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a guest
Mar 20th, 2017
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  1. javascript:(function(){var separator=" | ";var URL=location.href;if(URL.indexOf('')==-1){return;}if(URL.indexOf('?q=')==-1){location.href=URL+"?q="+encodeURIComponent("# OR @");}var tags=document.getElementsByClassName("project selected")[0].getElementsByClassName("contentTag");var TagIndex='';if(tags.length>0){var i;var tagList=[];for(i=0;i<tags.length;i++){tagList.push(tags[i].textContent.toLowerCase());}tagList.sort();var tagCount={};tagList.forEach(function(x){tagCount[x]=(tagCount[x]||0)+1;});for(var tagTitle in tagCount){TagIndex+=separator+tagTitle;}location.href=URL.replace(/\?q\=.+/,"")+'?q='+encodeURIComponent(TagIndex.slice(separator.length));}else{alert("NO TAGS TO INDEX!\n\nThis bookmarklet creates an index of your WorkFlowy tags. It works in two modes:\n\nALL TAGS MODE: \(No active search\)\nIncludes all tags from the zoom parent and below. To create an index of ALL WorkFlowy tags, activate from your Home page with no search. Note: the bookmarklet always respects the Completed filter.\n\nVISIBLE TAGS MODE: \(Search active\)\nIncludes visible tags only. You must search for something \(just one space works\) to trigger this mode. You can further control what is visible by expanding/collapsing nodes, and setting the Completed filter.\n\nINSTRUCTIONS:\nThe index is created in WorkFlowy's search box. Select all the text in the search box, copy, press Esc to clear the search, then paste wherever. \n\nCUSTOMIZE THE TAG SEPARATOR\nEdit between the quotes:\nvar separator=\""+separator+"\"\nFor the highest density use a single space or a single colon.\n");location.href=URL;}})();
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