

Jul 18th, 2016
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  1. Sehtia: -switches rooms-
  2. Asperity: >_____>
  3. Asperity: Bye felicia
  4. Asperity: >____>
  5. Sehtia has left the chat
  6. Asperity: Now Kai. SHould I ask what you said?
  7. Asperity: XD
  8. Antigen: rude.
  9. NightCrane: pls i don't remember
  10. Asperity: She's rude <x<
  11. Antigen: and? dont fire with fire
  12. Asperity: >x> Of course you dont x'D
  13. Antigen: not cute
  14. Asperity: o3o I wasnt trying to be cute.
  15. Asperity: I was trying to be rude. o-o
  16. RaidenMGR: Darude
  17. NightCrane: same
  18. Antigen: either way dont be rude to my friend
  19. Antigen: not when im around
  20. Asperity: I'll be rude to anyone that is rude to my friends, soo. Ya know. I do what I want :D
  21. Asperity: Anyways, I'm done with the topic <3
  22. Entrails has joined the chat
  23. ChiefBronson: Welcome
  24. Antigen: And ill do the same. So watch yourself.
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