
RL Trace and fake Trace: Both douchebags

Jul 20th, 2016
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  1. Covet has joined the chat
  2. Musik has joined the chat
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  4. Musik: -Trace stood by his car, inhaling smoke into his lungs, letting it blow out slowly as he waited for Steph, clearly already pissed.-
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Steph looked at the time on her phone, letting out a sigh because she knew she was already late to practice. Climbing out of her car, she slipped her phone into the pocket of her shorts, slowly walking over to where Trace stood. "Hey."-
  6. Musik: -He lifted his eyes to look at her face, raising his brows as he took another hit off his cigarettes.- "Yeah."
  7. Alexithymiaa: -She chewed on the inside of her cheek for a second, taking a deep breath. "Okay... look. You're really important to Ash. And I know he's important to you. You guys have been friends for too long to let something stupid like this come between you. It's just... it's not right."-
  8. Musik: "If you came here to talk about that pussy then I'm gonna leave now." -He snapped.- "I have nothing to say to you fucks. You like to frame innocent people just because you don't like them. It's pathetic."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Innocent people?" She rolled her eyes, shifting on her feet. "You can't possibly think she's an innocent person. Besides the fact that we didn't frame her for anything, she's most certainly not an innocent person. How can you not see that she's using you to try to get to Ash? You're going so hard for her, and she doesn't give a fuck about you. She would never reciprocate what you do for her."-
  10. Musik: "She is not!" -He snapped steppingg closer to her, looking down into her face.- "She loves me, more than you or ash love each other."
  11. Alexithymiaa: -She didn't flinch when he stepped closer despite her inside doing a quick flip flop. "Trace... I'm sorry, but that's just not true. Every single time we've run into you guys, she barely even looks at you. Her focus is on Ash one hundred percent of the time...."-
  12. Musik: "She fucking loves me. Fuck you!" -He shoved her slightly and clenched his fist.-
  13. Alexithymiaa: -She took a step back when he shoved her. "I'm just being honest with you! It's not fair of her to use you like that."-
  14. Musik: "She's not using me! We're fucking engaged!" -He shouted pressing his lips together tightly.-
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Her eyes went wide at the sound of his words, almost letting her mouth drop open, but she kept her shit together. "You're engaged? Seriously? How long have you even been dating?"- (She wasnt going to say anything stupid, but now she might...)
  16. Musik: "A few months. But we're in love. We're gonna get married once she's out, becuase we're GETTING HER OUT! No thanks to you fucking assholes."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "A few months..." She mumbled, dipping her head down and pressing her fingers to her forehead. "Fucking idiots.." She let out a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "We didn't do anything. We wouldn't do that. You really need to lay off with the accusations."-
  18. Musik: "Then who the fuck would? no one else in this shitty fucking town has a problem with Kitty except you two!"
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Why did someone have to set her up? Haven't you ever thought with all the fucked up shit she does that maybe she actually did this and wasn't set up?" She glared at him, clenching her jaw. "Or is she just completely innocent one hundred percent of the time?"-
  20. Musik: "She doesn't do drugs! She smokes weed! That's all she fucking does, so yeah I know she's innocent and wouldn't have taken my car to get drugs
  21. Alexithymiaa: "You seem to think you know a lot about her considering you've only been together a few months. I think you so desperately want her to be innocent that you're willing to forgo any actual logic just to prove it."-
  22. Musik: "No don't YOU fucking get it? I don't need your fucking stories. i fucking know her. She fucking TOLD me she doesn't do hard drugs. She doesn't need to!"
  23. Alexithymiaa: "No one NEEDS to, Trace. Doesn't mean they dont. And the sad truth is that most drug users, hide it and deny it when confronted. So just because she told you she doesn't, doesn't mean shit. Because apparently she told you she's not still in love with Ash, but everyone knows that's bullshit." She crossed her arms over her chest, glaring up at Trace.-
  24. Musik: "You know what, before you go judging my relationship, fucking look at yours. Mr Perfect isn't so perfect and his past is a lot darker than you think. Quit worrying about me and Kitty so much, worry about yours." -He said and shifted to pull his keys from his pocket, unlocking the doors to yank it open.-
  25. Alexithymiaa: -She reached her hand out to catch his door so he wouldn't be able to shut it on her. "Well considering your relationship goals seem to be to ruin mine, I'm trying to worry about mine. But thanks for your concern. My objective was to rekindle your friendship and I don't know why you're picking HER over a friend you've had your whole life."-
  26. Musik: "Because he's a shitty friend. I don't want to be friends with a fuck face like that. Stop trying to fix shit that isn't broken."
  27. Alexithymiaa: "He's a good person and you know he is. You were perfectly fine being his friend until recently. Until Kitty jumped into the middle and messed everything up for you guys. There's no reason to let some whore ruin your friendship."-
  28. Musik: "She's not a fucking whore!" -He snapped and turned to get right in her face, clenching his jaw tightly.- "You know you're walking on fucking eggshells, because unlike your perfect little boyfriend, I'm not afraid to hit a bitch."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Go ahead. No ones stopping you. But that isn't going to solve anything or change anything. She's still going to be exactly who she is and your friendship with Ash is still going to be in pieces. And for what?"-
  30. Musik: "I. Want. It. In. Pieces! I don't fucking want to be his friend, what don't you fucking get out of that?! You know you're his problem. He used to be a lot fucking cooler. Than your twig ass came into his life and he fucking flipped his good boy switch and doesn't do shit! He won't even get high with us anymore. You're draining the LIFE OUT OF HIM!"
  31. Alexithymiaa: -Her breath caught in her throat because that's basically what she'd been thinking about all day, her hands coming out in front of her to shove him in the chest. "Shut up. That's not true. He does whatever he wants."-
  32. Musik: "Uh-huh, that's what you think. Why did he quit smoking cigarettes? Why did he stop smoking weed? And better yet, why did he slow down his drinking and quit having it in the house?" -He raised his brows stepping closer to her again.- "Y..O..U. You don't like the smell of cigarettes? He stops. You don't like weed? He stops. And you drink yourself to death? He stops. He stopped everything because of YOU."
  33. Alexithymiaa: -Her eyes went glassy as she stared up into Trace's face, her voice raised. "Shut up!" Curling her hand into a fist, she swung upward, aiming the strike across his face at his nose.-
  34. Musik: -He felt her fist hit his nose, feeling the blood start falling from it. He brought his hand up to wipe it away, letting out a laugh before bringing his hand back slapping her hard across the face.- "Run back to your boyfriend, bitch. Tell him I hit you. Tell him I'm fucking waiting for him. But let me tell you this one fucking thing..It's true. it's all fucking true. Everything I've said. You don't believe it because why would you? You carry the whip in the relationship."
  35. Alexithymiaa: -Her head rocked to one side when he slapped her, her hands immediately coming up to craddle the side of her face where her skin stung and there was probably a red handprint. "Yeah, well you're in love with a whore who would rather have someone else's dick." She spat at him, turning quickly and heading back toward her car across the parking lot.-
  36. Musik: "Well just remember your boyfriends dick was inside of that "whore"! And a shit ton of other girls! Ask him about his moms workers!" -He shouted before climbing into his car, starting up the engine and speeding off.-
  37. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing the sound of his car go whizzing by, she broke down and started hysterical crying, moving swiftly to her car to just sit in it and cry because she refused to drive home.-
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