
The Exploding Rink #fate_ic 1/18/2021

Jan 18th, 2021
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DiscoDude: ---BEGIN SESSION---
DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
DetectiveCaillou: So.
DetectiveCaillou: It’s been a month or so since you dealt with “that case” for Nor’s other boss, Bedlum.
DetectiveCaillou: Andie has since transferred out for reasons I, your humble narrator, won’t get into.
DetectiveCaillou: Where are Harry and Nor when they finally receive notice of a case - the first since Andie’s departure?
Harry: The same bar they were at when the encounter that changed everything happened.
Norwick: Nor is with Harry, drinking some whiskey on the rocks.
DetectiveCaillou: Harry, your phone starts ringing.
Harry: Harry answers. "Hello?"
DetectiveCaillou: “Harry, where are you?” It’s the chief - she doesn’t sound happy. “Our new forensic guy is having trouble with a body our boys just brought in, and I want to put you on the case, but you and your partner are nowhere to be seen.”
Harry: Harry rubs his temples. The new kid just plain isn't Andie. He resists the urge to shoot Nor a frustrated look, but instead responds: "We'll be there right away." He hangs up. "Nor, we've got a case. Come on." He gets up from his seat and heads to the door.
DetectiveCaillou: (Does Norwick have a response before we move on?)
Norwick: ( Oh uh )
Norwick: Nor quickly finishes his whiskey and heads off with Harry, silently moving along with him.
DetectiveCaillou: At the PD, Graham the desk guy looks up at the two of you.
“Oh, uh, there you are! Chief’s been, uh...” He sees the expressions you’re wearing. “Oh, um... You... You already know. Right... Anyway! So, uh, that new lady that came in after Andy - Calliope? - she’s on break after that autopsy, but says there’s some stuff she wants to talk to the detectives about ‘some inconsistencies about this rotting poultry.’ Her words, not mine... We also, er, have the hikers that found the poor guy - it was at the bottom of one of those scenic ravines, um...” He looks up. “Looks like we’re also holding them on a misdemeanor - Marcolo should have the, um, details for you in the interrogation ward. I’m glad the chief no longer has to oversee those personally - she seemed a bit overworked because of it.”
Harry: Harry nods in acknowledgment, then heads for the interrogation ward.
DetectiveCaillou: (I assume you’re okay with talking to the hikers first, Norwick?)
Norwick: ( Sure )
DetectiveCaillou: A ‘stoneface’ by the name of Marcolo is waiting for you in the observation room. He’s dressed pretty casually - Hawaiian button-down, khakis, flip-flops, sunbeam smile, the works.
“Hey, guys. Marcolo Watts, happy to be here.” He sticks out a stiff, yet eager hand. He’s inexperienced, but clearly loving his assignment to this planet so far. “You must be Harry and Nor!”
Norwick: Norwick looks at him and shakes his hand, "Yup, that's us." He doesn't seem too enthusiastic.
DetectiveCaillou: “Right, right...” His smile lets up a little. “But, man,” he says, gesturing to the one-way mirror, “I’m betting these kids would be getting interviewed in the public offices if it weren’t for the technicality. Trespassing, I think it was.”
Beyond the window, a Grey stiffly sips his water while the Lambdalam next to him nervously glances around, but mostly at the ground. Both are dressed in touristy garb not too dissimilar to Marcolo, complete with cameras hanging around their necks.
Harry: Harry nods and accepts the handshake.
Harry: "Trespassing, you say?" He surveys the two. "Who owns the land they found the victim on?"
DetectiveCaillou: “The Amoccelli group. They run some fruit plantations out in the wilds - they legally own the whole peninsula where this took place, and there’s a farm just over the top of the ravine these kids were hiking through. The group’s currently headed by Alto Amoccelli, but it’s his uncle Dario that insisted on pressing charges as soon as he caught wind of this. Something about leniency encouraging prying eyes and hands or something.”
Harry: "Sounds like some folks with secrets. Not necessarily ones tied to this case." He pulls out a stylus and jots some notes on his phone, the traditional notepad affection having been abandoned of late. The notes themselves are written in Korentz script, effectively encrypting them to most potential snoopers. "Still a complication."
DetectiveCaillou: (New aspect: Dario Pressed Trespassing Charges.)
DetectiveCaillou: “Yeah, you said it. Want me to buzz you in?”
DetectiveCaillou: (Actually, it’s up to you whether this is significant enough to take note of.)
Harry: (definitely take note; again it might not be relevant but it might be something we can use later)
DetectiveCaillou: (Although I wrote it up since Harry pointed it out.)
Harry: "Please do."
Norwick: (( brb, have to make some calls ))
DetectiveCaillou: (I’ll assume Norwick sticks with Harry. Feel free to join back in whenever - I don’t plan on making these two especially difficult.)
DetectiveCaillou: The two of you enter the room, and the Lambdalam immediately holds up his camera, but doesn’t do anything beyond shiver a bit.
“I hope you can excuse my friend’s behavior,” says the Grey. “He’s still a bit shaken up from... everything that happened this morning.”
“I- I don’t appreciate being put in a c-cell after all that, o-okay!” The ‘Lammy’ peeks out from behind the camera.
“Don’t be rude,” says the grey, before turning back to you. “How can we help you, officers?”
Harry: Harry takes a seat, leans forward, props his elbows on the desk, and steeples his fingers. As far as he can tell, it's just two scared kids in front of him, but his instinct is to project authority regardless. "The two of you found the body we're looking into, right?"
DetectiveCaillou: “Right. That.”
“I-it was horrible...”
“Parud and I,” the Grey gestures to the Lammy. “I’m Faus-112, by the way; he’s Parud Balalaim, for the record. We met on a hypernet group for nature photography enthusiasts. One thing led to another, and we ended up planning a trip to these supposedly magnificent islands on Paradisio.” Faus does a half-hearted sweeping gesture.
Harry: "Not as good as the magazines made 'em out to be, huh?" Harry says.
DetectiveCaillou: “N-not funny.” Parud turns the camera around and starts adjusting it.
“I agree; that was in poor taste,” says Faus. “We found a dead body, after all. We had taken a boat out to this large-ish landmass - our research indicated the presence of a non-hostile local tribe that might be able to guide us. I suppose that was why we failed to consider whether we were encroaching upon corporate property.”
“We d-didn’t even make it to the end of the river, ‘cause... b-because...”
Harry: "Because you found the body," Harry finishes.
DetectiveCaillou: “Ah-!” KA-FLASH! “Gah!” Parud instinctively covers his eyes as his camera goes off in his face.
“Er- Parud, I keep telling you to be more careful with that.” Faus turns back to the two of you, though. “But, yes, we spotted the body on the east shore of the ravine, to our right. It was... Even I have to comment on the grotesque condition it was in. Had to be at least several weeks dead, judging by its... visceral state.”
“Like... Like f-flesh was... was d-dripping from the b-b-buh, buh!”
“Parud, calm down. Do I need to retrieve the paper bag for you again?”
Harry: "You don't need to get into the details of the body. We have people who can take care of that." He looks at the camera. "Nature photography, huh? Is this like a hobby, or do you get paid for your work?"
DetectiveCaillou: “U-um...” Parud’s breathing calms a bit. “I... It’s fun for me. I, I like to take photos between online classes. Now, though...”
“I work as a photographer on contracts,” says Faus, “but I also take nature photos in my spare time.”
Harry: "And you were taking photos of the area right up until you found the body?"
DetectiveCaillou: “Only a few. Memory cards aren’t infinite, and our trip had hardly even begun - we were still seeking a guide to hire.”
Harry: Harry nods. "Do you mind if we have copies of your photos anyway? There could be something in them that might help with the investigation."
DetectiveCaillou: “Of course. Do your station have a PopBox account we can add to our galleries?”
(Alright, is this pressing a create advantage, or just for posterity? If the former, I’d like you to name a target suspect - anyone who’s been named so far.)
Harry: (i don't have any suspects yet, it's too dang early in the case)
DetectiveCaillou: (Alright.)
Harry: (but i do want to hold onto it as an aspect)
DetectiveCaillou: (Sure: Tourists’ Crime Scene Photos.)
Harry: "I'm sure the tech guys can work out something," Harry says. "One more thing - there were no markers indicating you were crossing into private property, correct?"
DetectiveCaillou: “Come to think of it, there were some buoys we passed about half a mile out from the mouth of the ravine. In hindsight, I’m sure we would have been alerted much sooner if we hadn’t rented an old-fashioned motorboat.” The Grey scratched his head, clearly embarrassed. “If I remember correctly, modern hovercraft have computers that scan for border markers.”
Harry: "Any reason you didn't rent something more modern?" He takes another look at the camera. "Something with a charging port, perhaps?"
DetectiveCaillou: (Is this a pressing question (perhaps targeted at one of the hikers)?)
Harry: (not really)
DetectiveCaillou: (Alright. I suppose I’ll let you be the one to announce when you’re doing it.)
Harry: (but it does seem like a curiosity)
DetectiveCaillou: Faus shrugs. “Modern vehicles are more expensive, and I had a personal charger. Anything else, officer?”
Harry: Harry finishes taking notes. "No, I think that will be it. We'll see if we can do something about the trespassing charge. The two of you..." He looks at Parud with a sympathetic grimace. "...have clearly been through enough."
DetectiveCaillou: “Oh, it’s just a small fine,” says Faus. “A slap on the wrist for all but the truly destitute. Personally, I think it’d be more trouble to fight it than it would to just pay it, even if we do win.”
“Um...” Parud speaks up. “If... If you could c-clear it w-without getting lawyers involved, though, that, um... Th-that would be nice.”
“That it would, I suppose...”
DetectiveCaillou: (Any response before we move on?)
DetectiveCaillou: (Also, Norwick, are you still good to play the next scene?)
Harry: Harry gives Parud an odd look at the lawyer comment, but simply nods. "No promises, but we'll see what we can do."
DetectiveCaillou: (Should we wrap for tonight? Seems like Norwick is zonked out.)
Norwick: (( Yeah uh, sorry, medical stuff came up, I should be here, but if Harry isn't then, y'know, ))
Norwick: (( also had to make my bed, fresh sheets and all that. ))
DetectiveCaillou: (Sounds rough. Well, it’s past 9 on my end; if we do move on to the body tonight, we won’t get very far.)
Norwick: (( so let's end it here then, sorry about being away. :x ))
DetectiveCaillou: (It’s fine. Got a last line?)
Norwick: Norwick looks over at them, having kept silent through the entire conversation, he finally says, "What exactly is so unique to be here if tourists like you are drawn?"
Harry: (yeah i'm cool with wrapping it here)
Harry: Harry gives Nor a frustrated look.
DetectiveCaillou: (I assume that’s meant to be a silly nonsequiter?)
Norwick: (( yea, basically ))
DetectiveCaillou: (Then let us...)
DetectiveCaillou: !end

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