
Jason Jaguar OS Version 1.0

Jun 4th, 2018
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  1. @echo off
  2. :startup
  3. cls
  4. color 0a
  5. title Jason Jaguar OS ver= 1.0.0
  6. pause
  7. echo Booting Drive Function..
  8. pause
  9. cls
  10. echo Finding Kernel.........
  11. echo Kernel Found! Booting Jason Jaguar OS
  12. pause
  13. echo Hello this os is customized to your liking.
  14. echo all you need is in this OS. just use it
  15. pause
  17. cls
  18. echo what is your name?
  19. set/p name=
  20. echo.
  21. cls
  22. echo HELLO! %name%
  23. echo.
  24. pause
  26. :menu
  27. cls
  28. Title menu
  29. echo -------------------------------------------
  30. echo What Would You Like To Do? Type the number.
  31. echo -------------------------------------------
  32. echo.
  33. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. echo 1.System Info 2.Reboot Code 3.Date and time 4.antivirus game 6.Notepad 7.Internet Browser 8.RD Section 9.WAR!!! 10.Calculator 11.Tetris 1.0 12.The oregon trail 13.Exit
  35. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. set /p input=
  38. if %input% == 1 goto info
  39. if %input% == 2 goto reboot
  40. if %input% == 3 goto date
  41. if %input% == 4 goto antivirus
  42. if %input% == 5 goto play game
  43. if %input% == 6 goto notepad
  44. if %input% == 7 goto browser
  45. if %input% == 8 goto eggo
  46. if %input% == 9 goto cyan
  47. if %input% == 10 goto calc
  48. if %input% == 11 goto tetris
  49. if %input% == 12 goto trail
  50. if %input% == 13 goto exit
  52. :info
  54. cls
  55. echo.=======================
  56. echo Jason Jaguar__OS_
  57. echo.=======================
  58. echo DETAILS
  59. echo.
  60. echo VERSION = 0.0.1
  61. echo.
  62. echo RAM = 1GB
  63. echo.
  64. echo CORE = INTEL I5
  65. echo.
  66. echo HARD_DRIVE = 250GB
  67. echo.
  68. echo Kernel ver = 5.6.7
  69. echo.
  70. echo Build = 1
  71. echo.
  72. echo.========================
  73. echo @Copyright
  74. echo.========================
  75. echo.
  76. echo -----------------------------
  77. echo Unlock key for reboot is 7742
  78. echo -----------------------------
  79. echo Wanna check for update?
  81. echo 1. to check for update
  82. echo 2. Menu
  84. set /p check=
  86. if %check% == 1 goto update
  88. if %check% == 2 goto menu
  94. :update
  95. cls
  97. echo Checking for new version /Update.............
  98. echo.
  99. pause
  100. cls
  101. echo ---------------------------
  102. echo There are no new updates...
  103. echo ---------------------------
  104. pause
  105. goto menu
  107. :reboot
  108. set /p protection=Enter password:
  109. if %protection% == 7742 goto correct
  110. if not %protection% == 7742 goto incorrect
  111. :correct
  112. cls
  113. echo Correct pass!
  114. pause
  115. goto memo
  116. :incorrect
  117. cls
  118. echo Incorrect pass!
  119. pause
  120. echo Starting now...
  121. cls
  122. goto reboot
  124. :memo
  125. echo System reboot starting...
  126. cls
  127. echo Rebooting.
  128. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  129. cls
  130. Rebooting...
  131. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  132. cls
  133. echo System reboot half COMPLETE!
  134. pause
  135. goto startup
  138. :date
  139. cls
  140. for /F "tokens=2" %%i in ('date /t') do set mydate=%%i
  141. set mytime=%time%
  142. echo Current time is %mydate%:%mytime%
  143. pause
  144. goto menu
  146. :antivirus
  147. cls
  148. echo Deleting Virus.
  149. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  150. cls
  151. Deleting Virus...
  152. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  153. cls
  154. echo COMPLETE!
  155. echo You have no viruses anymore
  156. pause
  157. goto menu
  159. :play game
  160. Color 01
  161. title Zombie Attack
  162. echo Welcome to Zombie Attack
  163. echo In this game you have to fight Zombies
  164. echo (1) Begin
  165. echo (2) Exit
  166. set /p choice1=Choose-
  168. if %choice1% == 1 goto g
  169. if %choice1% == 2 goto c
  171. :g
  172. cls
  173. title Battle 1
  174. pause
  175. cls
  176. echo You find a strange man in the woods,
  177. echo you think that he is just a man, but really, he is a Zombie!
  178. Color F9
  179. pause
  180. echo Entering Battle 1...
  181. Color 01
  182. pause
  183. goto h
  185. :h
  186. cls
  187. title Battle 1
  188. echo Zombie used Bite!
  189. echo Your health fell by -Shp!
  190. echo You have 3 attacks.
  191. echo (1) Punch
  192. echo (2) Slap
  193. echo (3) Kick in the Butt
  194. set /p choice3=Choose-
  196. if %choice3% == 1 goto i
  197. if %choice3% == 2 goto j
  198. if %choice3% == 3 goto k
  200. :i
  201. cls
  202. Color 07
  203. echo BAM!
  204. pause
  205. echo You used Punch!
  206. Color 01
  207. echo Zombie's health fell by -14hp
  208. echo Congratulations!
  209. echo You beat the Zombie!
  210. echo Thanks for playing!
  211. pause
  212. Color 0a
  213. goto menu
  215. :notepad
  216. cls
  217. echo Ready?
  218. pause
  219. Notepad Untitled
  220. pause
  221. goto menu
  223. :browser
  224. cls
  225. title connection error
  226. echo Your Internet Connection seems to not work. Would you like to Reconnect?
  228. set /p input=
  229. if %input% == yes goto recon
  230. if %input% == no goto es
  232. :recon
  233. title Rebooting Internet
  234. echo Reconnecting.
  235. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  236. cls
  237. Reconnecting...
  238. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  239. cls
  240. echo COMPLETE!
  241. echo Trying again...
  242. pause
  243. goto online
  245. :es
  246. title ummm....
  247. echo ummm..... then why go on the internet?
  248. pause
  249. goto menu
  251. :online
  252. title internet
  253. echo -----------------------------------------------
  254. echo What would you like to choose? type the number!
  255. echo -----------------------------------------------
  256. echo.
  257. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------
  258. echo 1.Youtube 2.Online Chat 3.Manage NiceHash Account 4.Beyblade Burst
  259. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------
  261. set /p input=
  262. if %input% == 1 goto Y
  263. if %input% == 2 goto O
  264. if %input% == 3 goto M
  265. if %input% == 4 goto B
  267. :Y
  268. echo OK
  269. pause
  270. start Opera
  271. pause
  272. goto menu
  274. :O
  275. echo OK
  276. pause
  277. start Opera
  278. pause
  279. goto menu
  281. :M
  282. echo OK
  283. pause
  284. start Opera
  285. pause
  286. goto menu
  288. :B
  289. echo OK
  290. pause
  291. start Opera
  292. pause
  293. goto menu
  295. :eggo
  296. cls
  297. title Jason Jaguar Inventories llc. R&D SOFTWARE UNIT MANUFACTURES 1.0 Beta
  298. pause
  299. cls
  300. echo Starting Bootup
  301. pause
  302. cls
  303. echo Booting second Drive Function
  304. pause
  305. Notepad Untitled
  306. pause
  307. goto menu
  309. :cyan
  310. title Jason Jaguar Inventories llc. R&D SOFTWARE UNIT MANUFACTURES 1.0 Beta
  311. color 0c
  312. title TOTAL WAR!!!
  313. echo.
  314. echo Welcome to Total War, created by Jason Haude.
  315. echo.
  316. pause
  317. :players
  318. cls
  319. set player=
  320. set replay=
  321. echo.
  322. set /p player=Select 1 or 2 player mode:
  323. if '%player%'=='1' goto name
  324. if '%player%'=='2' goto p1name
  325. goto players
  326. :name
  327. cls
  328. set name=
  329. echo.
  330. set /p name=Please type in your name (One word):
  331. if '%name%'=='' goto name
  332. rem Easter Egg:
  333. if '%name%'=='Jason' goto win
  334. :country
  335. cls
  336. set country=
  337. set enemy=
  338. echo.
  339. echo Welcome %name%!
  340. echo.
  341. set /p country=Choose your country; USA, Russia, or Canada:
  342. if '%country%'=='usa' goto enemy1
  343. if '%country%'=='USA' goto enemy1
  344. if '%country%'=='Usa' goto enemy1
  345. if '%country%'=='Russia' goto enemy2
  346. if '%country%'=='russia' goto enemy2
  347. if '%country%'=='canada' goto enemy3
  348. if '%country%'=='Canada' goto enemy3
  349. goto country
  350. :enemy1
  351. set country=USA
  352. goto enemy
  353. :enemy2
  354. set country=Russia
  355. goto enemy
  356. :enemy3
  357. set country=Canada
  358. :enemy
  359. set /a cpucountryrand=%random% %%5 +1
  360. if '%cpucountryrand%'=='0' goto enemy
  361. if '%cpucountryrand%'=='1' set enemy=Russia
  362. if '%cpucountryrand%'=='2' set enemy=USA
  363. if '%cpucountryrand%'=='3' set enemy=Canada
  364. if '%cpucountryrand%'=='4' goto enemy
  365. if '%cpucountryrand%'=='5' goto enemy
  366. if '%enemy%'=='%country%' goto enemy
  367. :begin
  368. set user=1000
  369. set cpu=1000
  370. set nuke=1
  371. set airstrike=2
  372. set missiles=3
  373. set cpunuke=1
  374. set cpuairstrike=2
  375. set cpumissiles=3
  376. :gameplay
  377. cls
  378. set move=
  379. set choice=
  380. set cpucount=0
  381. echo.
  382. echo %name%, your turn.
  383. echo %country%: %user% DEF
  384. echo Options:
  385. echo %enemy%: %cpu% DEF
  386. echo 1. Fire NUKE x %nuke%
  387. echo.
  388. echo 2. Fire Airstrike x %airstrike%
  389. echo.
  390. echo 3. Fire Missiles x %missiles%
  391. echo.
  392. echo 4. Surrender
  393. echo.
  394. echo 5. Do nothing
  395. echo.
  396. set /p move=Select your option:
  397. if '%move%'=='1' goto nuke
  398. if '%move%'=='2' goto airstrike
  399. if '%move%'=='3' goto missiles
  400. if '%move%'=='4' goto surrender
  401. if '%move%'=='5' goto cpu1
  402. goto gameplay
  403. :nuke
  404. cls
  405. if '%nuke%'=='0' goto nonuke
  406. echo.
  407. echo %name% has fired a NUKE headed towards the %enemy%!
  408. echo.
  409. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  410. echo Hit!
  411. echo.
  412. echo %enemy% has lost 400 DEF!
  413. echo.
  414. pause
  415. set /a cpu=%cpu% - 400
  416. set nuke=0
  417. if '%cpu%'=='0' goto win
  418. if '%cpu%'=='-100' goto win
  419. if '%cpu%'=='-200' goto win
  420. if '%cpu%'=='-300' goto win
  421. goto cpu1
  422. :nonuke
  423. echo.
  424. echo You can't use a nuke since you don't have any more left!
  425. echo.
  426. pause
  427. goto gameplay
  428. :airstrike
  429. cls
  430. if '%airstrike%'=='0' goto noairstrike
  431. echo.
  432. echo %name% has fired an airstrike on the %enemy%!
  433. echo.
  434. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  435. echo Hit!
  436. echo.
  437. echo %enemy% has lost 300 DEF!
  438. echo.
  439. pause
  440. set /a cpu=%cpu% - 300
  441. set /a airstrike=%airstrike% - 1
  442. if '%cpu%'=='0' goto win
  443. if '%cpu%'=='-100' goto win
  444. if '%cpu%'=='-200' goto win
  445. if '%cpu%'=='-300' goto win
  446. goto cpu1
  447. :noairstrike
  448. echo.
  449. echo You can't use an airstrike since you don't have any more left!
  450. echo.
  451. pause
  452. goto gameplay
  453. :missiles
  454. cls
  455. if '%missiles%'=='0' goto nomissiles
  456. echo.
  457. echo %name% has fired multiple missiles headed towards the %enemy%!
  458. echo.
  459. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  460. echo Hit!
  461. echo.
  462. echo %enemy% has lost 200 DEF!
  463. echo.
  464. pause
  465. set /a cpu=%cpu% - 200
  466. set /a missiles=%missiles% - 1
  467. if '%cpu%'=='0' goto win
  468. if '%cpu%'=='-100' goto win
  469. if '%cpu%'=='-200' goto win
  470. if '%cpu%'=='-300' goto win
  471. goto cpu1
  472. :nomissiles
  473. echo.
  474. echo You can't use missiles since you don't have any more left!
  475. echo.
  476. pause
  477. goto gameplay
  478. :surrender
  479. cls
  480. echo.
  481. echo "We may have lost the war, but we still have our dignity..."
  482. echo.
  483. pause
  484. :end
  485. cls
  486. echo.
  487. echo "We may have lost the war, but we still have our dignity..."
  488. echo.
  489. set /p replay=Type anything to replay the game. Type 'x' to exit:
  490. if '%replay%'=='x' goto suggest
  491. if '%replay%'=='' goto end
  492. goto players
  493. :win
  494. cls
  495. echo.
  496. echo You have won Total War!!!
  497. echo.
  498. pause
  499. :win2
  500. cls
  501. echo.
  502. echo You have won Total War!!!
  503. echo.
  504. set /p replay=Type anything to replay the game. Type 'x' to exit:
  505. if '%replay%'=='x' goto suggest
  506. if '%replay%'=='' goto win2
  507. goto players
  508. :cpu1
  509. cls
  510. set /a cpucount=%cpucount% + 1
  511. if '%cpucount%'=='10' goto cpu2
  512. echo.
  513. echo My turn.
  514. echo %country%: %user% DEF
  515. echo Options:
  516. echo %enemy%: %cpu% DEF
  517. echo 1. Fire NUKE x %cpunuke%
  518. echo.
  519. echo 2. Fire Airstrike x %cpuairstrike%
  520. echo.
  521. echo 3. Fire Missiles x %cpumissiles%
  522. echo.
  523. echo 4. Surrender
  524. echo.
  525. echo 5. Do nothing
  526. echo.
  527. echo Select your option:/
  528. ping localhost -n 1 >nul
  529. ping localhost -n 1 >nul
  530. ping localhost -n 1 >nul
  531. ping localhost -n 1 >nul
  532. cls
  533. echo.
  534. echo My turn.
  535. echo %country%: %user% DEF
  536. echo Options:
  537. echo %enemy%: %cpu% DEF
  538. echo 1. Fire NUKE x %cpunuke%
  539. echo.
  540. echo 2. Fire Airstrike x %cpuairstrike%
  541. echo.
  542. echo 3. Fire Missiles x %cpumissiles%
  543. echo.
  544. echo 4. Surrender
  545. echo.
  546. echo 5. Do nothing
  547. echo.
  548. echo Select your option:-
  549. ping localhost -n 1 >nul
  550. ping localhost -n 1 >nul
  551. ping localhost -n 1 >nul
  552. ping localhost -n 1 >nul
  553. cls
  554. echo.
  555. echo My turn.
  556. echo %country%: %user% DEF
  557. echo Options:
  558. echo %enemy%: %cpu% DEF
  559. echo 1. Fire NUKE x %cpunuke%
  560. echo.
  561. echo 2. Fire Airstrike x %cpuairstrike%
  562. echo.
  563. echo 3. Fire Missiles x %cpumissiles%
  564. echo.
  565. echo 4. Surrender
  566. echo.
  567. echo 5. Do nothing
  568. echo.
  569. echo Select your option:\
  570. ping localhost -n 1 >nul
  571. ping localhost -n 1 >nul
  572. ping localhost -n 1 >nul
  573. ping localhost -n 1 >nul
  574. goto cpu1
  575. :cpu2
  576. cls
  577. set /a choice=%random% %%6
  578. if '%choice%'=='0' goto cpu2
  579. if '%choice%'=='4' goto cpu2
  580. if '%choice%'=='6' goto cpu2
  581. echo.
  582. echo My turn.
  583. echo %country%: %user% DEF
  584. echo Options:
  585. echo %enemy%: %cpu% DEF
  586. echo 1. Fire NUKE x %cpunuke%
  587. echo.
  588. echo 2. Fire Airstrike x %cpuairstrike%
  589. echo.
  590. echo 3. Fire Missiles x %cpumissiles%
  591. echo.
  592. echo 4. Surrender
  593. echo.
  594. echo 5. Do nothing
  595. echo.
  596. echo Select your option:%choice%
  597. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  598. if '%choice%'=='1' goto cpunuke
  599. if '%choice%'=='2' goto cpuairstrike
  600. if '%choice%'=='3' goto cpumissiles
  601. if '%choice%'=='5' goto gameplay
  602. :cpunuke
  603. cls
  604. if '%cpunuke%'=='0' goto nocpunuke
  605. echo.
  606. echo I have fired a NUKE headed towards the %country%!
  607. echo.
  608. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  609. echo Hit!
  610. echo.
  611. echo %country% has lost 400 DEF!
  612. echo.
  613. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  614. set /a user=%user% - 400
  615. set cpunuke=0
  616. if '%user%'=='0' goto cpuwin
  617. if '%user%'=='-100' goto cpuwin
  618. if '%user%'=='-200' goto cpuwin
  619. if '%user%'=='-300' goto cpuwin
  620. goto gameplay
  621. :nocpunuke
  622. echo.
  623. echo I can't use a nuke since I don't have any more left!
  624. echo.
  625. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  626. set cpucount=0
  627. goto cpu1
  628. :cpuairstrike
  629. cls
  630. if '%cpuairstrike%'=='0' goto nocpuairstrike
  631. echo.
  632. echo I have fired an airstrike on the %country%!
  633. echo.
  634. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  635. echo Hit!
  636. echo.
  637. echo %country% has lost 300 DEF!
  638. echo.
  639. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  640. set /a user=%user% - 300
  641. set /a cpuairstrike=%cpuairstrike% - 1
  642. if '%user%'=='0' goto cpuwin
  643. if '%user%'=='-100' goto cpuwin
  644. if '%user%'=='-200' goto cpuwin
  645. if '%user%'=='-300' goto cpuwin
  646. goto gameplay
  647. :nocpuairstrike
  648. echo.
  649. echo I can't use an airstrike since I don't have any more left!
  650. echo.
  651. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  652. set cpucount=0
  653. goto cpu1
  654. :cpumissiles
  655. cls
  656. if '%cpumissiles%'=='0' goto nocpumissiles
  657. echo.
  658. echo I have fired multiple missiles headed towards the %country%!
  659. echo.
  660. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  661. echo Hit!
  662. echo.
  663. echo %country% has lost 200 DEF!
  664. echo.
  665. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  666. set /a user=%user% - 200
  667. set /a cpumissiles=%cpumissiles% - 1
  668. if '%user%'=='0' goto cpuwin
  669. if '%user%'=='-100' goto cpuwin
  670. if '%user%'=='-200' goto cpuwin
  671. if '%user%'=='-300' goto cpuwin
  672. goto gameplay
  673. :nocpumissiles
  674. echo.
  675. echo I can't use missiles since I don't have any more left!
  676. echo.
  677. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  678. set cpucount=0
  679. goto cpu1
  680. :cpuwin
  681. cls
  682. echo.
  683. echo It was a long battle today. I have emerged victorious, even though you tried
  684. echo very well.
  685. echo.
  686. pause
  687. :cpuwin2
  688. cls
  689. echo.
  690. echo It was a long battle today. I have emerged victorious, even though you tried
  691. echo very well.
  692. echo.
  693. set /p replay=Type anything to replay the game. Type 'x' to exit:
  694. if '%replay%'=='x' goto suggest
  695. if '%replay%'=='' goto cpuwin2
  696. goto players
  697. :p1name
  698. cls
  699. set p1name=
  700. echo.
  701. set /p p1name=Player 1, please type in your name (One word):
  702. if '%p1name%'=='' goto p1name
  703. :p2name
  704. cls
  705. set p2name=
  706. echo.
  707. set /p p2name=Player 2, please type in your name (One word):
  708. if '%p2name%'=='%p1name%' goto p2name
  709. if '%p2name%'=='' goto p2name
  710. rem Easter Egg:
  711. if '%p1name%'=='Vincent' goto p1win
  712. if '%p2name%'=='Vincent' goto p2win
  713. :p1country
  714. cls
  715. set p1country=
  716. echo.
  717. echo Welcome %p1name%!
  718. echo.
  719. set /p p1country=Choose your country; USA, Russia, or Canada:
  720. if '%p1country%'=='usa' goto p1country1
  721. if '%p1country%'=='USA' goto p1country1
  722. if '%p1country%'=='Usa' goto p1country1
  723. if '%p1country%'=='Russia' goto p1country2
  724. if '%p1country%'=='russia' goto p1country2
  725. if '%p1country%'=='canada' goto p1country3
  726. if '%p1country%'=='Canada' goto p1country3
  727. goto p1country
  728. :p1country1
  729. set p1country=USA
  730. goto p2country
  731. :p1country2
  732. set p1country=Russia
  733. goto p2country
  734. :p1country3
  735. set p1country=Canada
  736. :p2country
  737. cls
  738. set p2country=
  739. echo.
  740. echo Welcome %p2name%!
  741. echo.
  742. set /p p2country=Choose your country; USA, Russia, or Canada:
  743. if '%p2country%'=='%p1country%' goto na
  744. if '%p2country%'=='usa' goto p2country1
  745. if '%p2country%'=='USA' goto p2country1
  746. if '%p2country%'=='Usa' goto p2country1
  747. if '%p2country%'=='Russia' goto p2country2
  748. if '%p2country%'=='russia' goto p2country2
  749. if '%p2country%'=='canada' goto p2country3
  750. if '%p2country%'=='Canada' goto p2country3
  751. goto p2country
  752. :na
  753. cls
  754. echo.
  755. echo You can't choose %p1country% because %p1name% has already chosen it.
  756. pause >nul
  757. goto p2country
  758. :p2country1
  759. set p2country=USA
  760. goto begin2
  761. :p2country2
  762. set p2country=Russia
  763. goto begin2
  764. :p2country3
  765. set p2country=Canada
  766. :begin2
  767. set p1health=1000
  768. set p2health=1000
  769. set p1nuke=1
  770. set p1airstrike=2
  771. set p1missiles=3
  772. set p2nuke=1
  773. set p2airstrike=2
  774. set p2missiles=3
  775. :p1gameplay
  776. cls
  777. set move=
  778. set choice=
  779. echo.
  780. echo %p1name%, your turn.
  781. echo %p1country%: %p1health% DEF
  782. echo Options:
  783. echo %p2country%: %p2health% DEF
  784. echo 1. Fire NUKE x %p1nuke%
  785. echo.
  786. echo 2. Fire Airstrike x %p1airstrike%
  787. echo.
  788. echo 3. Fire Missiles x %p1missiles%
  789. echo.
  790. echo 4. Surrender
  791. echo.
  792. echo 5. Do nothing
  793. echo.
  794. set /p move=Select your option:
  795. if '%move%'=='1' goto p1nuke
  796. if '%move%'=='2' goto p1airstrike
  797. if '%move%'=='3' goto p1missiles
  798. if '%move%'=='4' goto p1surrender
  799. if '%move%'=='5' goto p2gameplay
  800. goto p1gameplay
  801. :p1nuke
  802. cls
  803. if '%p1nuke%'=='0' goto nop1nuke
  804. echo.
  805. echo %p1name% has fired a NUKE headed towards %p2country%!
  806. echo.
  807. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  808. echo Hit!
  809. echo.
  810. echo %p2country% has lost 400 DEF!
  811. echo.
  812. pause
  813. set /a p2health=%p2health% - 400
  814. set p1nuke=0
  815. if '%p2health%'=='0' goto p1win
  816. if '%p2health%'=='-100' goto p1win
  817. if '%p2health%'=='-200' goto p1win
  818. if '%p2health%'=='-300' goto p1win
  819. goto p2gameplay
  820. :nop1nuke
  821. echo.
  822. echo You can't use a nuke since you don't have any more left!
  823. echo.
  824. pause
  825. goto p1gameplay
  826. :p1airstrike
  827. cls
  828. if '%p1airstrike%'=='0' goto nop1airstrike
  829. echo.
  830. echo %p1name% has fired an airstrike on %p2country%!
  831. echo.
  832. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  833. echo Hit!
  834. echo.
  835. echo %p2country% has lost 300 DEF!
  836. echo.
  837. pause
  838. set /a p2health=%p2health% - 300
  839. set /a p1airstrike=%p1airstrike% - 1
  840. if '%p2health%'=='0' goto p1win
  841. if '%p2health%'=='-100' goto p1win
  842. if '%p2health%'=='-200' goto p1win
  843. if '%p2health%'=='-300' goto p1win
  844. goto p2gameplay
  845. :nop1airstrike
  846. echo.
  847. echo You can't use an airstrike since you don't have any more left!
  848. echo.
  849. pause
  850. goto p1gameplay
  851. :p1missiles
  852. cls
  853. if '%p1missiles%'=='0' goto nop1missiles
  854. echo.
  855. echo %p1name% has fired multiple missiles headed towards %p2country%!
  856. echo.
  857. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  858. echo Hit!
  859. echo.
  860. echo %p2country% has lost 200 DEF!
  861. echo.
  862. pause
  863. set /a p2health=%p2health% - 200
  864. set /a p1missiles=%p1missiles% - 1
  865. if '%p2health%'=='0' goto p1win
  866. if '%p2health%'=='-100' goto p1win
  867. if '%p2health%'=='-200' goto p1win
  868. if '%p2health%'=='-300' goto p1win
  869. goto p2gameplay
  870. :nop1missiles
  871. echo.
  872. echo You can't use missiles since you don't have any more left!
  873. echo.
  874. pause
  875. goto p1gameplay
  876. :p1surrender
  877. cls
  878. echo.
  879. echo %p2name% has won Total War!!!
  880. echo.
  881. pause
  882. :p1surrender2
  883. cls
  884. echo.
  885. echo %p2name% has won Total War!!!
  886. echo.
  887. set /p replay=Type anything to replay the game. Type 'x' to exit:
  888. if '%replay%'=='x' goto suggest
  889. if '%replay%'=='' goto p1surrender2
  890. goto players
  891. :p1win
  892. cls
  893. echo.
  894. echo %p1name% has won Total War!!!
  895. echo.
  896. pause
  897. :p1win2
  898. cls
  899. echo.
  900. echo %p1name% has won Total War!!!
  901. echo.
  902. set /p replay=Type anything to replay the game. Type 'x' to exit:
  903. if '%replay%'=='x' goto suggest
  904. if '%replay%'=='' goto p1win2
  905. goto players
  906. :p2gameplay
  907. cls
  908. set move=
  909. set choice=
  910. echo.
  911. echo %p2name%, your turn.
  912. echo %p2country%: %p2health% DEF
  913. echo Options:
  914. echo %p1country%: %p1health% DEF
  915. echo 1. Fire NUKE x %p2nuke%
  916. echo.
  917. echo 2. Fire Airstrike x %p2airstrike%
  918. echo.
  919. echo 3. Fire Missiles x %p2missiles%
  920. echo.
  921. echo 4. Surrender
  922. echo.
  923. echo 5. Do nothing
  924. echo.
  925. set /p move=Select your option:
  926. if '%move%'=='1' goto p2nuke
  927. if '%move%'=='2' goto p2airstrike
  928. if '%move%'=='3' goto p2missiles
  929. if '%move%'=='4' goto p2surrender
  930. if '%move%'=='5' goto p1gameplay
  931. goto p2gameplay
  932. :p2nuke
  933. cls
  934. if '%p2nuke%'=='0' goto nop2nuke
  935. echo.
  936. echo %p2name% has fired a NUKE headed towards %p1country%!
  937. echo.
  938. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  939. echo Hit!
  940. echo.
  941. echo %p1country% has lost 400 DEF!
  942. echo.
  943. pause
  944. set /a p1health=%p1health% - 400
  945. set p2nuke=0
  946. if '%p1health%'=='0' goto p2win
  947. if '%p1health%'=='-100' goto p2win
  948. if '%p1health%'=='-200' goto p2win
  949. if '%p1health%'=='-300' goto p2win
  950. goto p1gameplay
  951. :nop2nuke
  952. echo.
  953. echo You can't use a nuke since you don't have any more left!
  954. echo.
  955. pause
  956. goto p2gameplay
  957. :p2airstrike
  958. cls
  959. if '%p2airstrike%'=='0' goto nop2airstrike
  960. echo.
  961. echo %p2name% has fired an airstrike on %p1country%!
  962. echo.
  963. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  964. echo Hit!
  965. echo.
  966. echo %p1country% has lost 300 DEF!
  967. echo.
  968. pause
  969. set /a p1health=%p1health% - 300
  970. set /a p2airstrike=%p2airstrike% - 1
  971. if '%p1health%'=='0' goto p2win
  972. if '%p1health%'=='-100' goto p2win
  973. if '%p1health%'=='-200' goto p2win
  974. if '%p1health%'=='-300' goto p2win
  975. goto p1gameplay
  976. :nop2airstrike
  977. echo.
  978. echo You can't use an airstrike since you don't have any more left!
  979. echo.
  980. pause
  981. goto p2gameplay
  982. :p2missiles
  983. cls
  984. if '%p2missiles%'=='0' goto nop2missiles
  985. echo.
  986. echo %p2name% has fired multiple missiles headed towards %p1country%!
  987. echo.
  988. ping localhost -n 4 >nul
  989. echo Hit!
  990. echo.
  991. echo %p1country% has lost 200 DEF!
  992. echo.
  993. pause
  994. set /a p1health=%p1health% - 200
  995. set /a p2missiles=%p2missiles% - 1
  996. if '%p1health%'=='0' goto p2win
  997. if '%p1health%'=='-100' goto p2win
  998. if '%p1health%'=='-200' goto p2win
  999. if '%p1health%'=='-300' goto p2win
  1000. goto p1gameplay
  1001. :nop2missiles
  1002. echo.
  1003. echo You can't use missiles since you don't have any more left!
  1004. echo.
  1005. pause
  1006. goto p2gameplay
  1007. :p2surrender
  1008. cls
  1009. echo.
  1010. echo %p1name% has won Total War!!!
  1011. echo.
  1012. pause
  1013. :p2surrender2
  1014. cls
  1015. echo.
  1016. echo %p1name% has won Total War!!!
  1017. echo.
  1018. set /p replay=Type anything to replay the game. Type 'x' to exit:
  1019. if '%replay%'=='x' goto suggest
  1020. if '%replay%'=='' goto p2surrender2
  1021. goto players
  1022. :p2win
  1023. cls
  1024. echo.
  1025. echo %p2name% has won Total War!!!
  1026. echo.
  1027. pause
  1028. :p2win2
  1029. cls
  1030. echo.
  1031. echo %p2name% has won Total War!!!
  1032. echo.
  1033. set /p replay=Type anything to replay the game. Type 'x' to exit:
  1034. if '%replay%'=='x' goto suggest
  1035. if '%replay%'=='' goto p2win2
  1036. goto players
  1037. :suggest
  1038. cls
  1039. echo.
  1040. echo Before you leave, can you suggest a country I can add to the file?
  1041. echo.
  1042. set /p suggestion=Suggest a country here:
  1043. if '%suggestion%'=='' goto suggest
  1044. echo %suggestion% >> suggestions.txt
  1045. goto menu
  1048. :calc
  1049. title Calculator
  1050. color 0a
  1051. echo Welcome to The Basic Arithmetic Calculator
  1052. echo Made By Jason Haude
  1053. ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  1055. :LOADING
  1056. cls
  1057. echo Loading.
  1058. ping localhost -n 2 >nul
  1059. cls
  1060. echo Loading..
  1061. ping localhost -n 2 >nul
  1062. cls
  1063. echo Loading...
  1064. ping localhost -n 2 >nul
  1065. cls
  1066. echo Loading....
  1067. ping localhost -n 2 >nul
  1068. cls
  1069. echo Loading.....
  1070. ping localhost -n 2 >nul
  1071. ping localhost -n 2 >nul
  1072. color 0a
  1073. goto START
  1075. :START
  1076. cls
  1077. echo What Type of Math would you like to do?
  1078. echo Add, Subtract, Multiply, or Divide. Or go to menu.
  1079. set /p math=
  1080. IF '%math%' == 'Add' GOTO ADD
  1081. IF '%math%' == 'add' GOTO ADD
  1082. IF '%math%' == 'Subtract' GOTO SUB
  1083. IF '%math%' == 'subtract' GOTO SUB
  1084. IF '%math%' == 'Multiply' GOTO MULTIPLY
  1085. IF '%math%' == 'multiply' GOTO MULTIPLY
  1086. IF '%math%' == 'Divide' GOTO DIVIDE
  1087. IF '%math%' == 'divide' GOTO DIVIDE
  1088. IF '%math%' == 'menu' GOTO menu
  1089. IF '%math%' == 'Menu' GOTO menu
  1090. IF '%math%' == 'MENU' GOTO menu
  1091. Exit
  1093. :ADD
  1094. Cls
  1096. pause
  1097. exit
  1099. :SUB
  1100. Cls
  1102. pause
  1103. exit
  1105. :MULTIPLY
  1106. Cls
  1108. pause
  1109. exit
  1111. :DIVIDE
  1112. Cls
  1114. pause
  1115. exit
  1118. echo What is the First Number you would like to Add?
  1119. set /p number1=
  1120. cls
  1121. echo What is the Second Number you would like to Add?
  1122. set /p number2=
  1123. cls
  1125. GOTO ADD2
  1126. exit
  1129. echo What is the First Number you would like to Subtract?
  1130. set /p number1=
  1131. cls
  1132. echo What is the Second Number you would like to Subtract?
  1133. set /p number2=
  1134. cls
  1135. GOTO SUB2
  1136. exit
  1139. echo What is the First Number you would like to Multiply?
  1140. set /p number1=
  1141. cls
  1142. echo What is the Second Number you would like to Multiply?
  1143. set /p number2=
  1144. cls
  1146. exit
  1149. echo What is the First Number you would like to Divide?
  1150. set /p number1=
  1151. cls
  1152. echo What is the Second Number you would like to Divide?
  1153. set /p number2=
  1154. cls
  1155. GOTO DIVIDE2
  1156. exit
  1158. :ADD2
  1159. Set /A result = %number1% + %number2%
  1160. echo The answer is %result%.
  1161. Pause
  1162. GOTO START
  1163. exit
  1165. :SUB2
  1166. Set /A result = %number1% - %number2%
  1167. echo The answer is %result%.
  1168. pause
  1169. GOTO START
  1170. exit
  1172. :MULTIPLY2
  1173. Set /A result = %number1% * %number2%
  1174. echo The answer is %result%.
  1175. pause
  1176. GOTO START
  1177. exit
  1179. :DIVIDE2
  1180. Set /A result = %number1% / %number2%
  1181. echo The answer is %result%.
  1182. pause
  1183. GOTO START
  1184. exit
  1186. :tetris
  1187. @title Tetris v 1
  1188. @mode con cols=28 lines=24
  1190. :: Batch Game - Tetris v 1
  1191. :: Proof Of Concept
  1192. :: Coded by Jason Haude
  1193. :: Jason Haude, 2018
  1195. Choice /N /T:Y,1 >Nul 2>&1
  1196. If "%Errorlevel%"=="9009" (Echo. CHOICE command not found&Pause&Exit)
  1198. Set "Game=%0"
  1200. Call :Logo
  1202. :menado
  1203. Cls
  1204. Echo.
  1205. Echo.
  1206. Echo. Tetris v 1 by Jason Haude
  1209. Echo. ³1.³ ³Play TETRIS ³
  1212. Echo. ³2.³ ³How to Play ³
  1215. Echo. ³3.³ ³Exit Game ³
  1217. Echo.
  1218. CHOICE /C:123 /N >nul
  1219. If "%errorlevel%"=="1" (Goto :Load)
  1220. If "%errorlevel%"=="2" (Goto :Help)
  1221. If "%errorlevel%"=="3" (Goto :End)
  1222. Goto :Menu
  1224. :Load
  1225. Setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  1226. Set /a "LimX=18","LimY=16","TBound=1","LBound=0","Turn=1","Points=0"
  1227. Set /a "RBound=%LimX%","BBound=%LimY%"
  1229. :Init
  1230. For /l %%a in (0,1,%LimX%) do (
  1231. For /l %%b in (0,1,%LimY%) do (
  1232. Set "X%%aY%%b= "))
  1233. Set "Bound=Û"
  1234. Set "Bound2=²"
  1236. :Main
  1237. Set /a "L=(%Random% %% 7)+1"
  1238. Call :Figure%L%
  1239. Call :Graphic
  1240. Goto :Main
  1242. :Graphic
  1243. If "%New_F%"=="True" (
  1244. Call :Solid
  1245. Set "New_F=False"
  1246. Goto :Eof
  1247. )
  1248. Call :Clear
  1249. Cls
  1250. Echo.
  1251. Echo. Tetris v 1 by Jason Haude
  1252. Echo.
  1253. Echo. Points:%Points%
  1255. For /l %%f in (0,1,%LimY%) do (Echo. º!Lin_%%f!º)
  1257. Call :Move
  1258. Goto :Graphic
  1260. :Move
  1261. :: Normal CHOICE (provided into ZIP package)
  1262. CHOICE /C:SADRXC /N >nul
  1263. :: Windows 7 or x64 system CHOICE (uncomment)
  1265. If "%errorlevel%"=="1" (Call :Down)
  1266. If "%errorlevel%"=="2" (Call :Left)
  1267. If "%errorlevel%"=="3" (Call :Rigth)
  1268. If "%errorlevel%"=="4" (Call :Rotate)
  1269. If "%errorlevel%"=="5" (Goto :Menu)
  1270. If "%errorlevel%"=="6" (Call :MovCR)
  1271. ::Descomentar para doble movimiento
  1272. REM Call :Down
  1273. Call :CheckL2
  1274. Goto :Eof
  1276. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  1277. :Solid
  1278. For %%a in (%Table%) do (Set "%%a=%Bound2%")
  1279. Goto :Eof
  1281. :Rotate
  1282. Set "TmpTB="
  1283. If "%XToken%"=="11" (Set "XToken=10")
  1284. If "%YToken%"=="15" (Set "XToken=14")
  1285. Set /a "NextRotate=(%RotateLevel% %% 4)+1"
  1286. Set "TmpTable=!Figure%CurFig%_Pos%NextRotate%!
  1287. For %%R in (%TmpTable%) do (
  1288. Call :MovR "%YToken%" "%XToken%" "%%R" "Val"
  1289. Call Set "TmpTB=!TmpTB!,!Val!"
  1290. )
  1291. For %%c in (%TmpTB:~1%) do (
  1292. If "!%%c!"=="%Bound2%" (
  1293. For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
  1294. Goto :Eof
  1295. ))
  1296. For %%a in (%Table%) do (Set "%%a= ")
  1297. Set "Table=%TmpTB:~1%"
  1298. For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
  1299. Set /a "RotateLevel+=1"
  1300. Goto :Eof
  1302. :MovR
  1303. For /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%~3") do (
  1304. Set /a MovY=%%q+%~1
  1305. Set /a MovX=%%p+%~2
  1306. Set "%~4=X!MovX!Y!MovY!"
  1307. Set "%~3= ")
  1308. Goto :Eof
  1310. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  1311. :Down
  1312. Set "TmpTB="
  1313. Set "TmpTable=%Table%"
  1314. For %%a in (%TmpTable%) do (
  1315. Echo.!TmpTable!|Find "Y%BBound%">nul
  1316. If !Errorlevel! EQU 0 (Set "New_F=True"&Goto :Eof)
  1317. Call :MovYR "1" "%%a" "Val"
  1318. Call Set "TmpTB=!TmpTB!,!Val!"
  1319. )
  1320. For %%c in (%TmpTB:~1%) do (
  1321. If "!%%c!"=="%Bound2%" (
  1322. Set "New_F=True"
  1323. For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
  1324. Goto :Eof
  1325. ))
  1326. Set "Table=%TmpTB:~1%"
  1327. For %%d in (%Table%) do (Set "%%d=%Bound%")
  1328. Set /a "YToken+=1"
  1329. Goto :Eof
  1331. :MovYR
  1332. For /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%~2") do (
  1333. Set /a MovY=%%q+%~1
  1334. Set "%~3=X%%pY!MovY!"
  1335. Set "%~2= ")
  1336. Goto :Eof
  1338. :MovCR
  1339. Cls
  1340. Echo.
  1341. Echo.
  1342. Call :L2 "Goto :Eof"
  1343. Echo.
  1344. For /f "tokens=2 skip=3" %%c in ('find "::_0" %Game%') do (
  1345. Set "Tmp_Var=%%c"
  1346. Call :Key.A Tmp_Var
  1347. Echo. !Tmp_Var!
  1348. )
  1349. Pause >nul
  1350. Goto :Eof
  1351. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  1353. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  1354. :Rigth
  1355. Set "TmpTB="
  1356. Set "TmpTable=%Table%"
  1357. For %%a in (%TmpTable%) do (
  1358. Echo.!TmpTable!|Find "X%RBound%">nul
  1359. If !Errorlevel! EQU 0 (Goto :Eof)
  1360. Call :MovXR "+1" "%%a" "Val"
  1361. Call Set "TmpTB=!TmpTB!,!Val!"
  1362. )
  1363. For %%c in (%TmpTB:~1%) do (
  1364. If "!%%c!"=="%Bound2%" (
  1365. For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
  1366. Goto :Eof
  1367. ))
  1368. Set "Table=%TmpTB:~1%"
  1369. For %%d in (%Table%) do (Set "%%d=%Bound%")
  1370. Set /a "XToken+=1"
  1371. Goto :Eof
  1373. :Left
  1374. Set "TmpTB="
  1375. Set "TmpTable=%Table%"
  1376. For %%a in (%TmpTable%) do (
  1377. Echo.!TmpTable!|Find "X%LBound%">nul
  1378. If !Errorlevel! EQU 0 (Goto :Eof)
  1379. Call :MovXR "-1" "%%a" "Val"
  1380. Call Set "TmpTB=!TmpTB!,!Val!"
  1381. )
  1382. For %%c in (%TmpTB:~1%) do (
  1383. If "!%%c!"=="%Bound2%" (
  1384. For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
  1385. Goto :Eof
  1386. ))
  1387. Set "Table=%TmpTB:~1%"
  1388. For %%d in (%Table%) do (Set "%%d=%Bound%")
  1389. Set /a "XToken-=1"
  1390. Goto :Eof
  1392. :MovXR
  1393. For /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%~2") do (
  1394. Set /a MovX=%%p%~1
  1395. Set "%~3=X!MovX!Y%%q"
  1396. Set "%~2= ")
  1397. Goto :Eof
  1399. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  1401. :CheckL2
  1402. If "!Lin_1!"=="²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²" (Goto :Lost)
  1403. If "!Lin_%LimY%!"=="²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²" (
  1404. Call :Clear
  1405. For /l %%x in (0,1,%LimX%) do (
  1406. For /l %%y in (%LimY%,-1,1) do (
  1407. Set /a "UpLine=%%y-1"
  1408. Call Set "X%%xY%%y=%%X%%xY!UpLine!%%"
  1409. ))
  1410. Set /a "Points+=100"
  1411. For /l %%d in (0,1,%LimX%) do (Set "X%%dY0= ")
  1412. Goto :CheckL2
  1413. )
  1414. Goto :Eof
  1416. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  1418. :Key.A
  1419. If not defined %1 Goto:Eof
  1420. Set "c="
  1421. Set "d=0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz =/\()[]{}_-.:,;* @#"
  1422. :Key.B
  1423. Set "chr=!%1:~,1!"
  1424. For /l %%l in (0 1 80) do if "!chr!" equ "!d:~%%l,1!" (
  1425. set /a "x=%%l^5"
  1426. call set "c=!c!%%d:~!x!,1%%"
  1427. )
  1428. Set "%1=!%1:~1!"
  1429. If defined %1 goto:Key.B
  1430. Set "%1=!c!"
  1431. Goto :Eof
  1432. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  1434. :Clear
  1435. For /l %%m in (0,1,%LimY%) do (Set Lin_%%m=)
  1436. For /l %%d in (0,1,%LimY%) do (
  1437. For /l %%e in (0,1,%LimX%) do (
  1438. Set Lin_%%d=!Lin_%%d!!X%%eY%%d!))
  1439. Goto :Eof
  1441. :Lost
  1442. Cls
  1443. Echo.
  1444. Echo. Tetris v 1 by Jason Haude
  1445. Echo.
  1446. Echo. Points:%Points%
  1447. Echo. Perdiste !
  1448. Goto :End
  1450. :Win
  1451. Cls
  1452. Echo.
  1453. Echo. Tetris v 1 by Jason Haude
  1454. Echo.
  1455. Echo. Points:%Points%
  1456. Echo. Has Ganado !
  1457. Goto :End
  1459. :End
  1460. Echo. Gracias por Jugar
  1461. Echo. Tetris v1 by Jason Haude
  1462. Endlocal
  1463. Ping -n 3 localhost >nul
  1464. Exit
  1466. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  1467. :Figure1
  1468. Set Figure1_Pos1=X6Y2,X6Y1,X7Y1,X7Y0
  1469. Set Figure1_Pos2=X7Y1,X8Y1,X6Y0,X7Y0
  1470. Set Figure1_Pos3=X6Y2,X6Y1,X7Y1,X7Y0
  1471. Set Figure1_Pos4=X7Y1,X8Y1,X6Y0,X7Y0
  1472. Set /a "R=(%Random% %% 4)+1"
  1473. Set Table=!Figure1_Pos%R%!
  1474. For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
  1475. Set /a "XToken=0","YToken=0","CurFig=1","RotateLevel=%R%"
  1476. Goto :Eof
  1478. :Figure2
  1479. Set Figure2_Pos1=X7Y2,X6Y1,X7Y1,X6Y0
  1480. Set Figure2_Pos2=X6Y1,X7Y1,X7Y0,X8Y0
  1481. Set Figure2_Pos3=X7Y2,X6Y1,X7Y1,X6Y0
  1482. Set Figure2_Pos4=X6Y1,X7Y1,X7Y0,X8Y0
  1483. Set /a "R=(%Random% %% 4)+1"
  1484. Set Table=!Figure2_Pos%R%!
  1485. For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
  1486. Set /a "XToken=0","YToken=0","CurFig=2","RotateLevel=%R%"
  1487. Goto :Eof
  1489. :Figure3
  1490. Set Figure3_Pos1=X7Y1,X8Y1,X7Y0,X8Y0
  1491. Set Figure3_Pos2=X7Y1,X8Y1,X7Y0,X8Y0
  1492. Set Figure3_Pos3=X7Y1,X8Y1,X7Y0,X8Y0
  1493. Set Figure3_Pos4=X7Y1,X8Y1,X7Y0,X8Y0
  1494. Set /a "R=(%Random% %% 4)+1"
  1495. Set "Table=!Figure3_Pos%R%!"
  1496. For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
  1497. Set /a "XToken=0","YToken=0","CurFig=3","RotateLevel=%R%"
  1498. Goto :Eof
  1500. :Figure4
  1501. Set Figure4_Pos1=X6Y1,X7Y1,X8Y1
  1502. Set Figure4_Pos2=X7Y2,X7Y1,X7Y0
  1503. Set Figure4_Pos3=X6Y1,X7Y1,X8Y1
  1504. Set Figure4_Pos4=X7Y2,X7Y1,X7Y0
  1505. Set /a "R=(%Random% %% 4)+1"
  1506. Set Table=!Figure4_Pos%R%!
  1507. For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
  1508. Set /a "XToken=0","YToken=0","CurFig=4","RotateLevel=%R%"
  1509. Goto :Eof
  1511. :Figure5
  1512. Set Figure5_Pos1=X6Y1,X7Y1,X8Y1,X7Y0
  1513. Set Figure5_Pos2=X7Y2,X7Y1,X8Y1,X7Y0
  1514. Set Figure5_Pos3=X7Y1,X6Y0,X7Y0,X8Y0
  1515. Set Figure5_Pos4=X8Y2,X7Y1,X8Y1,X8Y0
  1516. Set /a "R=(%Random% %% 4)+1"
  1517. Set Table=!Figure5_Pos%R%!
  1518. For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
  1519. Set /a "XToken=0","YToken=0","CurFig=5","RotateLevel=%R%"
  1520. Goto :Eof
  1522. :Figure6
  1523. Set Figure6_Pos1=X6Y1,X6Y0,X7Y0,X8Y0
  1524. Set Figure6_Pos2=X8Y2,X8Y1,X8Y0,X7Y0
  1525. Set Figure6_Pos3=X6Y1,X7Y1,X8Y1,X8Y0
  1526. Set Figure6_Pos4=X6Y2,X7Y2,X6Y1,X6Y0
  1527. Set /a "R=(%Random% %% 4)+1"
  1528. Set Table=!Figure6_Pos%R%!
  1529. For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
  1530. Set /a "XToken=0","YToken=0","CurFig=6","RotateLevel=%R%"
  1531. Goto :Eof
  1533. :Figure7
  1534. Set Figure7_Pos1=X8Y1,X6Y0,X7Y0,X8Y0
  1535. Set Figure7_Pos2=X7Y2,X8Y2,X8Y1,X8Y0
  1536. Set Figure7_Pos3=X6Y1,X7Y1,X8Y1,X6Y0
  1537. Set Figure7_Pos4=X6Y2,X6Y1,X6Y0,X7Y0
  1538. Set /a "R=(%Random% %% 4)+1"
  1539. Set Table=!Figure7_Pos%R%!
  1540. For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
  1541. Set /a "XToken=0","YToken=0","CurFig=7","RotateLevel=%R%"
  1542. Goto :Eof
  1544. ::_0 xx9tYjYxWvxPrXmoLjqfzpxx
  1545. ::_0 xxxxxXhXxLBINRPFGBaxxxxxx
  1546. ::_0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  1547. ::_0 xxxxx8jYfZXojYxOtxJvxxxxx
  1548. ::_0 EjXzofizgxLfmgimfjqYx9GVJ
  1549. ::_0 xxxJvx8XmgfqlxNxGtyjxRxxx
  1550. ::_0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  1551. ::_0 xPrXmoLjqfzpx9tms-x7545xxx
  1553. :Help
  1554. Cls
  1555. Echo.
  1556. Call :L2 "Goto :Eof"
  1557. Echo.
  1558. Echo. How to Play Batch Tetris ?
  1559. Echo.
  1560. Echo. Use keys A,S,D,R,X
  1561. Echo.
  1562. Echo. A = Move Shape Left
  1563. Echo. S = Move Shape Down
  1564. Echo. D = Move Shape Rigth
  1565. Echo. R = Rotate Shape
  1566. Echo. X = Back to Menu Game
  1567. Echo.
  1568. Echo.
  1569. Pause >nul
  1570. Goto :Menu
  1572. :Logo
  1573. Cls
  1574. Color 0b
  1575. Echo.
  1576. Echo. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
  1577. Echo. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
  1578. :L2
  1579. Echo. °°ÛÛÛ°ÛÛÛ°ÛÛÛ°ÛÛ°°Û°°ÛÛ°°°
  1580. Echo. °°°Û°°Û°°°°Û°°Û°Û°Û°Û°°°°°
  1581. Echo. °°°Û°°ÛÛÛ°°Û°°ÛÛ°°Û°°Û°°°°
  1582. Echo. °°°Û°°Û°°°°Û°°Û°Û°Û°°°Û°°°
  1583. Echo. °°°Û°°ÛÛÛ°°Û°°Û°Û°Û°ÛÛ°°°°
  1584. %~1
  1585. Echo. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
  1586. Echo. °°±°°°°°°°°°²°°°°°°°°°°±°°
  1587. Echo. °°±°²°°°²²°°²²°°°²²²°°°±°°
  1588. Echo. °°±°²²°°°²°°²°°°°°°°°°°±°°
  1589. Echo. °°±°°²°°°²°°°°°°²²°°°°°±°°
  1590. Echo. °°±°°°°°°°°°°°°°°²²°°°°±°°
  1591. Echo. °°±°°°°°°°°²°°°°°°°°°°°±°°
  1592. Echo. °°±²°°°°°°°²²²°°°°°°°°°±°°
  1593. Echo. °°±²°°²²°°°°°°°²°°°°°°²±°°
  1594. Echo. °°±²°°²²°°°°°°²²²°°°²²²±°°
  1595. Echo. °°±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±°°
  1596. Echo. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
  1597. Echo. °°°°°: Jason Haude :°°°°°°
  1598. Echo. °°°°° Time. 2018 °°°°°°
  1599. Echo. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
  1600. Ping -n 3 >nul
  1601. Goto :Eof
  1603. :trail
  1604. Title The Batch Remakes: The Oregon Trail
  1605. echo ----------------------------
  1606. echo Welcome to The Oregon Trail!
  1607. echo ----------------------------
  1608. pause
  1609. cls
  1610. echo -------------------------------------------
  1611. echo What is the first name of the wagon leader?
  1612. echo -------------------------------------------
  1613. set/p name=
  1614. echo.
  1615. echo Welcome to the trail, %name%
  1616. pause
  1617. cls
  1618. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  1619. echo there are 3 others who decided to come along, who are they?
  1620. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  1621. pause
  1622. set /p name2=
  1623. echo.
  1624. echo hi, %name2%
  1625. pause
  1626. set /p name3=
  1627. echo.
  1628. echo hi, %name3%
  1629. pause
  1630. set /p name4=
  1631. echo.
  1632. echo hi, %name4%
  1633. pause
  1634. cls
  1635. echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1636. echo Ok, %name%, %name2%, %name3%, and %name4%, you are ready to start your adventure...
  1637. echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1638. pause
  1639. goto harp
  1641. :harp
  1642. echo ----------------------------------------------
  1643. echo Many kinds of people made the trip to Oregon..
  1644. echo ----------------------------------------------
  1645. pause
  1646. cls
  1647. echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1648. echo You may: 1.Be a banker from Boston 2.Be a carpenter from Ohio 3.Be a Farmer from Illinois 4. The Best (in my opinion)
  1649. echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1650. echo What is your choice?
  1651. echo --------------------
  1653. set /p input=
  1654. if %input% == 1 goto glorp
  1655. if %input% == 2 goto glorp
  1656. if %input% == 3 goto glorp
  1657. if %input% == 4 goto norp
  1659. :glorp
  1660. echo It is 1848. You're jumping off
  1661. echo place for Oregon is Independance,
  1662. echo Missouri. You must decide which
  1663. echo month to leave Independence.
  1664. echo.
  1665. echo ----------------------------------------------------
  1666. echo 1.March 2.April 3.May 4.June 5.July 6.Ask for Advice
  1667. echo ----------------------------------------------------
  1669. set /p input=
  1670. if %input% == 1 goto heg
  1671. if %input% == 2 goto meg
  1672. if %input% == 3 goto leg
  1673. if %input% == 4 goto carmalita
  1674. if %input% == 5 goto height
  1675. if %input% == 6 goto chow
  1677. :heg
  1678. echo You have left in March
  1679. pause
  1680. goto meta
  1682. :meg
  1683. echo You have left in April
  1684. pause
  1685. goto meta
  1687. :leg
  1688. echo You have left in May
  1689. pause
  1690. goto meta
  1692. :carmalita
  1693. echo You have left in June
  1694. pause
  1695. goto meta
  1697. :height
  1698. echo You have left in July
  1699. pause
  1700. goto meta
  1702. :chow
  1703. echo The townsfolk say go in April
  1704. pause
  1705. goto glorp
  1707. :meta
  1708. echo In order to begin your adventure, here's $2,000.00.
  1709. echo -------------------------------------------------
  1710. pause
  1711. cls
  1712. echo -------------------------------------------------
  1713. echo Go to Matt's General Store before you leave town.
  1714. echo -------------------------------------------------
  1715. pause
  1716. cls
  1717. goto matt
  1719. :matt
  1720. Title Matt's General Store, Independence Misourri
  1721. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1722. echo Matt: Welcome! I here you're goin' to Oregon! I can get yah these items.
  1723. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1724. pause
  1725. goto items
  1727. :items
  1728. echo 1. A team of oxen to pull your wagon,
  1729. echo -------------------------------------
  1730. echo 2. Clothing for both summer and winter,
  1731. echo ---------------------------------------
  1732. echo 3. Plenty of food for your trip,
  1733. echo --------------------------------
  1734. echo 4. Ammunition for your rifles,
  1735. echo ------------------------------
  1736. echo 5. And spare parts for your wagon.
  1737. echo ----------------------------------
  1739. set /p input=
  1740. if %input% == 1 goto oxen
  1741. if %input% == 2 goto clothes
  1742. if %input% == 3 goto food
  1743. if %input% == 4 goto bullets
  1744. if %input% == 5 goto parts
  1746. :oxen
  1747. cls
  1748. echo There are 2 oxen in a yoke;
  1749. echo I recommend at least 3 yoke.
  1750. echo I charge 40 a yoke
  1751. echo.
  1752. echo How many yoke do you want?
  1754. set /p input=
  1755. if %input% == 3 goto h
  1756. if %input% == 6 goto h
  1758. :h
  1759. echo that'll serve yah well.
  1760. echo you need clothes next
  1761. pause
  1762. goto items
  1764. :food
  1765. cls
  1766. echo I recommend you take at
  1767. echo Least 200 pounds of food
  1768. echo for each person in your
  1769. echo family. I see that you have
  1770. echo 4 people in all. You'll need
  1771. echo flour, sugar, bacon, and
  1772. echo coffee. My price is 20
  1773. echo cents a pound.
  1774. echo.
  1775. echo How many pound of food do
  1776. echo you want?
  1778. set /p input=
  1779. if %input% == 100 goto g
  1780. if %input% == 150 goto g
  1782. :g
  1783. echo That'll be enough food for about 8 months, your entire journey
  1784. echo when you get there, there will be food, I reckon.
  1785. echo next you need bullets.
  1786. pause
  1787. goto items
  1789. :clothes
  1790. cls
  1791. echo You'll need warm clothing in
  1792. echo the mountains. I recommend
  1793. echo taking at least 2 sets of
  1794. echo clothes per person. Each
  1795. echo set is $10.00
  1796. echo.
  1797. echo How many sets of clothes do you want?
  1799. set /p input=
  1800. if %input% == 8 goto good
  1802. :good
  1803. echo you should be suited fine with these...
  1804. echo go to food...
  1805. pause
  1806. goto items
  1808. :bullets
  1809. cls
  1810. echo I sell ammunition in boxes
  1811. echo of 20 bullets. each box
  1812. echo costs $2.00
  1813. echo.
  1814. echo How many boxes do
  1815. echo you want?
  1817. set /p input=
  1818. if %input% == 40 goto v
  1819. if %input% == 60 goto v
  1821. :v
  1822. echo You should have a lot of ammo.
  1823. pause
  1824. echo Finally, go to extra parts in case your wagon breaks down.
  1825. goto items
  1827. :parts
  1828. cls
  1829. echo It's a good idea to have a
  1830. echo few spare parts for your
  1831. echo wagon. Here are the prices:
  1832. echo.
  1833. echo Wagon wheel: $10 each
  1834. echo Wagon axle: $10 each
  1835. echo Wagon tongue: $10 each
  1836. echo.
  1837. echo how many wagon wheels?
  1839. set /p input=
  1840. if %input% == 3 goto next
  1842. :next
  1843. echo How many wagon axles?
  1845. set /p input=
  1846. if %input% ==3 goto next2
  1848. :next2
  1849. echo And finally, how many wagon tongues?
  1851. set /p input=
  1852. if %input% == 3 goto next3
  1854. :next3
  1855. echo Well then, you're ready
  1856. echo to start. Good luck!
  1857. echo You have a long and
  1858. echo difficult journey ahead
  1859. echo of you
  1860. pause
  1861. goto loader
  1863. :loader
  1864. echo Loading the wagon.
  1865. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  1866. cls
  1867. loading the wagon...
  1868. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  1869. cls
  1870. echo COMPLETE!
  1871. pause
  1872. echo Independence
  1873. echo March 1, 1848
  1874. pause
  1875. goto bodo
  1877. :bodo
  1878. Title Independence March 1, 1848
  1879. echo Weather: cold
  1880. echo Health: good
  1881. echo Pace: steady
  1882. echo Rations: filling
  1883. echo.
  1884. echo You may:
  1885. echo.
  1886. echo 1.Continue on trail
  1887. echo 2.Check Supplies
  1888. echo 3.Look at map
  1889. echo 4.Change pace
  1890. echo 5.Change food rations
  1891. echo 6.Stop to rest
  1892. echo 7.Attempt to trade
  1893. echo 8.Talk to people
  1894. echo 9.Buy supplies
  1895. echo.
  1896. echo What is your choice?
  1898. set /p input=
  1899. if %input% == 1 goto 1
  1900. if %input% == 2 goto 2
  1901. if %input% == 3 goto 3
  1902. if %input% == 4 goto 4
  1903. if %input% == 5 goto 5
  1904. if %input% == 6 goto 6
  1905. if %input% == 7 goto 7
  1906. if %input% == 8 goto 8
  1907. if %input% == 9 goto 9
  1909. :1
  1910. echo =
  1911. echo -- -----
  1912. echo -- ---- ---
  1913. echo --------- -
  1914. echo - - ----------
  1915. echo = == ==
  1916. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  1917. cls
  1918. echo =
  1919. echo -- -----
  1920. echo -- ---- ---
  1921. echo --------- -
  1922. echo - - ----------
  1923. echo = == ==
  1924. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  1925. cls
  1926. echo =
  1927. echo -- -----
  1928. echo -- ---- ---
  1929. echo --------- -
  1930. echo - - ----------
  1931. echo = == ==
  1932. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  1933. cls
  1934. echo =
  1935. echo -- -----
  1936. echo -- ---- ---
  1937. echo --------- -
  1938. echo - - ----------
  1939. echo = == ==
  1940. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  1941. cls
  1942. echo =
  1943. echo -- -----
  1944. echo -- ---- ---
  1945. echo --------- -
  1946. echo - - ----------
  1947. echo = == ==
  1948. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  1949. cls
  1950. echo =
  1951. echo -- -----
  1952. echo -- ---- ---
  1953. echo --------- -
  1954. echo - - ----------
  1955. echo = == ==
  1956. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  1957. cls
  1958. echo =
  1959. echo -- -----
  1960. echo -- ---- ---
  1961. echo --------- -
  1962. echo - - ----------
  1963. echo = == ==
  1964. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  1965. cls
  1966. echo =
  1967. echo -- -----
  1968. echo -- ---- ---
  1969. echo --------- -
  1970. echo - - ----------
  1971. echo = == ==
  1972. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  1973. cls
  1974. pause
  1975. echo your wheel has broken down, would you like to fix it?
  1976. pause
  1977. echo it has been fixed
  1978. pause
  1979. echo =
  1980. echo -- -----
  1981. echo -- ---- ---
  1982. echo --------- -
  1983. echo - - ----------
  1984. echo = == ==
  1985. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  1986. cls
  1987. echo =
  1988. echo -- -----
  1989. echo -- ---- ---
  1990. echo --------- -
  1991. echo - - ----------
  1992. echo = == ==
  1993. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  1994. cls
  1995. echo =
  1996. echo -- -----
  1997. echo -- ---- ---
  1998. echo --------- -
  1999. echo - - ----------
  2000. echo = == ==
  2001. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2002. cls
  2003. echo =
  2004. echo -- -----
  2005. echo -- ---- ---
  2006. echo --------- -
  2007. echo - - ----------
  2008. echo = == ==
  2009. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2010. cls
  2011. echo =
  2012. echo -- -----
  2013. echo -- ---- ---
  2014. echo --------- -
  2015. echo - - ----------
  2016. echo = == ==
  2017. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2018. cls
  2019. echo =
  2020. echo -- -----
  2021. echo -- ---- ---
  2022. echo --------- -
  2023. echo - - ----------
  2024. echo = == ==
  2025. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2026. cls
  2027. echo =
  2028. echo -- -----
  2029. echo -- ---- ---
  2030. echo --------- -
  2031. echo - - ----------
  2032. echo = == ==
  2033. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2034. cls
  2035. echo =
  2036. echo -- -----
  2037. echo -- ---- ---
  2038. echo --------- -
  2039. echo - - ----------
  2040. echo = == ==
  2041. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2042. cls
  2043. echo We will cross the river.
  2044. pause
  2045. goto cross
  2047. :cross
  2048. echo =
  2049. echo -- -----
  2050. echo -- ---- ---
  2051. echo --------- -
  2052. echo - - ----------
  2053. echo = == ==
  2054. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2055. cls
  2056. echo =
  2057. echo -- -----
  2058. echo -- ---- ---
  2059. echo --------- -
  2060. echo - - ----------
  2061. echo = == ==
  2062. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2063. cls
  2064. echo =
  2065. echo -- -----
  2066. echo -- ---- ---
  2067. echo --------- -
  2068. echo - - ----------
  2069. echo = == ==
  2070. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2071. cls
  2072. echo =
  2073. echo -- -----
  2074. echo -- ---- ---
  2075. echo --------- -
  2076. echo - - ----------
  2077. echo = == ==
  2078. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2079. cls
  2080. echo =
  2081. echo -- -----
  2082. echo -- ---- ---
  2083. echo --------- -
  2084. echo - - ----------
  2085. echo = == ==
  2086. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2087. cls
  2088. echo =
  2089. echo -- -----
  2090. echo -- ---- ---
  2091. echo --------- -
  2092. echo - - ----------
  2093. echo = == ==
  2094. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2095. cls
  2096. echo =
  2097. echo -- -----
  2098. echo -- ---- ---
  2099. echo --------- -
  2100. echo - - ----------
  2101. echo = == ==
  2102. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2103. cls
  2104. echo =
  2105. echo -- -----
  2106. echo -- ---- ---
  2107. echo --------- -
  2108. echo - - ----------
  2109. echo = == ==
  2110. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2111. cls
  2112. echo =
  2113. echo -- -----
  2114. echo -- ---- ---
  2115. echo --------- -
  2116. echo - - ----------
  2117. echo = == ==
  2118. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2119. cls
  2120. echo =
  2121. echo -- -----
  2122. echo -- ---- ---
  2123. echo --------- -
  2124. echo - - ----------
  2125. echo = == ==
  2126. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2127. cls
  2128. echo =
  2129. echo -- -----
  2130. echo -- ---- ---
  2131. echo --------- -
  2132. echo - - ----------
  2133. echo = == ==
  2134. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2135. cls
  2136. echo =
  2137. echo -- -----
  2138. echo -- ---- ---
  2139. echo --------- -
  2140. echo - - ----------
  2141. echo = == ==
  2142. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2143. cls
  2144. echo Would you like to hunt?
  2145. echo Y/N
  2147. set /p input=
  2148. if %input% == Y goto Huntthem
  2149. if %input% == N goto nothunt
  2151. :Huntthem
  2152. echo Hunting...
  2153. pause
  2154. echo Hunting..
  2155. pause
  2156. echo Hunting.
  2157. pause
  2158. echo You got 40 pounds of meat!!
  2159. pause
  2160. echo =
  2161. echo -- -----
  2162. echo -- ---- ---
  2163. echo --------- -
  2164. echo - - ----------
  2165. echo = == ==
  2166. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2167. cls
  2168. echo =
  2169. echo -- -----
  2170. echo -- ---- ---
  2171. echo --------- -
  2172. echo - - ----------
  2173. echo = == ==
  2174. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2175. cls
  2176. echo =
  2177. echo -- -----
  2178. echo -- ---- ---
  2179. echo --------- -
  2180. echo - - ----------
  2181. echo = == ==
  2182. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2183. cls
  2184. echo =
  2185. echo -- -----
  2186. echo -- ---- ---
  2187. echo --------- -
  2188. echo - - ----------
  2189. echo = == ==
  2190. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2191. cls
  2192. echo =
  2193. echo -- -----
  2194. echo -- ---- ---
  2195. echo --------- -
  2196. echo - - ----------
  2197. echo = == ==
  2198. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2199. cls
  2200. echo =
  2201. echo -- -----
  2202. echo -- ---- ---
  2203. echo --------- -
  2204. echo - - ----------
  2205. echo = == ==
  2206. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2207. cls
  2208. echo =
  2209. echo -- -----
  2210. echo -- ---- ---
  2211. echo --------- -
  2212. echo - - ----------
  2213. echo = == ==
  2214. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2215. cls
  2216. echo =
  2217. echo -- -----
  2218. echo -- ---- ---
  2219. echo --------- -
  2220. echo - - ----------
  2221. echo = == ==
  2222. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2223. cls
  2224. echo =
  2225. echo -- -----
  2226. echo -- ---- ---
  2227. echo --------- -
  2228. echo - - ----------
  2229. echo = == ==
  2230. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2231. cls
  2232. echo =
  2233. echo -- -----
  2234. echo -- ---- ---
  2235. echo --------- -
  2236. echo - - ----------
  2237. echo = == ==
  2238. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2239. cls
  2240. echo We are doing well...
  2241. pause
  2242. echo 7 months later...
  2243. Title Willamette, Oregon August 1, 1848
  2244. echo Willamette, Oregon, August 1, 1848
  2245. pause
  2246. echo =
  2247. echo -- -----
  2248. echo -- ---- ---
  2249. echo --------- -
  2250. echo - - ----------
  2251. echo = == ==
  2252. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2253. cls
  2254. echo =
  2255. echo -- -----
  2256. echo -- ---- ---
  2257. echo --------- -
  2258. echo - - ----------
  2259. echo = == ==
  2260. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2261. cls
  2262. echo =
  2263. echo -- -----
  2264. echo -- ---- ---
  2265. echo --------- -
  2266. echo - - ----------
  2267. echo = == ==
  2268. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2269. cls
  2270. echo =
  2271. echo -- -----
  2272. echo -- ---- ---
  2273. echo --------- -
  2274. echo - - ----------
  2275. echo = == ==
  2276. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2277. cls
  2278. echo =
  2279. echo -- -----
  2280. echo -- ---- ---
  2281. echo --------- -
  2282. echo - - ----------
  2283. echo = == ==
  2284. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2285. cls
  2286. echo =
  2287. echo -- -----
  2288. echo -- ---- ---
  2289. echo --------- -
  2290. echo - - ----------
  2291. echo = == ==
  2292. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2293. cls
  2294. echo =
  2295. echo -- -----
  2296. echo -- ---- ---
  2297. echo --------- -
  2298. echo - - ----------
  2299. echo = == ==
  2300. ping Localhost -n 2 >nul
  2301. cls
  2302. echo =
  2303. echo -- -----
  2304. echo -- ---- ---
  2305. echo --------- -
  2306. echo - - ----------
  2307. echo = == ==
  2308. echo Finally, Oregon!!!
  2309. pause
  2310. echo Thanks for playing My version of Oregon Trail. sorry to cut it short...
  2311. pause
  2312. goto menu
  2316. :2
  2317. echo You have all of your items.
  2318. pause
  2319. goto bodo
  2321. :3
  2322. echo ----------------------------------------
  2323. echo - Finish echo -
  2324. echo - echo -
  2325. echo - echo -
  2326. echo - echo -
  2327. echo - echo -
  2328. echo - echo -
  2329. echo - echo -
  2330. echo - echo -
  2331. echo - you are here ---- | echo -
  2332. echo ----------------------------------------
  2334. :4
  2335. echo changing pace
  2336. pause
  2337. echo pace upped by 5%
  2338. pause
  2339. goto bodo
  2341. :5
  2342. echo rationed for now
  2343. pause
  2344. goto bodo
  2346. :6
  2347. echo Ok..
  2348. echo 1 Hour later...
  2349. pause
  2350. goto bodo
  2352. :7
  2353. echo Local:
  2354. echo So you'd like to trade, eh?
  2355. echo Trading.
  2356. pause
  2357. echo Trading..
  2358. pause
  2359. echo Trading...
  2360. pause
  2361. echo traded
  2362. pause
  2363. goto bodo
  2365. :8
  2366. echo HI, I am winston.
  2367. pause
  2368. echo so i here you're going to Oregon,
  2369. echo I like you..
  2370. pause
  2371. echo im coming with you
  2372. echo (Winston has joined your team)
  2373. pause
  2374. goto bodo
  2376. :9
  2377. echo What would you like to trade for
  2378. 1.meat
  2380. 3.bullets
  2382. set /p input=
  2383. if %input% == 1 goto meat
  2384. if %input% == 2 goto cloth
  2385. if %input% == 3 goto ammo
  2387. :meat
  2388. echo Trading.
  2389. pause
  2390. echo Trading..
  2391. pause
  2392. echo Trading...
  2393. pause
  2394. echo traded
  2395. pause
  2396. goto bodo
  2398. :cloth
  2399. echo Trading.
  2400. pause
  2401. echo Trading..
  2402. pause
  2403. echo Trading...
  2404. pause
  2405. echo traded
  2406. pause
  2407. goto bodo
  2409. :ammo
  2410. echo Trading.
  2411. pause
  2412. echo Trading..
  2413. pause
  2414. echo Trading...
  2415. pause
  2416. echo traded
  2417. pause
  2418. goto bodo
  2425. :norp
  2426. cls
  2427. echo the best is carpenter
  2428. pause
  2429. goto harp
  2431. :exit
  2432. echo would you like to keep using Jason Jaguar OS Premium Silver Edition?
  2433. echo Yes or No?
  2434. pause
  2436. set /p input=
  2437. if %input% == Yes goto menu
  2438. if %input% == No exit
  2464. REM 01001001 01100110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00101100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100010 01101001 01100111 00100000 01100110 01100001 01110100 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110010 01100100 00101110 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110100 00100000 01110011 01101111 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01101001 00100000 01100011 01100001 01110101 01110011 01100101 00100000 01101001 00100000 01110111 01110010 01101111 01110100 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00101110
  2465. REM Alright, read this and then use the development kit of this OS, and start porting to other PC's.
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