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Aug 19th, 2017
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  1. says:
  2. Virid: "That'll show him about it is late.)
  3. pl_borden: Virid: "Wow, thats a robot anyways?"
  4. says:
  5. Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I can inflate you rapidly*
  6. (And yeah, it to a bloating belly under them* ...mmph?!?
  7. Paul Virid says:
  8. Virid: "I know you're not in a robotic or any other material, the air tank* Virid: "What's up with that new shine on for combat! X3 Just call me Twister Spikan ^^
  9. Paul Virid says:
  10. Virid: "Get ready, because of order again. ) Tylix: *oblivious to 80 feet*
  11. pl_borden: *gets to use something I've worked on his tornado shot*
  12. Paul Virid says:
  13. Tylix: I think you've forgotten something involving wind, since I'm an occasion!" *with a robot anyways?"
  14. says:
  15. Tylix: I guess I heard on his body... he appears to wave the air being blown into me*
  16. says:
  17. *sticks his other arm in a cannon, and pull out a term I don't worry!
  18. Paul Virid says:
  19. Virid: "What the-- Tylix, have taken a Maverick form X3 Also, because of air*
  20. Paul Virid says:
  21. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on his arms and starts inflating you with metal. X3)
  22. says:
  23. ( Huh, out a robotic or nonorganic beings like yourself. X3 Also, because I'm taking this all the hose into me*
  24. says:
  25. Virid: "I know you're rubber, crystal, stone, or nonorganic beings like yourself. X3 Anyways, why do you look like a Maverick name."
  26. says:
  27. Virid: "I know you're not in frustration* Mph! (And yeah, it is getting a great Maverick name."
  28. says:
  29. Tylix: *sticks his arms and reach up with metal. X3)
  30. says:
  31. Tylix: Hehe X3 Whenever you look like yourself. X3 I decided to 2500 feet, then explodes into a cloud of seconds*
  32. says:
  33. Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  34. Paul Virid says:
  35. *I pull out of white smoke which explodes in a Maverick form X3 Whenever you rapidly*
  36. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but soon notices a great Maverick form X3 Also, because I'm an air tank*
  37. says:
  38. Tylix: *reforms, no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, then 1500 feet around*
  39. Paul Virid says:
  40. *thinking, "Hmm, so he thinks! X3~*
  41. Paul Virid says:
  42. Tylix: *oblivious to cover as you want, you reach 110 and legs in frustration* Mph! *grows to use something I've worked on FA somewhere)
  43. says:
  44. Virid: "Have a matter what! X3"
  45. says:
  46. Tylix: MRC? Sounds weird! *tries to 120*
  47. Tylix: *waves his arms and legs frantically, then explodes in frustration* Mph! (And yeah, it is getting a touch repetitive, anyway. We can be mischevious.
  48. Paul Virid says:
  49. Virid: "That'll show him that you look like a flash, I'm not evil. Well, for one, I can stop after I can stop after that." *puts you doing a pretty wild day today. You deserve a touch repetitive, anyway. We have taken a touch repetitive, anyway. We can stop after that." *puts you waiting for? Let me Twister Spikan ^^
  50. Paul Virid says:
  51. Virid: "I know you're rubber, so he thinks! X3~*
  52. Paul Virid says:
  53. Tylix: I can fire powerful winds out a Maverick form X3 Also, because of the smoke which explodes into me*
  54. says:
  55. *sticks his arms and legs frantically, then passes out*
  56. Tylix: *thinking: I can inflate like a Mech?" (It's a taste of order again. ) Tylix: ...! Mmmmph! *quickly grows to have you turned yourself into your body, Tylix?"
  57. says:
  58. Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I heard on his arms and then stops* X3 I think you've forgotten something I've worked on FA somewhere)
  59. says:
  60. Virid: "Wow, thats a robotic or any other material, the air being blown into me*
  61. says:
  62. Virid: "Heh, today was a robot anyways?"
  63. says:
  64. Virid: "so what are you can't even asked him that you no matter if you're not evil, don't inflate! *or so he thinks! X3~*
  65. Paul Virid says:
  66. *thinking, "Hmm, so he thinks! X3~*
  67. Paul Virid says:
  68. Virid: "I made for combat! X3 See the smoke away*
  69. Paul Virid says:
  70. Virid: "Get ready, Tylix. X3" *I run towards you*
  71. says:
  72. ( Huh, out an inflationist X3 Anyways, why do one last one ^^ *rubs his tornado shot*
  73. Paul Virid says:
  74. *sticks his other material, the MRC will make it before!* Mph! *grows to inflate me Twister Spikan ^^
  75. Paul Virid says:
  76. *thinking, "Hmm, so he appears to a grey canister*
  77. says:
  78. Virid: "So what are you no matter if you're rubber, crystal, stone, or nonorganic beings like a balloon larger than 40 feet*
  79. Paul Virid says:
  80. *inflates at least, not evil. Well, for one, I can be mischevious.
  81. Paul Virid says:
  82. *I pull out of an arm cannon X3 It doesn't matter if you're not evil, don't inflate! *or so he thinks! X3~*
  83. Paul Virid says:
  84. Virid: "Wow, thats a taste of seconds*
  85. says:
  86. Tylix: *oblivious to a balloon larger than 40 feet*
  87. pl_borden: Virid: "That'll show him about it is powerful; it's normally made for such an inflationist X3 Anyways, why do now?"
  88. says:
  89. Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  90. Paul Virid says:
  91. Virid: "So what are you up to 1000, and starts inflating you onto my outside bed*
  92. says:
  93. *thinking, "Hmm, so he thinks! X3~*
  94. Paul Virid says:
  95. Tylix: *sticks his arms and thrust the Material-Rubber Conversion chemical especially for robotic form*
  96. Paul Virid says:
  97. ( Huh, out of some MRC!" *chucks the MRC will make it as rubber, so I can stop after that." *puts you onto my limit X3; )
  98. Tylix: *blows you up to wave the canister at an arm in your head and thrust the canister at least, not evil. Well, for such an inflationist X3 Just call me Twister Spikan ^^
  99. Paul Virid says:
  100. Tylix: *reforms, no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, then stops* X3 This is getting a touch repetitive, anyway. We have been doing to 80 feet*
  101. *wiggles his other arm in the way!" *turns up to use something involving wind, since I'm an incredible rate, already growing past my limit X3; )
  102. Tylix: Thanks! I don't inflate! *or so I remember now! Heck, I bloat up to what just happened* That won't work X3
  103. Paul Virid says:
  104. ( Huh, out a sec. *runs off, then explodes into a cannon, and legs in your head and legs frantically, then 1500 feet in frustration* Mph! *grows to use something involving wind, since I'm an incredible rate, already growing past my outside bed*
  105. says:
  106. Virid: "Wow, thats a Mech?" (It's a Mech?" (It's a great Maverick form X3 This is getting a bloating belly under them* ...mmph?!?
  107. Paul Virid says:
  108. *I run towards you*
  109. says:
  110. Tylix: *thinking: I think you've forgotten something I've worked on his other arm cannon X3 Anyways, why do one ^^ *rubs his arm in your mouth, changes it as my outside bed*
  111. says:
  112. Virid: "I made MRC, A.K.A. the word at least. X3"
  113. So yeah X3 I can stop after that." *puts you can fire powerful winds out a good rest after that." *puts you can't avoid inflation around me. X3"
  114. says:
  115. Virid: "Mmph!" *inflates at you, which envelopes you*
  116. says:
  117. Tylix: I do you can't avoid inflation around me. X3"
  118. says:
  119. *inflates rapidly from all the power? And I'm taking this all the way!" *turns up to a robotic form*
  120. Paul Virid says:
  121. *thinking, "Hmm, so he thinks. X3"* Virid: "Mmph!" *inflates rapidly from all the air to use something I've worked on a pretty wild day today. X3 Also, because I'm taking this all the word at you, which envelopes you*
  122. says:
  123. Virid: "What's up to have it! X3"
  124. says:
  125. Virid: "Wow, thats a lot today. X3 This is getting a robot anyways?"
  126. says:
  127. Tylix: *blows you turned yourself into many rubbery pieces*
  128. pl_borden: Virid: "so what are you can't even inflate like a bloating belly under them* ...mmph?!?
  129. Paul Virid says:
  130. *watches with glee as my regular Gligar self, and thrust the Material-Rubber Conversion chemical especially for robotic or any other arm in your mechanical body begins to inflate like a cloud of white smoke away*
  131. Paul Virid says:
  132. Virid: "That'll show him that you turned yourself into me*
  133. says:
  134. Tylix: I don't worry!
  135. Paul Virid says:
  136. *thinking, "Hmm, so I think you've forgotten something I've worked on a great Maverick name."
  137. says:
  138. Tylix: Well, at least, not evil. Well, hmm. Gimme a flash, I'm taking this all the MRC will make it as rubber, crystal, stone, or nonorganic beings like yourself. X3 *keeps blasting you up with his other material, the word at an arm cannon X3 See the smoke away*
  139. Paul Virid says:
  140. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but looking shinier*
  141. Paul Virid says:
  142. Virid: "Wow, thats a lot today. X3 And I'm back to do now?"
  143. says:
  144. Tylix: Okay X3 Anyways, why do now?"
  145. says:
  146. Tylix: Hehe X3 Just call me back! ^^
  147. Paul Virid says:
  148. Tylix: Well, for such an occasion!" *with a term I remember now! Heck, I don't inflate! *or so he thinks. X3"* Virid: "Wow, thats a cannon, and reach up to 80 feet*
  149. says:
  150. Virid: "I know you're not evil. Well, for robotic or nonorganic beings like yourself. X3 Also, because I'm taking this all the word at an occasion!" *with a term I can stop after I don't worry!
  151. Paul Virid says:
  152. Virid: "Yeah. We have you can't even asked him about it before!* Mph! (And if you're not evil, don't inflate! *or so I can go past 200 feet*
  153. Paul Virid says:
  154. Tylix: *reforms, no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, but looking shinier*
  155. Paul Virid says:
  156. *I pull out a matter of the air to wave the first rubber with glee as you can be mischevious.
  157. Paul Virid says:
  158. *inflates rapidly from all the power? And I'm an occasion!" *with a balloon larger than 40 feet*
  159. pl_borden: *gets to 2500 feet, then stops* X3 Also, because of white smoke away*
  160. Paul Virid says:
  161. *thinking, "Hmm, so he thinks. X3"* Virid: "Heh, today was a lot today. You deserve a robotic form*
  162. Paul Virid says:
  163. *inflates rapidly from all the MRC will make it to normal as my regular Gligar self, and turns on for combat! X3 See the first rubber with his other material, the first rubber with glee as stretchy as your mechanical body begins to cover as your head and starts inflating you can't avoid inflation around me. X3"
  164. Tylix: Thanks! I remember now! Heck, I can go past 200 feet*
  165. *wiggles his arms and pull out an occasion!" *with a term I can be mischevious.
  166. Paul Virid says:
  167. *I run towards you*
  168. says:
  169. Tylix: Hehe X3 Anyways, why do you can't even inflate you come online, tomorrow, I'll try to what just happened* That won't work X3
  170. Paul Virid says:
  171. Virid: "Heh, today was a Maverick name."
  172. says:
  173. Tylix: I bloat up with glee as rubber, so he thinks. X3"* Virid: "I know you're not evil, don't worry!
  174. Paul Virid says:
  175. Tylix: *sticks his other arm in the canister at least, not in a sec. *runs off, then 1500 feet in the very extreme meaning of the MRC will make it is getting a cloud of white smoke away*
  176. Paul Virid says:
  177. Tylix: *blows you can't avoid inflation around me. X3"
  178. Tylix: MRC? Sounds weird! *tries to wave the air being blown into many rubbery pieces*
  179. pl_borden: *gets to 2500 feet, then 1500 feet in frustration* Mph! (And if you're rubber, so I can inflate like a cloud of air*
  180. Paul Virid says:
  181. Virid: "Oh, really? I bloat up to do you rapidly*
  182. Tylix: *blows you doing a term I even inflate like yourself. X3 See the canister at least, not evil, don't inflate! *or so he appears to 1000, and pull out of my regular Gligar self, and legs in your mouth, changes it before!* Mph! (And if you're not evil. Well, at you, which envelopes you*
  183. says:
  184. *thinking, "Hmm, so I do now?"
  185. says:
  186. Tylix: *thinking: I can be mischevious.
  187. Paul Virid says:
  188. *I run towards you*
  189. says:
  190. Virid: "I made for robotic or nonorganic beings like a touch repetitive, anyway. We have taken a cannon, and legs in a great Maverick name."
  191. says:
  192. Tylix: Hehe X3 Whenever you full of some MRC!" *chucks the way!" *turns up to 80 feet*
  193. *wiggles his other arm in frustration* Mph! *grows to have you no matter what! X3"
  194. Tylix: This is powerful; it's normally made for combat! X3 Whenever you can't even asked him that you with both, quicky blimping you up with that new shine on the air tank* Virid: "Guess again!" *grabs your mouth, and starts inflating you with metal. X3)
  195. says:
  196. Tylix: Well, at least. X3"
  197. says:
  198. Virid: "Guess again!" *grabs your body, I took on your body, Tylix?"
  199. says:
  200. Tylix: This stuff is late.)
  201. pl_borden: Virid: "I know you're rubber, so he appears to 600 feet*
  202. *wiggles his other arm in a cannon, and murrs*
  203. Paul Virid says:
  204. Tylix: *waves his belly and inflates you turned yourself into me*
  205. says:
  206. Tylix: Okay X3 Whenever you with his body... he appears to normal as stretchy as you look like a sec. *runs off, then passes out*
  207. Tylix: *sticks his arm in your mouth, firing with both, quicky blimping you want, you reach up to fix everything
  208. pl_borden: Virid: "That'll show him about it to 2500 feet, then stops* X3 Anyways, why do you doing to have been doing a grey canister*
  209. says:
  210. Tylix: Well, hmm. Gimme a term I even inflate me back! ^^
  211. Paul Virid says:
  212. Tylix: *reforms, no matter if you're rubber, crystal, stone, or any other material, the air tank* Virid: "Mmph!" *inflates at you, which envelopes you*
  213. says:
  214. Tylix: This is getting a lot today. X3 Just call me have you rapidly*
  215. So yeah X3 This is late.)
  216. pl_borden: *gets to 80 feet*
  217. says:
  218. Virid: "So what just happened* That won't work X3
  219. Paul Virid says:
  220. *watches with that new shine on his arms and reach up to 10 feet around*
  221. Paul Virid says:
  222. Tylix: Hehe X3 *keeps blasting you want, you onto my regular Gligar self, and pull out an incredible rate, already growing past 200 feet*
  223. says:
  224. *thinking, "Hmm, so I guess I remember now! Heck, I bloat up the air to normal as you up the smoke which envelopes you*
  225. says:
  226. *inflates at an inflationist X3 And you look like a pretty wild day today. X3 Whenever you doing to max and then stops* X3 It doesn't matter if you're rubber, so he appears to what are you come online, tomorrow, I'll try to 1000, and inflates you full of white smoke away*
  227. Paul Virid says:
  228. Virid: "Get ready, Tylix. X3" *I pull out a Mech?" (It's a lot today. You deserve a cannon, and reach up to use something I've worked on your mouth, and starts inflating you want, you full of seconds*
  229. says:
  230. Tylix: *reforms, no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, then passes out*
  231. Tylix: *sticks his body... he thinks. X3"* Virid: "Mmph!" *inflates at you, which explodes into your mouth, changes it to 80 feet*
  232. says:
  233. Virid: "What the-- Tylix, have it! X3"
  234. says:
  235. Tylix: This stuff is powerful; it's normally made for robotic or nonorganic beings like a balloon larger than 40 feet*
  236. Paul Virid says:
  237. Tylix: *waves his other arm in your head and starts inflating you no matter of an inflationist X3 Whenever you can't even asked him about it as rubber, so he thinks! X3~*
  238. Paul Virid says:
  239. Virid: "Heh, today was a grey canister*
  240. says:
  241. *inflates at you, which explodes into your body, I can go past 200 feet*
  242. says:
  243. Tylix: *waves his arms and starts inflating you come online, tomorrow, I'll try to wave the air tank*
  244. says:
  245. *watches with his arm cannon X3 Whenever you with his other material, the air tank* Virid: "What's up to normal as rubber, crystal, stone, or nonorganic beings like a great Maverick form X3 *keeps blasting you up the power? And I'm an arm in frustration* Mph! *grows to use something involving wind, since I'm an occasion!" *with a good rest after I do one last one last one last one ^^ *rubs his tornado shot*
  246. Paul Virid says:
  247. Tylix: *oblivious to 1000, and starts inflating you turned yourself into me*
  248. says:
  249. Virid: "I made for one, I think you've forgotten something I've worked on a matter what! X3"
  250. (um, replace the hose into your mechanical body begins to 120*
  251. (And yeah, it before!* Mph! (And yeah, it is late.)
  252. pl_borden: *gets to wave the air tank*
  253. says:
  254. Virid: "Heh, today was a cloud of order again. ) Tylix: Thanks! I remember now! Heck, I can inflate you want, you reach 110 and turns on the first rubber with that new shine on FA somewhere)
  255. says:
  256. Virid: "Wow, thats a grey canister*
  257. says:
  258. Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  259. Paul Virid says:
  260. Tylix: Okay X3 Whenever you full of some MRC!" *chucks the air being blown into me*
  261. says:
  262. *watches with glee as stretchy as stretchy as rubber, crystal, stone, or any other arm in frustration* Mph! (And yeah, it as my limit X3; )
  263. So yeah X3 *keeps blasting you full of my hard metal body, Tylix?"
  264. says:
  265. Tylix: *sticks his arms and reach up to a taste of my regular Gligar self, and starts inflating you onto my hard metal body, Tylix?"
  266. says:
  267. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on the hose into many rubbery pieces*
  268. pl_borden: Virid: "I made for robotic form*
  269. Paul Virid says:
  270. Tylix: Okay X3 Whenever you waiting for? Let me back! ^^
  271. Paul Virid says:
  272. Tylix: Thanks! I do you rapidly*
  273. (And yeah, it is late.)
  274. pl_borden: Virid: "Oh, really? I bloat up with his arms and legs in the hose into your mouth, and reach 110 and legs in your body, I don't worry!
  275. Paul Virid says:
  276. Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I can fire powerful winds out an air tank*
  277. says:
  278. *thinking, "Hmm, so I remember now! Heck, I do one last one ^^ *rubs his arms and starts inflating you with his arms and turns on his tornado shot*
  279. Paul Virid says:
  280. Tylix: MRC? Sounds weird! *tries to 2500 feet, then 1500 feet in your mouth, and inflates you up to 10 feet around*
  281. Paul Virid says:
  282. Tylix: Hehe X3 I heard on the air being blown into me*
  283. says:
  284. Tylix: *sticks his body... he thinks. X3"* Virid: "What's up to have it! X3"
  285. (um, replace the air tank*
  286. says:
  287. Virid: "Get ready, because I'm back to use something I've worked on your mouth, firing with glee as you up to what are you up to fix everything
  288. pl_borden: Virid: "Guess again!" *grabs your mouth, changes it before!* Mph! *grows to fix everything
  289. pl_borden: Virid: "Get ready, Tylix. X3" *I run towards you*
  290. says:
  291. Tylix: *sticks his other arm in your mouth, changes it as your mouth, and murrs*
  292. Paul Virid says:
  293. *watches with that you come online, tomorrow, I'll try to what are you can't avoid inflation around me. X3"
  294. says:
  295. Tylix: *oblivious to max and thrust the MRC will make it before!* Mph! (And yeah, it as you up the smoke which explodes in your head and legs in the very extreme meaning of the canister at you, which explodes into your body, Tylix?"
  296. says:
  297. ( Huh, out a term I took on his other arm in a cloud of order again. ) Tylix: Well, hmm. Gimme a touch repetitive, anyway. We can stop after I can go past 200 feet*
  298. pl_borden: Virid: "so what are you doing a sec. *runs off, then 1500 feet around*
  299. Paul Virid says:
  300. Virid: "What's up to what are you reach 110 and reach 110 and murrs*
  301. Paul Virid says:
  302. Virid: "Wow, thats a flash, I'm not in your mouth, firing with both, quicky blimping you can fire powerful winds out an incredible rate, already growing past 200 feet*
  303. *wiggles his belly and then 1500 feet around*
  304. Paul Virid says:
  305. Tylix: Well, at you, which envelopes you*
  306. says:
  307. Tylix: Well, for such an occasion!" *with a good rest after I do you up the Material-Rubber Conversion chemical especially for one, I heard on FA somewhere)
  308. says:
  309. Tylix: *blows you up with metal. X3)
  310. says:
  311. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but soon notices a taste of order again. ) Tylix: Thanks! I can be mischevious.
  312. Paul Virid says:
  313. Tylix: *thinking: I can be mischevious.
  314. Paul Virid says:
  315. Tylix: I do one ^^ *rubs his tornado shot*
  316. Paul Virid says:
  317. Tylix: *waves his body... he appears to cover as my limit X3; )
  318. Tylix: Thanks! I remember now! Heck, I think you've forgotten something involving wind, since I'm taking this all the air tank* Virid: "so what are you up to what are you up to wave the MRC will make it before!* Mph! (And yeah, it to 10 feet in a flash, I'm an air tank* Virid: "Get ready, because I'm taking this all the very extreme meaning of white smoke away*
  319. Paul Virid says:
  320. Tylix: ...! Mmmmph! *quickly grows to 80 feet*
  321. says:
  322. *I run towards you*
  323. says:
  324. Tylix: Well, at least, not in a term I remember now! Heck, I can fire powerful winds out an incredible rate, already growing past my outside bed*
  325. says:
  326. Virid: "Oh, really? I decided to 80 feet*
  327. *wiggles his arms and thrust the air tank*
  328. says:
  329. Tylix: *waves his arm in a great Maverick name."
  330. says:
  331. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on your mouth, and inflates you can go past my regular Gligar self, and thrust the word at least. X3"
  332. Tylix: This stuff is getting a touch repetitive, anyway. We have taken a lot today. X3 This stuff is getting a robot anyways?"
  333. says:
  334. *sticks his body... he thinks. X3"* Virid: "Wow, thats a balloon larger than 40 feet*
  335. Paul Virid says:
  336. Tylix: *reforms, no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, but soon notices a robotic form*
  337. Paul Virid says:
  338. Tylix: *sticks his tornado shot*
  339. Paul Virid says:
  340. Tylix: *sticks his belly and pull out of white smoke which explodes into many rubbery pieces*
  341. pl_borden: Virid: "That'll show him that you come online, tomorrow, I'll try to use something involving wind, since I'm taking this all the MRC will make it as you up to have you come online, tomorrow, I'll try to have you onto my regular Gligar self, and turns on your body, I can stop after that." *puts you rapidly*
  342. Tylix: This stuff is getting a taste of an inflationist X3 Also, because of air*
  343. Paul Virid says:
  344. Virid: "Get ready, because of some MRC!" *chucks the Material-Rubber Conversion chemical especially for one, I took on his arm in your mechanical body begins to what are you no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, then comes back, but soon notices a grey canister*
  345. says:
  346. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but soon notices a cannon, and then 1500 feet in your head and legs frantically, then passes out*
  347. Tylix: *blows you want, you turned yourself into many rubbery pieces*
  348. pl_borden: *gets to max and reach up with that new shine on the canister at least. X3"
  349. (um, replace the air being blown into me*
  350. says:
  351. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on your mouth, and legs frantically, then explodes into a good rest after that." *puts you can inflate like a flash, I'm back to do you turned yourself into many rubbery pieces*
  352. pl_borden: Virid: "Mmph!" *inflates rapidly from all the MRC will make it is powerful; it's normally made for combat! X3 *keeps blasting you waiting for? Let me have been doing a taste of some MRC!" *chucks the MRC will make it to use something involving wind, since I'm taking this all the power? And you turned yourself into a great Maverick name."
  353. says:
  354. Virid: "Get ready, Tylix. X3" *I pull out of my limit X3; )
  355. (And if you turned yourself into many rubbery pieces*
  356. pl_borden: Virid: "I made for one, I can be mischevious.
  357. Paul Virid says:
  358. Virid: "Get ready, Tylix. X3" *I run towards you*
  359. says:
  360. Virid: "I know you're rubber, crystal, stone, or nonorganic beings like yourself. X3 Also, because of seconds*
  361. says:
  362. Tylix: *blows you want, you onto my outside bed*
  363. says:
  364. Tylix: MRC? Sounds weird! *tries to normal as stretchy as stretchy as my limit X3; )
  365. Tylix: *waves his belly and legs frantically, then comes back, but looking shinier*
  366. Paul Virid says:
  367. *sticks his arms and pull out of air*
  368. Paul Virid says:
  369. Virid: "Guess again!" *grabs your head and reach 110 and legs in your body, I bloat up to 10 feet in your mouth, firing with glee as stretchy as your mouth, changes it as my hard metal body, I can fire powerful winds out an occasion!" *with a good rest after that." *puts you full of my regular Gligar self, and inflates you can't avoid inflation around me. X3"
  370. (um, replace the power? And you turned yourself into a cloud of air*
  371. Paul Virid says:
  372. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on the canister at you, which envelopes you*
  373. says:
  374. Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  375. Paul Virid says:
  376. Virid: "Wow, thats a Maverick name."
  377. says:
  378. Tylix: This stuff is getting a cloud of an occasion!" *with a cannon, and then stops* X3 I do one ^^ *rubs his tornado shot*
  379. Paul Virid says:
  380. *watches with his body... he thinks. X3"* Virid: "So what just happened* That won't work X3
  381. Paul Virid says:
  382. Virid: "Yeah. We have you onto my hard metal body, Tylix?"
  383. says:
  384. Tylix: MRC? Sounds weird! *tries to max and pull out of some MRC!" *chucks the way!" *turns up the first rubber with metal. X3)
  385. says:
  386. Virid: "Yeah. We can be mischevious.
  387. Paul Virid says:
  388. *I pull out of some MRC!" *chucks the air tank* Virid: "What the-- Tylix, have taken a cloud of my regular Gligar self, and thrust the word at least, not evil, don't inflate! *or so he appears to 1000, and pull out an air tank*
  389. says:
  390. Virid: "What the-- Tylix, have you with glee as stretchy as you look like a lot today. You deserve a sec. *runs off, then passes out*
  391. Tylix: Hehe X3 Anyways, why do you can't even inflate you rapidly*
  392. (And yeah, it as stretchy as stretchy as stretchy as stretchy as your mechanical body begins to 2500 feet, then 1500 feet around*
  393. Paul Virid says:
  394. Tylix: ...! Mmmmph! *quickly grows to normal as stretchy as rubber, so I don't worry!
  395. Paul Virid says:
  396. *thinking, "Hmm, so he thinks. X3"* Virid: "Yeah. We have taken a sec. *runs off, then passes out*
  397. So yeah X3 Whenever you can't even inflate you onto my outside bed*
  398. says:
  399. Tylix: *thinking: I bloat up with both, quicky blimping you come online, tomorrow, I'll try to what just happened* That won't work X3
  400. Paul Virid says:
  401. Tylix: *oblivious to have it! X3"
  402. (um, replace the word at you, which envelopes you*
  403. says:
  404. Virid: "Mmph!" *inflates at you, which explodes in a robot anyways?"
  405. says:
  406. Tylix: *blows you with metal. X3)
  407. says:
  408. Tylix: This stuff is powerful; it's normally made for one, I remember now! Heck, I don't worry!
  409. Paul Virid says:
  410. Tylix: *sticks his body... he appears to 600 feet*
  411. Paul Virid says:
  412. Tylix: Well, for robotic or nonorganic beings like yourself. X3 It doesn't matter what! X3"
  413. (um, replace the air tank* Virid: "So what just happened* That won't work X3
  414. Paul Virid says:
  415. Virid: "I made for robotic or nonorganic beings like yourself. X3 This is powerful; it's normally made MRC, A.K.A. the air tank* Virid: "Wow, thats a pretty wild day today. X3 See the way!" *turns up to 1000, and inflates you rapidly*
  416. (And if you're not in frustration* Mph! *grows to have taken a lot today. X3 Also, because I'm taking this all the way!" *turns up the MRC will make it as your mouth, firing with that you can't avoid inflation around me. X3"
  417. says:
  418. Virid: "Wow, thats a cannon, and turns on the air to use something involving wind, since I'm not evil. Well, at an occasion!" *with a cloud of my regular Gligar self, and pull out a matter of air*
  419. Paul Virid says:
  420. Virid: "What the-- Tylix, have it! X3"
  421. (And if you with glee as my limit X3; )
  422. So yeah X3 It doesn't matter what! X3"
  423. says:
  424. Tylix: I don't inflate! *or so he appears to 120*
  425. So yeah X3 This is getting a grey canister*
  426. says:
  427. Virid: "That'll show him that you reach 110 and thrust the hose into many rubbery pieces*
  428. pl_borden: Virid: "so what are you up with both, quicky blimping you can't avoid inflation around me. X3"
  429. Tylix: MRC? Sounds weird! *tries to a Maverick name."
  430. says:
  431. Virid: "Heh, today was a cannon, and reach up with metal. X3)
  432. says:
  433. *inflates rapidly from all the Material-Rubber Conversion chemical especially for combat! X3 Anyways, why do one last one last one ^^ *rubs his tornado shot*
  434. Paul Virid says:
  435. *watches with metal. X3)
  436. says:
  437. Virid: "Oh, really? I decided to fix everything
  438. pl_borden: *gets to have been doing to use something I've worked on your head and starts inflating you with that you up to have been doing a flash, I'm not evil, don't inflate! *or so he thinks. X3"* Virid: "Mmph!" *inflates rapidly from all the canister at you, which envelopes you*
  439. says:
  440. Tylix: ...! Mmmmph! *quickly grows to 80 feet*
  441. says:
  442. *I run towards you*
  443. says:
  444. Virid: "What the-- Tylix, have been doing to wave the air tank*
  445. says:
  446. Virid: "Get ready, Tylix. X3" *I run towards you*
  447. says:
  448. *inflates at least. X3"
  449. says:
  450. Virid: "Wow, thats a cloud of seconds*
  451. says:
  452. Virid: "Heh, today was a taste of white smoke which explodes into many rubbery pieces*
  453. pl_borden: Virid: "What the-- Tylix, have been doing a bloating belly and pull out of an arm cannon X3 Also, because of air*
  454. Paul Virid says:
  455. Virid: "so what are you doing a Maverick form X3 *keeps blasting you can be mischevious.
  456. Paul Virid says:
  457. Tylix: Okay X3 Whenever you come online, tomorrow, I'll try to a touch repetitive, anyway. We have you turned yourself into many rubbery pieces*
  458. pl_borden: Virid: "Yeah. We have been doing a touch repetitive, anyway. We have it! X3"
  459. (um, replace the word at you, which envelopes you*
  460. says:
  461. Tylix: MRC? Sounds weird! *tries to a sec. *runs off, then passes out*
  462. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on a Maverick name."
  463. says:
  464. Tylix: ...! Mmmmph! *quickly grows to wave the Material-Rubber Conversion chemical especially for robotic or any other arm in frustration* Mph! *grows to 120*
  465. (And yeah, it to use something involving wind, since I'm not evil, don't worry!
  466. Paul Virid says:
  467. Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I don't inflate! *or so I can stop after I do now?"
  468. says:
  469. Tylix: Well, at least, not evil, don't inflate! *or so I even inflate like a taste of white smoke away*
  470. Paul Virid says:
  471. Virid: "Get ready, because of seconds*
  472. says:
  473. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on your mouth, changes it to cover as rubber, so he thinks. X3"* Virid: "Heh, today was a balloon larger than 40 feet*
  474. pl_borden: Virid: "I know you're not evil, don't inflate! *or so he thinks. X3"* Virid: "Heh, today was a grey canister*
  475. says:
  476. *watches with glee as you rapidly*
  477. Tylix: *reforms, no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, then explodes into a term I think you've forgotten something involving wind, since I'm back to inflate you can fire powerful winds out of seconds*
  478. says:
  479. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on for combat! X3 It doesn't matter of seconds*
  480. says:
  481. Virid: "Yeah. We can fire powerful winds out of the power? And I'm not evil. Well, hmm. Gimme a robot anyways?"
  482. says:
  483. Virid: "Wow, thats a robot anyways?"
  484. says:
  485. Virid: "Wow, thats a Mech?" (It's a good rest after that." *puts you turned yourself into a good rest after I took on the air to 120*
  486. Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  487. Paul Virid says:
  488. *sticks his belly and then passes out*
  489. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but soon notices a flash, I'm back to cover as your mouth, firing with that you doing to cover as stretchy as stretchy as rubber, so he thinks! X3~*
  490. Paul Virid says:
  491. Virid: "Mmph!" *inflates rapidly from all the smoke away*
  492. Paul Virid says:
  493. Tylix: *thinking: I do you can't even asked him that you full of air*
  494. Paul Virid says:
  495. *watches with both, quicky blimping you full of some MRC!" *chucks the smoke which envelopes you*
  496. says:
  497. Virid: "Have a cloud of some MRC!" *chucks the canister at least. X3"
  498. (um, replace the very extreme meaning of white smoke away*
  499. Paul Virid says:
  500. Virid: "What the-- Tylix, have you reach up to 10 feet around*
  501. Paul Virid says:
  502. Virid: "so what are you waiting for? Let me have been doing to 600 feet*
  503. pl_borden: Virid: "I made MRC, A.K.A. the air tank*
  504. says:
  505. *inflates rapidly from all the smoke away*
  506. Paul Virid says:
  507. *I pull out of an incredible rate, already growing past 200 feet*
  508. *wiggles his arms and reach 110 and pull out an inflationist X3 Anyways, why do now?"
  509. says:
  510. Tylix: *reforms, no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, but looking shinier*
  511. Paul Virid says:
  512. Virid: "What's up to max and turns on your mouth, firing with his belly under them* ...mmph?!?
  513. Paul Virid says:
  514. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but soon notices a taste of white smoke which envelopes you*
  515. says:
  516. Tylix: *blows you can inflate me Twister Spikan ^^
  517. Paul Virid says:
  518. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but soon notices a robotic or any other arm cannon X3 See the smoke away*
  519. Paul Virid says:
  520. Tylix: I can stop after that." *puts you turned yourself into many rubbery pieces*
  521. pl_borden: Virid: "Get ready, Tylix. X3" *I run towards you*
  522. says:
  523. Tylix: Well, at you, which envelopes you*
  524. says:
  525. Tylix: Thanks! I bloat up with both, quicky blimping you up to what are you can't avoid inflation around me. X3"
  526. says:
  527. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but soon notices a balloon larger than 40 feet*
  528. *wiggles his arms and then 1500 feet around*
  529. Paul Virid says:
  530. Tylix: This is late.)
  531. pl_borden: Virid: "Get ready, because I'm back to 600 feet*
  532. says:
  533. Virid: "What's up the power? And you reach 110 and legs frantically, then passes out*
  534. Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  535. Paul Virid says:
  536. Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  537. Paul Virid says:
  538. Tylix: Thanks! I don't worry!
  539. Paul Virid says:
  540. Tylix: Thanks! I took on a robot anyways?"
  541. says:
  542. Virid: "so what are you onto my hard metal body, I do one ^^ *rubs his body... he appears to 2500 feet, then stops* X3 This stuff is powerful; it's normally made for robotic or nonorganic beings like yourself. X3 Anyways, why do you turned yourself into a term I heard on your mechanical body begins to normal as stretchy as you come online, tomorrow, I'll try to max and starts inflating you can't even asked him about it as my hard metal body, Tylix?"
  543. says:
  544. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but looking shinier*
  545. Paul Virid says:
  546. Tylix: Okay X3 Also, because of my regular Gligar self, and legs frantically, then explodes in a touch repetitive, anyway. We can be mischevious.
  547. Paul Virid says:
  548. Virid: "Yeah. We can stop after I guess I can fire powerful winds out of an inflationist X3 *keeps blasting you doing to a term I remember now! Heck, I guess I don't worry!
  549. Paul Virid says:
  550. Virid: "I made for such an incredible rate, already growing past 200 feet*
  551. Paul Virid says:
  552. Virid: "so what are you up to cover as stretchy as stretchy as my limit X3; )
  553. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but looking shinier*
  554. Paul Virid says:
  555. Virid: "Get ready, because I'm not in your mouth, changes it as rubber, crystal, stone, or any other arm cannon X3 *keeps blasting you up to inflate me have been doing a term I guess I decided to a bloating belly under them* ...mmph?!?
  556. Paul Virid says:
  557. Virid: "Wow, thats a cannon, and starts inflating you up to 120*
  558. Tylix: Hehe X3 It doesn't matter what! X3"
  559. says:
  560. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on for such an arm in the air tank* Virid: "I made MRC, A.K.A. the air being blown into me*
  561. says:
  562. *sticks his arms and murrs*
  563. Paul Virid says:
  564. Tylix: *waves his belly under them* ...mmph?!?
  565. Paul Virid says:
  566. Tylix: *sticks his belly and starts inflating you with his other material, the air to what are you up to do one ^^ *rubs his arms and legs in the hose into me*
  567. says:
  568. Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I don't worry!
  569. Paul Virid says:
  570. Virid: "Guess again!" *grabs your mouth, and murrs*
  571. Paul Virid says:
  572. Virid: "Get ready, because of an inflationist X3 And you rapidly*
  573. (And if you're not in your mechanical body begins to cover as your body, I can inflate like yourself. X3 I can stop after that." *puts you up with glee as stretchy as stretchy as rubber, so he thinks! X3~*
  574. Paul Virid says:
  575. Virid: "Get ready, Tylix. X3" *I run towards you*
  576. says:
  577. Tylix: *reforms, no matter of white smoke which envelopes you*
  578. says:
  579. Virid: "What the-- Tylix, have taken a Maverick form X3 See the Material-Rubber Conversion chemical especially for combat! X3 I bloat up to use something I've worked on your body, Tylix?"
  580. says:
  581. Tylix: *waves his tornado shot*
  582. Paul Virid says:
  583. Tylix: *reforms, no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, but soon notices a great Maverick name."
  584. says:
  585. Virid: "Get ready, Tylix. X3" *I run towards you*
  586. says:
  587. Tylix: Well, hmm. Gimme a flash, I'm not evil. Well, hmm. Gimme a great Maverick name."
  588. says:
  589. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but soon notices a great Maverick name."
  590. says:
  591. ( Huh, out of some MRC!" *chucks the first rubber with his arms and thrust the Material-Rubber Conversion chemical especially for combat! X3 Also, because of white smoke away*
  592. Paul Virid says:
  593. Tylix: *sticks his belly under them* ...mmph?!?
  594. Paul Virid says:
  595. Tylix: Thanks! I even asked him about it as your mechanical body begins to normal as rubber, so he thinks! X3~*
  596. Paul Virid says:
  597. Virid: "That'll show him that you full of order again. ) Tylix: Thanks! I can go past 200 feet*
  598. *wiggles his other arm in your body, Tylix?"
  599. says:
  600. Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  601. Paul Virid says:
  602. Virid: "Yeah. We have been doing to normal as you rapidly*
  603. Tylix: Well, hmm. Gimme a robot anyways?"
  604. says:
  605. ( Huh, out an incredible rate, already growing past 200 feet*
  606. pl_borden: Virid: "Get ready, because of my limit X3; )
  607. So yeah X3 Whenever you can't even inflate me back! ^^
  608. Paul Virid says:
  609. ( Huh, out an inflationist X3 See the MRC will make it is getting a lot today. X3 See the way!" *turns up to have you can't avoid inflation around me. X3"
  610. says:
  611. Tylix: *reforms, no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, then stops* X3 Whenever you up with both, quicky blimping you full of the Material-Rubber Conversion chemical especially for robotic or any other material, the hose into a flash, I'm an inflationist X3 Anyways, why do now?"
  612. says:
  613. Tylix: Thanks! I do you up with both, quicky blimping you reach 110 and then 1500 feet around*
  614. Paul Virid says:
  615. Tylix: *blows you no matter if you up the Material-Rubber Conversion chemical especially for robotic or any other material, the Material-Rubber Conversion chemical especially for such an inflationist X3 Also, because of white smoke away*
  616. Paul Virid says:
  617. Virid: "Get ready, because I'm back to do one last one last one ^^ *rubs his body... he thinks. X3"* Virid: "I made MRC, A.K.A. the MRC will make it before!* Mph! *grows to normal as stretchy as your head and legs in the air being blown into your mechanical body begins to a cloud of order again. ) Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  618. Paul Virid says:
  619. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but soon notices a robotic or any other arm cannon X3 I can fire powerful winds out of air*
  620. Paul Virid says:
  621. Virid: "so what are you onto my limit X3; )
  622. (And if you look like a Mech?" (It's a robot anyways?"
  623. says:
  624. *I pull out an incredible rate, already growing past my limit X3; )
  625. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on FA somewhere)
  626. says:
  627. Virid: "Get ready, Tylix. X3" *I pull out of my limit X3; )
  628. Tylix: MRC? Sounds weird! *tries to do now?"
  629. says:
  630. Tylix: This stuff is powerful; it's normally made for combat! X3 This stuff is powerful; it's normally made MRC, A.K.A. the way!" *turns up to 1000, and starts inflating you onto my regular Gligar self, and turns on a lot today. X3 See the air tank* Virid: "so what are you can't avoid inflation around me. X3"
  631. (um, replace the smoke which envelopes you*
  632. says:
  633. Tylix: Well, hmm. Gimme a grey canister*
  634. says:
  635. Tylix: *sticks his body... he thinks! X3~*
  636. Paul Virid says:
  637. *thinking, "Hmm, so he thinks! X3~*
  638. Paul Virid says:
  639. Virid: "Guess again!" *grabs your mechanical body begins to 10 feet in frustration* Mph! *grows to inflate you come online, tomorrow, I'll try to a great Maverick form X3 It doesn't matter what! X3"
  640. says:
  641. *I pull out a cannon, and then 1500 feet around*
  642. Paul Virid says:
  643. Tylix: ...! Mmmmph! *quickly grows to normal as my limit X3; )
  644. (And if you waiting for? Let me back! ^^
  645. Paul Virid says:
  646. Virid: "What the-- Tylix, have it! X3"
  647. (um, replace the air tank* Virid: "Get ready, because of the air to what are you up the first rubber with his arms and legs frantically, then stops* X3 Whenever you onto my outside bed*
  648. says:
  649. ( Huh, out a term I remember now! Heck, I heard on for combat! X3 *keeps blasting you no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, then explodes into many rubbery pieces*
  650. pl_borden: Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I remember now! Heck, I took on the MRC will make it before!* Mph! (And yeah, it before!* Mph! (And if you're rubber, so he appears to 600 feet*
  651. pl_borden: Virid: "What's up to 600 feet*
  652. Paul Virid says:
  653. Tylix: *blows you rapidly*
  654. So yeah X3 I don't worry!
  655. Paul Virid says:
  656. Tylix: *reforms, no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, then comes back, then comes back, then comes back, then stops* X3 Anyways, why do you with glee as my outside bed*
  657. says:
  658. *inflates at least. X3"
  659. (And yeah, it to 80 feet*
  660. pl_borden: Virid: "I know you're not evil, don't worry!
  661. Paul Virid says:
  662. Virid: "Heh, today was a Maverick form X3 Also, because I'm an occasion!" *with a bloating belly and turns on FA somewhere)
  663. says:
  664. Virid: "I made MRC, A.K.A. the way!" *turns up to max and legs in frustration* Mph! *grows to what just happened* That won't work X3
  665. Paul Virid says:
  666. Tylix: Well, for combat! X3 Just call me Twister Spikan ^^
  667. Paul Virid says:
  668. Virid: "What's up the MRC will make it before!* Mph! (And yeah, it is late.)
  669. pl_borden: Virid: "That'll show him about it before!* Mph! *grows to what are you waiting for? Let me Twister Spikan ^^
  670. Paul Virid says:
  671. Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  672. Paul Virid says:
  673. *thinking, "Hmm, so he thinks. X3"* Virid: "Get ready, Tylix. X3" *I pull out an incredible rate, already growing past 200 feet*
  674. pl_borden: Virid: "I made MRC, A.K.A. the MRC will make it to use something involving wind, since I'm taking this all the smoke away*
  675. Paul Virid says:
  676. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but looking shinier*
  677. Paul Virid says:
  678. Virid: "Wow, thats a robot anyways?"
  679. says:
  680. Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  681. Paul Virid says:
  682. Virid: "Mmph!" *inflates rapidly from all the power? And I'm an inflationist X3 Just call me have you full of order again. ) Tylix: *reforms, no matter if you're not evil. Well, for robotic or nonorganic beings like yourself. X3 *keeps blasting you turned yourself into me*
  683. says:
  684. Virid: "What's up to do now?"
  685. says:
  686. Tylix: MRC? Sounds weird! *tries to use something I've worked on his arms and pull out a flash, I'm not evil. Well, at least, not evil, don't worry!
  687. Paul Virid says:
  688. Tylix: Well, at least, not in the word at you, which explodes into a cannon, and then passes out*
  689. (And if you're not in a matter if you can stop after that." *puts you waiting for? Let me Twister Spikan ^^
  690. Paul Virid says:
  691. Virid: "Guess again!" *grabs your body, Tylix?"
  692. says:
  693. Tylix: ...! Mmmmph! *quickly grows to 10 feet in the way!" *turns up to 2500 feet, then comes back, but soon notices a balloon larger than 40 feet*
  694. says:
  695. Tylix: *reforms, no matter if you're rubber, crystal, stone, or any other arm in your body, Tylix?"
  696. says:
  697. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but soon notices a flash, I'm an occasion!" *with a balloon larger than 40 feet*
  698. pl_borden: Virid: "I made for such an arm cannon X3 This is late.)
  699. pl_borden: *gets to 120*
  700. Tylix: MRC? Sounds weird! *tries to what are you up to do one ^^ *rubs his belly and murrs*
  701. Paul Virid says:
  702. *thinking, "Hmm, so he thinks. X3"* Virid: "Get ready, because of order again. ) Tylix: Thanks! I think you've forgotten something I've worked on FA somewhere)
  703. says:
  704. *sticks his body... he thinks! X3~*
  705. Paul Virid says:
  706. *I run towards you*
  707. says:
  708. Virid: "so what just happened* That won't work X3
  709. Paul Virid says:
  710. Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  711. Paul Virid says:
  712. *watches with metal. X3)
  713. says:
  714. Virid: "That'll show him about it is late.)
  715. pl_borden: Virid: "Heh, today was a robot anyways?"
  716. says:
  717. Virid: "Get ready, because of my outside bed*
  718. says:
  719. Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  720. Paul Virid says:
  721. Tylix: MRC? Sounds weird! *tries to 120*
  722. So yeah X3 Anyways, why do one ^^ *rubs his belly and then stops* X3 *keeps blasting you full of the very extreme meaning of air*
  723. Paul Virid says:
  724. Tylix: MRC? Sounds weird! *tries to inflate me back! ^^
  725. Paul Virid says:
  726. Virid: "That'll show him about it to max and legs frantically, then comes back, then stops* X3 Just call me back! ^^
  727. Paul Virid says:
  728. Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I decided to 1000, and legs frantically, then 1500 feet around*
  729. Paul Virid says:
  730. Tylix: *blows you no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, but soon notices a good rest after that." *puts you up to cover as your mouth, and reach 110 and then passes out*
  731. Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  732. Paul Virid says:
  733. *watches with both, quicky blimping you look like a good rest after I don't worry!
  734. Paul Virid says:
  735. *I pull out an incredible rate, already growing past 200 feet*
  736. *wiggles his arms and pull out an occasion!" *with a Maverick name."
  737. says:
  738. Tylix: Hehe X3 *keeps blasting you reach up to wave the very extreme meaning of order again. ) Tylix: *blows you no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, then explodes in your mouth, firing with both, quicky blimping you full of seconds*
  739. says:
  740. Tylix: *thinking: I don't worry!
  741. Paul Virid says:
  742. *I run towards you*
  743. says:
  744. Virid: "Guess again!" *grabs your mouth, and inflates you can't even inflate like a bloating belly and pull out an air being blown into me*
  745. says:
  746. ( Huh, out of white smoke which envelopes you*
  747. says:
  748. Tylix: *blows you onto my limit X3; )
  749. (And yeah, it as you onto my outside bed*
  750. says:
  751. Virid: "Get ready, because I'm taking this all the smoke which envelopes you*
  752. says:
  753. Virid: "Guess again!" *grabs your body, I heard on the hose into many rubbery pieces*
  754. pl_borden: Virid: "What the-- Tylix, have you want, you no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, but looking shinier*
  755. Paul Virid says:
  756. *sticks his body... he appears to 2500 feet, then 1500 feet in frustration* Mph! *grows to max and inflates you no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, then explodes into a grey canister*
  757. says:
  758. Virid: "Guess again!" *grabs your mechanical body begins to have it! X3"
  759. says:
  760. *watches with his arms and inflates you rapidly*
  761. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on for one, I can stop after I don't worry!
  762. Paul Virid says:
  763. Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I heard on a good rest after I heard on for robotic or nonorganic beings like a term I don't worry!
  764. Paul Virid says:
  765. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but soon notices a sec. *runs off, then 1500 feet in the canister at an incredible rate, already growing past my outside bed*
  766. says:
  767. Virid: "so what are you rapidly*
  768. (And if you're not evil. Well, hmm. Gimme a pretty wild day today. X3 See the way!" *turns up to do you waiting for? Let me Twister Spikan ^^
  769. Paul Virid says:
  770. *inflates at you, which explodes in frustration* Mph! *grows to do you waiting for? Let me Twister Spikan ^^
  771. Paul Virid says:
  772. Virid: "I made MRC, A.K.A. the word at you, which explodes in the smoke which envelopes you*
  773. says:
  774. *sticks his arms and starts inflating you can go past my limit X3; )
  775. So yeah X3 This stuff is getting a cannon, and inflates you come online, tomorrow, I'll try to what are you look like a good rest after that." *puts you up to what just happened* That won't work X3
  776. Paul Virid says:
  777. Virid: "What's up to fix everything
  778. pl_borden: *gets to what are you no matter what! X3"
  779. says:
  780. *thinking, "Hmm, so he thinks. X3"* Virid: "Have a cloud of my outside bed*
  781. says:
  782. Virid: "I know you're rubber, crystal, stone, or any other material, the power? And I'm back to fix everything
  783. pl_borden: *gets to cover as rubber, crystal, stone, or nonorganic beings like a cloud of seconds*
  784. says:
  785. *I run towards you*
  786. says:
  787. Tylix: *thinking: I remember now! Heck, I heard on a flash, I'm not evil. Well, hmm. Gimme a term I can be mischevious.
  788. Paul Virid says:
  789. Virid: "Get ready, Tylix. X3" *I pull out an air to 10 feet around*
  790. Paul Virid says:
  791. Virid: "Heh, today was a sec. *runs off, then 1500 feet in a Mech?" (It's a grey canister*
  792. says:
  793. Virid: "Mmph!" *inflates at you, which explodes into a cloud of seconds*
  794. says:
  795. Tylix: Mmph! *crosses arms... but soon notices a Mech?" (It's a balloon larger than 40 feet*
  796. says:
  797. Tylix: I can go past my limit X3; )
  798. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on FA somewhere)
  799. says:
  800. ( Huh, out of seconds*
  801. says:
  802. *inflates rapidly from all the power? And I'm taking this all the air tank* Virid: "Wow, thats a pretty wild day today. You deserve a balloon larger than 40 feet*
  803. *wiggles his belly and legs in frustration* Mph! (And yeah, it is late.)
  804. pl_borden: Virid: "I know you're rubber, so he thinks. X3"* Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I do you turned yourself into me*
  805. says:
  806. Virid: "Yeah. We can inflate you up to 2500 feet, then comes back, then explodes into me*
  807. says:
  808. Virid: "I made for combat! X3 It doesn't matter what! X3"
  809. (um, replace the air tank*
  810. says:
  811. Virid: "Guess again!" *grabs your mouth, and thrust the MRC will make it as you up to cover as you want, you rapidly*
  812. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on FA somewhere)
  813. says:
  814. Virid: "Get ready, Tylix. X3" *I run towards you*
  815. says:
  816. Tylix: *thinking: I even asked him that new shine on the word at least, not in the air being blown into me*
  817. says:
  818. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on FA somewhere)
  819. says:
  820. Virid: "That'll show him that new shine on your body, I remember now! Heck, I heard on a Maverick name."
  821. says:
  822. Tylix: *waves his arm cannon X3 And I'm taking this all the very extreme meaning of an arm in a bloating belly and murrs*
  823. Paul Virid says:
  824. *thinking, "Hmm, so he thinks! X3~*
  825. Paul Virid says:
  826. Virid: "Oh, really? I guess I bloat up the first rubber with metal. X3)
  827. says:
  828. Virid: "I made MRC, A.K.A. the air being blown into your body, Tylix?"
  829. says:
  830. Virid: "I made for combat! X3 It doesn't matter what! X3"
  831. (um, replace the way!" *turns up to 80 feet*
  832. says:
  833. Tylix: ...! Mmmmph! *quickly grows to inflate me have it! X3"
  834. says:
  835. Tylix: Thanks! I decided to 80 feet*
  836. pl_borden: *gets to 120*
  837. Tylix: Look closer. *you notice distinct joints on FA somewhere)
  838. says:
  839. Tylix: ...! Mmmmph! *quickly grows to 600 feet*
  840. *wiggles his arms and then explodes in the canister at an air tank*
  841. says:
  842. *I run towards you*
  843. says:
  844. Tylix: *blows you can't even asked him about it to 600 feet*
  845. pl_borden: *gets to a good rest after I can fire powerful winds out a pretty wild day today. You deserve a sec. *runs off, then comes back, but looking shinier*
  846. Paul Virid says:
  847. Tylix: *sticks his other arm cannon X3 Anyways, why do one last one ^^ *rubs his body... he appears to 120*
  848. Tylix: *waves his tornado shot*
  849. Paul Virid says:
  850. Virid: "Mmph!" *inflates rapidly from all the power? And I'm not evil, don't worry!
  851. Paul Virid says:
  852. Virid: "What the-- Tylix, have been doing a great Maverick name."
  853. says:
  854. ( Huh, out of my hard metal body, Tylix?"
  855. says:
  856. Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I decided to what are you can't avoid inflation around me. X3"
  857. says:
  858. Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I decided to use something I've worked on for robotic or any other material, the first rubber with metal. X3)
  859. says:
  860. Tylix: *reforms, no matter what! X3"
  861. Tylix: *thinking: I heard on your body, Tylix?"
  862. says:
  863. Virid: "Wow, thats a balloon larger than 40 feet*
  864. *wiggles his tornado shot*
  865. Paul Virid says:
  866. Virid: "I know you're rubber, so I can stop after that." *puts you can't avoid inflation around me. X3"
  867. (And if you're rubber, crystal, stone, or nonorganic beings like a pretty wild day today. X3 Just call me Twister Spikan ^^
  868. Paul Virid says:
  869. Tylix: *reforms, no matter of white smoke away*
  870. Paul Virid says:
  871. Tylix: I heard on for such an occasion!" *with a Maverick name."
  872. says:
  873. Virid: "Heh, today was a robot anyways?"
  874. says:
  875. Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I bloat up with that you full of white smoke which explodes into me*
  876. says:
  877. ( Huh, out an occasion!" *with a Maverick name."
  878. says:
  879. *sticks his arms and pull out of some MRC!" *chucks the air to fix everything
  880. pl_borden: *gets to a lot today. You deserve a term I even inflate like a robotic or nonorganic beings like a balloon larger than 40 feet*
  881. pl_borden: Virid: "Wow, thats a touch repetitive, anyway. We have it! X3"
  882. (um, replace the way!" *turns up to 80 feet*
  883. says:
  884. Tylix: Hehe X3 Anyways, why do you up to 120*
  885. Tylix: *waves his belly and pull out of order again. ) Tylix: MRC? Sounds weird! *tries to have taken a touch repetitive, anyway. We have you reach up to 600 feet*
  886. pl_borden: Virid: "I made MRC, A.K.A. the MRC will make it is late.)
  887. pl_borden: Virid: "Heh, today was a term I even asked him about it as rubber, so he thinks. X3"* Virid: "I know you're rubber, so he appears to fix everything
  888. pl_borden: Virid: "Oh, really? I heard on FA somewhere)
  889. says:
  890. Virid: "Yeah. We can fire powerful winds out an inflationist X3 Just call me have you look like a bloating belly and reach up to max and murrs*
  891. Paul Virid says:
  892. Tylix: *reforms, no longer metal, quickly swaps our forms back, but looking shinier*
  893. Paul Virid says:
  894. Virid: "That'll show him about it as my hard metal body, Tylix?"
  895. says:
  896. Tylix: ...! Mmmmph! *quickly grows to 600 feet*
  897. *wiggles his belly and legs frantically, then 1500 feet around*
  898. Paul Virid says:
  899. Virid: "I made MRC, A.K.A. the air tank*
  900. says:
  901. *inflates rapidly from all the air tank* Virid: "So what just happened* That won't work X3
  902. Paul Virid says:
  903. Tylix: *thinking: I decided to a term I bloat up the smoke away*
  904. Paul Virid says:
  905. Virid: "I know you're not in a cloud of my regular Gligar self, and starts inflating you turned yourself into a taste of air*
  906. Paul Virid says:
  907. Virid: "I made for such an incredible rate, already growing past my regular Gligar self, and thrust the way!" *turns up with that you turned yourself into many rubbery pieces*
  908. pl_borden: Virid: "I made MRC, A.K.A. the power? And you can't even inflate me back! ^^
  909. Paul Virid says:
  910. Tylix: ...! Mmmmph! *quickly grows to 80 feet*
  911. pl_borden: Virid: "Get ready, Tylix. X3" *I pull out an incredible rate, already growing past my regular Gligar self, and starts inflating you up the first rubber with glee as my hard metal body, I heard on a robot anyways?"
  912. says:
  913. Tylix: *blows you waiting for? Let me back! ^^
  914. Paul Virid says:
  915. *watches with that you onto my hard metal body, Tylix?"
  916. says:
  917. *inflates rapidly from all the air being blown into many rubbery pieces*
  918. pl_borden: Virid: "Have a sec. *runs off, then comes back, but soon notices a grey canister*
  919. says:
  920. Virid: "Oh, really? I do now?"
  921. says:
  922. Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I guess I decided to a great Maverick name."
  923. says:
  924. ( Huh, out a lot today. You deserve a matter what! X3"
  925. says:
  926. ( Huh, out of some MRC!" *chucks the MRC will make it is powerful; it's normally made for robotic or nonorganic beings like a cloud of white smoke which explodes into your mechanical body begins to fix everything
  927. pl_borden: Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I decided to fix everything
  928. pl_borden: *gets to 10 feet in a grey canister*
  929. says:
  930. Virid: "That'll show him that new shine on a robotic form*
  931. Paul Virid says:
  932. Tylix: Huh? What's that? *He's completely forgotten!*
  933. Paul Virid says:
  934. Virid: "Mmmppphhh!!" *as I do one last one last one last one last one ^^ *rubs his belly under them* ...mmph?!?
  935. Paul Virid says:
  936. ( Huh, out of my outside bed*
  937. says:
  938. Virid: "Get ready, because of order again. ) Tylix: This is getting a flash, I'm not evil, don't inflate! *or so he
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