
Ch 4: Part 6: Hand of the Drow: Session 67

Sep 21st, 2013
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  1. [15:07] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:07] <Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 4: Endless Night~~~
  3. [15:08] <Kilarra> \Part 6: Hand of the Drow/
  4. [15:08] <Kilarra> -Session 67-
  5. [15:09] <Kilarra> A pleasant perfume wafts through the cool air of this wholly unnatural cavern. Gone is the dark, worked stone and strange crystal of Tower Solacas, replaced by sleek seemingly organic walls—as though the chamber were inside a gigantic, glistening black beetle. Nearby stands a fanged portal, sanguine smoke billowing within.
  6. [15:09] <Kilarra> Alcoves divide the chamber, one filled with comfortable pillows and a low table set with familiar looking fruits and water; another dominated by a huge, ornate bed flanked by scandalously sculpted statues; and the largest filled with the sinister tools and devices of an arcane laboratory.
  7. [15:09] <Kilarra> At the rear of the hall’s heart stands a massive, ornate desk constructed of bone fused with crystal and littered with tomes and curios of obvious antiquity and dark power. Behind the desk presides an imposing throne of black metal and stuffed silks, sculpted to look like several contorted drow slaves.
  8. [15:11] <Kilarra> Three massive undead creatures stand at the sides and rear of the chamber, flanking Alicavniss' ornate desk.
  9. [15:13] <Kilarra> Across the perfumed chamber from the party stands a dark elven woman like no other—a nightmare in a dream. Her cheeks high and imperious, her eyes blank and soulless, she strikes the very vision of dark elven beauty, familiar, yet alien and cold.
  10. [15:14] <Kilarra> Without a word she examines the party, looking them over as she takes a seat in the throne-like chair behind her desk. With a graceful wave of her steel hand she bids the characters be seated across from her.
  11. [15:15] * Kilarra takes a deep breath, and then seats herself as directed.
  12. [15:15] * Aluthyra takes a small breath of anxiety as she steps forward, seating herself in front of the desk.
  13. [15:15] <@Aluthyra> Kahree frowns, nodding, and takes her seat.
  14. [15:15] <Kilarra> Kjell seats himself wordlessly.
  15. [15:17] <Kilarra> The table is set with a light repast of fruits, cheese and water. The former are clearly 'exotic' by drow standards, quite evidently being from the surface of Golarion.
  16. [15:18] <@Aluthyra> Kahree notes the lack of meat. Stupid elves.
  17. [15:19] * Kilarra has a bad feeling about this. Why the surface food?
  18. [15:22] * Kilarra deliberately avoids taking anything. Her suspicions were mounting
  19. [15:22] * Aluthyra remains silent.
  20. [15:24] <Kilarra> Kjell is pleased to see familiar food after so much time eating the bizarre darklands fare. He takes an apple and bites into it, but remains quiet, waiting for the first daughter to speak, but not wanting to seem so rude as to decline her offered refreshment
  21. [15:25] * Aluthyra blinks. Kjell's familiarity might lead to... consequences. She sits and waits, hoping her fears are unfounded.
  22. [15:25] <Kilarra> Like a thunderhead roiling across an empty summer sky, the Archmage's expression darkens. "You are not what you say you are,” she accuses.
  23. [15:26] <Kilarra> “You reek of sunlight, rain, and the lies of things that dare to call themselves elves. You mock your betters with your parodies of our ways and high art. Your mere presence is a slight to all my people have suffered. Worse, you have chosen to inflict your taint upon the most noble and revered family Vonnarc.
  24. [15:27] <Kilarra> "You are invaders, intruders, parasites, spies, and worse, and all Zirnakaynin would echo with my praises were I to roll your heads upon her most hollowed stones.”
  25. [15:27] <Kilarra> Alicavniss pauses a moment after her tyrade, watching.
  26. [15:30] * Kilarra frowns. She hated being right sometimes.
  27. [15:32] <Kilarra> Kjell drops his apple. Shit. He waits though. This woman could kill them all without much effort even by herself. If they struck first, she would undoubtedly end them.
  28. [15:33] <@Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes. "First Daughter, have you been hitting the bottle?" She chuckles, nonchalantly, "Perhaps smoking the purple moss?"
  29. [15:33] * Aluthyra 's eyes widen at Kahree. What.
  30. [15:39] <Kilarra> Alicavniss seems intent on ignoring Kahree's outburst as she observes the party. Her eyes flash briefly with magical light. She hesitates a moment, then shrugs; "For now, whether you are disguised or not doesn’t really matter to me. You have your uses to me, drow or not. I shall keep my suspicions to myself, but if you aren’t really drow, you know better than me how dangerous your situation is."
  31. [15:40] <@Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "We're not, but... uses? What do you have in mind?"
  32. [15:43] <Kilarra> Alicavniss states: "I can help you achieve your goals here if you help me—in fact, I suspect our goals might be the same.” Slowly, her sly smile returns. “So my little drow, what tiresome paths bring you to my simple home, and how might the kind people of Zirnakaynin welcome you?"
  33. [15:45] * Aluthyra blinks, looking to Kilarra. She is doubtful that simply asking what they wish to know would be wise...
  34. [15:46] * Kilarra thinks for a moment, and then asks: "What caused your suspicions?" She doesn't, notably, remark either way about the truth of those suspicions.
  35. [15:47] <Kilarra> Alicaviss caresses her gauntlet; "I recieved a note from a 'friend' of yours. He grew suspicious, and contacted me indirectly after his week of latrine duty."
  36. [15:50] <@Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "Friend." Her frown curls up into a small smirk. It seems that Gadak will be getting a visit.
  37. [15:52] <Kilarra> Alicavniss takes a turn to ask a question now; "Regardless of your disguises or lack thereof, you are not from Zirnakaynin. That being, why have you come to the Last Home of the Elves?"
  38. [15:52] <@Aluthyra> Kahree shakes her head. "Before that... you said our goals might be the same? What would your be, if we could ask for it first."
  39. [15:53] <Kilarra> Alicavniss slams her metal palm into the desk to make it clear who was in control here; "I ask a question, you answer. You may ask me again once you have answered."
  40. [15:55] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Fine. We'd wish to know more about the assault, if there's going to be another one. I want another shot at the traitor elves that caused us to flee."
  41. [15:57] <Kilarra> ALicavniss rolls her eyes, not really buying Kahree's overcompensation; "The occupation of Celwynvian was the act of House Azrinae and their few allies. I can assume you that House Vonnarc was not involved in their folly, nor do we have any further plans regarding that city."
  42. [15:57] <@Aluthyra> Kahree adds, "As well, the portal... we head there was another. Are there no plans with that?"
  43. [16:00] <Kilarra> Alicavniss frowns. "I would wish for another of you to speak. You, clearly, are too idiotic understand the dynamic of this exchange at all." She turns away from Kahree and looks to the other three, asking her next question. "Who is it that sent you here, and why?"
  44. [16:00] <@Aluthyra> Kahree huffs. Elves.
  45. [16:01] * Kilarra fields this one; "We were sent here by allies who wish to prevent the plans of the Azrinae from coming to fruition." She notably separates 'Azrinae' from 'drow', as clearly the dark elves were not one big happy family.
  46. [16:03] <Kilarra> Kjell asks their next question; "Can you confirm what the Azrinae's are planning?"
  47. [16:05] <Kilarra> Alicavniss nods, "They have recovered the ancient magic used by the aboleths to bring about Earthfall so many centuries ago, that will allow them to pull down stars from the sky." She smirks cruelly and adds; "Is your surface world really so fragile?"
  48. [16:06] <Kilarra> Alicavniss waves her other hand, indicating that was simply an insult, not an actual question. "Do you have any other allies in the city? If so, how many?"
  49. [16:07] * Kilarra shakes her head; "There's not one person down here I would trust anywhere near enough to consider allying with. We alone were sent."
  50. [16:08] * Aluthyra keeps silent for now, in fear that she might be asked a question difficult to answer truthfully.
  51. [16:08] <@Aluthyra> Kahree continues to grump. Stupid elves.
  52. [16:10] * Kilarra was going to see if Aluthyra had anything to say, but when she remains silent, asks: "You clearly have no love for the House Azrinae. Who is their matron?"
  53. [16:14] <Kilarra> ALicavniss snorts; "An imlulsive, lowborn upstart usurper by the name of Allevrah. She came to Zirnakaynin one day with remarkable knowledge of the traitor elves, and this allowed her to be inducted into House Azrinae. However, she used her popularity to instigate others into a rage against those on the surface, eventually usurping the matron's throne and leading them on this damn fool crusade."
  54. [16:16] <Kilarra> Alicavniss looks to Aluthyra, who has thus far remains silent; "Why did you come to House Vonnarc, if your allies sought information on Azrinae?"
  55. [16:18] * Aluthyra nods. Not too hard a question. "Ease. We were introduced to the Slavemother by Gadak. Such a powerful house, we thought, might have insight."
  56. [16:19] <Kilarra> Alicavniss gives a wry smirk at that. The party was resourceful, cunning, and perhaps even a bit lucky. She waits for their next question.
  57. [16:19] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, to see if she had anything to ask.
  58. [16:19] * Aluthyra asks in turn, "As Kahree mentioned, we have heard of another gateway. Do you know its purpose?"
  59. [16:22] <Kilarra> Alicavniss ponders that a moment, but then says; "Perhaps."
  60. [16:22] * Aluthyra frowns.
  61. [16:24] <Kilarra> ALicavniss asks, "What else have you learned so far?"
  62. [16:26] * Kilarra responds, "That the Azrinae's are based somewhere deeper in the darklands, and that other elfgate Kahree mentioned a couple times."
  63. [16:27] * Aluthyra asks, "What is the purpose of the second gateway?"
  64. [16:32] <Kilarra> Alicavniss chuckles, "Much the same as the other gates, I suspect. There are a few others, here in the darklands, but most go unused. At present, they are little more than curios."
  65. [16:37] <Kilarra> Alicavniss asks another question now; "How long were you intending to remain here?"
  66. [16:41] * Aluthyra answers, "13 weeks, at the most."
  67. [16:42] <Kilarra> Alicavniss raises an eyebrow. "Three months is noth much time, had you not gotten lucky." She looks contemplative
  68. [16:43] <Kilarra> Alicavniss slowly strokes the fingertips of her dark steel gauntlet as she speaks. “I believe there’s much we can do for one another. You seek the Azrinae secrets, and in Zirnakaynin, secrets hide better than anywhere. What you want to know of the Azrinae plot against your world will surely take time to uncover, but I am confident that I have agents capable of revealing what you seek."
  69. [16:47] <Kilarra> “While we wait, I know of a diversion you’d be particularly well suited to."
  70. [16:48] * Kilarra smirks. She had always figured it was going to come down to somethign like this, but now they actually had a chance to get what they have come for.
  71. [16:49] <@Aluthyra> Kahree raises an eyebrow, wondering what it could be.
  72. [16:51] <Kilarra> "In the city, on the plateau of Arshyrvhar near the Pale Market, lies an unseemly den of debauchees known as ‘Venom Kiss.’ The place is a charnel house for souls, and I regret to admit that even my students are from time to time not immune to its temptations. One of my most promising apprentices has proven himself quite susceptible."
  73. [17:01] <Kilarra> “Go there. Seek out the owner, a petty mercenary who calls himself Orvignato, and see that his corruptions never foul another noble soul. Do this for me, and I assure you that by the time you return I’ll possess the information you seek."
  74. [17:04] * Aluthyra blinks. Foul another... this sounds oddly un-drow like.
  75. [17:05] <@Aluthyra> Kahree raises an eyebrow. "Alright..." She shakes her head. The woman probably expects them to kill the drow. Still, odd to think it's for a relatively 'good' cause of not corrupting another soul.
  76. [17:05] <Kilarra> "The place has a passphrase for entry," Alicavniss continues, "my sources tell me the current one is ‘Sh’blu sent me. The phrase changes often—you might wish to make haste to Venom Kiss as soon as we are done here as a result. “Oh… and bring me back any maps you should find. Such a spider as Orvignato surely has a vast web, and I’d personally ensure that no others become ensnared.”
  77. [17:06] * Kilarra is damn sure they're only getting half the story here, but isn't about to say so out loud. She could discuss potential ideas with the party once they were away form the archmage and her trio of guardians.
  78. [17:11] <Kilarra> Kjell nods and turns back towards the portal leading out of the sanctum. He had a lot of things he wanted to talk about in regards to this latest predicament they found themselves in.
  79. [17:13] * Aluthyra turns and follows after Kjell.
  80. [17:13] <@Aluthyra> Kahree, likewise, follows.
  81. [17:14] * Kilarra make her way back through the portal.
  82. [17:15] <Kilarra> On the other side, waiting for them, is a Vonnarc apprentice, rather than Erdrinneir, looking ready to escort them back to the base of the tower. Unlike Erdrinneir however, he remains quiet in their presence, and doesn't order them to keep their heads or eyes down.
  83. [17:16] <@Aluthyra> Kahree is thankful that not -everyone- is a pain in the ass.
  84. [17:18] <Kilarra> The apprentice leads them back down to the entrance hall, then heads back to his own... whatever he was doing.
  85. [17:18] * Kilarra steps outside the tower and looks to see if there was anyone around. They needed somewhere safe to talk, and she suspected any return to their room might be hampered by Undamesta.
  86. [17:25] * Aluthyra shrugs, following out after Kilarra. "I think our room would be our best bet. We will need to talk with Undamesta anyway, if she stops us."
  87. [17:27] * Kilarra shakes her head, "I've really got no interest in dealing with her at this point. We've got a 'mission' from the First Daughter herself, so aside from probably not having to listen to her anymore, we also need to discuss what we're actually going to do."
  88. [17:28] <@Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "I think -she- wants us to kill him. But I bet we could talk him into barring her apprentices."
  89. [17:28] <@Aluthyra> Kahree adds, "For somewhere safe to talk, I don't know. Maybe an inn here or something. Put your spell on the room."
  90. [17:30] * Kilarra rolls her eyes at Kahree; "There's obviously more to this than just the actions of her apprentaces. Nothing is ever that simple down here. She wants him dead, so what we really need to find out is the real reason why."
  91. [17:31] <@Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "We could probably still get the 'why' from him, if we 'talked' to him."
  92. [17:32] <@Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. "By coins are on him being an estranged lover. Anyone bet against?"
  93. [17:32] * Kilarra nods, "That I can agree with." She looks to ALuthyra and KJell, "Otherwise this would be a straight up assassination, and I didn't think either of you would be too keen on that."
  94. [17:33] <Kilarra> Kjell nods. "Indeed. Peddling narcotics is hardly reason enough to condemn a man, even if he might be guilty of other things."
  95. [17:33] <@Aluthyra> me shakes her head. "Correct. We must find out more before we proceed."
  96. [17:33] <Kilarra> Kjell chuckles, "Hell, compared to some of the other debauchery we've witnessed, running a drug den is mild."
  97. [17:38] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "And before we do that, I want to pay Gadak a visit."
  98. [17:39] * Kilarra nods, "Right. That said, we also need a bit of time to plan contingencies. I am almost certain Alicavniss isn't going to just let us waltz out with her information." She looks to Kahree, as she begins walking towards the edge of the Vonnarc estate, planning to head into the city proper. She pauses at Kahree's comment. "Perhaps that can wait?"
  99. [17:40] <@Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "If he told one person, can we really trust him to not tell others?"
  100. [17:40] * Kilarra blinks, then nods, "You've got a point actually. Kjell, can you port her in and out?"
  101. [17:41] <Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "I only have the means to use it once today. If she wished however, we could walk in normally, and then teleport out to avoid being noticed. She is right about the dangers posed by Gadak; we do not need to risk further suspicion when we are so close to our goal."
  102. [17:43] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "That'll work. Should we talk first, or just kill him?"
  103. [17:43] * Kilarra shrugs, "I ain't gonna miss him."
  104. [17:44] <Kilarra> Kjell thinks on that for a moment; "Talking to Gadak will likely do nothing but validate his suspicions. Unlike the driders who sought freedom, Gadak is notorious as a cutthroat, and even this place would likely be better off without him."
  105. [17:46] <@Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. "Alright, well, let's go." She nods to Kilarra and Aluthyra. "Why don't you two find a place for all of us to stay, then meet back here?"
  106. [17:47] <Kilarra> Kjell adds, "Not to mention that he has already tried once to expose us. Still, since we owe him for our presence here, we should be quick about it."
  107. [17:49] * Kilarra nods and looks to Aluthyra, "We could ask at that bathhouse we went to about inns. I'm sure a few coins would keep them talkative without need for explanation."
  108. [17:49] * Aluthyra nods. "Reasonable enough." She gestures towards the bathhouse. "Let us depart then."
  109. [17:52] * Kilarra heads into the city with Aluthyra to ask about accomodations
  110. [17:53] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nudges Kjell. "Alright, let's make it quick, then."
  111. [17:53] <Kilarra> Kjell follows Kahree, keeping his spell arm ready for dealing with Gadak. The good thing about his teleporting spell was that it only required verbal components.
  112. [17:54] <Kilarra> Gadak is in his room.
  113. [17:55] <@Aluthyra> Kahree barges in, maces ready. She scowls at Gadak. "I told you what would happen if you didn't keep quiet."
  114. [17:58] <Kilarra> Gadak falls over backwards at the sudden entry. "What the hell are you doing here?! Weren't you summoned to see the First Daughter?" He clearly seemed to think she had been going to expose or eliminate them.
  115. [18:00] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "We were. And we were told someone sent a letter." She rushes forward, raising one mace high above her head, and drops it onto Gadak's.
  116. [18:04] <Kilarra> Gadak rolls out of the way, pulling out his hand crossbow and firing at Kahree
  117. [18:08] <Kilarra> Kahree falls unconscious as the bolt catches her with a poisoned tip.
  118. [18:10] <Kilarra> Kjell frowns and lunges with his sword. He knew spells were less effective as a direct combat tactic against even less drow like Gadak.
  119. [18:12] <Kilarra> Kjell wounds Gadak deeply with his first lunge, and his backswing cuts the drow down easily.
  120. [18:13] <Kilarra> Kjell grabs Kahree, then raises his spell arm. "We're getting out of here." He and Kahree are immediately transported to just outside the Vonnarc Palace walls.
  121. [18:15] * Kilarra keeps his sword out and waits by Kahree to see if she can wake up on her own.
  122. [18:17] <Kilarra> Kahree wakes up feelign a bit groggy a minute later.
  123. [18:18] <@Aluthyra> Kahree groans. "
  124. [18:18] <@Aluthyra> "Ugh... what happened?"
  125. [18:20] * Kjell looks relieved, "A poison bolt I suspect. I took care of Gadak though. Unfortunately, it was a bit messy. However, since we will not be present here when he is discovered, I suspect the blame will fall elsewhere."
  126. [18:23] <@Aluthyra> Kahree smiles. "At least it's done with-- thanks."
  127. [18:24] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "You are welcome. Now, let us get into the city before a guard patrol happens by and wonders how and why we are here at this moment."
  128. [18:26] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods, moving away and back to their meeting spot.
  129. [18:29] * Kilarra returns with ALuthyra after a while, and possibly a bath. "There's plenty of inns in the city, and one happens to be fairly close to the place Alicavniss wants us to go. It'll make a decent temporary base of operations."
  130. [18:30] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "And Gadak's been taken care of."
  131. [18:32] * Kilarra smirks, "Good riddance. He have anything good on him?"
  132. [18:34] <@Aluthyra> Kahree raises an eyebrow at Kjell.
  133. [18:35] <Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "Kahree was rendered unconscious by a poisoned crossbow bolt, so I had to make our retreat rather hastily."
  134. [18:38] * Aluthyra nods. "We should find an inn quickly though, and plan."
  135. [18:39] <Kilarra> -End Session-
  136. [18:39] <Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 8; 1200 Experience Each
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