Guest User


a guest
May 1st, 2016
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  1. #Login Page
  2. wrongCredentials: Correo erroneo
  3. noAccount: ¿No tienes una cuenta?
  4. registerHere: Registrate aqui.
  5. login: Iniciar sesion
  6. password: Contraseña
  7. email: Correo
  8. enterYourTwitterEmail: Porfavor ingresa tu correo de Twitter
  9. userWithEmailExists: Ya hay un usuario con este email.
  10. enterYourPassword: Ingresa una contraseña
  11. requestPassword: Una cuenta con este correo ya existe, si quieres conectar las dos cuentas llena los siguientes datos.
  12. wrongPassword: Algo parece estar incorrecto.
  13. connect: Conectar
  14. genericSocialError: Un error ocurrio, Intenta mas tarde.
  15. rememberMe: Recordarme
  16. loginWithFacebook: Iniciar sesion con facebook
  17. loginWithTwitter: Iniciar sesion con twitter
  18. loginWithGoogle: Iniciar sesion con google
  19. orLoginWith: Or Iniciar sesion con with:
  21. #Register Page
  22. alreadyHaveAccount: ¿Ya tienes una cuenta?
  23. repeatPassword: Repetir contraseña
  24. logInHere: Iniciar sesion aqui.
  25. register: Registrar
  27. #Dashboard
  28. sort: Sort
  29. actions: Actions
  30. cardNumber: Card number
  31. expMonth: Expiration Month
  32. expYear: Expiration Year
  33. securityCode: Security Code
  34. expirationDate: Expiration Date
  35. month: Month
  36. year: Year
  37. creditCard: Credit or debit card
  38. upgrade: Upgrade
  39. unsubscribe: Unsubscribe
  40. addNewCard: Add credit card
  41. invoices: Upgrade
  42. subscribedExpl: You are currently subscribed to <strong>{{plan}}</strong>. Your credit card ({{lastFour}}) will be automatically charged <strong>{{amount}}</strong> every month until cancelled (free plan is chosen).
  43. onGracePeriodExpl: You have canceled your subscription and currently are on grace period until <strong>{{date}}</strong>. After this time you will be reverted back to free plan.
  44. free: FREE
  45. chose: Choose
  46. currentPlan: Current Plan
  47. month: month
  48. year: year
  49. upgradeSuccess: Your account has been upgraded succesufully.
  50. noFilePreview: No hay vista previa en estos archivos.
  51. cantPlayAudio: Existe un problema tratando de reproducir el audio.
  52. cantPlayVideo: Existe un problema tratando de reproducir el video.
  53. cantShowText: Existe un problema intentando pre visualizar este archivo.
  54. cantPreviewZip: Existe un problema intentando pre visualizar este ZIP.
  55. mustBeNumber: Porfavor ingrese un numero.
  56. cantBeEmpty: Porfavor ingrese algo.
  57. itemsSelected: Archivos seleccionados
  58. upload: Subir
  59. cancel: Cancelar
  60. create: Crear
  61. createNewFolder: Crear un nuevo folder
  62. name: Nombre
  63. folderAlreadyExists: Un folder con ese nombre ya existe.
  64. newFolderCreated: Folder creado.
  65. folders: Folders
  66. newFolder: Nevo folder
  67. uploading: Subiendo
  68. rename: Renombrar
  69. uploadsInProgress: Subidas en progreso
  70. uploadsComplete: Subidas completas
  71. rejected: Rechazada
  72. sizeBigFirst: Tamaño - Grandes primero
  73. sizeSmallFirst: Tamaño - Pequeños primero
  74. type: Tipo
  75. modified: Modificado
  76. dateUploaded: Fecha de subida
  77. uploadDndExpl: Puedes arrastrar tus archivos a cualquier parte del sitio o carpeta para subirlos.
  78. uploadDndExplNoFolder: Puedes arrastrar tus archivos para subirlos.
  79. new: Nuevo
  80. orderBy: Ordernar por
  81. folders: Folders
  82. folder: Folder
  83. moreOptions: Mas opciones
  84. rootFolderDesc: Folder base. Todos los archivos subidos terminaran aqui.
  85. rootFolder: Folder principal
  86. sortOptions: Sort Options
  87. size: Tamaño
  88. searchResults: Resultados de busqueda
  89. activity: Actividad
  90. renamed: Renombrado
  91. copyLink: Copiar link
  92. favoritesEmpty1: No agregaste nada a tus favoritos aun.
  93. favoritesEmpty2: Agrega archivos favoritos para descargarlos luego.
  94. trashEmpty1: No ay nada en este bote de basura.
  95. trashEmpty2: Los archivos eliminados se moverán al basurero. Eliminalos del basurero para hacerlo permanente.
  96. recentEmpty1: No hay archivos recientes.
  97. recentEmpty2: Cuando subas un archivo, aparecerá aquí.
  98. searchEmpty1: Sin resultados.
  99. searchEmpty2: No pudimos encontrar ningun archivo ni folder en el buscador.
  100. dropFilesFoldersHere: Arrastra los archivos y folders aqui
  101. dropFilesHere: Arrastra archivos aqui
  102. smallScreenFolderEmpty: No hay archivos en este folder.
  103. smallScreenFolderEmpty2: Usa el nuevo boton para subir algo.
  104. orUseBtnsAbove: O usa algun boton naranja de arriba para subir.
  105. toggleView: Toggle grid and list view
  106. searchFilesFolders: Busca archivos o folders
  107. maxSimultUploadsWarning: Solo puedes subir {{ number }} archivos al mismo tiempo.
  108. maxSimultUploads: Maximo de subidas simultaneas.
  109. maxSimultUploadsExpl: Cuantos archivos puede subir un usuario al mismo tiempo.
  110. you: Tu
  111. resume: Resumen
  113. #Right Panel
  114. uploadActivity: Subido
  115. items: Items
  116. allFolders: Todos los Folders
  117. ago: atras
  118. created: Creado
  119. folder: Folder
  120. addToFavorites: Agregar a favoritos
  121. description: Descripcion
  122. files: Archivos
  123. none: Ninguno
  124. yes: Si
  125. no: No
  126. recentActivity: Actividad reciente
  128. #Left Panel
  129. trash: Basura
  130. recent: Reciente
  131. favorites: Favoritos
  133. #Navbar
  134. searchFilesAndFolder: Buscar archivos y folders
  135. editUsername: Editar nombre
  136. changeAvatar: Cambiar avatar
  137. logOut: salir
  138. accountSettings: Configuracion
  139. confirm: Confirmar
  140. noMatches: No hay archivos ni folders con ese nombre.
  141. dashboard: Panel
  142. links: Links
  143. comments: Commentarios
  145. #Account
  146. username: Usuario
  147. firstName: Primer Nombre
  148. lastName: Segundo Nombre
  149. gender: Genero
  150. male: Masculino
  151. female: Femenino
  152. notSaying: Sin definir
  153. oldPassword: Contraseña actual
  154. passwordChangeSuccess: Tu contraseña fue cambiada!.
  155. avatarAcceptedFormats: Archivos aceptados en imagen: png, jpeg.
  156. avatarResizeExpl:Tu avatar sera puesto en 200x200 (px) si es mas grande que eso.
  157. view: Mirar
  159. #Responses
  160. cardAddSucess: Added new card successufully.
  161. unsubSuccess: Canceled your subscription successfully.
  162. subResumeSuccess: Resumed your subscription successfully.
  163. planSwapSuccess: Changed your plan to :plan successfully.
  164. cancelSub: Cancel Your Subscription
  165. cancelSubConfirm: This will cancel your current subscription, you will no longer be charged monthly and you will be reverted to free plan after your current subscription time runs out, are you sure you want to continue?
  166. genericError: Something went wrong, please try again later.
  167. favoriteSuccess: Added items to favorites successfully.
  168. favoriteDetachSuccess: Removed item from favorites successfully.
  169. favoriteExists: You have already marked this photo as favorite.
  170. passMatches: Password is correct.
  171. noSpaceLeft: You are out of space. Please delete some files.
  172. passDoesntMatch: Incorrect password. Please try again.
  173. descriptionUpdated: Description updated successfully.
  174. noPermissions: You don't have permissions to do that.
  175. profileUpdateSuccess: You profile was updated successfully.
  176. avatarRemoveSuccess: Removed avatar successfully.
  177. copiedItems: Copied {{ number }} items.
  178. folderDownloadProbelm: There was a problem with downloading this folder, please try again later.
  179. nothingToPreview: This folder is empty.
  180. folderRenameSuccess: Renamed folder successfully.
  181. photoMovedToTrash: Photo has been moved to trash.
  182. movedToTrash: Moved {{ number }} items to trash.
  183. permaDeletedItems: Permanently deleted {{ number }} items.
  184. permaDeleteFolderWarning: Are you sure you want to delete this folder?
  185. deleteItems: Delete Items
  186. sureWantToDeleteItems: Are you sure you want to delete these items?
  187. fileRenameSuccess: Renamed one file.
  188. movedItems: Moved {{ number }} items to {{ folder }}
  189. noPermissions: You don't have the required permissions to access this page.
  190. createdUserSuccessfully: Created user successfully.
  191. updatedUserSuccessfully: Updated user successfully.
  192. settingsUpdated: Updated settings successfully.
  193. folderDownloadProblem: There was a problem with downloading this folder. Please try again later.
  194. logOutSuccess: Logged out successfully.
  195. savedPhotoSuccessfully: Saved photo successfully.
  196. restoreSuccess: Restored {{ number }} items.
  197. photoAttachSuccess: Attached :number photo(s) to your account that you have uploaded while logged out.
  198. deletedUsers: Deleted :number users.
  199. registrationDisabled: Registration is disabled.
  200. folderNameExists: You already have a folder with that name.
  201. fileTooBig: This file is too big. Maximum file size is {{ number }} megabytes.
  202. invalidExtension: You are not allowed to upload files of this type.
  203. sentEmailsSuccess: Sent emails successfully.
  204. copiedLink: Link copied to clipboard.
  205. copyNotSupported: Not supported by your browser.
  207. #Trash
  208. deleteForever: Eliminar por siempre
  209. confirmPermaDelete: ¿Esta seguro que quiere eliminar este archivo?
  210. delete: Eliminar
  211. permaDeleteWarning: Advertencia! esta accion no se puede deshacer.
  212. restore: Restaurar
  213. trashed: Borrado
  214. permaDeleted: Borrado permanentemente
  216. #Context menu
  217. preview: Prevista
  218. openInEditor: Abrir en el editor
  219. share: Compartir
  220. getLink: Obtener el enlace
  221. moveTo: Mover a
  222. favorite: Favorito
  223. manageVersions: Manejar versiones...
  224. makeACopy: Crear una copia
  225. download: Descargar
  226. remove: Remover
  228. #Share Panel
  229. passwordAddSuccess: Contraseña agregada correctamente.
  230. passwordRemoveSuccess: Contraseña removida correctamente.
  231. copyLink: Copiar link
  232. sendLinkViaEmail: Enviar este link por correo
  233. +email: +Email
  234. messageOptional: Mensaje (optional)
  235. notPassProtected: Cualquier con el link lo puede ver
  236. passProtected: Esta protegido
  237. this: Este
  238. addPassword: Agregar contraseña.
  239. remove: Remover.
  240. add: Agregar
  241. done: Listo
  242. photoPassMessage: Este archivo esta protegido. Ingresa la contraseña para poder ver el archivo.
  243. albumPassMessage: Este archivo esta protegido. Ingresa la contraseña para poder ver el archivo.
  244. facebookShare: Compartir en Facebook
  245. twitterShare: Tweetear
  246. pinterestShare: Pinealo
  248. # Password reset
  249. passwordRecovery: Recuperar contraseña
  250. sendEmail: Enviar email
  251. passResetExpl: Porfavor ingresa el correo asociado con la cuenta.
  252. resetPassword: Cambiar contraseña
  253. resetErrors: Hubieron algunos problemas.
  254. emailAddress: Correo electronico
  255. confirmPassword: Confirmar contraseña
  256. newPassword: Nueva contraseña
  257. forgot: ¿Olvidaste?
  259. # Emails
  260. linkShareSubject: :Archivo compartido ":file" con tigo.
  261. justShared: Compartio un archivo con tigo!
  262. clickToView: Click aqui para ver
  264. # Admin
  265. users: Users
  266. user: User
  267. enablePushState: Enable HTML5 Pushstate mode
  268. settings: Settings
  269. mail: Mail
  270. mailDriver: Mail Driver
  271. mailDriverExpl: What should be used to send emails?
  272. host: Host
  273. port: Port
  274. mailUsername: Username
  275. mailPassword: Password
  276. fromAddress: Global from address
  277. fromName: Global from name
  278. filesystem: Filesystem
  279. defaultFilesystem: Default Filesystem
  280. filesystemExpl: Where to store user uploaded files?
  281. deleted: Deleted
  282. of: of
  283. createNewUser: Create a New User
  284. updateUser: Update User
  285. search: Search
  286. editUser: Edit User
  287. edit: Edit
  288. analytics: Analytics
  289. avatar: Avatar
  290. rowsPerPage: Rows per page:
  291. googleAnalyticsCode: Google analytics tracking code
  292. googleAnalyticsCodeExpl: Looks like this UA-******-2 (numbers instead of stars)
  293. mandrillExpl: Your mandrill API Key. Required to make mail (for password reset and other functions) work. You can use an smtp server as well but mandrill is more reliable and will cause less problems.
  294. usersSelected: users selected
  295. inTrash: In Trash
  296. filesSelected: files selected
  297. uploadedAt: Uploaded At
  298. uploaded: Uploaded
  299. dateLocale: Date Locale
  300. dateLocaleExpl: Locale you want dates formated in. ISO 639-1 code.
  301. ads: Ads
  302. siteName: Site Name
  303. metaTitle: Meta Title
  304. metaDescription: Meta Description
  305. metaKeywords: Meta Keywords
  306. generalSettings: General Site Settings
  307. filesValidation: Files Validation
  308. enablePaymentsSystem: Enable payments system
  309. enablePaymentsSystemExpl: If this is set to 'no' all payment related things (upgrade button, relevant urls etc) will be disabled and/or hidden.
  310. freePlanSpace: Disk space for users on free plan (or all users if payments are disabled)
  311. maxUserSpaceExpl: How much space each users files are allowed to take on your server. In bytes.
  312. converter: Converter
  313. used: used
  314. maxFileSize: Maximum File Size
  315. maxFileSizeExpl: The maximum file size that users are able to upload. In megabytes.
  316. allowedFormats: Allowed Formats
  317. whitelist: Whitelist
  318. blacklist: Blacklist
  319. whitelistExpl: Users will only be able to upload files with these formats. Example: mp4, jpg, mp3, pdf. Leave empty to allow all formats to be uploaded.
  320. blacklistExpl: Prevent these file formats to be uploaded even if they are in whitelist or all formats are allowed.
  321. stripePubKey: Stripe Publishible Key
  322. stripeSecretKey: Stripe Secret Key
  323. stripePubKeyExpl: Required in order for payments system to work.
  324. invoiceProduct: Product on invoice
  325. invoiceVendor: Vendor on invoice
  326. invoiceProductExpl: Product name that will appear on invoices generated for subscriptions. Optional.
  327. invoiceVendorExpl: Vendor name that will appear on invoices generated for subscriptions. Optional.
  328. payments: Payments
  329. disqusShortname: Disqus Shortname
  330. disqusShortnameExpl: Your disqus shortname, required in order for comments to work.
  331. id: ID
  332. secret: Secret
  333. 3rdPartyServiceKeys: Third Party Service Keys
  334. showKeys: Show Keys
  335. socialLoginKeysExpl: Enter your credentials for social login services below. You can find information on how to get them in the documentation.
  336. enableRegistration: Enable Registration
  337. enableRegistrationExpl: If this is set to 'No', registration page and all links/references will be disabled and users will not be able to register on their own.
  338. adminArea: Admin Area
  339. homepage: Homepage
  340. homeTagline: Home Tagline
  341. homeTaglineExpl: This will appear on your homepage (if it's set to landing page), right below the navbar.
  342. homeByline: Home Byline
  343. homeBylineExpl: This will appear on your homepage (if it's set to landing page), right below the tagline.
  344. homeButtonText: Home Button Text
  345. homeButtonTextExpl: Text of the button that appears under home byline.
  346. landingPage: Landing Page
  347. loginPage: Login Page
  348. customPage: Custom Page
  349. homepageExpl: What page do you want to display as your homepage.
  350. customHomepagePath: Custom Homepage Path
  351. customHomepagePathExpl: Path to your custom homepage file. Relative to root folder or url on internet.
  352. metaInformation: Meta Information
  353. validation: Validation
  354. notAttachedToUser: Only show files not attached to user.
  356. # Homepage
  357. random: Random
  358. loginNow: Iniciar sesion
  359. toSaveManageAndEdit: Para guardar, manejar tus archivos subidos.
  360. goTo: Ve a
  361. uploadComplete: Subida completada
  362. noFilesUploaded: No hay archivos subidos
  363. filesValidationFailed: Tus archivos parecen que fallaron nuestra validacion, intenta luego.
  364. loginToUpload: Registrate o inicia sesion para subir tus arhicovs.
  366. # Titles
  367. loginTitle: Iniciar sesion
  368. registerTitle: Registrar
  369. resetPasswordTitle: Cambiar contraseña
  370. foldersRoot: Folders
  371. dashboardTitle: Panel - BeDrive
  372. homeTitle: La casa de tus archivos.
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