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Mar 14th, 2018
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  1. The file is small in size because of the obfuscation.
  2. [QUOTE][/QUOTE][QUOTE]Test the plugin in a Minecraft server at[/QUOTE]
  4. Minigame-Maker is an affordable, unique, and smart gameplay solution. You can create your own minigame from scratch and customize it with the limits of your imagination. It is configuration based and uses the RAM to offer great performance.
  6. How does it work?
  7. You start by doing /mgm menu and an inventory menu will open which will let you name a minigame. After its creation, you can click on it and another inventory menu will open with many organized events such as Movement, PlayerHandDamageByPlayer, BowUsage, PlayerDeath, ItemEnchant and many more. Each one will allow to run up to 45 commands under its call. Beyond that, you can create your own kits, set your own scoreboard, manage inventory menus, save locations, and take advantage of the provided commands to create abilities.
  9. What can you do with it?
  10. There are multiple things you can do with such a great plugin. One way is individually using it for your server, which might kindly improve your programming knowledge, save you tons of money on developers, and offer your players the unique gameplay you always wanted. Another way is to make minigames and sell the configuration via third-party websites. Just don't shoot the price to the stars.
  12. Features:
  13. Inventory Menu - What's better than playing with configs? Right, having an inventory do the hard job for you by offering simple interactions.
  15. Custom Kits - With this plugin, you can ultimately create any kit you want. Simply load the items on you and execute the command to save the kit once for all.
  17. Command Variety - Since this is a gameplay creator, the plugin comes with many custom commands that will let you to fully interact with players, locations, distances, blocks, etc.
  19. Command Compatibility - As expected, except the custom commands that are initially provided, any other will be evenly compatible and runnable.
  21. Location Saving - Some minigames require lots of teleporting, and so I give you the ability to permanently save and delete locations, at any time and any world.
  23. Optimized/Lightweight - Regardless of the plugin's base being structured entirely on configuration, RAM is used smartly to cache the vast majority of the information, so the delay gets as trivial as possible.
  25. Advanced Syntax - This is one of the most important parts of this plugin. The syntax will let you identify names, distances, ping, locations, players, teams, etc. This feature will be your key to infinite possibilities.
  27. Scoreboard Creation - This plugin will allow the use of configuration to make custom live scoreboards that will individually update every second.
  29. Conditional Commands - Not just one, but six. Combine this feature with the given syntax and you will be able to make any minigame you want. Simple, fast and cross-compatible.
  31. Custom Timers - Every minigame has timers, and every gameplay will somewhere need a cooldown. This plugin will allow you to play with low-level timers such as ticks. 20 ticks complete one second.
  33. RAM Data - Yes, you can. This plugin will easily allow you to save data such a logic values, numbers, decimals, or text. Simply execute the given command and the plugin will automatically identify the data's type.
  35. Permanent Stats - Of course, creating minigames without stats wouldn't be a great choice. You can easily save stats in both configuration and databases via the use of a command.
  37. Database Support - Minigame-Maker fully supports MySQL databases to ensure your stats are shared thru different servers and possibly networks.
  39. Abilities - The plugin's commands will allow the use of velocity, data, timers and full player control. Combining these together with items, you can create unique abilities.
  41. Commands:
  42. /mgm menu opens the main gui menu.
  43. /mgm reload/rl reloads the plugin's configuration.
  44. /mgm basics sends you a list with the basic commands.
  45. /mgm advanced sends you a list with the advanced commands.
  46. [SPOILER="Basics"]
  47. [CODE]
  48. /mgm set-location <minigame> <name>
  49. /mgm delete-location <minigame> <name>
  50. /mgm preview-location <minigame> <name>
  51. /mgm delete-scoreboard <minigame>
  52. /mgm delete-scoreboard-line <minigame> <number>
  53. /mgm set-scoreboard-title <minigame> <title>
  54. /mgm set-scoreboard-line <minigame> <number> <line>
  55. /mgm set-inventory <minigame> <name> <slot-bars> <inventory-title>
  56. /mgm delete-inventory <minigame> <name>
  57. /mgm preview-inventory <minigame> <name>
  58. /mgm set-inventory-item <minigame> <inventory-name> <slot> <name> <type> <id> <amount>
  59. /mgm delete-inventory-item <minigame> <name> <slot>
  60. /mgm save-kit <minigame> <kit-name>
  61. /mgm delete-kit <minigame> <kit-name>
  62. /mgm preview-kit <minigame> <kit-name>
  63. [/CODE]
  64. [/SPOILER][SPOILER="Advanced"]
  65. [CODE]
  66. /mgm <player> if <condition> = <result> do <command>
  67. /mgm <player> if <condition> /= <result> do <command>
  68. /mgm <player> if <number> < <result> do <command>
  69. /mgm <player> if <number> > <result> do <command>
  70. /mgm <player> if <condition> contains <result> do <command>
  71. /mgm <player> if <number> divides <number> do <command>
  72. /mgm set-public-timer <player> <name> <ticks>
  73. /mgm set-private-timer <player> <name> <ticks>
  74. /mgm save-stats <player> <stat-name> <number/letters> [table]
  75. /mgm set-public-data <player> <name> <number/letters>
  76. /mgm add-to-public-data <player> <name> <number>
  77. /mgm set-private-data <player> <name> <number/letters>
  78. /mgm add-to-private-data <player> <name> <number>
  79. /mgm add-to-team <player> <name>
  80. /mgm remove-from-team <player>
  81. /mgm randomize-teams <player> <number(2-3-4)>
  82. /mgm teleport <player> <x> <y> <z> <yaw> <pitch>
  83. /mgm teleport <player> <saved-location>
  84. /mgm teleport-to-random-player <player>
  85. /mgm teleport-to-self <player>
  86. /mgm teleport-to-interacted-entity <player>
  87. /mgm teleport-to-interacted-player <player>
  88. /mgm teleport-to-team <player>
  89. /mgm make-teleport-loop <player> <saved-location>
  90. /mgm increase-max-health <player> <amount>
  91. /mgm decrease-max-health <player> <amount>
  92. /mgm set-max-health <player> <amount>
  93. /mgm increase-health <player> <amount>
  94. /mgm decrease-health <player> <amount>
  95. /mgm set-health <player> <amount>
  96. /mgm give-item <player> <item> <type> <amount>
  97. /mgm set-hand-item <player> <item> <type> <amount>
  98. /mgm set-second-hand-item <player> <item> <id> <amount>
  99. /mgm set-helmet <player> <item> <id> <amount>
  100. /mgm set-chestplate <player> <item> <id> <amount>
  101. /mgm set-leggings <player> <item> <id> <amount>
  102. /mgm set-boots <player> <item> <id> <amount>
  103. /mgm apply-kit <player> <kit-name>
  104. /mgm increase-food-level <player> <amount>
  105. /mgm decrease-food-level <player> <amount>
  106. /mgm set-food-level <player> <amount>
  107. /mgm kill-player <player>
  108. /mgm kill-interacted-entity <player>
  109. /mgm kill-interacted-player <player>
  110. /mgm send-public-message <player> <message>
  111. /mgm send-private-message <player> <message>
  112. /mgm set-fly-speed <player> <amount>
  113. /mgm set-walk-speed <player> <amount>
  114. /mgm increase-exp-level <player> <amount>
  115. /mgm decrease-exp-level <player> <amount>
  116. /mgm set-exp-level <player> <amount>
  117. /mgm add-potion-effect <player> <potion-id> <seconds> <amplifier>
  118. /mgm remove-potion-effect <player> <potion-id>
  119. /mgm remove-potion-effects <player>
  120. /mgm clear-armor <player>
  121. /mgm clear-inventory <player>
  122. /mgm close-inventory <player>
  123. /mgm open-own-inventory <player>
  124. /mgm open-configured-inventory <player> <name>
  125. /mgm remove-item-drops <player>
  126. /mgm set-display-name <player> <name>
  127. /mgm set-tablist-name <player> <name>
  128. /mgm set-sneaking <player>
  129. /mgm stop-sprinting <player>
  130. /mgm save-interacted-block <player>
  131. /mgm reset-saved-blocks <player>
  132. /mgm remove-interacted-block <player>
  133. /mgm set-interacted-block-to <player> <type>
  134. /mgm set-in-fire <player> <seconds>
  135. /mgm remove-fire <player>
  136. /mgm set-hit-delay <player> <amount>
  137. /mgm reset-hit-delay <player>
  138. /mgm damage <player> <amount>
  139. /mgm cancel-event <player>
  140. /mgm kick <player> <reason>
  141. /mgm move-to-world <player> <name>
  142. /mgm play-sound <player> <name>
  143. /mgm add-velocity <player> <x> <y>
  144. /mgm add-to-minigame <player>
  145. /mgm remove-from-minigame <player>
  146. [/CODE]
  147. [/SPOILER]
  149. Permissions:
  150. minigamemaker.admin gives you all permissions.
  151. allows you to use /mgm menu.
  152. minigamemaker.create allows you to save information to the configuration by using commands.
  153. minigamemaker.delete allows you to delete information from the configuration by using commands.
  154. minigamemaker.configure allows you to configure the minigames via the inventory menu.
  155. minigamemaker.reload allows you use /mgm reload/rl.
  156. minigamemaker.view allows you to view information saved in the configuration by using commands.
  157. minigamemaker.commands allows you to use the basic and advanced commands.
  159. Configuration:
  160. The configuration will allow you to change various settings, set the messages to your likings, connect your database and keep critical data such as minigame-join sign locations.
  161. [SPOILER="Configuration Files"]
  162. settings.yml
  163. This configuration file can be found here:
  165. messages.yml
  166. This configuration file can be hound here:
  168. mysql.yml
  169. [CODE]
  170. host:
  171. user: db_247
  172. password: abc123
  173. database: database1
  174. table: minigamemaker_stats
  175. [/CODE]
  176. signs.yml
  177. This configuration file is used to store the minigame-join sign locations.
  179. stats/uuid.yml
  180. This folder is used to locally save player statistics based on the command's usage.
  181. [/SPOILER][SPOILER="Available Syntax"]
  182. [CODE]
  183. {tps}
  184. {plugin-version}
  185. {server-version}
  186. {server-players}
  187. {line}
  188. {minigames-size}
  189. {random-percentage}
  190. {random-number}
  191. {minigame}
  192. {minigame-size}
  193. {team}
  194. {team-size}
  195. {player}
  196. {uuid}
  197. {executed-command}
  198. {chat-message}
  199. {interacted-block}
  200. {interacted-entity:name}
  201. {interacted-entity:type}
  202. {interacted-entity:distance}
  203. {interacted-player}
  204. {interacted-player:distance}
  205. {clicked-item:type}
  206. {clicked-item:name}
  207. {inventory-title}
  208. {helmet}
  209. {chestplate}
  210. {leggings}
  211. {boots}
  212. {is-sleeping}
  213. {is-sneaking}
  214. {is-sprinting}
  215. {is-on-ground}
  216. {allowed-flight}
  217. {flight}
  218. {potion-effects}
  219. {world}
  220. {health}
  221. {max-health}
  222. {food-level}
  223. {gamemode}
  224. {x}
  225. {y}
  226. {z}
  227. {yaw}
  228. {pitch}
  229. {item-in-hand:type}
  230. {item-in-hand:name}
  231. {item-in-second-hand:type}
  232. {item-in-second-hand:name}
  233. [/CODE]
  234. [/SPOILER]
  236. Inventory Menu Screenshots:
  237. Minigame Menu:
  238. Events Menu #1:
  239. Events Menu #2:
  240. Commands Menu:
  241. Command Description:
  243. Compatibility Information:
  244. Minigame-Maker is developed to run on Spigot, Bukkit, and Paper-Spigot. Any other server types may work but are not supported. For bungee-cord command use, please consider using a bukkit-to-bungee command transferer.
  246. Terms of Use:
  247. 1. You are not permitted to sell, give or redistribute this product.
  248. 2. You will not receive any refunds without mine or SpigotMC's approval.
  249. 3. You are not permitted to use, view or modify any of the plugin's codes.
  250. 4. Any additional software related to this product is not going to be protected by these terms.
  251. 5. If you are under 18 years old, ask a legal representative in order to make a purchase.
  252. 6. You must always follow the most recent version of these terms regardless of any future changes.
  253. 7. I am irresponsible for any damage this product might cause to your services.
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