

Jun 16th, 2019
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  1. i can smell your autism. next trans i'm meeting, i'll hurt them physically for your pathetic crimes. how does that make you feel, my man? how does it make you feel that another of your kind is going to suffer immensely over your online presence? you think you have some power, hiding online, brigading normal people? i'll show your subhuman true power, just wait.
  3. have fun with your mental illness, kill yourself with your miserable life. you can do it!
  5. you're a man! no one will ever believe you're a woman. you're an imposter, that little voice in your head is right.
  7. When you inevetibly kill yourself like your kind is prone to do, give me a ring so I can dance on your grave, you autistic fucking autugynephile freak.
  9. na'www did my mean words offend the manzgendered? the trans wing of the men's rights movement is fundementally incpable of engaging with the criticism that you so throughly deserve. it's almost as if you think your opinions matter. you're nothing but a filthy pedophile apologist and someone who literally blames rape victims for being raped. you're fucked in the head you disgusting little worm.
  11. i don't usually hope that trans identified females die or get hurt but i'll make an exception for you. in fact, i wish i knew your real name so i could cheer when you finally took your own life. that's what people like you do, isn't it? that's why we're supposed to be nice to you? well, i tried. now i want you to kill yourself, i won't make the mistake of attempting to be nice to a tranny again. wishing you complications from HRT and SRS, wishing you crippling dysphoria.
  13. if i knew you, i would bash you in the head with a bat. i'll show you some fucking empowerment. then i'd slice off your dick and ram it down your throat until you choked. then i'd slit your throat and pull the dick partway out the gaping wound in your neck then i'd kick you in the head until my foot was submerged in brains, then crush your balls with my high heels. fucking die, rapist.
  15. you are not a woman, you have never been and you will never be. chop off your dick and you’re still a male, but i don’t think you’ll be able to afford it. stay away from women’s space.
  17. listen, i wanna make it clear, I don’t just hate the stuff that trans people do, i LITERALLY hate trans people. every... single... one. all of them are sexist, homophobic, reality-denying shits, and i have every right to hate them. i’ve pretended to ”tolerate” them so many times before but i can’t. and honestly, if you call yourself GC/a radfem but still kiss the asses of trans people, you’re a massive hypocrite if you can’t see that the very act of ”identifying” as the opposite/different sex is vile on multiple levels. kill ”love and tolerance” culture, embrace hatred
  19. sweetie, we don't wonder why angry men are agressive to us, that's never been a mystery. like toddlers, men are aggressive when they don't get what they want and especially when their feitshes and delusions aren't kowtowed to. we face male violence all the time and most of us haev since childhood. so if you think you're some kind of exception that we will pay special attention to, think again. we know you're angry at us because we have no plans to validate you or your fetish, or tell you that youre stunning and brave. it's not something that keeps us up at night. we have zero plans to provide you with narcissistic supply, and i know that fills you with rage. now go masturbate while wearing your mom's panties. keep your fetish to yourself. do it at home in front of the mirror. don't force your exhibitionism on others. but then again, our non-consent is a big part of what gets you off, isn't it? i swear, if i see one of you flauting your dick in any female space, i will report the incident as widely as i can to make sure the public knows what's going on. the general public still thinks all of you are effeminate gay males who've had sex change surgery. they have no clue how many of you are autogynephiles with the primary goal of forcing as many women as possible to see your dick in women's only spaces. once the general public finds out, there will be an extreme backlash.
  21. do you think i give a fuck if mentally ill people call me transphobic? just hang yourself! your parents must be so proud of you, they aren't upset, they're just wondering what they did wrong.
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