
The Cleric and the Pushmi-Pullyu, Part 1

Jan 22nd, 2019
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  1. >Be Cleric
  2. >Passing through a small town.
  3. >Got word of some shady goings on.
  4. >Livestock slaughtered in the fields
  5. >Fields of crops burned.
  6. >Children going missing in the nearby forest.
  7. >The usual.
  8. >Arrive alone, heard that there would be others in the area that I could team up with.
  9. >Been looking around this village for hours now.
  10. >Haven't seen anyone besides these frightened villagers.
  11. >I ask around about others who might have come.
  12. >Whenever I ask the person starts looking worried.
  13. >Same answer every time:
  14. “Well, someone...something... did come, then it went into the woods.”
  15. >Decide to wait it out.
  16. >If they're alive, they'll come out before nightfall.
  17. >If they're dead, then I'll just wait for others to arrive.
  18. >Sundown.
  19. >Sitting on a stump, staring at the trees where the villagers tell me the other person entered the forest.
  20. >The people seem happy to have me here.
  21. >Free food, half-decent wine.
  22. >Makes the wait a little easier.
  23. >Movement in the trees.
  24. >Whatever it is, it's not afraid of making noise.
  25. >Don't hear footsteps, only a dragging noise.
  26. >Stand up from the stump.
  27. >Grab my mace and holy symbol.
  28. “The Lord of Light ensures that I may never walk in shadows.”
  29. >Symbol begins to glow.
  30. >A stream of light casts forth upon the wall of trees.
  31. >Whatever's coming through isn't that tall, just large.
  32. >A shape emerges.
  33. >It's human.
  34. >No, it's a centaur.
  35. >Female.
  36. >Pretty short for a centaur.
  37. >Half breed?
  38. >She doesn't look like she's in the best condition.
  39. >She sees me, squinting her eyes at the light I am casting.
  40. “Is this the village?”
  41. >She looks behind her back quickly.
  42. >Did something follow her?
  43. “Yes, are you okay?”
  44. “I'm fine. Are you a cleric?”
  45. >She doesn't look fine.
  46. “I am.”
  47. “Can you heal?”
  48. “I can, do you need aid?”
  49. “Ye- no- I mean, I don't-
  50. >Looks behind her again.
  51. “But she does.”
  52. >Does she have a rider? Is she carrying someone?
  53. >Is she even strong enough to carry someone?
  54. >Rush to the trees where the centaur is standing.
  55. >She's rigged up a crude stretcher from some thin logs and branches and mounted it on her back so she could drag it behind her.
  56. >She carrying a woman.
  57. >She's bleeding from her temple.
  58. >She's breathing, but non-responsive.
  59. >This woman looks just like the centaur.
  60. >No
  61. >A satyr?
  62. >is the centaur dragging it's hind legs and this woman?
  63. “Bugbears, one of them leapt from a tree and struck her with a club. I couldn't wake her so I had to drag her back. It hurt a lot. Please heal her.”
  64. >Why does it look like this woman is connected to her?
  65. “Bugbears?”
  66. “They have an encampment deep in this forest. We managed to route them after killing a fair few of them, but I can't guarantee that they didn't follow us. Please heal her. It hurts greatly.”
  67. >Must be the dark playing with my eyes.
  68. “How do you know her?”
  69. “She is me. The pain is immense. Please heal her.”
  70. “What about-”
  71. “Heal her, please!”
  72. >She looks distressed.
  73. >She doesn't want to speak anymore.
  74. >I place my hands upon the thing on the stretcher.
  75. “All pains and wounds are soothed under the Lord of Light's hand.”
  76. >The Lord of Light's warmth flows through my fingers into the creature.
  77. >The bleeding stems.
  78. >The wounds close.
  79. >I look to the centaur.
  80. >No, that's not right.
  81. >I don't know what she is.
  82. >I look to the one that's awake.
  83. >A look of relief has spread across her face.
  84. >The scratches on her cheeks fade.
  85. “She'll probably be unconscious for a while yet.
  86. “No. She won't.”
  87. “Trust me, I've seen this many times before. We should get her to a bed where she can rest.”
  88. “No. I will not.”
  89. >The one standing didn't say that.
  90. >The voice came from the stretcher.
  91. >I look down.
  92. >Its eyes are open.
  93. “Are we back?”
  94. “We're in the village.”
  95. “Our enemies are dead?”
  96. “Only the ones we killed.”
  97. “So there's many left to go.”
  98. “We're not yet done.”
  99. >I can't help but gape at the sight of these two talking amongst themselves.
  100. >Don't know if I'm supposed to say something.
  101. “You, Cleric.”
  102. “Hey, Healer.”
  103. >Are they talking to me?
  104. “Thank you for your service.”
  105. “Your skills are much appreciated.”
  106. “The pain was very great.”
  107. “I feel much better now.”
  108. >This has got to be the oddest show of gratitude that I've experienced to date.
  109. >Even weirder than that gnome who offered me his daughter.
  110. “Are you here to fight?”
  111. “Were you planning to help?”
  112. >I suppose that's what I'm here for.
  113. “Yeah... I guess.”
  114. >They look at each other for a moment before turning back to me.
  115. “Will you be joining us then?”
  116. “Would you be willing to assist us?”
  117. >They must be the “something” the villagers were talking about.
  118. “I think so...”
  119. >They smile.
  120. “Good.”
  121. “Great.”
  122. “We leave tomorrow morning.”
  123. “Into the trees at sun up.”
  124. “We've got a good amount of ground to cover.”
  125. “The bugbears are located quite deep in.”
  126. >This might just become something I didn't quite sign up for.
  127. “For now we rest!”
  128. “To the inn!”
  129. “You're a follower of Solom?”
  130. “A Lord of Light disciple?”
  131. “Does your order know any good songs?”
  132. “I'm told I'm a wonderful singer.”
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