
2WS 17494-17701

Jul 6th, 2013
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  1. He was angry because Kyoko woke him up early, leaving him alone. I was confused at his ability to ignore everything anybody says while sleeping.
  3. Kyoko's daughter, scared by her mother and the creepy doll that burps when hung upside down from the butt and neck. Joey kicked the doll hard, yet it stayed still on the mantelpiece, terrifying everybody who saw it.
  5. Frustrated yet titillated, Kyoko ran for the shower which had convenient privacy for those who wish to make themselves giddy with antidepressants and nudity. There, she found pleasure and stood there, showering, water drops on her buttcheeks, cold, yet comfortable and liberating. In a sexual way too. Suddenly, the shower stops and Kyoko gets out, but she couldn't find a ninja in her bathroom.
  7. Disappointed, with all her perversions spinning around inside her head, taking their toll. Overwhelmed by the eroticness, Kyoko proceeds to fantasize "What if I shagged with five sexy people as I did laundry while Kyosuke sucks lemons metaphorically. EWWW!"
  9. After that he murdered nobody, as if there were charges against nobody. The judge was killed by Joey's pizza rolls. This made Joey himself very angry. (normally, he is sad) and envious! A witch then cursed little Benny, whom she forced to marry Joey and have a miscarriage again. This upset Gendo's wife, who wept over their loss for seventeen years. This disturbed the witch, so she cursed Kyoko with joy, and Itsuki celebrated it.
  11. The SOS Brigade touched all your ideas, and proceeded to desecrate your and Buffy's flower patch. That sneering jerk Kyosuke plus Fujimiya killed them using Kyosuke's powers. But... Nobody died. Except Fujimiya. This enlightened every monk, especially Aang, who would celebrate during the solstice. But FujiWARA killed him. ...well, crap.
  13. "Kill Haruhi!" they cried. ...HE cried... But Haruhi created a rap beat: "Murderous Kyon With Lasers" annihilating Fujiwara. Haruhi freestyled, to continue making beats. Go Haruhi! Fujiwara couldn't take her to Whataburger because of his death. Poor guy.
  15. She really lost all her hatred for a murderous Fujiwara. Still, he was EVIL. Wally Whatshisface was Fujiwara's dead sister. Johan Liebert returned to his post in Sardinia. Lord English impaled Haruhi, but kindly fed the girl. Fortunately, "Murderous Kyon With Lasers" lived on, ... kindinizing him, which ended with "MKwL" In a top ten chart.
  17. And... they were happy for eternity BUT... Kyosuke decided to kill Fujiwara no Mokou to avenge the death of Wally. She's immortal, so Kyosuke failed at his vengeance.
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