

Oct 9th, 2018
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  1. Options:
  2. tag: &6隊伍 >> #TAG名
  3. second: 30 #重複邀請玩家等待時間
  4. radius: 60 #分配經驗值給附近隊友的範圍
  5. partyexp: 1.6 #隊伍經驗倍數
  6. expdistribution: true #是否啟用經驗分配
  7. itemdistribution: true #是否啟用物品分配
  8. scoreboard: true #是否啟用記分板
  9. chat: true #是否啟用隊伍聊天
  10. number: 10 #隊伍最大人數
  11. difference: 20 #等級差距
  30. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. command /mpt [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  32. trigger:
  33. if arg-1 is "tp":
  34. if arg-2 is set:
  35. if arg-3 is set:
  36. if player doesn't have permission "mpt":
  37. send "{@tag} &c你沒有權限"
  38. stop trigger
  39. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%arg-2%.yml" is true:
  40. if arg-3 is "0":
  41. set {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%arg-2%.yml"
  42. if {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} is "%arg-2%":
  43. set {_myparty.%name of player%.list::*} to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%arg-2%.yml"
  44. loop {_myparty.%name of player%.list::*}:
  45. set {_player} to loop-value parsed as player
  46. teleport {_player} to player
  47. send "{@tag} &c你傳送了 &a%loop-value% &c到你這裡"
  48. else:
  49. send "{@tag} &c此人不是隊長 他的隊長為 &a%{_mypartycreate.%name of player%}%"
  50. else:
  51. set {_lv::*} to split "%arg-3%" at "~"
  52. set {_lv::1} to {_lv::1} parsed as number
  53. set {_lv::2} to {_lv::2} parsed as number
  54. set {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%arg-2%.yml"
  55. if {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} is "%arg-2%":
  56. set {_myparty.%name of player%.list::*} to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%arg-2%.yml"
  57. loop {_myparty.%name of player%.list::*}:
  58. set {_player} to loop-value parsed as player
  59. set {_玩家資料.%loop-value%::玩家等級} to single value "玩家等級" get of "plugins/players/%loop-value%.yml"
  60. set {_玩家資料.%loop-value%::玩家等級} to {_玩家資料.%loop-value%::玩家等級} parsed as number
  61. if {_玩家資料.%loop-value%::玩家等級} is between {_lv::1} and {_lv::2}:
  62. teleport {_player} to player
  63. send "{@tag} &c你傳送了 &a%loop-value% &c到你這裡 &b等級為 &c%{_玩家資料.%loop-value%::玩家等級}% "
  64. else:
  65. send "{@tag} &c此人不是隊長 他的隊長為 &a%{_mypartycreate.%name of player%}%"
  66. else:
  67. send "{@tag} &c此人沒有隊伍"
  68. if arg-1 isn't set:
  69. send "&b----------&6隊伍指令&b----------"
  70. send "&a/mpt create &d創造隊伍"
  71. send "&a/mpt join <玩家ID> &d加入隊伍,須等人邀請"
  72. send "&a/mpt invite <玩家ID> &d邀請人加入隊伍"
  73. send "&a/mpt leave &d離開隊伍(隊長退出將解散)"
  74. send "&a/mpt kick <玩家ID> &d剔除隊員"
  75. send "&a/mpt manage &d隊伍管理/查詢"
  76. send "&a/mpt tp <隊長ID> <等級>~<等級> &d傳送該隊伍符合等級範圍的隊員到自己位置(OP專用) "
  77. send "&a/mpt tp <隊長ID> 0 &d傳送該隊伍到自己位置(OP專用)"
  78. send "&b----------&6隊伍指令&b----------"
  79. if arg-1 is "create":
  80. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" is false:
  81. create file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  82. set {_mypartycreateexpbutton.%name of player%} to "&a經驗分享開啟中"
  83. set {_mypartycreateitem.%name of player%} to "&c物品分享關閉中"
  84. set skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" to "%name of player%"
  85. add name of player to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  86. set skutil yaml value "經驗分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" to "%{_mypartycreateexpbutton.%name of player%}%"
  87. set skutil yaml value "物品分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" to "%{_mypartycreateitem.%name of player%}%"
  88. add name of player to skutil yaml list "詢問中" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  89. set skutil yaml value "聊天介面" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" to "&e一般"
  90. set skutil yaml value "進行中副本" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" to "無"
  91. send "{@tag} &e你創建了隊伍"
  92. else:
  93. set {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%name of player%.yml"
  94. if {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} is name of player:
  95. send "{@tag} &c你已創建了隊伍"
  96. else:
  97. send "{@tag} &c你已加入了隊伍"
  98. if arg-1 is "join":
  99. if arg-2 is set:
  100. set {_mypartyquest.%name of player%::*} to skutil yaml list "詢問中" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%arg-2%.yml"
  101. loop {_mypartyquest.%name of player%::*}:
  102. if loop-value is name of player:
  103. create file "plugins/MithicParty/%loop-value%.yml"
  104. add loop-value to {_myparty.%arg-2%.list::*}
  105. set skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" to "%arg-2%"
  106. set skutil yaml value "聊天介面" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" to "&e一般"
  107. set skutil yaml value "進行中副本" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" to "無"
  108. set {_myparty.yes1.%name of player%} to 0
  109. stop loop
  110. if {_myparty.yes1.%name of player%} is set:
  111. set {_myparty.%name of player%.list::*} to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%arg-2%.yml"
  112. loop {_myparty.%name of player%.list::*}:
  113. add name of player to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%loop-value%.yml"
  114. add loop-value to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  115. set {_myparty.%name of} to loop-value parsed as player
  116. send "{@tag} &e&f%player%&e成功加入隊伍" to {_myparty.%name of}
  117. send "{@tag} &c你成功加入隊伍"
  118. remove name of player from yml list "詢問中" of file "plugins/MithicParty/%arg-2%.yml"
  119. add name of player to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  120. else:
  121. send "{@tag} &c你尚未被邀請"
  122. else:
  123. send "{@tag} &c請使用/mpt join <ID>"
  124. if arg-1 is "invite":
  125. if arg-2 is set:
  126. loop all players:
  127. if loop-player is arg-2:
  128. set {_myparty.playeryes} to 1
  129. stop loop
  130. if {_myparty.playeryes} is set:
  131. set {_invite} to arg-2 parsed as player
  132. set {_dgfilejoin::*} to files in "plugins/mythicdg"
  133. loop {_dgfilejoin::*}:
  134. set {_mydgquit} to skutil yaml value "副本名" from file "plugins/mythicdg/%loop-value%"
  135. if {_invite} is within {副本名::%{_mydgquit}%::mydg_area_x} to {副本名::%{_mydgquit}%::mydg_area_y}:
  136. set {_no1} to 1
  137. stop loop
  138. if {_no1} is set:
  139. send "{@tag} &c邀請人在攻略副本中"
  140. stop trigger
  141. set {_player} to player
  142. loop {_dgfilejoin::*}:
  143. set {_mydgquit} to skutil yaml value "副本名" from file "plugins/mythicdg/%loop-value%"
  144. if {_player} is within {副本名::%{_mydgquit}%::mydg_area_x} to {副本名::%{_mydgquit}%::mydg_area_y}:
  145. set {_no1} to 1
  146. stop loop
  147. if {_no1} is set:
  148. send "{@tag} &c你在攻略副本中"
  149. stop trigger
  150. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%arg-2%.yml" is true:
  151. send "{@tag} &f%arg-2%&c已加入隊伍,無法邀請"
  152. else:
  153. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" is false:
  154. send "{@tag} &c你不是隊長或是尚未創建隊伍"
  155. stop trigger
  156. set {_mypartyquest.%name of player%::*} to skutil yaml list "詢問中" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  157. loop {_mypartyquest.%name of player%::*}:
  158. if loop-value is arg-2:
  159. send "{@tag} &c你已邀請過&f%arg-2%"
  160. send "{@tag} &e請等待{@second}秒後可再次邀請"
  161. clear {_myparty.questyes}
  162. stop loop
  163. else:
  164. set {_myparty.%player%.list::*} to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  165. set {_myparty.%player%.number} to 0
  166. loop {_myparty.%player%.list::*}:
  167. increase {_myparty.%player%.number} by 1
  168. set {_myparty.%player%.number1} to 0
  169. loop {_mypartyquest.%name of player%::*}:
  170. increase {_myparty.%player%.number1} by 1
  171. set {_myparty.%player%.number} to {_myparty.%player%.number} + {_myparty.%player%.number1} - 1
  172. if {_myparty.%player%.number} > {@number}:
  173. send "{@tag} &c隊伍人數過多,無法邀請"
  174. else:
  175. set {_myparty.questyes} to 0
  176. if {_myparty.questyes} is set:
  177. add arg-2 to skutil yaml list "詢問中" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  178. set {_myparty_invite.%name of player%} to arg-2 parsed as player
  179. set {_json} to "{""text"":""&a[點此加入]"",""clickEvent"":{""action"":""run_command"",""value"":""/mpt join %name of player%""}}"
  180. send "{@tag} &e邀請&f%arg-2%&e加入隊伍" to player
  181. send "&b----------&6隊伍指令&b----------" to {_myparty_invite.%name of player%}
  182. send "&f%name of player%&e伸出手想邀請你進入他的隊伍" to {_myparty_invite.%name of player%}
  183. send "&e他的手很痠,只能撐&f{@second}&e秒" to {_myparty_invite.%name of player%}
  184. send "&e如要加入請在期間內使用&a/mpt join %name of player%" to {_myparty_invite.%name of player%}
  185. execute console command "/tellraw %{_myparty_invite.%name of player%}% {""text"":""&e或 "", ""extra"":[%{_json}%]}"
  186. send "&b----------&6隊伍指令&b----------" to {_myparty_invite.%name of player%}
  187. wait 30 second
  188. clear {_myparty_invite.%name of player%}
  189. set {_mpt.invite.list::*} to skutil yml list "詢問中" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  190. loop {_mpt.invite.list::*}:
  191. if loop-value is "arg-2":
  192. remove arg-2 from skutil yml list "詢問中" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  193. else:
  194. send "{@tag} &f%arg-2%&c尚未在線上"
  195. else:
  196. send "{@tag} &c請使用/mpt invite <ID>"
  197. if arg-1 is "leave":
  198. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%name of player%.yml" is true:
  199. set {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  200. if {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} isn't set:
  201. send "{@tag} &c系統偵測到BUG!!!"
  202. send "{@tag} &c修復中..."
  203. execute console command "/mptbug true %player%"
  204. send "{@tag} &b修復完畢,可再次創建隊伍"
  205. stop trigger
  206. if {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} is name of player:
  207. send "{@tag} &e已離開隊伍"
  208. set {_myparty.%player%.list::*} to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  209. set {_dgfilejoin2::*} to files in "plugins/mythicdg"
  210. loop {_dgfilejoin2::*}:
  211. set {_mydgquit1} to skutil yaml value "副本名" from file "plugins/mythicdg/%loop-value%"
  212. set {_mydgline1.%loop-value%.list::*} to skutil yaml list "排隊中" from file "plugins/mythicdg/%loop-value%"
  213. loop {_mydgline1.%loop-value%.list::*}:
  214. if "%loop-value-2%" is "%name of player%":
  215. remove "%loop-value-2%" from skutil yaml list "排隊中" from file "plugins/mythicdg/%loop-value-1%"
  216. stop loop
  217. if {_myparty.%player%.list::2} is set:
  218. loop {_myparty.%player%.list::*}:
  219. set {_myparty.%name of} to loop-value parsed as player
  220. send "{@tag} &e隊長已離開隊伍" to {_myparty.%name of}
  221. send "{@tag} &e新隊長為 &f%{_myparty.%player%.list::2}% " to {_myparty.%name of}
  222. set skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%loop-value%.yml" to "%{_myparty.%player%.list::2}%"
  223. remove name of player from yml list "隊員" of file "plugins/MithicParty/%loop-value%.yml"
  224. add "%{_myparty.%player%.list::2}%" to skutil yaml list "詢問中" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%{_myparty.%player%.list::2}%.yml"
  225. set skutil yaml value "經驗分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%{_myparty.%player%.list::2}%.yml" to "§a經驗分享開啟中"
  226. set skutil yaml value "物品分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%{_myparty.%player%.list::2}%.yml" to "§c物品分享關閉中"
  227. delete file "plugins/MithicParty/%name of player%.yml"
  228. else:
  229. set {_myparty.%{_mypartycreate.%name of player%}%.list::*} to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  230. loop {_myparty.%{_mypartycreate.%name of player%}%.list::*}:
  231. if loop-value is name of player:
  232. set {_myparty.yes.%name of player%} to 1
  233. stop loop
  234. if {_myparty.yes.%name of player%} is set:
  235. loop {_myparty.%{_mypartycreate.%name of player%}%.list::*}:
  236. remove name of player from yml list "隊員" of file "plugins/MithicParty/%loop-value%.yml"
  237. set {_myparty.%name of} to loop-value parsed as player
  238. send "{@tag} &e&f%name of player%&e離開了隊伍" to {_myparty.%name of}
  239. set {_mypartydg.%player%} to skutil yaml value "進行中副本" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  240. if {_mypartydg.%player%} isn't "無":
  241. execute player command "/mydg leave"
  242. delete file "plugins/MithicParty/%name of player%.yml"
  243. send "{@tag} &e你離開了隊伍"
  244. else:
  245. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%name of player%.yml" is true:
  246. delete file "plugins/MithicParty/%name of player%.yml"
  247. send "{@tag} &e你離開了隊伍"
  248. else:
  249. send "{@tag} &e你尚未加入隊伍"
  250. else:
  251. send "{@tag} &c你尚未創建或加入隊伍"
  252. if arg-1 is "kick":
  253. if arg-2 is set:
  254. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%name of player%.yml" is true:
  255. set {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  256. if {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} is name of player:
  257. if arg-2 is name of player:
  258. send "{@tag} &c請勿剔除自己"
  259. stop trigger
  260. set {_myparty.%player%.list::*} to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  261. loop {_myparty.%player%.list::*}:
  262. if loop-value is arg-2:
  263. send "{@tag} &e你成功剔除&f%arg-2%"
  264. set {_myparty.%name of} to loop-value parsed as player
  265. send "{@tag} &e隊長已剔除&f%arg-2%" to {_myparty.%name of}
  266. set {_myparty.yes.%name of player%} to 1
  267. stop loop
  268. if {_myparty.yes.%name of player%} isn't set:
  269. send "{@tag} &c隊伍中找不到&f%arg-2%"
  270. else:
  271. loop {_myparty.%player%.list::*}:
  272. set {_myparty.%name of} to loop-value parsed as player
  273. send "{@tag} &e隊長已剔除&f%arg-2%" to {_myparty.%name of}
  274. remove arg-2 from yml list "隊員" of file "plugins/MithicParty/%loop-value%.yml"
  275. set {_mypartydg.%arg-2%} to skutil yaml value "進行中副本" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%arg-2%.yml"
  276. if {_mypartydg.%arg-2%} isn't "無":
  277. set {_mypartyname.%arg-2%} to arg-2 parsed as player
  278. execute {_mypartyname.%arg-2%} command "/mydg leave"
  279. delete file "plugins/MithicParty/%arg-2%.yml"
  280. else:
  281. send "{@tag} &c你不是隊長無法剔除"
  282. else:
  283. send "{@tag} &c你尚未創建或加入隊伍"
  284. else:
  285. send "{@tag} &c請使用/mpt kick <ID>"
  286. if arg-1 is "search1":
  287. open chest with 6 row named "&6範圍內玩家" to player
  288. loop all players:
  289. set {_search.%loop-player%} to 1
  290. set {_slot} to -1
  291. loop all entity in radius {隊伍::%player%尋找範圍} around player's location:
  292. if {_search.%loop-value%} is set:
  293. if loop-value isn't name of player:
  294. increase {_slot} by 1
  295. set {_skull} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer
  296. set {_玩家等級} to single value "玩家等級" get of "plugins/players/%loop-value%.yml"
  297. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%loop-value%.yml" is true:
  298. set {_組隊狀況} to "&c已加入隊伍了"
  299. else:
  300. set {_組隊狀況} to "&a尚無加入隊伍"
  301. set {_search} to skull of {_skull} named "&6玩家&f%loop-value%" with lore "&e等級: %{_玩家等級}%||&e組隊狀況: %{_組隊狀況}%"
  302. make gui slot {_slot} of player with {_search} to run player command "/mpt invite %{_skull}%" with permission ""
  303. clear {隊伍::%player%尋找範圍}
  304. if arg-1 is "dg":
  305. if {隊伍::%player%尋找範圍} isn't set:
  306. stop trigger
  307. if {隊伍::%player%尋找範圍} < 100:
  308. increase {隊伍::%player%尋找範圍} by 10
  309. set {_searchgui.%player%} to white wool named "&6尋找玩家" with lore "&b目前尋找範圍 [&6%{隊伍::%player%尋找範圍}%&b]"
  310. make gui slot 13 of player with {_searchgui.%player%} to run player command "/mpt search1" with permission ""
  311. else:
  312. send "{@tag} &c最高尋找範圍為100"
  313. if arg-1 is "search+":
  314. if {隊伍::%player%尋找範圍} isn't set:
  315. stop trigger
  316. if {隊伍::%player%尋找範圍} < 100:
  317. increase {隊伍::%player%尋找範圍} by 10
  318. set {_searchgui.%player%} to white wool named "&6尋找玩家" with lore "&b目前尋找範圍 [&6%{隊伍::%player%尋找範圍}%&b]"
  319. make gui slot 13 of player with {_searchgui.%player%} to run player command "/mpt search1" with permission ""
  320. else:
  321. send "{@tag} &c最高尋找範圍為100"
  322. if arg-1 is "search-":
  323. if {隊伍::%player%尋找範圍} isn't set:
  324. stop trigger
  325. if {隊伍::%player%尋找範圍} > 10:
  326. reduce {隊伍::%player%尋找範圍} by 10
  327. set {_searchgui.%player%} to white wool named "&6尋找玩家" with lore "&b目前尋找範圍 [&6%{隊伍::%player%尋找範圍}%&b]"
  328. make gui slot 13 of player with {_searchgui.%player%} to run player command "/mpt search1" with permission ""
  329. else:
  330. send "{@tag} &c最少尋找範圍為10"
  331. if arg-1 is "search":
  332. open chest with 3 row named "&6查詢範圍" to player
  333. set {隊伍::%player%尋找範圍} to "10" parsed as number
  334. set {_searchgui.%player%} to white wool named "&6尋找玩家" with lore "&b目前尋找範圍 [&6%{隊伍::%player%尋找範圍}%&b]"
  335. make gui slot 13 of player with {_searchgui.%player%} to run player command "/mpt search1" with permission ""
  336. set {_searchgui+.%player%} to green wool named "&a增加範圍10格"
  337. make gui slot 15 of player with {_searchgui+.%player%} to run player command "/mpt search+" with permission ""
  338. set {_searchgui-.%player%} to red wool named "&c減少範圍10格"
  339. make gui slot 11 of player with {_searchgui-.%player%} to run player command "/mpt search-" with permission ""
  340. if arg-1 is "manage1":
  341. open chest with 1 row named "&6隊伍介面" to player
  342. set {_Villager} to "Villager" parsed as offlineplayer
  343. set {_creategui.%player%} to skull of {_Villager} named "&6創建隊伍" with lore "&b創建一個隊伍||&b與隊友們&a分享經驗、物品、挑戰副本||&b最大隊伍人數 &6{@number} &b人"
  344. make gui slot 0 of player with {_creategui.%player%} to run player command "/mpt create" with permission ""
  345. set {_leaveguinbt} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:""e9251f37-6148-4847-8fd1-1ab6e90bb8ac"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljYjdjOTNhNTYyOGI4OGYyM2M0OTFjMTc2NDMzMTY0ZDQ2NmE0MjQ4YzQ1YmIyMWQzYTY5YTMwZTFkZjk1In19fQ==""}]}}}"
  346. set {_leavegui.%player%} to player head with custom nbt "%{_leaveguinbt}%" named "&6離開隊伍" with lore "&b如果是隊長離開的話,隊友也將離開隊伍"
  347. make gui slot 8 of player with {_leavegui.%player%} to run player command "/mpt leave" with permission ""
  348. set {_0qt} to "0qt" parsed as offlineplayer
  349. set {_invitegui.%player%} to skull of {_0qt} named "&6尋找玩家" with lore "&b在一定範圍中尋找玩家||&b並顯示玩家訊息"
  350. make gui slot 2 of player with {_invitegui.%player%} to run player command "/mpt search" with permission ""
  351. set {_11} to "LegendaryJulien" parsed as offlineplayer
  352. set {_managegui.%player%} to skull of {_11} named "&6查詢/管理隊伍" with lore "&b隊長可從這&a更改經驗/物品分享/聊天模式與剔除隊友||&b隊員可從這&a查詢隊伍訊息與更改聊天模式"
  353. make gui slot 6 of player with {_managegui.%player%} to run player command "/mpt manage" with permission ""
  354. set {_managedg} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:""f5bfec39-9ee8-4156-8075-a6842d556d90"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2I0ODczOGM4ODJjMmY2ODVkNGJmNGNhNGQ1YmE5ODYyZTYyMTIyNmMwNzc5YzUwNTU2M2ZmN2I5MWJkNSJ9fX0=""}]}}}"
  355. set {_managedg.%player%} to player head with custom nbt "%{_managedg}%" named "&6查詢副本資訊" with lore "&b可在此查詢副本||&a排隊狀況/需求物品/限制人數/限制等級"
  356. make gui slot 4 of player with {_managedg.%player%} to run player command "/mydg list" with permission ""
  357. if arg-1 is "manage":
  358. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%name of player%.yml" is true:
  359. set {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  360. if {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} isn't set:
  361. send "{@tag} &c你尚未加入隊伍"
  362. else:
  363. if {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} is name of player:
  364. open chest with 3 row named "&d隊友管理" to player
  365. set {_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%} to 0
  366. set {_mypartycreatenumber1.%name of player%} to -1
  367. set {_myparty.%{_mypartycreate.%name of player%}%.list::*} to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  368. loop {_myparty.%{_mypartycreate.%name of player%}%.list::*}:
  369. if loop-value is set:
  370. increase {_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%} by 1
  371. increase {_mypartycreatenumber1.%name of player%} by 1
  372. set {_myparty.%name of{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} to loop-value parsed as player
  373. set {_check} to {玩家資料.%loop-value%::最大血量}
  374. add ({玩家資料.%loop-value%::力量} * 5) to {_check}
  375. add ({玩家資料.%loop-value%::智慧} * 3) to {_check}
  376. add ({玩家資料.%loop-value%::敏捷} * 4) to {_check}
  377. add ({玩家資料.%loop-value%::幸運} * 3) to {_check}
  378. set {_mypartycreatehealth.%name of player%.%{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} to health of {_myparty.%name of{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} / max health of {_myparty.%name of{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} * {_check}
  379. set {_mypartycreateskull.%name of player%.%{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer
  380. set {_玩家資料.%loop-value%::玩家等級} to single value "玩家等級" get of "plugins/players/%loop-value%.yml"
  381. set {_mypartycreategui.%name of player%.%{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} to skull of {_mypartycreateskull.%name of player%.%{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} named "&e%loop-value%" with lore "&e等級: %{_玩家資料.%loop-value%::玩家等級}%||&e血量: %{_mypartycreatehealth.%name of player%.%{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%}% / %{_check}%||&c點擊剔除隊伍"
  382. make gui slot {_mypartycreatenumber1.%name of player%} of player with {_mypartycreategui.%name of player%.%{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} to run player command "/mpt kick %loop-value%" with permission ""
  383. {@expdistribution} is true:
  384. set {_mypartycreateexpbutton.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "經驗分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  385. set {_expshare} to exp bottle named "&e開/關經驗分享" with lore "%{_mypartycreateexpbutton.%name of player%}%||&b點選開/關"
  386. make gui slot 18 of player with {_expshare} to run player command "/mpt expopen" with permission ""
  387. {@itemdistribution} is true:
  388. set {_mypartycreateitem.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "物品分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  389. set {_itemshare} to item frame named "&e開/關物品分享" with lore "%{_mypartycreateitem.%name of player%}%||&b點選開/關"
  390. make gui slot 19 of player with {_itemshare} to run player command "/mpt itemopen" with permission ""
  391. {@chat} is true:
  392. set {_mypartychat.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "聊天介面" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%name of player%.yml"
  393. set {_chat} to painting named "&e轉換聊天介面" with lore "&a模式: %{_mypartychat.%name of player%}%||&b點選轉換"
  394. make gui slot 20 of player with {_chat} to run player command "/mpt teamchat" with permission ""
  395. else:
  396. open chest with 2 row named "&d隊友查詢" to player
  397. set {_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%} to 0
  398. set {_mypartycreatenumber1.%name of player%} to -1
  399. set {_myparty.%{_mypartycreate.%name of player%}%.list::*} to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  400. loop {_myparty.%{_mypartycreate.%name of player%}%.list::*}:
  401. if loop-value is set:
  402. increase {_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%} by 1
  403. increase {_mypartycreatenumber1.%name of player%} by 1
  404. set {_myparty.%name of{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} to loop-value parsed as player
  405. set {_check} to {玩家資料.%loop-value%::最大血量}
  406. add ({玩家資料.%loop-value%::力量} * 5) to {_check}
  407. add ({玩家資料.%loop-value%::智慧} * 3) to {_check}
  408. add ({玩家資料.%loop-value%::敏捷} * 4) to {_check}
  409. add ({玩家資料.%loop-value%::幸運} * 3) to {_check}
  410. set {_mypartycreatehealth.%name of player%.%{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} to health of {_myparty.%name of{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} / max health of {_myparty.%name of{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} * {_check}
  411. set {_mypartycreateskull.%name of player%.%{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer
  412. set {_玩家資料.%loop-value%::玩家等級} to single value "玩家等級" get of "plugins/players/%loop-value%.yml"
  413. set {_mypartycreategui.%name of player%.%{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} to skull of {_mypartycreateskull.%name of player%.%{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%} named "&e%loop-value%" with lore "&e等級: %{_玩家資料.%loop-value%::玩家等級}%||&e血量: %{_mypartycreatehealth.%name of player%.%{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%}% / %{_check}%"
  414. make gui slot {_mypartycreatenumber1.%name of player%} of player with {_mypartycreategui.%name of player%.%{_mypartycreatenumber.%name of player%}%}
  415. {@expdistribution} is true:
  416. set {_mypartycreateexpbutton.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "經驗分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%{_mypartycreate.%name of player%}%.yml"
  417. format slot 9 of player with exp bottle named "&e開/關經驗分享" with lore "%{_mypartycreateexpbutton.%name of player%}%||&b點選開/關" to close
  418. {@itemdistribution} is true:
  419. set {_mypartycreateitem.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "物品分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%{_mypartycreate.%name of player%}%.yml"
  420. format slot 10 of player with item frame named "&e開/關物品分享" with lore "%{_mypartycreateitem.%name of player%}%||&b點選開/關" to close
  421. {@chat} is true:
  422. set {_mypartychat.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "聊天介面" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%name of player%.yml"
  423. format slot 11 of player with painting named "&e轉換聊天介面" with lore "&a模式: %{_mypartychat.%name of player%}%||&b點選轉換" to close then run [run player command "/mpt teamchat" as op]
  424. else:
  425. send "{@tag} &c你尚未創建或加入隊伍"
  426. if arg-1 is "expopen":
  427. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%name of player%.yml" is true:
  428. set {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  429. if {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} is name of player:
  430. set {_mypartycreateexpbutton.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "經驗分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%{_mypartycreate.%name of player%}%.yml"
  431. if {_mypartycreateexpbutton.%name of player%} is "&a經驗分享開啟中":
  432. set {_mypartycreateexpbutton.%name of player%} to "&c經驗分享關閉中"
  433. send "{@tag} &c經驗分享關閉中" to player
  434. set skutil yaml value "經驗分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" to "%{_mypartycreateexpbutton.%name of player%}%"
  435. else:
  436. set {_mypartycreateexpbutton.%name of player%} to "&a經驗分享開啟中"
  437. send "{@tag} &a經驗分享開啟中" to player
  438. set skutil yaml value "經驗分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" to "%{_mypartycreateexpbutton.%name of player%}%"
  439. else:
  440. send "{@tag} &c你不是隊長" to player
  441. else:
  442. send "{@tag} &c你尚未創建隊伍"
  443. if arg-1 is "itemopen":
  444. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%name of player%.yml" is true:
  445. set {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  446. if {_mypartycreate.%name of player%} is name of player:
  447. set {_mypartycreateitem.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "物品分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%{_mypartycreate.%name of player%}%.yml"
  448. if {_mypartycreateitem.%name of player%} is "&c物品分享關閉中":
  449. set {_mypartycreateitem.%name of player%} to "&a物品分享開啟中"
  450. send "{@tag} &a物品分享開啟中" to player
  451. set skutil yaml value "物品分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" to "%{_mypartycreateitem.%name of player%}%"
  452. else:
  453. set {_mypartycreateitem.%name of player%} to "&c物品分享關閉中"
  454. send "{@tag} &c物品分享關閉中" to player
  455. set skutil yaml value "物品分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" to "%{_mypartycreateitem.%name of player%}%"
  456. else:
  457. send "{@tag} &c你不是隊長" to player
  458. else:
  459. send "{@tag} &c你尚未創建隊伍"
  460. if arg-1 is "teamchat":
  461. {@chat} is true:
  462. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%name of player%.yml" is true:
  463. set {_mypartychat.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "聊天介面" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml"
  464. if {_mypartychat.%name of player%} is "&e一般":
  465. set {_mypartychat.%name of player%} to "&e隊伍"
  466. send "{@tag} &c轉換到隊伍聊天" to player
  467. set skutil yaml value "聊天介面" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" to "%{_mypartychat.%name of player%}%"
  468. else:
  469. set {_mypartychat.%name of player%} to "&e一般"
  470. send "{@tag} &c轉換到一般聊天" to player
  471. set skutil yaml value "聊天介面" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%player%.yml" to "%{_mypartychat.%name of player%}%"
  472. else:
  473. send "{@tag} &c你尚未創建/加入隊伍" to player
  474. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  475. command /mptbug [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  476. usage: /mybug [<text>] [<text>]
  477. permission: mydg.op
  478. permission message: &c你沒有權限
  479. executable by: players and console
  480. trigger:
  481. if arg-1 is "true":
  482. if arg-2 is set:
  483. set {_clearmpt} to arg-2 parsed as player
  484. delete file "plugins/MithicParty/%arg-2%.yml"
  485. send "已刪除%arg-2%資料"
  486. else:
  487. send "錯誤"
  488. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  489. on death:
  490. {@expdistribution} is true:
  491. if attacker is a player:
  492. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%attacker%.yml" is true:
  493. set {_mypartycreate.%attacker%} to skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%attacker%.yml"
  494. set {_mypartycreateexpbutton.%name of player%} to skutil yaml value "經驗分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%{_mypartycreate.%attacker%}%.yml"
  495. if {_mypartycreateexpbutton.%name of player%} is "&a經驗分享開啟中":
  496. loop players in radius {@radius} around the attacker:
  497. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%loop-player%.yml" is true:
  498. set {_mypartycreate.%loop-value%} to skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%loop-value%.yml"
  499. if {_mypartycreate.%loop-value%} = {_mypartycreate.%attacker%}:
  500. add loop-player to {_mypartyexpgive1.%attacker%::*}
  501. set {_mypartyexpcheck.%attacker%} to 1
  502. if {_mypartyexpcheck.%attacker%} is set:
  503. set {_uncolorname} to uncolored name of victim
  504. if yaml path "怪物經驗值" in file "plugins/MONSTEREXP/config.yml" exists:
  505. set {_數據處理::*} to skutil yaml list "怪物經驗值" from file "plugins/MONSTEREXP/config.yml"
  506. loop {_數據處理::*}:
  507. if "%loop-value%" contains "%{_uncolorname}%":
  508. set {_getit.%loop-value%::*} to split "%loop-value%" at ":"
  509. set {_mypartyexp.%attacker%} to {_getit.%loop-value%::2} parsed as integer
  510. stop loop
  511. set {_mypartyexpnumber.%attacker%} to 0
  512. set {_玩家資料.%attacker%::玩家等級} to {_玩家資料.%attacker%::玩家等級} parsed as number
  513. loop {_mypartyexpgive1.%attacker%::*}:
  514. increase {_mypartyexpnumber.%attacker%} by 1
  515. set {玩家資料.%loop-value%::玩家等級} to {玩家資料.%loop-value%::玩家等級} parsed as number
  516. set {玩家資料.%attacker%::玩家等級} to {玩家資料.%attacker%::玩家等級} parsed as number
  517. if {玩家資料.%loop-value%::玩家等級} < {玩家資料.%attacker%::玩家等級}:
  518. if {玩家資料.%loop-value%::玩家等級} + {@difference} < {玩家資料.%attacker%::玩家等級}:
  519. reduce {_mypartyexpnumber.%attacker%} by 1
  520. remove loop-value from {_mypartyexpgive1.%attacker%::*}
  521. set {_sharefail} to "%loop-value%" parsed as player
  522. send "{@tag} &c等級與 &f%attacker% &c差距{@difference}級以上,無法獲得經驗" to {_sharefail}
  523. else:
  524. if {玩家資料.%loop-value%::玩家等級} - {@difference} > {玩家資料.%attacker%::玩家等級}:
  525. reduce {_mypartyexpnumber.%attacker%} by 1
  526. remove loop-value from {_mypartyexpgive1.%attacker%::*}
  527. set {_sharefail} to "%loop-value%" parsed as player
  528. send "{@tag}&c等級與 &f%attacker% &c差距{@difference}級以上,無法獲得經驗" to {_sharefail}
  529. if {_mypartyexpnumber.%attacker%} > 1:
  530. remove round({_mypartyexp.%attacker%}) from {玩家資料.%attacker%::目前經驗值}
  531. set {_mypartyexp.%attacker%} to {_mypartyexp.%attacker%} * {@partyexp}
  532. set {_mypartyexp.%attacker%} to {_mypartyexp.%attacker%} / {_mypartyexpnumber.%attacker%}
  533. loop {_mypartyexpgive1.%attacker%::*}:
  534. set {_mypartyexpgive.%name of player%} to loop-value
  535. set {_mypartyexp.%attacker%} to {_mypartyexp.%attacker%} parsed as number
  536. add round({_mypartyexp.%attacker%}) to {玩家資料.%loop-value%::目前經驗值}
  537. if {_mypartyexpgive.%name of player%} isn't attacker:
  538. send "{@tag}&e從&f%attacker%&e接收&f%round({_mypartyexp.%attacker%})%點&e經驗值" to {_mypartyexpgive.%name of player%}
  539. else:
  540. send "{@tag}&e接收&f%round({_mypartyexp.%attacker%})%點&e經驗值" to {_mypartyexpgive.%name of player%}
  541. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  542. on pick up:
  543. {@itemdistribution} is true:
  544. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%event-player%.yml" is true:
  545. set {_mypartycreate.%event-player%} to skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%event-player%.yml"
  546. set {_mypartycreateitem.%event-player%} to skutil yaml value "物品分享狀態" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%{_mypartycreate.%event-player%}%.yml"
  547. if {_mypartycreateitem.%event-player%} is "&a物品分享開啟中":
  548. cancel event
  549. loop players in radius {@radius} around the player:
  550. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%loop-player%.yml" is true:
  551. set {_mypartycreate.%loop-value%} to skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%loop-value%.yml"
  552. if {_mypartycreate.%loop-value%} = {_mypartycreate.%event-player%}:
  553. add loop-player to {_mypartyitemgive1.%event-player%::*}
  554. set {_mypartyitemcheck.%event-player%} to 1
  555. if {_mypartyitemcheck.%event-player%} is set:
  556. set {_mypartyitemnumber.%event-player%} to 0
  557. loop {_mypartyitemgive1.%event-player%::*}:
  558. increase {_mypartyitemnumber.%event-player%} by 1
  559. clear event-entity
  560. set {_mypartyitem.%event-player%} to event-item
  561. set {_mypartyitem1.%event-player%} to name of event-item
  562. set {_mypartyrandomwin.%event-player%} to a random element of {_mypartyitemgive1.%event-player%::*}
  563. if {_mypartyrandomwin.%event-player%} has enough space for {_mypartyitem.%event-player%}:
  564. give {_mypartyitem.%event-player%} to {_mypartyrandomwin.%event-player%}
  565. else:
  566. wait 1 tick
  567. drop {_mypartyitem.%event-player%} in front of {_mypartyrandomwin.%event-player%}
  568. set {_mypartyrandomwinslot.%event-player%} to 1
  569. if {_mypartyrandomwinslot.%event-player%} is set:
  570. loop {_mypartyitemgive1.%event-player%::*}:
  571. set {} to loop-value
  572. send "{@tag} &f%{_mypartyrandomwin.%event-player%}%&e身上沒有足夠空間,物品重新丟出" to {}
  573. if {_mypartyitemnumber.%event-player%} > 1:
  574. if {_mypartyitem1.%event-player%} is set:
  575. loop {_mypartyitemgive1.%event-player%::*}:
  576. set {} to loop-value
  577. send "{@tag} &f%{_mypartyrandomwin.%event-player%}%&e從&f%event-player%&e接收%{_mypartyitem1.%event-player%}%" to {}
  578. else:
  579. loop {_mypartyitemgive1.%event-player%::*}:
  580. set {} to loop-value
  581. send "{@tag} &f%{_mypartyrandomwin.%event-player%}%&e從&f%event-player%&e接收&f%{_mypartyitem.%event-player%}%" to {}
  582. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  583. on chat:
  584. {@chat} is true:
  585. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%event-player%.yml" is true:
  586. set {_mypartychat.%event-player%} to skutil yaml value "聊天介面" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%event-player%.yml"
  587. if {_mypartychat.%event-player%} is "&e隊伍":
  588. loop all players:
  589. remove loop-player from chat recipients
  590. set {} to message
  591. set message to "[隊伍聊天]%message%"
  592. set {_myparty.%event-player%.list1::*} to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%event-player%.yml"
  593. loop {_myparty.%event-player%.list1::*}:
  594. set {_myparty.%event-player%.chatyes.%name of player%} to loop-value parsed as player
  595. send "&6隊伍聊天 >> &a%event-player%: &f%{}%" to {_myparty.%event-player%.chatyes.%name of player%}
  596. send "&d[隊伍聊天] > &c%event-player% &7:&7『&d%{}%&7』" to {omaegawazatorashikushinai::*}
  597. log "%player%: %{}%" to "m/jd.log"
  598. if {_mypartychat.%event-player%} is "&e一般":
  599. set {_mess.1} to message
  600. set {_first.1} to "@"
  601. set {_rest.1} to subtext of {_mess.1} from characters 2 to length of {_mess.1}
  602. set {_done.1} to "%{_first.1}%%{_rest.1}%"
  603. replace every "<none>" with "" in {_done.1}
  604. if message is "%{_done.1}%":
  605. set {_done.1} to subtext of {_done.1} from characters 2 to length of {_done.1}
  606. set {_done.1} to uncolored {_done.1}
  607. set {_done.1} to "<gray><bold>%{_done.1}%"
  608. loop all players:
  609. remove loop-player from chat recipients
  610. set {} to {_done.1}
  611. set message to "[隊伍聊天]%message%"
  612. set {_myparty.%event-player%.list1::*} to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%event-player%.yml"
  613. loop {_myparty.%event-player%.list1::*}:
  614. set {_myparty.%event-player%.chatyes.%name of player%} to loop-value parsed as player
  615. send "&6隊伍聊天 >> &a%event-player%: &f%{}%" to {_myparty.%event-player%.chatyes.%name of player%}
  616. send "&d[隊伍聊天] > &c%event-player% &7:&7『&d%{}%&7』" to {omaegawazatorashikushinai::*}
  617. log "%player%: %{}%" to "m/jd.log"
  618. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  619. on quit:
  620. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%event-player%.yml" is true:
  621. make player execute command "/mpt leave"
  622. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  623. on join:
  624. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%event-player%.yml" is true:
  625. make player execute command "/mpt leave"
  626. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  627. every 1 seconds:
  628. {@scoreboard} is true:
  629. loop all players:
  630. if file existance of "plugins/MithicParty/%loop-player%.yml" is true:
  631. delete stylish scoreboard "party-%loop-player%"
  632. set {_mypartycreate.%loop-player%} to skutil yaml value "隊長" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%loop-player%.yml"
  633. if {_mypartycreate.%loop-player%} is set:
  634. if stylish scoreboard "party%loop-player%" does not exist:
  635. create new stylish scoreboard named "party-%loop-player%"
  636. set title of stylish scoreboard "party-%loop-player%" to "&a&l隊伍面板"
  637. set {_myparty.%loop-player%.list1::*} to skutil yaml list "隊員" from file "plugins/MithicParty/%loop-player%.yml"
  638. loop {_myparty.%loop-player%.list1::*}:
  639. set {} to loop-value-2 parsed as player
  640. set {_class} to {玩家資料.%loop-value-2%::玩家職業}
  641. set {_check} to {玩家資料.%loop-value-2%::最大血量}
  642. add ({玩家資料.%loop-value-2%::力量} * 5) to {_check}
  643. add ({玩家資料.%loop-value-2%::智慧} * 3) to {_check}
  644. add ({玩家資料.%loop-value-2%::敏捷} * 4) to {_check}
  645. add ({玩家資料.%loop-value-2%::幸運} * 3) to {_check}
  646. set {_realhealth.%{}%} to {}'s health / {}'s max health * {_check}
  647. if {玩家資料.%loop-value-2%::死亡座標} is set:
  648. set {_realhealth.%{}%} to 0
  649. create a new id based score "%loop-value-2%health" with text "&b" slot {_realhealth.%{}%} for stylish scoreboard "party-%loop-player%"
  650. if {}'s health / {}'s max health > 0.5:
  651. set the text of id "%loop-value-2%health" to "&b[%{_class}%]&f%loop-value-2%"
  652. else:
  653. set the text of id "%loop-value-2%health" to "&b[%{_class}%]&e%loop-value-2%"
  654. if {}'s health / {}'s max health < 0.3:
  655. set the text of id "%loop-value-2%health" to "&b[%{_class}%]&c%loop-value-2%"
  656. if {玩家資料.%loop-value-2%::死亡座標} is set:
  657. set the text of id "%loop-value-2%health" to "&e[幫復]&f%loop-value-2%"
  658. set stylish scoreboard of loop-player to "party-%loop-player%"
  659. else:
  660. delete stylish scoreboard "party-%loop-player%"
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