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Jul 9th, 2018
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  1. #!/usr/bin/perl
  2. #
  3. # Parse pflog (values will be inserted to PGSQL soon)
  4. #
  5. # TODO:
  6. #
  7. # 4) Get data in database table(s)
  10. use strict;
  11. use DBI;
  12. use CGI ();
  13. use HTML::Template ();
  14. use Time::ParseDate;
  15. use Time::Local qw( timelocal_nocheck );
  17. our ($db_name, $db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $log);
  18. require "/etc/pflog/pf.conf";
  20. ##### WTF???????
  21. #my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=$db_name, host=localhost, user=$db_user, password=$db_pass", {'RaiseError' => 1});
  23. $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
  24. my $existing = check_existing();
  27. my $insert_stmt = "insert into log (date, rulenum, action, direction, interface, proto, src_host, src_port, dst_host, dst_port, id) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,NULL)";
  28. my $sth = $dbh->prepare($insert_stmt);
  29. my $rules = get_rules();
  30. my @new_regex;
  31. my $count;
  33. unless (-f $log) { die "Can't open file: $!"; }
  35. open (LOGFILE, "$log") || die "LOLWAT?";
  36. while(<LOGFILE>) {
  37. chomp;
  38. my $parseResult = $_;
  39. my ($date, $direction, $action, $interface, $src_host, $src_port, $dst_host, $dst_port, $proto, $rulenum);
  40. SWITCH: {
  41. if ($parseResult =~ /(\w+ * \d+ \d+:.\d:.\d+) \d+.\d+.\d+.\d+\/\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+ +.* rule (\d+)\/\d+\(match\): (\w+) (\w+) \w+ (\w+): +.* proto (TCP|UDP) +.* (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+).(\d+) > (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+).(\d+)+.* /){
  42. my ($date1) = ($1);
  43. my $time1 = parsedate($date1);
  44. ($date, $rulenum, $action, $direction, $interface, $proto, $src_host, $src_port, $dst_host, $dst_port) = ($time1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10);
  45. #print "$date, $rulenum, $action, $direction, $interface, $proto, $src_host, $src_port, $dst_host, $dst_port\n";
  46. $sth->execute($date, $rulenum, $action, $direction, $interface, $proto, $src_host, $src_port, $dst_host, $dst_port);
  47. last SWITCH;
  48. }
  49. if ($parseResult =~ /(\w+ * \d+ \d+:.\d:.\d+) \d+.\d+.\d+.\d+\/\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+ +.* rule (\d+)\/\d+\(match\): (\w+) (\w+) \w+ (\w+): +.* proto (\w+) +.* (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+) > (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+): /){
  50. my ($date1) = ($1);
  51. my $time1 = parsedate($date1);
  52. ($date, $rulenum, $action, $direction, $interface, $proto, $src_host, $src_port, $dst_host, $dst_port) = ($time1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, "NULL", $8, "NULL");
  53. #print "$date $proto $src_host $src_port $dst_host $dst_port $rulenum $action $direction $interface\n";
  54. $sth->execute($date, $rulenum, $action, $direction, $interface, $proto, $src_host, $src_port, $dst_host, $dst_port);
  55. last SWITCH;
  56. }
  57. if ($parseResult =~ /(\w+ * \d+ \d+:.\d:.\d+) \d+.\d+.\d+.\d+\/\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+ +.* proto (TCP|UDP|ICMP) +.* (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+).(\d+) > (\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+).(\d+)+.* /){
  58. my ($date1) = ($1);
  59. my $time1 = parsedate($date1);
  60. ($date, $proto, $src_host, $src_port, $dst_host, $dst_port, $rulenum, $action, $direction, $interface) = ($time1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL");
  62. $sth->execute($date, $rulenum, $action, $direction, $interface, $proto, $src_host, $src_port, $dst_host, $dst_port);
  63. last SWITCH;
  64. }
  65. else
  66. {
  67. last SWITCH;
  68. }
  69. }
  70. $dbh->commit;
  71. };
  72. close(LOGFILE);
  74. sub check_existing {
  75. my $select = "select date, rulenum, src_host from log";
  76. my $sth = $dbh->prepare($select);
  77. $sth->execute || die $dbh->stderr;
  78. my %existing;
  79. while (my $result = ($sth->fetchrow_hashref)) {
  80. my $timestamp = $result->{'date'} . " " . $result->{'src_host'};
  81. $existing{$timestamp} = 1;
  82. }
  83. return \%existing;
  84. }
  86. sub insert_table {
  87. my ($date, $direction, $action, $interface, $src_host, $src_port, $dst_host, $dst_port, $proto, $rulenum) = @_;
  88. my @timestamp = localtime(time);
  89. $date =~ /^(\w+) (\d+) (\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)$/;
  90. my ($month, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $year) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $timestamp[5]);
  91. my %months = qw( Jan 0 Feb 1 Mar 2 Apr 3 May 4 Jun 5 Jul 6 Aug 7 Sep 8 Oct 9 Nov 10 Dec 11 );
  92. my $epoch = timelocal_nocheck($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $months{$month}, $year);
  93. unless ($existing->{"$epoch"}) {
  94. $sth->execute($date, $direction, $action, $interface, $src_host, $src_port, $dst_host, $dst_port, $proto, $rules->{$rulenum});
  95. }
  96. return;
  97. }
  98. ########## Write a cron to pull or push the rules <--------- TODO!
  99. sub get_rules {
  100. my %rules;
  101. open(RULES, "/bin/cat /var/log/pflog/rules.txt | grep -E \"^@\" |");
  102. while (<RULES>) {
  103. chomp;
  104. /\@(\d+) (\w+.*)/;
  105. my ($index, $text) = ($1, $2);
  106. $text =~ s/\</\</g;
  107. $text =~ s/\>/\>/g;
  108. $rules{$index} = $text;
  109. }
  110. close(RULES);
  111. return \%rules;
  112. }
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