
Aeron: Learning the Concept of Rune Writing / Magic

Jul 24th, 2016
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  1. [11:54:27]
  2. At one point - she believed that he was rather hostile towards everyone around him. But she seems to think that he's calmed down to some sort of degree. Regardless, what Ashura felt about the yokai is something rather simple. If he could somehow best Dravus, then he could perhaps achieve the dream that the Gale Kaor had wanted. What she doesn't understand is why they would kill one another to achieve the very same dream. She believes that two. . .Is certainly stronger than one. And if they were to combine forces instead of work against one another, then perhaps they could truly work towards a single goal. But at this moment. . .She doesn't ask much. It would be best to not pry at this particular moment.
  4. "I suppose that I'll start with humanity's first art. It allows us to make the 'impossible' become possible by manipulating our mana. There are things called runes that allow us to do impossible things. These 'seals' are the reason as to why I have become this being." She says - Arachne limbs beginning to bloom from her lower back - showing off her 'artificial' imperfection. But as of now. . .
  6. "I believe our first lesson would be the thing that I wanted you to do. Enchanting." She says while beginning to slowly reach towards a single book, thumbing through the pages before she lands on the runes themselves. "In your case, I believe that you would want to learn things that force you to break past your limits." A hand raises towards the air, drawing each of them out. "Mannaz, Nauthiz, Berkano, Dagaz." She adds. "But for now, we'll start with something small before working our way up towards more. . .physical things." She says.
  8. "For now, let's do the enchanting. So. . .We'll start these three, simple ones." She adds. Steadily, she withdraws the staff away from her back - fingertips drifting carefully, scribing the single runes. "Perth is initiation. . .It branches the runes together, allowing for more, powerful effects to come about. The next one is Laguz. . .Which is flow. Think of it as a river. And last but not least. . .Thurisaz. A gate way." She adds. "It allows an opening. With my intentions being tinged with everyone rune. . .We're able to enchant something like this, easily." She says - lightly scooting the glowing weapon within his direction.
  10. "So. . .Should you use your occultism, you'll see that the weapon will feed on it and have your own affinity for such a thing. In a way, I suppose you could make this an easier way for you to reach your goal without having to kill others. So. . .If you want power from your comrades, you could perhaps. . .Change the runes and it's intentions, and use it for yourself as a mark. It all depends on what you desire."
  11. (Ashura)
  12. Humanity's finest art?
  13. He had to hear it through, curious to see its demonstration, and soon after fantacize its extensive capabilities.
  14. With mana, he could already commit to the supernatural, but what she'd call the impossible?
  15. Her display of such wrought forth her own form, once concealed from gander-- An impressive feat, but how would it help him on a greater scale?
  17. "Limit Breaking, huh?"
  18. The enunciations of the spells are complemented by her illustration of their glyphs. Though, to him-- Such mentions were... Strange. Perhaps he could learn at an accelerated rate compared to human kind, but it didn't change the fact that things didn't add up immediately.
  20. Thankfully, she'd start off from a more basic endeavor-- Physical enchanting.
  21. "Perth." The sound is repeated, and fingertips gleaming of a metaphysical taint. Though, unlike her-- He had nothing to initially interact with...
  22. So, it was all a matter of imitation.
  23. Eyes turned for the flooring of the facility, and unless stopped, he'd prod his nail into the wooden boards.
  25. He'd lightly graze it across the flooring to attempt replicating what Ashura would commit to on her staff, albeit, his writing would be far less precise: Sloppy...
  26. And as she went about it, 'Laguz' would follow.
  27. "A flow of mana prior to its initiation-- And a gateway, intended for activation, I'd fathom." With it all together, it seemed so simple... But could he really commit to anything progressive on his first try?
  29. Regardless... Had he been allowed to scribe across the floor or not, his attention would be forwarded to her weapon. "... So, it feeds off of power?" It was so strange, to think that an inanimate object could be instructed to siphon mana for its own magical use, assuming the instruction forged within the inscriptions allowed of it.
  31. As she mentioned... He could make a unique mark to empower others as he seemingly claimed prior...
  32. --But just as he could do such, he could also use the other attribute to further empower his person.
  33. What if, he could siphon mana from others to use for later?
  34. What if, the marks he'd implement upon others, empowered him as well?
  36. It was an agitating quantity of 'if' scenarios, which left him to dismiss them for the now-grappled weapon. He could feel its pull, light... Hardly of threatening mannerism-- Akin to a lesser yokai, desperately suckling for means of advancement through its first feeble stage.
  37. "Let this... 'Enchantment' process... Begin..."
  38. Lights abruptly took to a dim, and the earth beneath their foot quaked-- But the stability of the structure remained true.
  40. The grasp one held over the stygian influence of Oblivion had begun to mildly contort perception itself, even distorting one's envisionment of a now overflooded staff. What may've been presumed to have invited a steady and smooth flow, would bubble at the seems of his flesh and its material as an ebonic substance, mauve along its lining...
  41. It was nigh solidified shadow that everlastingly climbed the staff, engulfing it wholly... But not omitting it from reality.
  43. The Runes on its instance had taken defensive measure in the form of accumulating from his being, further adapting to the immense impotence of a Supreme Monger of the Eternal Night.
  44. The bassful hum of his artistry soon birthed a far more malevolent transition in the process-- An aura of its grotesque intent.
  46. The power of so many Kaors before him, and countless elements-- Now pouring their concentrated malice into a single instance.
  47. This, was the one and -only- Umbral roaming Valmasia as of the current...
  48. This, was the one and only master of the Occult without parallel save for what mysteries lied about Dravus and human leadership roles.
  50. A blackened miasma of the abyss invaded the structure, soon clouding it enough to reduce vision to little to none... But it was only the beginning of the end. A blink-- And one's conjurations were forfeit-- Leaving only her weapon within his hands, inspected for progress.
  52. (Aeron)
  53. [12:43:05] "It's one of humanities finest arts. . .One can make many impossible things with runes. Infact, they are quite the limit breakers when we really look at it. However, when humans are left to their own devices, they can create things that even rival the angels themselves. In all honesty, it doesn't even have to be made from runes. It's just the intention - the thought behind every single action. If you want something, then you go for it endlessly. It's something that us humans have gotten from your kind. I suppose it's why we always seem like a threat." She adds while beginning to smile.
  55. "In a way, all humans are like yokai. They consume, devour and enthrall others that are weaker, and try to reach perfection." She says. "Some get impossibly close. . .And others fail terribly. It all depends on the power, the opportunity, and if they have the correct following." She adds - nodding once, twice. "But these runes that you see. . .That you've written down, I'm certain that they'll do more for you than they could do for any human. Just be careful of the side effects. If you fail, they can be cataclysmic. I suggest you work on a rabbit or perhaps, something else like an enemy, before using your own body." She adds while nodding.
  57. When the weapon is done - she would show him it's effects. "Here. . ." She adds, her smile widening. Soon, he would see the impossible occultic fire spilling from the staff's palm. "A success. . .And well, if you desire, perhaps I could give you more lessons. I'm sure you wish to learn how to manipulate one's soul, yes?"
  59. (Ashura)
  60. [12:53:20] Such was impossible...
  61. To manipulate souls? It was an art simply that could not be done. The closest he'd ever get, would be through the ascension of Occultism via Umbral-stature... Right?
  62. He could pry lifeforce from one's body... Was that not enough?
  64. "I don't believe it." He stated outright, "There is no way that humanity has managed means of manipulating souls themselves. That, is an art unheard of, a myth!" He exclaimed... But as the woman said with runes, it could be applied to anything else.
  66. If Runes could make the impossible, possible...
  67. Then, what was to say that other 'impossible' arts didn't exist as well? What was to say that humans haven't already learned to control souls themselves?
  68. Regardless, to ponder on such was to skip to a whole new magnitude of complexity-- He had to learn and master what he had already been introduced before he could see this woman again for more knowledge.
  70. Though, he wouldn't take to a departure before seeing the progress of the staff he poured his essence into, having already offered it back to her to see the aftermath: A piece of him, resided within that staff-- Eternally burning of the stygian arcane-- Chilled to the touch, from what he'd fathom.
  71. "It is, indeed... Possible... So, in any case there isn't any reason I shouldn't commence practice immediately."
  72. (Aeron)
  73. [13:06:08] "I'm afraid that you're a little late when it comes to soul manipulation. There are several things that humans have acquired through the years --- they can touch souls, taint them, purge them, and even shatter an existence entirely." For the moment, the woman can do nothing more than wave a mere hand. "It's entirely possible for humans to actually switch bodies - just as it is possible for you to take over a human body, should you decide. Of course, that would bring some complications, but it can happen." She adds. "Or . . .They could make you different. It all just depends on what you want."
  75. For now - the woman does nothing more than shake her head. "Once again, it all just depends on what you desire for yourself, Aeron. If you want the power, then by all means, you can take it within your very hands. Twist it to your liking and manipulate it and those around you." She adds while tilting her head.
  77. "However, there are extreme dangers when it comes to practicing with such a thing. You can hurt yourself - send your soul careening over the lands for an eternity. It's just. . .Best if you do so with caution." She says, nodding once, twice. "However, if you do desire to start, then by all means start. But do so by starting on the smaller things. Rabbits. Boars. Then other lesser beings like skurns and crellus. And then. . .? Your enemies. You can take them over. You can make them kneel to you. Just know that the drawbacks can be deadly if you go overboard."
  78. (Ashura)
  79. [13:18:04] It was probably best not to get to hasty with his plans... Though, he couldn't help but feel anxious over the seemingly infinite capabilities. He had to start as he so claimed, but where? He turned his back on the Arachnid to start on his departure.
  81. "Yes... Drawbacks exist for every instance and scenario-- That isn't to say that none take risks." He answered in his departure; There was so much to think about, so much to do...
  82. So much to develop...
  83. --And as he seen it, so much more to acknowledge as he left the former ladder of power scaling to adopt an entirely different one.
  85. "Next time we meet, I'll come to learn of this... Soul.... Magic..." He assured, making his distance for the exit.
  86. He couldn't fathom himself starting on his own body... No, he had plenty of other targets in mind-- From the feeble that'd challenge him, to the troublesome pests that had yet to stand in his way.
  88. (Aeron)
  89. [13:20:38] Ashura: Be safe. Ill be waiting for you.
  90. [13:22:20] Aeron: <*Departs in silence*>
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