

Feb 5th, 2019
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  1. Update 1:
  3. New feature:
  4. Battlegroup: 2v2 A new mode (currently in beta) that increases max fleet points from 600 to 1000 per player in 2v2 mode.
  5. Balancing:
  6. (Campaign) Increased maximum requisition points from 1350 to 1650 for the highest admiral levels
  7. (Campaign) Autobattle results are now more predictable, removing random positive/negative percentages
  8. Lowered fleet power of enemy Space Marines in the Necron mission The Prize
  9. Lowered fleet points of the enemy in the Imperium mission Silver Dawn
  10. Impaler skill damage increased from 2 to 6
  11. Critical chance of Lances/Zap/Pulsar/Shadowlance/Bio plasma/Gauss has been doubled
  12. Ramming damage has been increased by 50%
  13. Ships are now less likely to suffer system critical hit depending on their tonnage.
  14. LC: remain unchanged (no critical reduction)
  15. CR: critical reduction chance modifier reduced from 0.9 to 0.8
  16. BC: critical reduction chance modifier reduced from 0.8 to 0.6
  17. GC: critical reduction chance modifier reduced from 0.7 to 0.4
  18. BS: critical reduction chance modifier reduced from 0.6 to 0.2
  19. Spirit stone targeting node upgrade now applies only to the admiral ship
  20. Drukhari ships' lock-on stance replaced by tracking sense stance
  21. Inertialess drive cooldown reduced from 90 to 75
  22. Tyranids ships’ cost slightly reduced
  23. Tracking sense critical hit chance modifier now properly applies a 100% modifier to critical chance instead of 20%
  24. Disruption bomb channel time increased from 10 to 15 seconds
  25. Disruption bomb cooldown increased from 60 to 90 seconds
  26. Improved augur array/Many-Eyed Prophet/Nicassar Prescient/Multi-Spectrum Sensor upgrades detection range increased from 4500 to 9000
  27. Mechadominator effect duration increased from 10 to 30 seconds
  28. Daemonic infestation now applies to all line ships
  29. Slaanesh promise duration reduced from 10 to 5 seconds
  30. Dark matter cannon speed reduction reduced from 50% to 25%
  31. Lictor brood upgrade now applies to line ships instead of light cruiser only
  32. Resurrection orb now gives back 3 troops instead of 1
  33. Co-op mode:
  34. Stabilized flow system when going in/out of battle
  35. Fixed game loading that didn’t automatically load the auto-save
  36. Fixed end of battle screen
  37. Fixed the result screen that was displaying a defeat on the guest-side and a victory on the host-side
  38. Added:
  39. Beta experience rating added in multiplayer score screen for sharing the player’s feedback with the dev team about the beta mode
  40. Scrollbar on the saves list screen
  41. Confirmation pop-up in the shipyard when revoking a ship
  42. Space Medusae now have a feedback range when exploding
  43. Bug Fixes:
  44. 1. Campaign:
  45. Imperium Campaign & Prologue fixes:
  46. Fixed validation of the mission Preparation for the End of Time
  47. Fixed crash at the end of the mission The Chosen of Abaddon
  48. Fixed a Chaos ship that has to be boarded in the prologue. It now has defence turrets to match the dialogue/narration
  49. Fixed feedback of the player’s narrative choice in the mission Repentance
  50. Fixed the Nurgle’s FX that links monuments in the mission The Chosen of Abaddon
  51. Fixed inverted admiral icons on the pre-match screen in Stopping the Harvest
  52. Fixed dialogue that wasn’t triggering at the arrival of the Phalanx
  53. Fixed localisation text on the Aurent Pattern Munitions upgrade
  54. Fixed reinforcement fleets as reward of the mission The Invasion (Tyranid Annihilation)
  55. Fixed achievement “Stick with your Own Kind” (granted after the first Eldar Annihilation Ark mission).
  56. Tyranid campaign fixes:
  57. Fixed deployment areas in the mission Slip Through The Net
  58. Fixed failed secondary objective display in the mission Slip Through The Net
  59. Fixed secondary objective not giving the proper rewards in the mission Slip Through The Net
  60. Fixed secondary objective not giving the proper rewards in the mission Surprise Appetisers
  61. Updated reinforcement system in the mission Gourmet Meal
  62. Updated dialogues in the mission Indigestible
  63. Updated fleet points in the mission Flesh Is Weak
  64. Fixed Infiltration skill so that it can’t be launched on a blocked system
  65. Fixed the reward in the mission Buffet
  66. Fixed a dialogue trigger that was activated in the end of the mission Buffet
  67. Fixed the achievement trigger when destroying the Dark Throne
  68. Fixed objective completion when boarding the Space Station in the mission Wounded Prey
  69. Fixed the possibility to replace the Ancient One in the mission The Devourer Wakes
  70. Fixed Death World POI attribute tooltip
  71. Fixed Spore mine system defence item
  72. Necron campaign fixes:
  73. Fixed a crash in the Necron Campaign if you would capture Agripinaa from a save starting during PreOrderBeta 2 (if your save is from PreOrderBeta 2 and you have already captured Agripinaa you need to reload before that point)
  74. Fixed validation of the mission The Prize
  75. Fixed issue in the mission Star Makers where the player could be blocked after having destroyed the Blackstone
  76. Fixed infinite life for escort ships from a Necron upgrade
  77. Fixed the outro of the mission End of a Billion Souls (the Craftworld now disappears)
  78. Fixed the Shards of Yggra'Nya upgrade effect in the mission Veil of Shadows
  79. Fixed camera that was going through Space Hulks 3D meshes in the mission The Beast’s Last Stand
  80. User Interface fixes:
  81. Fixed Plasma Storm tooltip in Necron and Tyranid missions
  82. Fixed a stuck weapon highlight when mousing over it
  83. Fixed hidden sectors’ names in which the player had no fleet
  84. Corrected text on the fleet details title of the score screen
  85. Updated a currency icon for tyranids (shipyard upkeep)
  86. Updated the visibility of the laurel in the stats screen
  87. Fixed the text display on fleet names that exceeded the pop-up size
  88. Updated urgency gauge display when in disabled mode
  89. Fixed game over sound FX
  90. Fixed Roboute Guilliman’s name in dialogue
  91. Fixed the boarding torpedoes’ keybind in the prologue
  92. Fixed empty tooltips on enemy turrets/space stations’ experience level display
  93. Fixed empty tooltips on the Space Hulk experience level display
  94. General fixes:
  95. Fixed crash linked to engaging fleets with 0 fleet power
  96. Fixed an issue where a cinematic would not display properly in specific cases
  97. Protection added against crashes that may occur when macro projectiles target Interfering Signals
  98. Fixed admiral level-up sound that wasn’t impacted by the audio option settings
  99. Fixed annihilation rewards display
  100. Fixed bonus which added Battle Plan after X turns (Listening Post POI)
  101. Removed the Macragge’s Honour from the Sons of Malice Chaos sub-faction
  102. Fixed a problem where Space Titan kills weren't taken into account
  103. Fixed Annihilation achievement trigger in the Necron and Tyranid campaigns
  104. Fixed Nurgle worshipper POI effect (lowers troops regeneration)
  105. Fixed hidden “buy a fleet” button on a selected system after having bought a new fleet
  106. Fixed End Turn shortcut from not working.
  107. Fixed wrong Chaos Battleship Despoiler’s wreckage
  108. Improved Wind of Change skill FX
  109. Fixed Interfering Signal warning event
  110. Fixed wrong critical chance on the Tracking Sense skill
  111. 2. Battle Fixes
  112. General:
  113. Improved AutoLaunch Scuttle AI (AI will avoid triggering scuttle with allies around and will wait a bit less before using it, anyway it will be use at some point to allow AI reinforcement to be deployed on the the battlefield)
  114. Improved Auto Launch skill disengage AI (AI will now try to disengage his ships)
  115. Updated custom fleets’ security check
  116. Fixed localisation error panel in the main menu
  117. Fixed launch bay number on the Despoiler’s prow
  118. Fixed Armour Piercing Ammunition/Blessing of Vaul upgrades when target is close
  119. Fixed Slavetaker attribute
  120. Fixed AI that was firing Nova Cannon on hidden ships
  121. Fixed Gravity Hook number on T’au ships
  122. Fixed Scanner skill (now available on Platform Defences)
  123. Fixed Cruiser Gothic’s torpedoes that had parallel trajectories
  124. Fixed AI that was not following flagship vessels’ rules
  125. Fixed 1vsAI loading screen that was displaying “Waiting player” with a timer
  126. Fixed Defeat text that wasn’t displayed when capitulating at the start of a game
  127. User Interface:
  128. Fixed a tooltip on the Burn Retro skill of the Orks Roks ship
  129. Fixed the Massive Claws skill’s damage text display
  130. New weapon icons for Tyranid Claws + common, light, and heavy launch bay
  131. Updated ship overlay: The Action button now has more space at the bottom
  132. Updated graphic code on ordnance icons
  133. Fixed some manoeuvers that had no tooltip when under cooldown
  134. Updated Ancient Psychic Scream feedback position
  135. Fixed the disengage gauge fulfilment that wasn’t displayed guest side
  136. VFX/SFX:
  137. Updated FX collision between ships for optimisation
  138. Fixed victory/defeat text
  139. Fixed defence turrets’ sound FX
  140. 3. Structure Fixes:
  141. Optimization: Dark Eldar, Necrons, Tyranids FXs
  142. Updated localisation for several languages
  143. Updated loading ship screen when going to the ship viewer
  144. Updated ship viewer feature: can now show/hide User Interface
  145. Fixed the space bar that allows you to skip game turn
  146. Increased visibility on checkboxes and sound option settings
  147. Updated credit screen opacity background
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