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a guest
Mar 17th, 2018
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  1. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  2. Downloaded!
  3. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  4. Processing addon 53: Star Wars Weapons (183549197)...
  5. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  6. Downloaded!
  7. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  8. Processing addon 52: Active Camouflage (308977650)...
  9. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  10. Downloaded!
  11. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  12. Processing addon 51: Gmod Legs 3 (112806637)...
  13. Addon up to date, mounted!
  14. Processing addon 50: Simple ThirdPerson - Sliders & Fixes! (207948202)...
  15. Addon up to date, mounted!
  16. Processing addon 49: Revival Player Defibrillator | DarkRP Friendly (708845241)...
  17. Addon up to date, mounted!
  18. Processing addon 48: Star Wars Vehicles: Episode 1 (495762961)...
  19. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  20. Downloaded!
  21. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  22. Processing addon 47: Star Wars Vehicles: Episode 2 (608632308)...
  23. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  24. Downloaded!
  25. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  26. Processing addon 46: Naboo (576353911)...
  27. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  28. Downloaded!
  29. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  30. Processing addon 45: Mustafar (577727672)...
  31. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  32. Downloaded!
  33. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  34. Processing addon 44: NPC Tools (104486597)...
  35. Addon up to date, mounted!
  36. Processing addon 43: Custom ULX Commands (718665054)...
  37. Addon up to date, mounted!
  38. Processing addon 42: The sit anywhere script! (108176967)...
  39. Addon up to date, mounted!
  40. Processing addon 41: Star Wars Music (Extended) (467503853)...
  41. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  42. Downloaded!
  43. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  44. Processing addon 40: Star Wars Music Speakers (252742321)...
  45. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  46. Downloaded!
  47. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  48. Processing addon 39: Climb SWEP 2 (113495466)...
  49. Addon up to date, mounted!
  50. Processing addon 38: Media Player (546392647)...
  51. Addon up to date, mounted!
  52. Processing addon 37: Mass Effect Props - Part One (420381877)...
  53. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  54. Downloaded!
  55. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  56. Processing addon 36: Mass Effect Props - Part Two (420390352)...
  57. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  58. Downloaded!
  59. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  60. Processing addon 35: Mass Effect Props - Part Three (420433780)...
  61. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  62. Downloaded!
  63. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  64. Processing addon 34: Mass Effect Props - Part Four (420436409)...
  65. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  66. Downloaded!
  67. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  68. Processing addon 33: Mass Effect Civilian Props (284017501)...
  69. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  70. Downloaded!
  71. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  72. Processing addon 32: Mass Effect 2 Furniture/props (106369732)...
  73. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  74. Downloaded!
  75. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  76. Processing addon 31: Sci-fi Props Megapack (284266415)...
  77. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  78. Downloaded!
  79. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  80. Processing addon 30: Ultimate Logs (948692202)...
  81. Addon up to date, mounted!
  82. Processing addon 29: Sci-Fi Citizens Playermodels (173932955)...
  83. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  84. Downloaded!
  85. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  86. Processing addon 28: Sci-Fi Citizens v4 (173923845)...
  87. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  88. Downloaded!
  89. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  90. Processing addon 27: PermaProps (220336312)...
  91. Addon up to date, mounted!
  92. Processing addon 26: [Official] Precision Tool (104482086)...
  93. Addon up to date, mounted!
  94. Processing addon 25: Improved Stacker (264467687)...
  95. Addon up to date, mounted!
  96. Processing addon 24: 3D2D Textscreens (109643223)...
  97. Addon up to date, mounted!
  98. Processing addon 23: [PR]Star Wars Medical Sweps [Bacta Grenade, Bacta Injector, Force Heal] (727824870)...
  99. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  100. Downloaded!
  101. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  102. Processing addon 22: [ TFA STAR WARS ] Flamethrower (931566793)...
  103. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  104. Downloaded!
  105. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  106. Processing addon 21: TFA Base [ Reduxed ] (415143062)...
  107. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  108. Downloaded!
  109. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  110. Processing addon 20: 501st Legion Clones Mega Pack Part 1 V4.1 (700034815)...
  111. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  112. Downloaded!
  113. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  114. Processing addon 19: 501st Legion Clones Mega Pack Part 2 V3.3 (737143805)...
  115. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  116. Downloaded!
  117. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  118. Processing addon 18: 41st Legion (1286539799)...
  119. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  120. Downloaded!
  121. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  122. Processing addon 17: 212th HD Clone Troopers (893468113)...
  123. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  124. Downloaded!
  125. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  126. Processing addon 16: HD Clone Troopers Playermodels Pack (Part 2) (878092659)...
  127. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  128. Downloaded!
  129. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  130. Processing addon 15: HD Clone Troopers Playermodels (Part 1) (878090416)...
  131. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  132. Downloaded!
  133. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  134. Processing addon 14: [GGN] 187th Elite Trooper Variants Playermodels (1248009769)...
  135. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  136. Downloaded!
  137. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  138. Processing addon 13: [GR] 187th Clone Captains Playermodels (1207639771)...
  139. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  140. Downloaded!
  141. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  142. Processing addon 9: [ TFA Star Wars ] Extended Weapons Pack Required Resources #1 (907051587)...
  143. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  144. Downloaded!
  145. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  146. Processing addon 8: [TFA Official] Star Wars Shared Resources [ Sounds, Icons, Shared Support Menu ] (889827473)...
  147. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  148. Downloaded!
  149. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  150. Processing addon 7: Star Wars Weapons Extras (712974155)...
  151. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  152. Downloaded!
  153. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  154. Processing addon 6: Star Wars Z6 Rotary Blaster Cannon (Original SWEP) (529893884)...
  155. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  156. Downloaded!
  157. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  158. Processing addon 5: CGI Clone IDS (728482702)...
  159. Addon up to date, mounted!
  160. Processing addon 4: [TFA] SWRP SWEP Mega-Pack (708301497)...
  161. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  162. Downloaded!
  163. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  164. Processing addon 3: CGI Super Battle Droids (720714872)...
  165. Addon up to date, mounted!
  166. Processing addon 2: CGI CIS Droid Pack (721821542)...
  167. Addon file cache missing, redownloading...
  168. Downloaded!
  169. Error! Failed to read the downloaded file
  170. Processing addon 1: ULX++ - New Commands and More! (686055179)...
  171. Addon up to date, mounted!
  172. WS: Finished!
  173. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/__blib'
  174. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/_bwhitelist-revamped-16'
  175. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/aesthetic_menu'
  176. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/atlaschat'
  177. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/cnotify'
  178. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/darkrpmodification-master'
  179. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/enhanced_government'
  180. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/f4_gamma_11'
  181. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/hats_hook'
  182. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/mistforums'
  183. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/silkyhud'
  184. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/silkymotd_nodrm'
  185. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/squad_reborn'
  186. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/teamsradion2'
  187. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/ulib'
  188. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/ulx'
  189. Adding Filesystem Addon '/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod/addons/z_rewards'
  190. Changing gamemode to StarwarsRP (starwarsrp)
  191. Server logging enabled.
  192. Server logging data to file logs/L0317039.log
  193. L 03/17/2018 - 21:38:33: Log file started (file "logs/L0317039.log") (game "/servers/sgnswrp/garrysmod") (version "7042")
  194. CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: No such map 'maps/rp_venator_ar.bsp'
  195. map load failed: rp_venator_ar not found or invalid
  196. Unknown command "cl_cmdrate"
  197. Unknown command "cl_updaterate"
  198. Unknown command "rate"
  199. Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
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