
FactionsFly 1.2.3 - Traducción

Dec 1st, 2016
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  1. flight-toggled: "&a{{state}}"
  2. flight-toggled-other: "&7Vuelo &a{{state}}&7 para {{target}}'"
  3. other-warning: "&e&lWARNING&7 If you toggle another user's flight, that user will be able to fly anywhere."
  4. bypass-warning: "&a&lNOTICE&7 Flight was changed by an operator, your flight will not be affected by factions"
  5. creative-warn: "&e&lWARNING&7 You are in creative mode, your flight will not be affected by Factions"
  6. prefix: "&8&lVuelo "
  7. cannot-fly: "&cNo estás dentro de tu territorio o el de algún aliado."
  8. no-toggle-others: "&cYou do not have permission to toggle other player's fly"
  9. max-height: "&cYou cannot go past the max height"
  10. grounded: "&7You have &agrounded {{player}}&7!"
  11. ender-pearl: "&cYou cannot ender pearl while flying!"
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