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Jan 23rd, 2020
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  1. "npc_dota_hero_rattletrap"
  2. {
  3. "Model" "models/heroes/rattletrap/rattletrap.vmdl"
  4. "Portrait" "vgui/hud/heroportraits/portrait_rattletrap"
  5. "SoundSet" "Hero_Rattletrap"
  6. "Enabled" "1"
  7. "HeroUnlockOrder" "3"
  8. "Role" "Disabler,Durable,Nuker"
  9. "Rolelevels" "2,2,2"
  10. "Complexity" "2"
  11. "Team" "Good"
  12. "HeroID" "51"
  13. "ModelScale" "1.190000"
  14. "SpectatorLoadoutScale" "1"
  15. "LoadoutScale" "1.100000"
  16. "HeroGlowColor" "252 220 64"
  17. "PickSound" "rattletrap_ratt_spawn_05"
  18. "BanSound" "rattletrap_ratt_anger_06"
  19. "CMEnabled" "1"
  20. "workshop_guide_name" "Big Mek"
  21. "new_player_enable" "1"
  22. "LastHitChallengeRival" "npc_dota_hero_sand_king"
  23. "HeroSelectSoundEffect" "Hero_Rattletrap.Pick"
  24. "GibType" "motor"
  25. "Ability1" "techies_remote_mines"
  26. "Ability2" "rattletrap_power_cogs"
  27. "Ability3" "tidehunter_kraken_shell"
  28. "Ability4" "earthshaker_aftershock"
  29. "Ability5" "techies_focused_detonate"
  30. "Ability6" "techies_suicide"
  31. "Ability10" "special_bonus_armor_6"
  32. "Ability11" "special_bonus_movement_speed_20"
  33. "Ability12" "special_bonus_strength_12"
  34. "Ability13" "special_bonus_attack_speed_25"
  35. "Ability14" "special_bonus_unique_clockwerk"
  36. "Ability15" "special_bonus_unique_clockwerk_2"
  37. "Ability16" "special_bonus_unique_clockwerk_4"
  38. "Ability17" "special_bonus_unique_techies"
  39. "ArmorPhysical" "-1"
  40. "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK"
  41. "AttackDamageMin" "30"
  42. "AttackDamageMax" "34"
  43. "AttackRate" "1.700000"
  44. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.330000"
  45. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600"
  46. "AttackRange" "130"
  47. "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH"
  48. "AttributeBaseStrength" "30"
  49. "AttributeStrengthGain" "3.700000"
  50. "AttributeBaseAgility" "9"
  51. "AttributeAgilityGain" "1.100000"
  52. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "14"
  53. "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "1.000000"
  54. "MovementSpeed" "270"
  55. "MovementTurnRate" "0.600000"
  56. "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO"
  57. "precache"
  58. {
  59. "model" "models/heroes/rattletrap/rattletrap_cog.vmdl"
  60. }
  61. "VoiceFile" "soundevents/voscripts/game_sounds_vo_rattletrap.vsndevts"
  62. "particle_folder" "particles/units/heroes/hero_rattletrap"
  63. "GameSoundsFile" "soundevents/game_sounds_heroes/game_sounds_rattletrap.vsndevts"
  64. "RenderablePortrait"
  65. {
  66. "Particles"
  67. {
  68. "particles/units/heroes/hero_rattletrap/clock_loadout.vpcf"
  69. {
  70. "0"
  71. {
  72. "type" "follow_origin"
  73. "location" "attach_hitloc"
  74. }
  75. "1"
  76. {
  77. "type" "follow_attachment"
  78. "location" "attach_hitloc"
  79. }
  80. }
  81. }
  82. }
  83. "ItemSlots"
  84. {
  85. "0"
  86. {
  87. "SlotIndex" "0"
  88. "SlotName" "weapon"
  89. "SlotText" "#LoadoutSlot_Weapon"
  90. "TextureWidth" "256"
  91. "TextureHeight" "256"
  92. "MaxPolygonsLOD0" "1000"
  93. "MaxPolygonsLOD1" "500"
  94. }
  95. "1"
  96. {
  97. "SlotIndex" "1"
  98. "SlotName" "head"
  99. "SlotText" "#LoadoutSlot_Head"
  100. "TextureWidth" "256"
  101. "TextureHeight" "256"
  102. "MaxPolygonsLOD0" "1000"
  103. "MaxPolygonsLOD1" "500"
  104. }
  105. "2"
  106. {
  107. "SlotIndex" "2"
  108. "SlotName" "armor"
  109. "SlotText" "#LoadoutSlot_Armor"
  110. "TextureWidth" "512"
  111. "TextureHeight" "512"
  112. "MaxPolygonsLOD0" "2000"
  113. "MaxPolygonsLOD1" "1100"
  114. }
  115. "3"
  116. {
  117. "SlotIndex" "3"
  118. "SlotName" "misc"
  119. "SlotText" "#LoadoutSlot_Clockwerk_Rocket"
  120. "TextureWidth" "256"
  121. "TextureHeight" "256"
  122. "MaxPolygonsLOD0" "400"
  123. "MaxPolygonsLOD1" "230"
  124. }
  125. "4"
  126. {
  127. "SlotIndex" "4"
  128. "SlotName" "ability2"
  129. "SlotText" "#LoadoutSlot_Clockwerk_Cogs"
  130. "TextureWidth" "256"
  131. "TextureHeight" "256"
  132. "MaxPolygonsLOD0" "800"
  133. "MaxPolygonsLOD1" "500"
  134. "no_import" "1"
  135. "GeneratesUnits"
  136. {
  137. "0" "npc_dota_rattletrap_cog"
  138. }
  139. }
  140. "5"
  141. {
  142. "SlotIndex" "5"
  143. "SlotName" "taunt"
  144. "SlotText" "#LoadoutSlot_Taunt"
  145. }
  146. }
  147. "Bot"
  148. {
  149. "HeroType" "DOTA_BOT_GANKER"
  150. "LaningInfo"
  151. {
  152. "SoloDesire" "2"
  153. "RequiresBabysit" "1"
  154. "ProvidesBabysit" "1"
  155. "SurvivalRating" "1"
  156. "RequiresFarm" "2"
  157. "ProvidesSetup" "1"
  158. "RequiresSetup" "1"
  159. }
  160. }
  161. }
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