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Aug 1st, 2017
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  1. Avilo: ?
  2. Avilo: wanna explain that?
  3. Avilo: or do i have to expose even more shit about what's going on
  4. Starcraft43663: Avilo please relax you are destroying this women hardcore
  5. Starcraft43663: are you really going to Italy?
  6. Starcraft43663: BRA she just in your chat
  7. Starcraft43663: said your is not fake
  8. Starcraft43663: stop crying
  9. Starcraft43663: brah u there
  10. Starcraft43663: wow
  11. 7/31/2017, 7:47:11 PM
  12. Starcraft43663: ARE YOU GOING TO STREAM ?
  13. 7/31/2017, 9:29:57 PM
  14. Avilo: ?
  15. Avilo: you just ruined someone
  16. Avilo: i know it was you on the phone
  17. Starcraft43663: what?
  18. Avilo: so what did you think you'd get out of all of this
  19. Avilo: i said i know it was you on the phone
  20. Starcraft43663: oh ya?
  21. Avilo: yep
  22. Avilo: think it was funny?
  23. Starcraft43663: idk
  24. Avilo: it won't be
  25. Avilo: you understand that right
  26. Starcraft43663: didnt you say you were going to stream?
  27. Starcraft43663: i guess
  28. Avilo: you guess what
  29. Avilo: you don't understand what is going to happen now
  30. Starcraft43663: chill out
  31. Avilo: still talking to maria?
  32. Starcraft43663: on the phone?
  33. Avilo: at all.
  34. Avilo: you thought it was funny to do everything you did
  35. Avilo: for what?
  36. Starcraft43663: i messaged her but she didnt say anything
  37. Avilo: did you intend to ruin her?
  38. Starcraft43663: how? by messaging her?
  39. Starcraft43663: on twitch
  40. Avilo: by doing everything that you did
  41. Avilo: to me and her
  42. Starcraft43663: lol avilo your shooting in the dark to find this guy
  43. Avilo: i already know what you did audiomaxi
  44. Starcraft43663: what ?
  45. Starcraft43663: what do you want?
  46. Avilo: you made a mistake
  47. Avilo: in misunderstanding that
  48. Avilo: i don't know any italian
  49. Starcraft43663: shame
  50. Avilo: shame for who
  51. Starcraft43663: for you
  52. Avilo: for me?
  53. Starcraft43663: your blinded by love
  54. Avilo: hmm? you think i didn't realize what you were saying
  55. Avilo: and doing
  56. Starcraft43663: and will do anything to achieve it
  57. Avilo: why did you feel the need to mess with me and maria
  58. Starcraft43663: in what way
  59. Avilo: by screwing around with her and me
  60. Starcraft43663: are you saying i banged her?
  61. Avilo: i'm saying i know what you did yep and ghosting our call today
  62. Starcraft43663: get and encrypted phone then
  63. Starcraft43663: is it so hard?
  64. Avilo: ?
  65. Avilo: my phone?
  66. Starcraft43663: yea
  67. Avilo: no i mean about talking to her about our call
  68. Avilo: saying the shit on call
  69. Avilo: and what she said
  70. Avilo: you do not care about maria at all
  71. Starcraft43663: oh umm avilo bro
  72. Starcraft43663: i am not the guy
  73. Avilo: understand?
  74. Starcraft43663: i use to watch you back in the day
  75. Avilo: yep
  76. Starcraft43663: when mariua was in the chat
  77. Avilo: yep
  78. Starcraft43663: i was Futurseeing
  79. Avilo: so you decided to screw with me
  80. Starcraft43663: if you remeber
  81. Avilo: you're audiomaxi
  82. Starcraft43663: am i?
  83. Avilo: yep
  84. Starcraft43663: or am i some random?
  85. Avilo: better be careful
  86. Starcraft43663: who enjoyed your stream
  87. Starcraft43663: back then
  88. Avilo: so you fucked with maria because of that?
  89. Avilo: you do not car eabout her whatsoever
  90. Starcraft43663: no i never talked with her
  91. Starcraft43663: do you believe me?
  92. Starcraft43663: helllo?
  93. Avilo: you msg'd me #noskypepuss
  94. Starcraft43663: nooooooo it was fun talking with you
  95. Avilo: yep
  96. Starcraft43663: yea cause i find it funny that you cant get over this
  97. Avilo: i find it funny
  98. Avilo: that you don't know what you've done
  99. Starcraft43663: chill brah
  100. Avilo: do you understand what's going to happen
  101. Starcraft43663: idk brah
  102. Avilo: you started this a while ago
  103. Avilo: all to fuck with me
  104. Avilo: basically
  105. Starcraft43663: and what was the outcome?
  106. Avilo: you have no care at all for maria
  107. Starcraft43663: with this skypepuss?
  108. Avilo: the outcome is you massively have messed her up
  109. Avilo: you wanted to do all this over what exactly?
  110. Starcraft43663: i saw you crying on stream and that is why i did it
  111. Avilo: for that?
  112. Starcraft43663: the skypepuss
  113. Avilo: the what?
  114. Avilo: you have no care at all in the world for maria
  115. Starcraft43663: i said skypepuss in your chat
  116. Starcraft43663: i am sorry if that offended you
  117. Avilo: did you consider what would end up happening
  118. Avilo: if you did this
  119. Starcraft43663: idk i gave zero fucks
  120. Starcraft43663: i wanted starcraft 2 content instead i got you crying which lead me to call you skypepuss
  121. Starcraft43663: please relax
  122. Avilo: i know why you said
  123. Avilo: what you said in my chat
  124. Starcraft43663: what
  125. Avilo: and you didn't realize what trouble that is now going to bring
  126. Starcraft43663: what trouble
  127. Avilo: lmao
  128. Starcraft43663: i love you avilo
  129. Avilo: i think you understand the gravity of what you did
  130. Avilo: ?
  131. Avilo: oh
  132. Avilo: i know what you said in italian btw
  133. Starcraft43663: so tell me what you think about me
  134. Avilo: and who is this now maria?
  135. Starcraft43663: your girlfriend
  136. Avilo: which is?
  137. Starcraft43663: in italy
  138. Avilo: you're maria
  139. Avilo: not audio?
  140. Starcraft43663: BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  141. Starcraft43663: you are mind fucked
  142. Avilo: i know you are there
  143. Avilo: if she's reading this
  144. Avilo: she is done
  145. Starcraft43663: ok
  146. Avilo: what do you have to say for yourself?
  147. Starcraft43663: she says she doesnt wnant you
  148. Avilo: she better get on skype right now
  149. Starcraft43663: she is in my bed
  150. Starcraft43663: right now
  151. Avilo: she can choose the bed
  152. Avilo: or she can choose
  153. Avilo: something much worse
  154. Avilo: :)
  155. Starcraft43663: i gave her STDS
  156. Avilo: on skype in 5 minutes
  157. Starcraft43663: oh ya?
  158. Avilo: she has 5 minutes
  159. Avilo: to get on
  160. Starcraft43663: OR WHAT
  161. Starcraft43663: what are you going to do?
  162. Starcraft43663: HUH?
  163. Avilo: 5 minutes
  164. Avilo: you have Maria
  165. Avilo: or you have a bigger mistake
  166. Avilo: on your hands
  167. Starcraft43663: what are you going to do about it
  168. Starcraft43663: i live in italy
  169. Avilo: 4 minutes
  170. Avilo: if i do not see her on skype
  171. Avilo: in 4 minutes
  172. Starcraft43663: ok?
  173. Starcraft43663: maria says your crazy
  174. Avilo: maria has 3 minutes
  175. Avilo: to decide
  176. Avilo: if she cares about anything at all
  177. Starcraft43663: i dont care
  178. Avilo: you don't
  179. Avilo: she will though
  180. Starcraft43663: are you going to harmyourself?
  181. Starcraft43663: harm yourself?
  182. Avilo: law degree might be more useful than esports after you two doing this shit
  183. Avilo: i'll give 1 more minute
  184. Starcraft43663: well
  185. Starcraft43663: i am not the guy your looking for
  186. Starcraft43663: how can i prove it?
  187. Avilo: If Maria is not on skype
  188. Avilo: she will learn the hard way
  189. Avilo: what cheating brings
  190. Starcraft43663: brings my cock in her
  191. Avilo: last chance maria
  192. Starcraft43663: she says no
  193. Avilo: Now.
  194. Avilo: SKype.
  195. Avilo: last chance
  196. Avilo: karma coming her way
  197. Starcraft43663: i love her
  198. Starcraft43663: with all my heart
  199. Avilo: really?
  200. Avilo: then you know how much you've messed up for her now
  201. Avilo: :)
  202. Starcraft43663: with my cock
  203. Avilo: oh no
  204. Avilo: not at all
  205. Starcraft43663: AVILO
  206. Starcraft43663: stop
  207. Starcraft43663: right there
  208. Starcraft43663: i am not the person
  209. Starcraft43663: i am just fking with you
  210. Avilo: wrong
  211. Avilo: You've just ruined yourself
  212. Starcraft43663: can you prove i am the person?
  213. Avilo: and you will see now.
  214. Starcraft43663: where?
  215. Avilo: where what?
  216. Starcraft43663: see what?
  217. Avilo: LOL
  218. Avilo: oh god
  219. Starcraft43663: marias booobs?
  220. Avilo: LOL
  221. Avilo: you seem to have misunderstood
  222. Avilo: but it's ok :)!
  223. Starcraft43663: yea?
  224. Avilo: yep
  225. Avilo: you know maria always told me
  226. Avilo: she did not want to be known
  227. Starcraft43663: i love you avilo
  228. Avilo: for esport
  229. Avilo: slut type of things
  230. Avilo: if you're not on skype
  231. Avilo: that might be a problem
  232. Starcraft43663: yea?
  233. Avilo: yep
  234. Starcraft43663: your problem
  235. Avilo: nope
  236. Avilo: hers
  237. Starcraft43663: she has a pretty face
  238. Avilo: Really
  239. Avilo: Maria for what you're doing now
  240. Avilo: you will understand
  241. Avilo: the karma you're going to get
  242. Avilo: You don't seem to get it
  244. Starcraft43663: i love karma
  245. Starcraft43663: its hitting your face
  246. Starcraft43663: those 2 streams your cried
  247. Starcraft43663: like little baby
  248. Starcraft43663: btich
  249. Starcraft43663: thats ur karma
  250. Avilo: ?
  251. Avilo: for being an honest person?
  252. Starcraft43663: your cried on stream
  253. Avilo: and what about it?
  254. Starcraft43663: and reveal personal info
  255. Avilo: reveal personal info?
  256. Starcraft43663: about your life
  257. Avilo: that maria is a lying cheater?
  258. Avilo: did she intend to get known for this?
  259. Starcraft43663: WHAT
  260. Starcraft43663: is this normal
  261. Starcraft43663: what you did
  262. Starcraft43663: those 2 past streams
  263. Avilo: which is what?
  264. Avilo: is it normal
  265. Avilo: for a woman
  266. Starcraft43663: people will judge you
  267. Avilo: to cheat that hard
  268. Avilo: people know i was honest and they know what maria did
  269. Starcraft43663: brah you high?
  270. Avilo: You are high if you think you helped maria in anyway by doing all of this
  271. Starcraft43663: 2 streams you cried like baby and revealed info about your life
  272. Avilo: i think maria is going to find out how difficult e-sports can really be soon
  273. Starcraft43663: i never talked with maria
  274. Starcraft43663: but she is hot
  275. Starcraft43663: for 40
  276. Avilo: nice backtracking
  277. Starcraft43663: to what
  278. Starcraft43663: David
  279. Avilo: i know who you are
  280. Starcraft43663: spill it
  281. Avilo: do you want maria to succeed in e-sports?
  282. Starcraft43663: no
  283. Starcraft43663: i told you i want her puss
  284. Avilo: and she doesn't want it either eh
  285. Avilo: she is done
  286. Starcraft43663: GOOD
  287. Starcraft43663: i dont care about her
  288. Avilo: how long did you think
  289. Avilo: you were going to be doing this
  290. Starcraft43663: long enough till i could fk her and use her
  291. Avilo: you thought it was ok to do this shit?
  292. Avilo: maria is there
  293. Avilo: and she better start talking
  294. Starcraft43663: she wont say anything to you
  295. Starcraft43663: cause i make her my bi tch
  296. Avilo: wrong
  297. Starcraft43663: she is good puppy
  298. Avilo: i'm talking to her now
  299. Starcraft43663: yea?
  300. Avilo: she is done
  301. Starcraft43663: what did she say
  302. Avilo: maria you reading this
  303. Starcraft43663: i am some random person
  304. Avilo: if you do not get on skype
  305. Avilo: and
  306. Starcraft43663: fking with avilo
  307. Avilo: talk
  308. Avilo: you're going to regret
  309. Starcraft43663: THEN WHAT
  310. Avilo: quite a bit of things
  311. Starcraft43663: what
  312. Starcraft43663: tell me big boy
  313. Avilo: she's going to find out
  314. Starcraft43663: oh ya
  315. Starcraft43663: ?
  316. Starcraft43663: say bye bye to ESL esports for her
  317. Avilo: nah
  318. Starcraft43663: SHE IS DONE
  319. Avilo: Maria is here why did she do all of this
  320. Starcraft43663: what do you think i am?
  321. Avilo: ?
  322. Starcraft43663: who i am?
  323. Avilo: I'm talking to Maria
  324. Avilo: i'm giving you a chance here
  325. Starcraft43663: i dont care cause i didnt fk with you
  326. Avilo: you don't care because you didn't fk with me for what/
  327. Avilo: ?
  328. Starcraft43663: ya i didnt even know you were dating this hoe
  329. Avilo: I'm giving Maria a chance here
  330. Starcraft43663: TO do what
  331. Avilo: I am on skype atm
  332. Avilo: she has one last chance
  333. Starcraft43663: SHE SAYS NO
  334. Starcraft43663: she doesnt want to talk to you anymore
  335. Avilo: she will get on and understand what this means
  336. Starcraft43663: what?
  337. Avilo: She will get on
  338. Avilo: i am talking to her
  339. Avilo: not you
  340. Starcraft43663: slay that puss
  341. Starcraft43663: skypepuss
  342. Avilo: oh no it has nothing to do with that :)
  343. Avilo: it's much worse!
  344. Starcraft43663: tell me what you going to do?
  345. Avilo: get on skype
  346. Starcraft43663: cause i will never stop
  347. Avilo: we are talking now
  348. Avilo: Now.
  349. Avilo: skype.
  350. Starcraft43663: why
  351. Avilo: Skype. Now.
  352. Starcraft43663: whats your skype id
  353. Avilo: she gets on
  354. Starcraft43663: give me your skype
  355. Avilo: i will be on there
  356. Avilo: it's up to her now
  357. Starcraft43663: i tap her pussy
  358. Starcraft43663: with my cock
  359. Starcraft43663: lol but avilo for real
  360. Starcraft43663: i am just fking with you
  361. Starcraft43663: i live in Canada
  362. Avilo: Better be on skype tell her to get on skype
  363. Starcraft43663: i dont have her number
  364. Starcraft43663: give it to me
  365. Avilo: i will be on
  366. Avilo: she gets on
  367. Avilo: she learns something
  368. Starcraft43663: ya?
  369. Starcraft43663: that wet puss?
  370. Starcraft43663: skypepussy?
  371. Starcraft43663: i should say
  372. Starcraft43663: she going to moan for you on skype?
  373. Starcraft43663: MARIAAAAAAAAA
  374. Starcraft43663: so hot
  375. Starcraft43663: when i touch her
  376. Starcraft43663: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  377. Starcraft43663: i cant wait to feel her
  378. Starcraft43663: inside
  379. Starcraft43663: of esports
  380. Avilo: skype
  381. Starcraft43663: give it to me
  382. Avilo: she gets on skype
  383. Starcraft43663: and moans for you?
  384. Avilo: i am going to tell her what will happen
  385. Starcraft43663: Tell her
  386. Starcraft43663: i dont care
  387. Avilo: she does
  388. Avilo: on skype
  389. Avilo: now
  390. Starcraft43663: what are you telling her?
  391. Starcraft43663: abbout skypepuss?
  392. Starcraft43663: you think i care avilo?
  393. Starcraft43663: David
  394. Starcraft43663: i know where you live
  395. Starcraft43663: and your phone number
  396. Starcraft43663: i stalk every day
  397. Starcraft43663: i know the convo you had
  398. Starcraft43663: and i will do everything to keep you seperate
  399. Starcraft43663: good bit ch ban me
  400. Avilo: I know Maria is there
  401. Starcraft43663: it wont help you
  402. Starcraft43663: she is gone
  403. Starcraft43663: way to gone
  404. Starcraft43663: from you
  405. Avilo: ?
  406. Starcraft43663: she says she is moving away
  407. Avilo: not really
  408. Starcraft43663: from italy
  409. Starcraft43663: or is she?
  410. Starcraft43663: aHAHAHA
  411. Avilo: She will get on skype and talk to me.
  412. Starcraft43663: she wont
  413. Avilo: she will actually
  414. Starcraft43663: cause she thinks your trash
  415. Avilo: nope
  416. Starcraft43663: she told me
  417. Avilo: she is the one that started this
  418. Starcraft43663: so you will forgive her?
  419. Starcraft43663: for cheating?
  420. Starcraft43663: with you and me?
  421. Avilo: she is going to get on skype
  422. Avilo: and she'll see how this works
  423. Starcraft43663: oh ya?
  424. Starcraft43663: do it
  425. Starcraft43663: i dont care
  426. Avilo: oh that's you now maria?
  427. Avilo: do what/
  428. Avilo: LOL
  429. Starcraft43663: i know what your going to do
  430. Starcraft43663: so do it ;)
  431. Avilo: do what?
  432. Avilo: On Skype.
  433. Avilo: we talk.
  434. Starcraft43663: i cant..:(
  435. Avilo: yep you will now
  436. Starcraft43663: :(
  437. Avilo: SKype.
  438. Starcraft43663: sorry maria will be off twich for today
  439. Starcraft43663: no more talking with David i told her
  440. Avilo: nope
  441. Avilo: she will skype
  442. Starcraft43663: NO she wont
  443. Starcraft43663: cause i will make her not skype you
  444. Avilo: wrong
  445. Avilo: i'm telling her to get on skype
  446. Starcraft43663: we will see
  447. Avilo: Skype.
  448. Avilo: Now.
  449. Starcraft43663: y
  450. Avilo: Skype.
  451. Avilo: Maria.
  452. Avilo: to skype.
  453. Starcraft43663: what are you going to talk about your stream?
  454. Starcraft43663: maria?
  455. Avilo: I'm going to talk about whatever i feel like talking about on my stream in regards to my stream.
  456. Starcraft43663: she says she doesnt care
  457. Avilo: Skype.
  458. Avilo: Tell her to get on
  459. Starcraft43663: so are you trying to get maria on skype so you can record her and make a fool of HER?
  460. Starcraft43663: NO
  461. Avilo: Nope.
  462. Starcraft43663: she says no
  463. Avilo: Going to talk to her and tell her.
  464. Avilo: What this is.
  465. Starcraft43663: she doesnt love you
  466. Starcraft43663: she loves ME
  467. Avilo: she does actually
  468. Avilo: but it doesn't really matter
  469. Avilo: Skype now.
  470. Starcraft43663: link it to me
  471. Avilo: she has it
  472. Avilo: she gets on
  473. Starcraft43663: oh
  474. Starcraft43663: i told her she cant
  475. Avilo: don't care
  476. Starcraft43663: cause she does what i SAY
  477. Avilo: wrong
  478. Starcraft43663: i run the show here
  479. Avilo: she listens to me
  480. Avilo: nope.
  481. Avilo: She gets on skype.
  482. Starcraft43663: and her esports career
  483. Avilo: And she's going to understand quite a bit more.
  484. Starcraft43663: BYE david
  485. Avilo: Skype.
  486. Starcraft43663: no more talking
  487. Avilo: She's going to learn what she did.
  488. Avilo: Skype.
  489. Avilo: I have quite a bit to tell her.
  490. Avilo: :D
  491. Avilo: Maria still here?
  492. Avilo: i'll be talking soon
  493. Avilo: so doesn't matter
  494. Avilo: If she wants to resolve this she'll talk to me don't care what you say
  495. Avilo: she will regardless
  496. Avilo: not to talkative now LOL
  497. Avilo: she can make the decision for herself
  498. Avilo: otherwise i'll make it
  499. Avilo: Skype.
  500. Avilo: Good bye to a lot of things.
  501. 7/31/2017, 11:31:50 PM
  502. Avilo: And what i had to say
  503. Avilo: was about Nima
  504. Avilo: Maria.
  505. Avilo: so if you are this much of a broken person inside of your own head to not hear what i have to say about him
  506. Avilo: You were right about being a weak person.
  507. Avilo: You are not the same Maria at all
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