

Sep 5th, 2012
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  1. Name: Daisy Jeanette Bell
  2. Gender: Female
  3. Age: 11
  4. Height: 4 feet 4 inches
  5. Weight: 76 pounds
  6. Hair color: Brown
  7. Eye color: Blue
  9. Appearance:
  10. Daisy’s ball round face is framed with long flowing coco brown hair that reaches down to her shoulders, often it came be seen tied back in a neat little ponytail or on a more dressy day she can be seen wearing it tied back in a nice little bun with a ribbon holding the bun in place. Clothing honesty depends on day and the hour, if its during school hours she can be seen dressed in her prescript uniform for a female her age.
  12. If its during a soccer match (European Football) she can normal be seen with her hair tied back in a braided ponytail, and dressed in full kit. On more special days she can be seen wearing a nice blouse, the blouse being something one could call Disneyesque. Often picturing a princess or a bright cartoon pony. A ruffled skirt or pleated one in varies shades of pink are often paired with the blouse, colorful socks and cute sneakers completed the outfits.
  15. Personality:
  16. Its hard to pin point Daisy personality. One can safety say she a even mixture been a girly girl and a tomboy. Her temperate though is another story, she can often swing from being a calm and collective young girl how enjoys sitting in her room and playing Pokemon, reading and surfing the many web comics she enjoys to a brash fiery brat who is quick to defend her ‘Honor’ and the anybody she deemed her sister or brother.
  18. History:
  19. There a dark shadow that follows Daisy around, only few know the origins of the events that caused her to be enrolled in St. Adell’s But a few clues to her past can be found within the vanilla fold that holds her official records. Daisy was born to a mind manners business man that made his fortune selling boots to fisherman and operating a chain of small dime and nickel stores that sold anything from cooking oil to damaged can goods.
  21. Daisy’s mother was well a bit vain and was a bit nothing more than a stay at home house wife, who passed the days reading mild books of vice, often daydreams of having strong sexual relationships with random men, these days dreams often caused her to forget her baby daughter and the childs care was left in the arms of hired hands and baby sitters.
  23. It would be safe to say as Daisy grew from a baby to a totter and from a totter to a child she grew further apart from her mother and father. In fact around the time she started school she had long since developed the feeling that neither cared for her and that she should not care about her grades, as a result she limbed long till finally the school official put there foot down and called in the big boys. Hence forth the failing student found herself being shipped off to St. Adell
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