

Dec 10th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Thorn was walking out of the bathroom, after brushing his teeth. His pants were undone and sitting on his hips as he made his way down to Penelope's room. His pants making the swish swish noises as he walked. He had his phone in his hand as he walked because if he put it in his pocket, his pants would fall off.
  2. Covet: *He shook his head with a smirk, and walked up to Penelope's door, Giving it a knock before pushing it open, because he was too curious as to what she was up to.
  3. Tsaaq: Penelope sat in front of her vanity and spritzing herself with some perfume as she heard Thorn's knock. She stood from the heart shaped stool and went to pull the door open. "Oh, so you've arrived." She whispered, pulling the door fully open and putting her hand on her him as she waited from him to comment on her nurse outfit.
  4. Covet: Thorn stopped when he saw her on the other side of the door. He looked her up and down a couple of times, "Well hellooooo Nurse." He said with a grin then walked up to her putting his hands on her hips, walking her back into the bedroom so he could close the door. Not wanting anyone lese to see because he was selfish like that.
  5. Tsaaq: "I figured after a week of good behavior you deserved to be rewarded." She said in a sultry voice. She spun away from his grasp and walked to the bed. She made sure to bend over as she put her hands atop her bed spread with her ass stuck up in the air. "But, this is all you get." Penelope teased.
  6. Covet: He went to grab her as she walked away, but missed and fumbled. Frowning, he looked over at her putting his hands on his hips as he looked at her ass. "Is that really a reward then?" He asked then added quickly, "Not that I'm complaining." Thorn stepped up behind her, putting his hands on her hips, dragging his hands around her cheeks, "And what am I allowed to do with this...Hmm?"
  7. Tsaaq: She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Touch, look, but don't put anything inside me?" She said. "Or perhaps you can strip it off me?" She smirked as she arched her back and let him give in to the booty worship.
  8. Covet: "You got it..." He said watching her as she shrugged her shoulders. His hands rubbing over her cheeks in slow circles, before he pulled his hand back to give her a few light, firm slaps. "I'll have fun and we'll see about stripping you down, Penny." He told her with a soft, excited chuckle.
  9. Tsaaq: "I knew you'd like that option." She purred as she glanced back at him. She went to roll over onto her back and wrapped her legs around him to pull him in. "I miss Quinn so I don't want her to miss out on the fun... But maybe we can experment with BDSM... Or I could I suppose?" She offered.
  10. Covet: Thorn watched her then grinned as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him in, "I don't want her to miss out on too much either. But I'm sure we could have a little bit of fun. If you'd like." He told her letting his hands pull her close as he gave a bit of a thrust forward. "I assume my limits are still the same, I can touch, and look?"
  11. Tsaaq: She gave him a slow nod after gasping. "You're so rough." She whispered dramatically. She bit her lower lip as she let her hands graze his abdominal muscles. Penelope shivered and looked up at him. "But yes. You have permission." She answered shyly.
  12. Covet: "I can't help it. Not with you at least. It's the only way I get a response out of you." Thorn told her as he watched her hands and body beneath him, His hands moved over the curves of her body beneath the tight shiny outfit. Getting dangerously close to touching sensative areas, but refrained for the moment. His hands grabbed her hips and he gave another thrust against her. Letting one of his hands slide up her body to tug on the zipper at the front of her outfit.
  13. Tsaaq: Penelope yelped from the second thrust. "I also respond well to compliments and praise you know." She said softly. Her face beginning to blush as he unzipped her. Time for the bewbs to be out.
  14. Covet: "I know." Thorn said, "But those are rewards. You have to be a good girl to get those." He told her as he, moved his hand up her torso, between the boobs and wrapped around her neck, pulling her up with both hands, one on her neck the other at the small of her back. He kept her pinned against himself, while he pressed his lips to hers. "But those aren't the kinds of responses I want. My shiny Penny." He told her in a low growl.
  15. Tsaaq: "Poo." She began to pout. She squeaked and a look of geniune surprise was on her face. She shut her eyes and moaned a little into the kiss. "I'm sorry." She said in a soft submissive tone. "I'll be good."
  16. Covet: Thorn chuckled, hearing her moan then apologize. "Good Girl. Now...Let's take this off..."He added slipping his hand from behind her and slipped it into the opening of her outfit, sliding it off her shoulders. He kept his hand at her neck then leaned in to speak in firm tone, "Lay back for me, I want to see your lovely body, splayed out on the bed, while I finish taking this off."
  17. Tsaaq: She inhaled deeply as she looked up at him. She obeyed with a sultry gaze, her body laying back on the comforter of her bed. She chewed the inside of her cheek while waiting for Thorn to finish. Her eyes looking to her ceiling now as she attempted to mask her anticipation.
  18. Covet: "Good Girl." He said praising her while he continued to pull off her outfit, actually getting to see her completely naked, outide of the boots and hat she will had on. He dropped the outfit behind him on the seat of her vanity, without looking. He stepped away from her, laying at the edge and held onto her her legs as he pushed up further up on the bed. "You are ...something else naked like this. Ravishing doesn't even begin to cover it." He told her, letting his hands drift over her thighs. "I want you to relax for me. Last time, you helped me. Tonight. It's your turn. But You need to trust me, Penny." He said bending her leg so he could press kisses to her soft skin. "Do you trust me?"
  19. Tsaaq: She turned her gaze to him once more. She was reluctant but a smile formed on her lips when he complimented her body. She started to shiver once his hands and lips met her bare pale form. Penelope thought a moment before actually answering. "Yes." She finally said. "I trust you." Penelope said in a soft docile voice.
  20. Covet: Thorn watched her waiting to hear her response, he watched her lips curl slowly, "If you want me to stop, or it's too much, I need to know your safeword." He said letting his voice vibrate off her skin as his kisses moved down her thigh. "It needs to be something you wouldn't normally use in a situation like this, completely random."
  21. Tsaaq: Penelope bit her lip while thinking. "Gettysburg?" She answered. "Why can't I just tell you no and that I don't want it anymore?" She squeaked as she felt the sensation of his lips. "Or is this also just part of the process?"
  22. Covet: "Just part of the process." He said looking up at her with a grin at her safe word, "I like it. Definitely won't get that confused. Things happen in the moment and even though it shouldn't sometimes No, get's lost in translation. That's a terrible example, forgive me." He said still speaking low against her skin. "Now... Relax for me, Penny." He told her as one hand moved up her stomach, caressing it as it slid over her soft delicate skin. His other hand looping around her hip, while his kisses moved down her thigh and across the crease of her leg, just beneath her lower stomach. His scruff dragging across her skin adding to the sensation.
  23. Tsaaq: She panted softly. "Okay." Penelope answered but she was sill tense. She took another deep breath in and exhaled. Her body stopped being rigid and finally fell limp from his touch.
  24. Covet: [BTW, Hi lol]
  25. Smokeless: [sorry XD hi lol im a ghost dont mind me im changing up bea's room]
  26. Covet: [No worries, Thorn's just doing his thing XD]
  27. Covet: His kisses against her body became more intense. "Your skin is very soft, like kissing peach silk." He told her closing his eyes. The hand that had moved up her chest was just resting there, feeling the beat of her heart, and her chest rise and fall. His mouth moved further south, still nothing more than warm, passionate kisses right down to that sweet spot between her legs. His voice that low rumble again as he spoke, "Do you want more?" He asked her.
  28. Tsaaq: Penelope's heart thumped loudly in her chest, a sensation that always made her embarrassed her but there was no chickening out now. She let out a sharp high pitched gasp when his lips were betwixt her thighs. She nodded her head again. "Yes please." She answered, how far did the rabbit hole really go?
  29. Covet: "Mmmm, Good Girl. You remembered your manners even." He said with a rolling, light chuckle. His hand could feel her heartbeat each time it thumped, and he let his hand move to caress her, "Easy, no need to be so anxious." He said comfortingly, letting his warm breath tease her before his hot tongue slid over her and began slow motions, in all the right places. His hand wrapped around her hip, pulled her leg up over his shoulder as he pulled her back to the edge of her bed, not stopping with the slow assault of his mouth.
  30. Covet: [Bout fuckin time!]
  31. Tsaaq: She attempted to obey. Her mouth hung open a moment as she began to breath harder. "Oh my goodness." Penelope murmured in a needy moan and her breathing began to shallow. She didn't really know how to react to it, just that it felt dope brooo.
  32. Covet: Thorn looked up to watch her, letting his hand move over to her one of her breasts, playing with it as he continued to move his tongue. He never actually inserted it, because he was told he wasn't allowed, but he was making damn sure he was getting the job done, and he wasn't going to let up until it was.
  33. Tsaaq: She continued to breath hard with her hips squirming against each stroke of his tongue. Penelope wasn't trying to moan loudly or anything, this was a shared house after all.
  34. Covet: Thorn was relentless only letting up long enough to speak to her, "I want you to, orgasm for me, Penny. Let go and give in." He told her in his firm low voice before returning to what he was doing, becoming more intense and passionate, holding her close.
  35. Tsaaq: ((Damn you Thorn.))
  36. Covet: [BAHAHAHA]
  37. Tsaaq: Penelope was caught up in the pleasures, she almost forgot there was a man attached to the tongue. She opened her eyes a little a panted as she looked him over. She nodded her head even though jesus, nobody'd ever demand her to do such a thing on cue or anything. She shut her eyes once more and opened her head a little wider. Her breathing transitioning to steady moans she made under her breath until her body began to vibrate into a climax and stuff.
  38. Covet: After she'd climaxed for him he pulled back and wiped his face, smacking his lips as he looked up at her, "Good Girl. Now see...It wasn't all bad now was it?" He asked her with a smug look on his face, "Such a sweet cherry you are too. I'll enjoy the image of your body in the throws of ecstacy for a long time. Definitely the sexiest thing I've seen in a long time." Thorn said complimenting her as he flopped on the bed next to her, letting his arms wrap around her waist, in a possesively sweet way.
  39. Tsaaq: Her face was bright red and she hid it in his shoulder as she cuddled up beside him. "I don't think I've quite done anything like that before..." Penelope trailed off. "I wasn't expecting that from my sexy nurse costume." She said quietly in a very calm tone, her heart still pounding, She was waiting for herself to calm down. "Was that really that sexy?" She asked him. "Like I'm an adult film star or something?"
  40. Covet: "Glad I could give you something new. And The sexy nurse costume was a cherry on top, It had more to do with you than the outfit. And yes, it was sexy, but not like a porn star, they do that for any and everyone. That...You did for me. So it was even better." He said with a yawn, cuddling up with her feeling the warmth of her face pressed against his shoulder.
  41. Tsaaq: "Why do I feel so embarrassed?" She asked him with a small groan. "You just pleased me. It was good. There's no reason for me to feel guilty about it." Penelope sighed. She went to unzip her boots so she could crawl all the way into bed with him. "Take off those jeans. You can't sleep in jeans."
  42. Covet: His jeans were already undone so all he had to do was shimmy out of them. Which he did obnoxiously , making a whole lot of wiggling on the bed. "I get to sleep naked with you tonight to. How did I get so damn lucky?" He said with a chuckle, then bushed his hand over her cheek. "Don't feel guilty, the embarassment probably comes from this being the first time, doing something like that. It's a new experience letting go of the controls."
  43. Tsaaq: She let out another huff. "I suppose." She waited for him to get out of his dumb jeans and took off her dumb nurse's hat. Once he was undressed fully she got under the covers with him and practically latched onto him. Probably needing comfort from the vulnerability. "Well it was nice, and you did a good job. So don't take me being weird as an offense."
  44. Covet: "I don't, It's adorable. Thank you for trusting me, It means a lot." He said pressing a kiss to her head as he held her close and let his fingers rub along her back closing his eyes as he took deep breaths to help her ease down out of her embarassment.
  45. Tsaaq: ((SLEEPS?))
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