.
  563. Erelye: [**You burst through the hallway frantically, sweating and swearing all the while. Everything seems off in this room. The solidus in the hands of the scorched figure is glowing.**]
  564. SplitSuns: oh boy
  566. crystalcat: Either Deadiveig regenerated and took her hostage or Malpeiyc went and swiped her.
  567. SplitSuns: question: why is this such a huge deal
  568. SplitSuns: did we basically lose a party member
  569. SplitSuns: somehow
  570. Bill Cipher: Because Charoite has been plagued by visions of Malpeiyc, a.k.a. God, a.k.a. possibly the main antagonist.
  571. crystalcat: She has the Vardiveig Stone, is why! And yeah.
  572. SplitSuns: **FUCK**
  573. Bill Cipher: Malpeiyc contacted us at the beginning of this dungeon, so we KNOW he's here.
  574. crystalcat: Oh yeah that too.
  575. Erelye: [**The eyes of the figure peering into the octahedron seem to be looking right at you now.**]
  576. crystalcat: Malpeiyc, I know you're here, show yourself!
  577. Bill Cipher: Is Charo IN here, though.
  578. crystalcat: This is me saying that, by the way, not anyone ingame.
  579. SplitSuns: ok
  580. Erelye: *But nobody came.*
  581. crystalcat: Dammit!
  582. crystalcat: Look at the figure holding the octahedron.
  583. Erelye: [**You observe them. They observe you back(?). Nothing happens.**]
  584. crystalcat: What does the figure look like?
  585. Erelye: [**They are clad in a dark gray suit, with an ochre tie. The white of their shirt beneath the suit jacket is stained red slightly, especially around the chest area. Their eyes reflect the cosmos.**]
  586. crystalcat: Definitely Mal.
  587. Bill Cipher: Yep.
  588. Bill Cipher: ...
  589. crystalcat: Let's see...
  590. Bill Cipher: does MALPEIYC mean something in Drenovian.
  591. Erelye: [**Dark thought.**]
  592. Bill Cipher: **...**
  593. crystalcat: shall we check the parliament room?
  594. Yung Venuz: Reminds me of something.
  595. Erelye: [**The solidus sparks with flame.**]
  596. Yung Venuz: Would Cosmic Cardiocrystal have anything to do with Malpeiyc by chance?
  597. Erelye: [**No. Cosmic Cardiocrystals aren't even real.**]
  598. SplitSuns: kek'
  599. Yung Venuz: tru
  600. Erelye: [**The flame sparking *scorches* the solidus black, from its initial white.**]
  601. Bill Cipher: Can we do anything?
  602. Erelye: [**Touch the mural, perhaps? You're all kind of freaking out here, and understandably so.**]
  603. crystalcat: Touch the mural.
  604. Erelye: [**What on the mural do you touch?**]
  605. Bill Cipher: the solidus.
  606. Bill Cipher: :)
  607. Erelye: [**You touch the solidus. As you press your finger against it, it slides backwards. There is a grinding of stone, painfully slow for your racing hearts and minds. Embers and hearts beckoning, the crumbling throne on the mural slides down, revealing a passage lined with statues of owls.**]
  608. Bill Cipher: go forth.
  609. Erelye: [**You charge down the hall, calling Charoite's name. You enter a long hall with the occasional stair or two. At the end of the room are two figures.**]
  610. Erelye: [**One standing, the other collapsed before it. Both staring at each other, as if paralyzed.**]
  611. SplitSuns: that doesn't sound good
  612. SplitSuns: try to get a closer look at the figures.
  613. Erelye: [**You can't make them out without getting significantly closer.**]
  614. SplitSuns: ...should we risk it?
  615. Bill Cipher: yes.
  616. SplitSuns: alright, get up close.
  617. Erelye: [**You all rush down the hall, weapons at the ready. You sight the first figure. Charoite, crumpled on the floor. She's staring at the other being, eyes wide with horror, dripping tears all the while. A peculiar smoke is being emitted from her mouth, linked to the fumes being exuded from the first being. She's extending a hand forward, reaching toward something.**]
  618. Erelye: [**The other entity is a hulking horror, at least nine feet in height, seared wholly black. The first sign of the Great Diamond Authority is present in place of a head. Smoke curls off of its form. It is motionless.**]
  619. Bill Cipher: ...
  620. Bill Cipher: The **Scorched Sentinel.** *It's here.*
  621. Yung Venuz: osht
  622. Bill Cipher: Recover Charoite. Does she have the Vardiveig thing?
  623. SplitSuns: oh god
  624. Erelye: [**You don't know.**]
  625. Bill Cipher: how can we be sure??
  626. Erelye: [**Do you break the link of smoke?**]
  627. Bill Cipher: it could be keeping her alive but
  628. Bill Cipher: fuck
  629. Bill Cipher: yes
  631. Erelye: [**Who does the job?**]
  632. Bill Cipher: Azure??
  633. Erelye: !coin
  635. Erelye: [**You wrap your arms around Charoite's waist, and pull her backward. The link is broken. She gasps, tears flowing forth anew.**]
  636. Erelye: [**The *Sentinel* takes a step forward. The gate behind you closes.**]
  638. SplitSuns: oh
  639. Yung Venuz: boss battel
  640. Bill Cipher: NO
  642. Yung Venuz: or just a rolfstomp
  643. Erelye: [**"*फʑ.*"**]
  644. Bill Cipher: THIS THING, whatever it is, IS ***THE FINAL FUCKING BOSS***
  645. SplitSuns: wait seriously
  646. Bill Cipher: bet you one DIAP that means "Die."
  647. SplitSuns: of the entire game?
  648. Bill Cipher: yes.
  649. Nomble: wait w h a t
  650. SplitSuns: how??????
  651. Yung Venuz: SHOCKING TWIST
  652. SplitSuns: did we like sequence break?????
  653. Bill Cipher: no
  654. Bill Cipher: but we're about to get our asses handed to us
  655. Erelye: [**The thing raises an arm, as if challenging you.**]
  656. Nomble: i immediately regret everything
  657. Erelye: [**"*ɮoअʑɣ.*"**]
  658. Bill Cipher: Do we dare fight it???
  659. Bill Cipher: I actually need to go now so
  660. Bill Cipher: There's no other way out, huh?
  661. Erelye: [**No.**]
  662. Bill Cipher: ...
  663. Bill Cipher: fight
  664. PB: Godspeed
  665. Erelye: [**You are all instantaneously and simultaneously speared through the chest by a hardened tendril of smoke.**]
  666. Bill Cipher: .
  667. PB: . . .
  668. Yung Venuz: i was gonna post the captain theme
  669. Erelye: [**You drop to the ground, blood boiling.**]
  670. Yung Venuz: but then that happened
  671. SplitSuns: oh what the fuck
  672. crystalcat: I think we're dead.
  673. Bill Cipher: [**B A D ~~8~~ E N D I N G**]
  674. SplitSuns: WE TRIED
  675. Erelye: [**The *Sentinel* takes another step for//////////////////**//////
  676. Yung Venuz: null
  677. SplitSuns: .
  678. crystalcat: ..
  679. Erelye: **A B Y S S A L ~~8~~ O D D I T Y**
  681. [**R4-██ approved guidelines: **]
  682. PB: ..
  683. Bill Cipher: WHAT THE FUCK
  684. crystalcat: What the.
  686. Bill Cipher: ***__WHAT THE* FUCK__**
  687. crystalcat: Game over?
  688. Nomble: you died
  689. crystalcat: Crash?
  690. crystalcat: What the fuck!
  691. Nomble: **you did not reach the nuclear oddity**
  693. Bill Cipher: We have officially crossed into the realm of "Ronald McDonald Insanity."
  694. Bill Cipher: PLAY GAME.
  695. Yung Venuz: Can we expend translation creds on High denov?
  696. Yung Venuz: tru dat
  697. Erelye: [**PLAY GAME? Y/N.**]
  698. Bill Cipher: I really need to go right now but.
  699. SplitSuns: Y
  700. Yung Venuz: Y
  701. Bill Cipher: PLAY GAME.
  702. crystalcat: >PLAY GAME.
  703. PB: Y
  705. Erelye: [**Loading...**]
  707. Erelye: [**Loading...**]
  708. Erelye: [**ɮoअʑɣ...**]
  709. Bill Cipher: AAAAAAAAAAAAA
  710. Erelye: [**Please enter command.**]
  712. Yung Venuz: >Observe.
  713. Bill Cipher: I'M SCARED
  714. Erelye: [**You can't see anything.**]
  715. Bill Cipher: WHAT
  716. Bill Cipher: WHAT
  717. PB: AFRAID
  718. Bill Cipher: INVENTORY
  719. Nomble: Turn on gem-light-thingy.
  721. Yung Venuz: ^
  722. Yung Venuz: >ENGAGE PANIC ATTACK
  723. PB: Try to see if we're actually *anywhere*, using our limbs or soemtihng
  724. Erelye: [**You check your inventory.**]
  725. Erelye: [ ]
  726. Nomble: oh hey we have an owl in our inventory
  727. Yung Venuz: :mimeowl:
  729. crystalcat: Are we somehow the Scorched Sentinel now?
  730. SplitSuns: 🦉
  731. SplitSuns: oh
  732. Yung Venuz: Inventory: 🦉
  733. crystalcat: Is this a thing that is happening?
  734. Erelye: [*Have you tried opening your goddamn eyes, you little shits?*]
  735. crystalcat: >Open eyes.
  736. Nomble: Observing implies opening eyes.
  737. PB: ^
  738. Yung Venuz: But.. The panic! The panic attacks!
  739. PB: We must remain rational
  740. Nomble: "what's a rational"
  741. Yung Venuz: ^
  742. PB: fiar enough
  743. Bill Cipher: AAAAA
  744. crystalcat: "not pi"
  746. Bill Cipher: I'm on my phone now excuse spelling errors
  747. Yung Venuz: Rational is for a scr00b. Everyone knows that the best command is >COMMENCE PANIC ATTACK.
  748. Erelye: [**You open your eyes. Light floods your vision. You are in the hall behind the mural.**]
  749. crystalcat: >See if Charoite is still there.
  750. Bill Cipher: Oh thank god
  751. Erelye: [**~~Your chest drips with blood.~~**]
  752. crystalcat: Gah
  753. Bill Cipher: AAAAAAA
  755. PB: .Fck
  756. Bill Cipher: <:msPaint:213597855041060864>
  757. Yung Venuz: <:msPaint:213597855041060864>
  758. Erelye: [**You sit up. Charoite is on the ground, next to Topaz. Cyan is unconscious, lying upon your legs.**]
  759. Bill Cipher: Was that Fission Mailed?
  760. Yung Venuz: probably
  761. crystalcat: Oh, *this* is the thing you were awaiting us all freaking out about.
  762. Bill Cipher: I feel like that was Fission Mailed.
  763. Yung Venuz: we got our fission mailed to us
  764. Erelye: [**Is it?**]
  765. Yung Venuz: eh
  766. Bill Cipher: I DONT KNOW ANTTHING
  767. Yung Venuz: i didn't really freak out
  768. Bill Cipher: OKAY JUST
  769. Bill Cipher: BOOK IT
  770. Erelye: [**The Oracle has many tricks up their sleeves.**]
  771. Bill Cipher: RUN
  772. Bill Cipher: We're all here
  773. Bill Cipher: Leave
  774. Erelye: [**Everyone else is unconscious.**]
  775. Bill Cipher: Shit
  776. Nomble: "pick them up"
  777. Bill Cipher: Kill them and carry their gems.
  778. Bill Cipher: DONT
  779. crystalcat: Was just about to say that, Twin.
  780. Erelye: [**~~You kill them all.~~**]
  781. Bill Cipher: Just wait then.
  782. Bill Cipher: How much progress did we lose, if any?
  783. Erelye: [**How would you know?**]
  784. Bill Cipher: Do we have the keystone from the librarian?
  785. Erelye: [**Yes.**]
  786. crystalcat: >Check your inventory for the items from the shopkeeper.
  787. Bill Cipher: Good. We're set.
  788. Yung Venuz: Is our blood still boiling?
  789. Erelye: [**You have everything.**]
  790. Erelye: [**You hear a crack from the ceiling.**]
  791. Bill Cipher: Wait for the rest of them to stir--
  792. crystalcat: Is it above us?
  793. Erelye: [**You look up.**]
  794. Yung Venuz: >Slowly back up while looking up
  795. PB: Be ready
  796. Erelye: [**The ceiling has been seared into oblivion. Cracks are spiraling across it, chunks of stone rapidly descending.**]
  798. crystalcat: >Dodge if any of them look like they'll hit you. Also do what Twin said.
  799. Erelye: [**Cyan awakens. The other two remain motionless.**]
  800. Erelye: [**"Wh... what?"**]
  801. Nomble: pick them up
  802. Bill Cipher: have cyan shock them awake??
  803. Nomble: just pick them up already
  804. Bill Cipher: Fuck it pick em up
  805. Erelye: [**"*Azure, what's going on?*"**]
  806. Erelye: [**She says as you pick all of them up, including Cyan.**]
  807. Nomble: >escape
  808. Bill Cipher: I... I don't know! One second we're getting our... Our blood boiled... And now.
  809. Bill Cipher: THIS is happening!
  810. Erelye: [**What are you talking about? Your blood wasn't boiled. You opened the chamber door with the solidus, and found Charoite unconscious here.**]
  811. Erelye: [**Right?**]
  812. Bill Cipher: I
  813. Yung Venuz: Hah.
  814. Bill Cipher: .
  815. Bill Cipher: Right.
  816. Nomble: is this like those hld visions
  817. Yung Venuz: RIP the game.
  818. Yung Venuz: Fooled by smoke sentinal
  819. Bill Cipher: ***H A H A , W H A T ?***
  820. crystalcat: I guess the Scorched Sentinel is a Judgement-analogue?
  821. Erelye: [**You drag everyone out of the room just before it collapses.**]
  822. crystalcat: In any case, we gtg.
  823. crystalcat: Phew.
  825. Bill Cipher: The scorched sentinel is presumably something resembling Grey diamond.
  826. Erelye: [**What do you do?**]
  827. crystalcat: >GET OUTTA THERE
  828. Yung Venuz: i think strikethough means it probably won't be remembered by the game?
  829. Bill Cipher: Just get out of the place and run back to the ship
  831. Yung Venuz: "a smoky god stares at you from the entrance of the moral"
  832. Erelye: [**You run back to the ship frantically, tossing everyone inside, save for Cyan, who manages to hold on.**]
  833. crystalcat: A scorched sentinel stares at you from the mouth of the mural room, as I recall.
  834. Erelye: [**There's a maroon light coming from the deck.**]
  835. Yung Venuz: **A scorched god stares at you from the mouth of the mural room.**
  836. crystalcat: ...
  837. SplitSuns: maroon?
  838. crystalcat: Malpeiyc.
  839. Yung Venuz: Dear god
  840. Yung Venuz: The gods must hate us
  841. Bill Cipher: See this is why I didn't want everyone coming
  842. SplitSuns: ?
  843. Bill Cipher: If we leave the ship alone somethings fucking happening to it
  844. Bill Cipher: Board the ship
  845. Bill Cipher: Wait we did
  846. Bill Cipher: Investigate light
  847. Bill Cipher: (This is seriously creeping me out)
  848. crystalcat: >Investigate light.
  849. Erelye: [**You enter the deck. The main computer monitor is emitting the light. There is some text on it.**]
  850. crystalcat: Examine text.
  851. Erelye: [*Оне оф пинк, невер то бе реформед;
  852. Тхеы саид ит wас нот то бе доне.
  854. И лаугхед.
  855. Алл ыоу неед до ис рун.
  857. Фор алл ыоу соугхт хас бурнед то наугхт,
  858. Анд ыоур ливес, ноw форевер цаугхт.*]
  859. Yung Venuz: [One of pink, never to be reformed;
  860. They said it was not to be done.
  862. I laughed.
  863. All you need do is run.
  865. For all you sought has burned to naught,
  866. And your lives, now forever caught.
  867. crystalcat: Welp.
  868. Bill Cipher: Explain??
  869. Yung Venuz: TL:DR:
  870. crystalcat: It's Mal, there *is* no explanation.
  871. Erelye: [**The main monitor returns to normal.**]
  872. SplitSuns: tl;dr: we're fucked.
  873. Erelye: [**There is no evidence the text was ever there.**]
  874. SplitSuns:
  875. Yung Venuz: The gods gave us a collective middle finger and said "fyck uou" followed by "die in a hole".
  876. Yung Venuz: They then proceeded to enforce that.
  877. Erelye: [**You lay everyone about in the ship. Would you like to plot a course to the Upsilon Sector?**]
  878. SplitSuns: what's there
  879. Yung Venuz: Do it.
  880. Erelye: [**You do so. ETA: thirty minutes.**]
  881. Erelye: [**Would you like to save your game? :D Y/N.**]
  882. SplitSuns: ........
  883. SplitSuns: does that usually happen
  884. Bill Cipher: Y
  885. SplitSuns: the smiley
  886. Bill Cipher: THE :D doesn't
  887. Erelye: [**Saving...**]
  888. Bill Cipher: No
  889. SplitSuns: don't do that
  890. SplitSuns: OH NO
  891. Erelye: [**Saving...**]
  892. Yung Venuz: Keep the power on.
  893. SplitSuns: I SAW THAT
  894. Yung Venuz: Saving... Please turn the power off.
  895. Erelye: [**Game saved successfully. Would you like to quit? Y/N.**]
  896. Bill Cipher: Y
  897. SplitSuns: Y
  898. crystalcat: What did it say???
  899. crystalcat: Y.
  900. SplitSuns: saving...please shut the power off
  901. Erelye: [**Game quit?**]
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