

Feb 1st, 2019
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  1. Wearing just a vest and leather pants, Toz flashes you a smug sort of grin from his spot by the fire, a line of cups arranged nearby. He lifts the one he holds up in wordless greeting, then nods down to the furs just beside his own.
  3. He is a stalwart Azudim of Grecht heritage. Statuesque, he is of distinctly brawny build and rather tall. Slate grey, his skin has a distinctly leathery texture to it, rough and calloused. His hair is mostly raven black, worn short and slicked back, though a slightly off-center patch of silver-gray stripes through. His right ear ends in a sharp point, the tip of the left has been blunted by a bite, the tip missing. His eyes are small and beady, colored an icy blue. Standing in contrast to his large, blocky jaw, his thin lips conceal a row of dangerously sharp teeth. Digitigrade feet hold up his form, each ending in a three-taloned foot. From his back sprouts two leathery wings - each jointed to allow them to fold the patagium against his back when not in use, safely out of harm's way. Sinuously extending behind him is a thick tail, the tip broadening into a leaf-headed point.
  5. (worn on the legs) : sturdy brown leather trousers
  6. (worn on his right ring finger) : a blackened iron band of the will
  7. (covering the torso) : a crimson silk vest
  9. You have emoted: Tatia closes the door behind her then leans back against it, bringing her arms up to rest loosely over her chest while she drags her glance over Toz's attire. She wordlessly sets her shield and staff down, barely able to look away from Toz before she moves to lower herself next to him.
  11. Leaning over, Toz plants a firm kiss on your cheek, arm going around your shoulders after to tug you into his side, holding you there. "I thought you might like me dusting this outfit off," he teases you gently, voice warm. "Drinks and frustrations, I think you offered?"
  13. You have emoted: Tatia smiles lightly at the kiss to her cheek, moving easily against Toz's side. "I don't mind that outfit at all." she returns, leaning forward just enough to properly appreciate the vest with her gaze. "Mhm, I did.. though it looks like you beat me to the drinks." she says, tearing her glance away to look up at him.
  15. Leaning just a little back himself, to show off, Toz flashes you a little grin. "I thought I'd get it all set up, so all you have to do is show up and appreciate?" He takes a small sip from his cup after, letting it go set down beside him on the ground. "I'm in an excellent mood this week, too," he reports. "Rijetta came back."
  17. You have emoted: Tatia reaches absently for a glass, not willing to tear her glance away from Toz's form. She pulls the first glass she makes contact with to her, lifting it to take a sip. She smiles brightly at Toz and laughs. "Your student is back! That is great news!" she says happily. "I think you beat me out on plans, too." she tells Toz a little softer with a slight grin. "Good week for both of us, then."
  19. Reaching across himself, Toz catches your cheek with his hand, cradling it gently. "It's good news," he agrees to you, clearly pleased, "I got her gear forged, and we'll be working on her fighting again soon. Funny to hear her call me 'mentor', but I suppose it's accurate." His thumb grazes against your cheek as he caresses it slowly, watching you watch him.
  21. You have emoted: Finally lifting her eyes once more, Tatia smiles softly and leans forward to press a light kiss to Toz's lips. "Happy for you, Bam. I know you missed training her." she says warmly, her free hand lifting to brush lightly against his chest.
  23. Kissing you back gently, Toz admits, "I have. Good to have a student who listens so attentively. That's going to be you soon too, I suspect." He lingers there, brushing his lips lightly against your a second time, then supposes, "Different, for you and I, though. You're my lover first, far before anything student-related."
  25. You have emoted: "Mmm, however will you manage?" Tatia teases softly, lifting her chin to lightly bump her nose against Toz's. "Come down on your student then come home and console your lover?" she continues, a slight smile creeping over her features while her fingertips continue to roam against Toz's chest.
  27. With a chuckle to himself, and then a nod, Toz keeps in close still while your hand wanders, letting you do as you wishes. His own hand remains on your cheek, stroking idly time and again, and he steals a brief peck. "I think you just want me to come down hard on you out there, then drag you back here and be hard on you again," he teases you.
  29. You have emoted: Tatia purses her lips together while she feigns deep thought. "Isn't that the point of sleeping with the teacher?" she asks with a playfully quirked eyebrow. "I expect you to be hard on me while you train me." she tells Toz firmly, "Then I expect you to come home and let me take it out on you." she adds with a devious little smile, leaning forward to nip at Toz's lower lip.
  31. Clacking his teeth back, not quite finding your lips for a return bite, Toz pushes his head into your forehead instead and leans in, giving a little laugh. "Usually, people sleep with the teacher to get it made easier on them. But I'm sure I can handle that, yes." His hand drops and moves to hook against your hip, squeezing firmly. "Is this the part where I push you over and risk spilling our drinks?"
  33. You have emoted: "Quite the contrary in our case.. I do so enjoy when you are hard with me." Tatia responds slyly, pressing her side against Toz with the squeeze to her hip. She drops her glance to look at the glasses on the floor, looking back up at Toz with a slight grin. "Or slam them and see where it goes from there?" she returns with the cant of her head.
  35. "What, got to be drunk to fuck me?" Toz challenges you, giving your hip a little push. He reaches out for his glass after, though, leaning back. He lifts it up to his lips, slamming back the half-full cup of Liquid Steel and pulling a pained face after, wincing clearly. "Phew."
  37. You have emoted: Tatia watches Toz with an almost shocked expression. "I think I've fucked you way more sober than drunk." she retorts, lifting her own tankard and taking a fair amount of sips but not finishing it. She quirks an eyebrow at Toz, setting her tankard down and tugging roughly against his vest. "Have something particular on mind?" she almost whispers, flexing her fingers so her nails graze his chest.
  39. Clearly a little hazy from the significant amount of alcohol, Toz shrugs his shoulders to you, returning an almost-slurred, "Frustrations?" to you. He gets pulled in, letting his forehead meet your while you stares at him, eyes flitting down towards his chest, and your nails against it. "Sounded like you did, from not too long ago. But I can always find a bookshelf and pick you up by your neck again?"
  41. You have emoted: Tatia smiles wickedly while lifting her eyes to Toz. "Oh, I have a plan for you alright." she murmurs, shifting her head around to nip at Toz's neck. Leaning up from there, she presses her lips to his ear and whispers, "Requires a little preparation... unless you'd rather have me by my neck against a bookshelf or..wall." Leaning back just slightly, she runs her tongue lightly along Toz's ear.
  43. "Mmh. If it takes preparation, maybe we'll have to dust it off some other time," Toz returns to you, tilting his head just a little to welcome the touch to his neck, holding still as your attention moves to his ear instead, grip tightening just a bit on your waist. "I think you're making a play for the nearest table, if nothing else," he tells you in a low murmur, eyes narrowing.
  45. You have emoted: "Just a quick change." Tatia she murmurs, still paying special attention to Toz's ear. She shifts her body and turns, throwing a leg over Toz to straddle him. Leaning back to look at Toz, she leans forward to press her lips against his - her kiss starting light but quickly turning to lustful and passionate. Her hands shift from Toz's vest to wrap around his neck, nearly clinging to him as her frustrations build.
  47. With you sliding into his lap, Toz pushes the cups aside to give the pair some space and then rests one hand on your hip, other curling around your back to dig in agaonst you opposite shoulder, meeting your kiss with a rough one of his own, form shifting once beneath you as his hips press in closer, offering a simple, pleased murmur against your lips before catching your lower one in a quick, light nip. "Going to go change then?" he wonders, voice barely above a whisper.
  49. You have emoted: Tatia leans back to look at Toz, biting down on her lower lip and exhaling slowly. She quirks an eyebrow and nods once, a small smirk passing over her features. "You, Alpha, are going to go upstairs while I get ready." she directs, shifting her hips forward against Toz teasingly. "Or we aren't going to make it that far."
  51. With a lift of his hips back to your, holding firmly there a moment, Toz kisses you a final time on the lips. "I suspect if you stripped with me here, your plans would be interrupted, yes." He moves to his feet, sliding from beneath you carefully, lowering his hand down after to ruffle your hair in a purposeful way, giving a light yank as he does. "I'll wait for you upstairs. Or on your call," he tells you easily, starting for the doorway.
  53. Toz unlocks the north door.
  54. Toz opens the door to the north.
  55. Toz leaves to the north.
  56. The door to the north closes abruptly.
  57. You hear the door to the north being locked.
  59. She is an intelligent Yeleni of Human heritage. She stands at just below five feet tall with a bantam frame to match her short stature. Shapely silver brows sit just above hazy ice-blue eyes that starkly stand out from her radiant golden chestnut skin, framed by long thick silvery lashes. A perfect diagonal scar starts from just above her eyebrow and extends over the eyelid, ending just before the bridge of her nearly button nose. Full scarlet lips reside just below her nose, seemingly always pursed in thought. Long, wavy locks of silvery hair cascade messily over her shoulders with two thick bundles of hair from each side of her face twisted and wrapped around her head to meet and be tied off at the crown to keep it out of her face. Hidden by her hair, a black shadowy triangle with three vertical lines crossing through it has been Branded on the back of her neck. Smooth, rounded shoulders lead down to a petite but muscular hourglass figure with a delicately dipped waistline and well toned legs. Streaks of crimson blood spatter her face. Translucent strands of spiderweb periodically weave around her form, empowering her with Iosyne's blessing.
  61. (fastened with 3 golden spearheads) : a hooded, red cloak
  62. (clinging to the hips) : an exceptionally small black leather skirt
  63. (tucked behind the ear) : a white rose
  64. (around the forehead) : a gold and ruby teardrop circlet
  65. (at the back of the neck) : a black-inked tattoo of a pair of crossed fists
  66. (barely covering) : a stomach-baring top of black lace
  67. (worn on the feet) : a pair of black knee-high leather boots
  69. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Come here."
  71. You hear the door to the north being unlocked.
  72. The door to the north is opened from the other side.
  73. Toz arrives from the north.
  74. Toz closes the door to the north.
  75. Toz locks the north door.
  77. You have emoted: Tatia is waiting patiently on the bed, her right leg is crossed over her left while her foot twitches. She has one hand resting slightly behind her to support her weight, her body angled towards Toz to offer a full view of her every curve and her less than covering attire. The candles have been extinguished leaving only the flickering flames of the fireplace to illuminate the bedroom. The flickering flames reveal a chair that has been placed in the center of the room, a tie draped over the back. "I believe I promised you something that I haven't made good on." she says, pushing herself up from the bed and sauntering towards Toz. She stops just in front of him, lifting her hands to run over his chest and attempting to push his vest off. She offers a hand towards Toz and waits expectantly.
  79. Eyes first drifting around the room, Toz's attention eventually makes its way to you, making no attempt to conceal the way his eyes flick across your form, seeming more than a little impressed by the outfit. He straightens up as you moves his way, but doesn't step in himself, letting his vest be encouraged off of his shoulders to fall to the ground behind him. He glances to the chair, and then back to you, lifting his hand to take your, gripping tight. "I am very much looking forward to this," he tells you freely, but he continues on, "I have also been wanting you in a skirt- I like them, and I certainly like it on you." His eyes go then to the chair, nodding towards it in a questioning sort of way before his eyes go back to you, "Lead on. I'm all yours, my love."
  81. You have emoted: Guiding Toz to the chair in the center of the room, Tatia grabs the tie before he sits. Slipping around behind him, she reaches around to grab one of Toz's wrists to slide around the back of the chair. "Dont worry, this isn't going to hurt a bit." She whispers seductively in Toz's ear, pressing her lips against it while she pulls his other hand around and behind the chair while she binds Toz's wrists with the silken tie. The binds are not tight, but aren't easily slipped out of either.
  83. Though there's a brief moment of straining against your hands as you pulls his arms behind him, Toz nonetheless relaxes and lets you tie his wrists, settled in the chair with a slight slump. He gives a faint, small nod to you as he tugs on the ties, letting the binding go slack once again as his arms relax, seeming satisfied. "You're the one who likes getting hurt anyway," he teases you, eyes cutting back to try to watch you at his ear without moving his head away from the sensation of your lips against it.
  85. You have emoted: "Mm, you're right." Tatia murmurs then nips lightly at Toz's ear before she finally moves around the front of the chair to face Toz. She offers him a devious little smirk while her hands come up to unclasp her cloak, pulling it slowly from her shoulders and dropping it to the side out of the way. She takes a few calculated, sauntering steps towards Toz, leaning down just in front of him and places a hand on each of his knees. She lifts her chin to set her icy blue gaze on Toz and smiles, "Objections?" she asks with a small cant of her head.
  87. Watching your every move, especially once the cloak falls away, Toz leans back just slightly as your hands find his knees and you leans forward. "Only that I can't touch you, or do the other things I want to you from here," he tells you, with a little twist of his lips, fighting back a smile. "But, you look amazing, and I surely cannot complain about having a front row seat to what you're about to do. So, no, no objections." With a little toothy grin, he continues on, "And as for you liking getting hurt, no, I don't have any there either."
  89. You have emoted: With a hand planted on each of Toz's knees and her cleavage on full display, Tatia quirks an eyebrow at Toz with a slight devilish grin to accompany, "You'll live." she murmurs. She thrusts Toz's legs apart and slips her petite form between them, leaning down to whisper, "Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show." Leaning back up, she crosses her arms over her abdomen to grip the hem over her sheer lace top and slowly pulls it over her head to reveal her ample bosom. Dropping the shirt next to the chair, she runs her fingertips lightly over the curve of her breast, her eyes remaining on Toz's face though she does bite down on her lower lip.
  91. "I'll live," Toz confirms to you, letting his legs be parted, planting both feet firmly on the ground in their new spot. As the top is peeled off, his gaze drops down to your chest, the motion of you fingertips eventually pulling his eyes along with them. "Yes ma'am," he offers compliantly, if with a trace of amusement, doing little more than sitting on his chair to watch, a very attentive audience.
  93. You have emoted: Tatia lifts her knee to gingerly brush against Toz's groin, lifting it over his leg and following suit with the other to straddle him. She brings both hands around each side of Toz's neck, gripping the chair just behind Toz's head, rolling her hips to lightly and teasingly grind against Toz. She leans forward just enough to press her bare breasts against Toz and to run her tongue teasingly along his neck, nipping lightly. She leans upright while still continuing her teasing grinding against Toz to bring her hands down and runs her fingertips slowly along the musculature of his chest, eventually digging her nails in and raking them across the exposed flesh.
  95. With you sliding into his lap, Toz shifts his hips up to meet your grinding motions with one of his own, his arousal more and more clearly felt as you writhes against him. His head tilts, exposing his neck freely to your teeth and tongue, murmuring a quiet, "Mmh," at the sensation. His chest lifts just a little to meet your raking nails. His hands strain, just slightly, at the bindings, and he offers up, "I found the frustration you were talking about already, I think."
  97. You have emoted: Tatia lowers her hands to brush teasingly along the waist of Toz's pants, planting her hands on each of his thighs and pushing herself lightly backwards until she is on her feet once more. "Maybe not quite yet.." she whispers while turning away from Toz, stepping just a few paces out of reach, but certainly not out of eye line. With her back still to him, she makes a show of running her hands over her body bending over to slowly unlace each boot then stepping out of each one. Her hands then disappear in front of her, only to reemerge running along her sides, crossing and ending on the waist of her skirt. She slips a thumb under each side and swings her hips slowly, seductively, from side to side while she inches the skirt over her hips - eventually letting it fall to the floor. She glances over her shoulder at Toz, offering a slight smile while she bites down on her lower lip.
  99. Straining just a little, but keeping with being stuck to his chair, Toz follows you as much as he can while you rises up, slumping back down as your form finally slides completely from him. "Not yet, hm?" he wonders, though he doesn't have to wait long to find out. you making the show of bending forward has his chin lifting just a bit, eyes fixing on your ass while you slips from you boots, seeming to have less interest in them- though the show made of loosening the skirt and eventually shimmying from it does hold his full attention, and it's only with effort that his gaze raises to meet your, smirking just a little. "Alright," he concedes. "Now I'm much more frustrated than I was a moment before.."
  101. You have emoted: Turning to face Toz, Tatia cants her head slightly and pops her hip out slightly to offer a full frontal view to Toz. "You'll live." she repeats with a quiet but devious giggle, she makes her way back towards Toz, leaning down to force his knees apart once more. Instead of leaning in this time, she turns her body to face away from Toz, pressing her back against him and lifting her arm to wrap around the back of Toz's neck. She keeps her other hand planted on Toz's thigh, digging her nails in while she grinds her ass against his groin - changing her movements from front to back to side to side at random to keep her motions from being predictable.
  103. Chin still raised, Toz expectantly watches your approach, though you turning you back to him has his eyes narrowing somewhat. Whatever irritation or frustration he might feel is soon distracted away, however, as your ass finds his lap and starts to shift against it. Rather than trying to predict the motions you might make, he instead simply lifts his hips and lets his arousal press against you as much as he's able to, clearly enjoying the contact there. He turns his head, lowering it down, and kisses the skin nearest to him with a few feather-light contacts before sitting up once more. His tail flicks around from behind him, aiming a stinging swat at your thigh, though it moves somewhat clumsily with the chair partially in the way.
  105. You have emoted: Tatia cant help but grin at the pop to her thigh while pulling her hand from around Toz's neck and leaning forward enough to place her hand on his thigh, slowly lowering herself against his groin and bouncing lightly a few times. She twists her body just enough to lower herself to her knees, kneeling between Toz's. She slowly lifts her chin, dragging her icy gaze along Toz's chest until finally making their way to his face. Canting her head slightly to the left and biting down own her lower lip, she smiles slightly. "Now." she starts, her hands roaming lightly along Toz's pants - brushing teasingly against his trapped length. "Tell me what about those frustrations?" she demands in a quiet but sultry tone.
  107. Toz's hips only fall back to the chair fully once you no longer touches him with you body, a leg curling around behind you as you finds you knees, crossing over his other leg in an attempt to keep you in place there. He meets your gaze and, with a clear deliberateness, tells you, "I had you in my lap, naked and squirming, and I couldn't use my hands to undo my pants and remind you who your Alpha is." He offers a crooked, brief grin at that, and then continues as he shifts against the chair, adjusting his spot, "And, before, I had you bent over in front of me and I couldn't push you over to the table and take you. Lots to be frustrated about."
  109. You have emoted: Tatia tilts her head down, glancing to each side of her at Toz's legs holding her in place. Tilting her chin up to look at Toz, she cants her head and quirks an eyebrow with an amused smirk. "What do you intend to do about that?" she asks coyly, clearly enjoying herself while her fingertips continue to brush against Toz's length teasingly.
  111. "Short of breaking this, I suppose I have to wait for you to set me free," Toz tells you, giving a pointed tug at the ties holding his hands behind his back. His leg tightens more around you, tail snaking around beneath his legs to prod at your shin once, sharply. "And then once set free, I don't know if I'm going to dignify you with the bed, or just find a wall to hold you up against."
  113. You have emoted: "Decisions, decisions." Tatia chides with an amused grin. She shifts her body to test Toz's grip around her petite form. She smiles brightly at Toz, her hand coming down to grip Toz's length. "If I cant move, I cant untie you. Then we both suffer." she reminds Toz, flexing her grip easily.
  115. With a pleased groan as your hand catches his length, Toz unslings his leg from around you, if grudgingly. "Tempting as it is to make you suffer with me," he tells you, with a little chuckle, "You're not wrong." He sits upright a little more now, wondering impatiently, "Well?"
  117. You have emoted: Tatia lets her grip on Toz go, using his thighs to push herself up from her kneeling position. "I'm not right, either." she returns, stepping backwards to pick up her skirt and slip it over her hips while making sure to keep a watchful glance on Toz. Tracing her thumb through her cleavage, she steps back towards Toz and straddles him once more. Leaning in to nip at Toz's ear, she whispers, "Tell me why I should untie you?"
  119. Toz narrows his eyes as you steps back, stretching his legs out a moment while you puts the skirt back on. When you returns to his lap, he gives a pointed yank of the ties on his hands, careful to not actually slip free of the restraint, breathing picking up as you settles against him and nips at his ear. "Because if I have to untie myself, I'm going to tie you up and leave you in the cold," he grumbles to you, turning his head and finding your jaw for a rough nip. "But if you untie me, I'll throw you against a wall, railing or piece of furniture of your choice and we'll both be a lot less frustrated after."
  121. You have emoted: "You wouldn't dare." Tatia returns with her lips pressed to Toz's ear. She rolls her hips against him, leaning forward and pressing her bare upper half against Toz's chest while her hand slips around the chair to pull the tie binding Toz's wrists loose. With her lips still pressed to Toz's ear, she murmurs, "My choice, is to see how bad your frustrations really are."
  123. You have emoted: Tatia narrows her eyes with Toz's laugh, cutting them towards Toz. She instinctively tilts her head towards the bite to her ear, though Toz's sudden movement takes her by surprise and takes her off balance. She squeaks quietly, attempting to throw her arms around Toz to catch her balance but stumbles backwards into the wall. She looks up at Toz with and bites her lip, shifting slightly against the cold wall.
  125. Left hand lifting up, Toz clamps around your neck, pinning you to the wall by it. His right hand lowers, fumbling with the front of his pants for a few moments, eventually succeeding in undoing them and shoving them down, stepping out of them. A talon hooks the pool of leather, then kicks it aside, leaving him entirely bare before you. His thumb lifts, touching your jaw as he tries to lift your head up a little more. "This bad," he tells you, his hand drifting from his waist to between your thighs, turning his hand and setting his claws in against your inner thigh, dragging slowly outwards. "Wrap your leg around me," he instructs, giving your leg a little tug while clawing at it for emphasiss.
  127. You have emoted: Tatia jerks her hand up to tightly grip Toz's wrist, stepping up on her tiptoes. She twitches roughly with Toz's claws dragging against the soft meat of her thigh. Bringing her other hand up to join the one gripping Toz's wrist, she follows Toz's instructions and lifts her leg to wrap around Toz's waist.
  129. Feeling you hook you leg around him, Toz murmurs, "Good girl," to you, grip tightening a moment around your throat. His hand goes to his length, lifting it to rest the tip against your slit, lining himself up. His first rock forward against you is restrained, if only just, sinking partway into you and holding there. He leans down and kisses you on the lips, quickly, then straightens again and begins to take you rough and fast, hand kept pinning you to the wall by you neck. "Frustrated enough for you?" he challenges you, watching his hand as it holds onto you.
  131. You have emoted: Tatia opens her mouth to retort something but instead gasps with Toz's rock forward into her. She tightens her grip around Toz's wrist, a strained yelp escaping her lips. Her back arches against the wall, her eyes widening but little noise is made from her while she challengingly attempts to shake her head with your hand pinning her throat.
  133. The shake of your head has Toz grip tighter once more, threatening to cut off your breathing with his hold. His other hand catches your raised thigh and hooks in, raking his nails along the skin. He slams all the way into you, each thrust ending with him hilted within you as he tries to treat you rougher still. His wings flare out a little behind him, adding to the balance, as his motions grow harder and faster, breathing starting to come quick. "Mine," he challenges.
  135. You have emoted: Tatia digs her fingernails into Toz's wrist, her face turning a pale shade of red. Her lips part, but nothing more than muffled sounds emerge, her body trembling roughly with every rough thrust. "Dont.." she tries to say in nothing more than a rough rasp, pausing to attempt a draw of air. Unable to speak further, she uses her grip on Toz's wrist to pull her weight up enough to wrap her other leg around Toz's waist offering a slightly new angle. Unable to contain herself, her head falls back against the wall as she rasps out what sound to be rough moaning, her eyes nearly rolling into the back of her head.
  137. Careful to not squeeze any harder, Toz also doesn't let up any on your throat, keeping you pinned down while he continues his rough motions against you. His hand slips from your thigh and moves inward, clamping down on your hip to pull you into each stroke he makes. Pleasure clearly building, his wings flare out a little wider and his talons dig into the ground, bracing against his oncoming climax in an attempt to hold out for as long as he's able. Eventually overcome by it, he doesn't slow in the slightest, messily moving against your body even as he finds his release. He groans quietly as he does, jaw setting as he tries to bite back the noise, claws flexed against your hip and neck, digging into the skin.
  139. You have emoted: Tatia attempts to gasp for a breath, her eyes clamping closed. Her legs tighten shakily around Toz while he continues his rough thrusts into her, eventually turning loose of Toz's wrists to wrap her arms around his neck - clinging to him with what small amount of strength she has left to keep herself from falling.
  141. Only once his climax passes and his hips still does Toz slacken his grip on your throat. His hand remains there, but without the pressure, and his other slips behind you to help hold you up, keeping you pinned back against the wall. He lowers his head down, forehead pressing to your, trying to claim a quick kiss while panting for breath somewhat himself.
  143. You have emoted: Tatia gasps roughly with the pressure from her throat released, taking in the air she desperately needed. She tilts her head up to meet the quick kiss, leaning her head over to rest against Toz's shoulder while she continues to draw breath until her breathing starts to become normal once more. Not willing to move quite yet, she nuzzles her face sweetly against Toz's neck.
  145. Giving a quiet little laugh as he feels you nuzzling at him, Toz turns and kisses the top of your head. "Guess that answers my question of if you're okay," he muses, bumping a little more weight against you for just a moment, remaining leaned against you. "...And this is the best part of you wearing a skirt, too. All you have to do is wrap a leg around me."
  147. You have emoted: "Mmph." Tatia mumbles while lifting her head to lean in and kiss Toz's lips lightly. "From this angle, at least." she responds, a little hoarsely. "I'll have to remember to prance around you in tiny little skirts more often." she whispers with a quiet laugh, then leans in to kiss the tip of Toz's nose. "Frustration gone?"
  149. "I look forward to that," Toz readily agrees to you, nose wrinkling as it gets kissed. "And, yes. I feel a lot better. Hopefully you do too?" He pauses, then grazes his thumb against your jaw. "Especially now that you can breathe again," he adds, with a crooked sort of smile offered up. He moves, then, one arm slipping around behind your back while the other comes to hook beneath your ass, stepping back from the wall with you held against him. He takes a moment to find his balance, then turns and starts to make his way towards the bed.
  151. You have emoted: Tatia nods slowly with a smile, gripping tighter to Toz's neck as he moves the pair. "Completely frustration free." she agrees with a laugh, glancing over towards the bed. "And breathing is nice, too." she adds. Resting her head back against his shoulder, she exhales softly. "Worth the added frustration?" she asks quietly.
  153. "I would suffer a lot worse than a strip tease for you," Toz tells you, pausing at the edge of the bed. Delicately, he sets you down, and then pulls back, sliding from within you. He takes a moment to stretch, glances towards his clothes, then clearly decides to not bother. He crawls onto the bed beside you and stretches out on his back expectantly, turning to you to murmur warmly, "I love you. So get over here and keep me warm while we sleep."
  155. You have emoted: Tatia shakily pushes herself up enough to crawl over Toz, leaning forward to kiss Toz's lips softly before exhaustedly curling up against his chest. "If that is suffering, maybe I should leave you bound next time." she teases softly. Nuzzling her face into Toz's neck, she murmurs "I love you too, pleasant dreams."
  157. Wrapping you up in an arm, Toz tells you thoughtfully, if sleepily, "I think it's my turn to make you do some suffering, next time." He turns his head down and kisses your hair, squeezing once. He settles beneath you afterwards, letting his eyes drift shut as he starts to drift off, clearly and unabashedly content.
  159. You have emoted: "Promises." Tatia murmurs, slipping off to sleep shortly thereafter.
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