

Jun 24th, 2016
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  1. GOD Anuman and Kyrios, you've been wandering through the wilds for months now, picking up the outliers of various settlements that you pass by; they are drawn in your incredible powers, and the promise of a better life that your worship might bring. Plus, a lot of them were beggars and such. Point is, it's not been easy. This morning, you saw smoke on the horizon as though from a city, and have just broken camp. What do you do?
  2. Kyrios calls for the tribe's guardians to make ready, and keep the citizens safe.
  3. GOD They do so. They've surrounded the tribe in a rough circle. The civilians are glancing around, frightened by the lack of apparent threat coupled with the obvious attempt at protection.
  4. Anuman_Davi approaches Kyrios and asks if we should send a scouting party ahead.
  5. Kyrios Kyrios nods, and calls forth his most trusted of the guardians.
  6. GOD Your right hand man, Damosios, hurries to your side. He asks what you need.
  7. Kyrios "There may be survivors up ahead. Tell the rest to loosen their formation, I don't want to cause a panic. We will proceed forth and search the city."
  8. GOD "Yes!", he says, saluting
  9. Anuman_Davi "I hope it isn't a raid or anything terrible."
  10. GOD Do you set out?
  11. Kyrios adjusts his hardened leather greaves, and sets out with his men.
  12. Anuman_Davi summons the horse of iron and flame from the ground as if they escaped from hell itself.
  13. Anuman_Davi "Shall we, Consul Kyrios?"
  14. GOD The more hardened of your men stand stoicly: some of the children shriek in terror. The exercise of your powers is great and terrible.
  15. Kyrios "Your powers /are/ impressive, Master Anuman," Kyrios says, mounting one of the powerful beasts.
  16. Kyrios "Guardians! Mount up!"
  17. GOD You here one of the younger women say to the others "I'm telling you, there's totally something there". When you turn around, however, you cannot see who.
  18. GOD The guardians mount their steeds. By this time, they are used to unnatural feel of them.
  19. Kyrios "Keep the formation tight, Damosios."
  20. GOD "Yes, my Consul."
  21. GOD In a couple of hours, you come upon your destination. It is a recently ruined city, obviously once great and wonderful. However, campfires still burn somewhere inside its bashed apart gates
  22. Kyrios "Be cautious. Let's approach."
  23. GOD Do you pass the threshold of the gates?
  24. Kyrios clicks his heels, edging his horse forth.
  25. GOD Inside the gates, you find ruined neighborhoods. You can almost here the people that must have once thrived there
  26. Kyrios sighs deeply. The fall of the great cities is one which brings feelings of great loss.
  27. Kyrios "This is why we fight, men. Remember why we're here."
  28. GOD You turn the corner and come upon a group of survivors, dressed in rags, with the exception of one of them who is dressed...
  29. Anuman_Davi is visibly feeling at unease traveling through these ruins.
  30. Kyrios holds up a fist, signaling his men to come to a halt.
  31. Zoltan Zoltan is dressed in a cream-white robe, overlaid with belts and satchels, full of everything from ink, to healing herbs and bandages. The robe is trimmed in blue and gold, marking him as the highest rank in his scholar-healer order. He carries a simple staff of colored in a dark ebony. Zoltan himself is fair-faced, but thin and pale, the look of a man who's spent more time indoors, healing...
  32. Zoltan ...or compiling histories and knowledge. He keeps his hair up in a tail to keep it out of his face, and he has not shaven since the calamity struck some half a year ago.
  33. GOD What does each of you do? Do you greet eachother? Do you attack?
  34. Anuman_Davi "Ah... hello, Sir."
  35. Zoltan bows his head slightly. "Greetings. Might as of you your names...and where you come from?" He's a tad unnerved by the hellish steeds.
  36. Zoltan Might I ask of you your names*
  37. Kyrios Kyrios dismounts. He wears fitted robes, with heardened leather tight over it, for some basic protection.
  38. Anuman_Davi hops off his steed and says "I am Anuman Davi."
  39. Kyrios "Hail, artisan. I am Kyrios. Consul to the Agathean people," he bring his fist to his chest.
  40. Zoltan "I am Zoltan Zeta io Zephyris, though Zoltan will do. What brings you to the great ruins of Troklios?" He walks cautiously towards the two men?
  41. Kyrios "My people and I have been wandering the lands for over a year, Zoltan. We were driven from a place not unlike this... now a sad ruin. They wait for us outside the city walls. We only wish to start anew."
  42. Anuman_Davi "Indeed, sad sight."
  43. Kyrios "Agathos was a prosperous community. Few of us remain, but I count among our people skilled craftsmen, dutiful guardians, and great scholars like Master Anuman, here."
  44. Zoltan "Interesting." He walks back and forth, not going anymore forward as if in deep thought. "I wish the same for my people, the times grow leaner as what was left of this great city has been picked over many times over...there's not much left to find, unless you wish to find building material."
  45. Zoltan He perks up at the mention of Anuman's role. "Scholar? Hmmmmmmmm. Fascinating."
  46. Zoltan "Come, let us discuss further back at the Pyrthion. I must ask you that you both," he looks between Kyrios and Anuman, "leave your host and beasts behind."
  47. Kyrios Kyrios looks back to his men. "Damosios. Return for the people. Bring them here."
  48. GOD "Yes, sir!"
  49. Anuman_Davi "Lead the way, Zoltan."
  50. Kyrios "Please, lead on."
  51. GOD [describe your inner sanctum]
  52. Zoltan waves back at his men to get back to whatever duties they have, and leads the two towards the Pyrthion, the great complex of the Bibliocians. It remains almost unscathed from the great calamity that befell the city, something Zoltan himself can't really explain but is glad for. It remains a beacon of hope to the survivors as everything surrounding it is war torn or burned out.
  53. Zoltan The main area that the survivors squat in is the Pyrthion and the surrounding block. Many makeshift barricades of rubble and debris make a wall around this "inner sanctum."
  54. Zoltan Most people live in either the street or what buildings could be cleared out, the smell is something else.
  55. Zoltan Those left of the scholar-healers and the ill and wounded reside within the Pyrthion.
  56. Kyrios "How many remain in the city?"
  57. Zoltan "Just under a thousand of us, mostly plebeians and those of my order."
  58. Zoltan "Few artisans survived, or those of the noble classes."
  59. Zoltan "Or royalty for that matter." He looks distant for a moment as leads you into the Pyrthion.
  60. Kyrios "That's quite a number. The great raids must have no reach this far. The uncivilized scum enslave entire settlements, butcher the unskilled..." he is brought back to the fate of Agathos.
  61. Kyrios "If my assessment is correct, and if your people would permit it, perhaps a union could create a new beginning in this place. For all of us."
  62. Anuman_Davi "They seem to be everywhere nowadays."
  63. Zoltan leads the two into a reception chamber, rarely used now, since the calamity, it's mostly used as extra sleeping quarters and storage, the wooden couches still sport a pillow or two however.
  64. Zoltan Zoltan sits down and offers the other two the opposite couch.
  65. Kyrios nods in thanks and takes a seat.
  66. Zoltan "So it was not just us that suffered this grisly fate." He leans forward, clutching the staff in both hands while thinking. "An interesting offer you put forth. But you'll forgive me if I don't trust you immediately. The destruction of our city is still fresh in all our minds."
  67. Zoltan "How long have your people been wandering?"
  68. Anuman_Davi sits down after awhile.
  69. Kyrios "Two years, we have wandered the lands. Two... long years."
  70. Kyrios "Along the way, we have encountered survivors. Ruined villages, traveling families. Those who follow me now are in truth only half citizens of Agathos."
  71. Kyrios "Master Anuman was from one such group. We found them in a desperate state in the middle of an unforgiving wasteland."
  72. Zoltan "I see, I see." He nods. "A long road you have traveled, it's a miracle indeed you are even here. Alas, I cannot guarantee that this is a safe haven, given the circumstances. Nor a place to rebuild, I've wanted to venture out to find somewhere more fitting to begin anew." He pauses for a moment. "For now however, we should get acquainted with each other, each of our peoples. For now encamp...
  73. Zoltan ...your people outside of the gate you entered. Take whatever rubble or debris you need to fortify your camp, so long as it is not from our domain.
  74. GOD +1 xp for Zoltan
  75. Kyrios "Allow us to remain in the relative safety of the walls, and I will feed your people, and we will fortify the city."
  76. Anuman_Davi "Indeed, we can setup as possible."
  77. Kyrios Kyrios focuses, a small current of air fills the room. A pig and several hens appear in the room.
  78. Kyrios "They shall know no hunger."
  79. Zoltan appears visibly perturbed. "Fascinating," he says with wide eyes.
  80. Zoltan He stands and walks behind the couch, walking back and forth in deep thought weighing the possibilities and what not.
  81. Kyrios "Master Anuman is... talented in similar ways."
  82. Zoltan "Before we go any further, how are you doing that? How are you summoning these animals as if from thin air?" He remembers how odd it was that he can heal with a touch or a look, after the calamity struck.
  83. GOD +1 dominion for Kyrios (something this small only works because of the reaction that it's getting)
  84. Kyrios "I'm afraid I cannot say. It was as if the old gods had taken pity for abandoning us, and provided me with these gifts. It is the subject of Anuman's studies, and I am no scholar."
  85. Anuman_Davi thinks for a moment and says "According to several legends, there are individuals who inherit or gain strange powers. The cause is unknown and it may have some connections to the Gods and their realms."
  86. Zoltan "Strange....very strange. What a phenomenon, fascinating." He continues on for a minute, prattling on to himself. The scholar inside of him excited and curious towards these new events, despite all the death and destruction. He had himself as an example, though not a strong one, now he had two others who could do such wondrous, even god-like things!
  87. Zoltan "Very well. I shall welcome you and your own into the walls, for what little good they will for you or us. But I warn you, I do not think this a likely site for rebuilding, a place raided once may be raided again." He steps forward again, reaching out a hand to Kyrios. "I hope I will not regret this in the future." A small smile crosses his unshaven face.
  88. GOD +1 xp for Kyrios and Anuman
  89. Kyrios reaches for Zoltan's hand.
  90. Kyrios "It's a new beginning," he nods.
  91. GOD That evening, the rest of the wanderers arrive at the city's walls.
  92. Zoltan tells Kyrios that his wounded and ill shall be cared for once they arrive.
  93. Anuman_Davi starts preparing his tools and gathering some labors for the task ahead.
  94. GOD Many of them poor inside the city walls for medical treatment
  95. Kyrios The Agathans are an industrious people, and Kyrios provides them all with the tools necessary to build a pen. Once finished, the godly powers he possesses fills them with cattle, goats, and hens.
  96. Zoltan He has those of his order perform triage, separating people by their illness or wounds, and goes about healing them with his newfound powers, group by group.
  97. GOD The agathans and the bibliocians gather round, many of them visibly salivating. One Bibliocian comes forward and asks if he may prepare a feast
  98. Kyrios "You, too, are touched by the lost divinty." Kyrios comments, after observing Zoltan from afar for some time.
  99. Anuman_Davi starts the fortification of the ruined city from whichever material is available.
  100. Kyrios Kyrios nods to the villager. "Call all the people of this city. We celebrate this night, to a new beginning."
  101. GOD He nods
  102. Zoltan "Yes, something like that. It came to me during the calamity that claimed almost everyone in this city. Perhaps it's also why the Pyrthion is unscathed. I was rather surprised to meet others who have garnered such otherworldly powers."
  103. Zoltan He looks upon his smooth hands, never known to do hard labor or artisans work. "I am a seeker of knowledge, a healer as well, even before I gained this power. It frightens me...but it's exciting as well.
  104. Kyrios "It's the least the damnable gods could do... abandoning us to the doom of all civilization... I suppose it is up to those such as we. We must now perform the labor of the heavens."
  105. Zoltan merely nods as he watches the peoples come together in celebration.
  106. Anuman_Davi whispers while he continues to work.
  107. GOD [What do you whisper?]
  108. Anuman_Davi [Whistles, my back]
  109. Zoltan After some time Zoltan walks among the various peoples of Kyrios and Anuman's tribe, collecting what stories he can from them, of their histories, legends, etc. He is a seeker of knowledge after all.
  110. GOD He hears much of local folklore. The patterns, of course, feel familiar
  111. Zoltan He transcribes what unique tales he hears, and the histories. Ahhhhh, his blood flows when he's doing things like this. This is the first time he's enjoyed himself since the calamity hit.
  112. GOD +1 dominion for Kyrios for his massive healing
  114. Godbound 2:
  115. GOD Your warriors look around. The last of them wake. Several of them stand up from the middle of breakfast. The chieftan sighs and stands up.
  116. Samael "King Runt, gather the fighters."
  117. GOD "That's not my... ughhhh... fine. Everyone! Gather up! Over here! Samael has... ugh... what...ever..."
  118. Samael "We ride for....Mockthonia." he says, then barks an order at this horse to take him there
  119. GOD "We... ride for... ugh. Whatever. You guys heard him. MOUNT UP!"
  120. Samael rides hard for the villages, disregarding the warriors behind him
  121. GOD You hear one of them grumbling about how he had things he was planning to do today.
  122. GOD The grumbling, however, is quiet.
  123. Samael "Horse, take me there swiftest or you will be my next meal." he growls
  124. GOD The horse tells you to go fuck yourself. Horses aren't very bright, and you like the most aggressive ones.
  125. GOD It does, however, speed up
  126. Samael "As you wish steak."
  127. GOD Do you do anything else?
  128. Samael rides full speed for Mockthoni whatever
  129. GOD Also, are you hitting a mochthonian village in particular? Perhaps to test yourself against a certain Mochthonian goddes?
  130. Samael Has a majority warriors surround the villagers before the attack, then sends a minor force in to push the Mockthoniums into the larger force
  131. Samael he himself rides in the front of the probe force, killing anyone who resists the herding.
  132. Samael brings them down with his bear hands, or grows fangs and claws and tears them apart.
  133. GOD When Samael returns to camp, a feast is prepared to raise his spirits and celebrate his ascension to chieftanhood
  134. Samael walks to the table and smashes it with his fists
  135. Samael "We ride for better pastures."
  136. Samael then stalks away to clean his wounds
  137. GOD A rumbling goes through the crowd, and then they sit back down to finish eating.
  138. GOD They have seen their god and king bloodied
  139. Samael upon not hearing the sounds of the camp packing, returns to the feast table. cleaned up and smiling
  140. Samael "I can see you are all enjoying yourselves!" he says with a hearty laughs and and spread arms
  141. GOD Ya! The people shout
  142. Samael "And you wish to keep feasting?" he says, dramatically
  143. GOD Silence
  144. Samael "Nobody?" he says with a laugh and a smile
  146. Samael doesn't say anything, just scans the crowd expectantly
  147. GOD People leave, and start packing
  148. Samael Rage builds in him as he stalks behind the man, he raises his fist to crush the mans skull. But then stops and remembers the words of the girl Hero
  149. Samael helps the man to his feet and helps him pack his belongings
  150. GOD ...huh...
  153. Godbound 3:
  154. GOD Isolde Argyris, she of the strong arm and the iron body, Defender of the Mochthonians.. what do you do this morning? And which of the Mochthonians settlements did you rest in last night?
  155. Isolde_Argyris currently rests in the hut that saw her entry into this world, in the village of Krollos. She spent all night exercising, after learning that she no longer required sleep, sharpening her skills for an upcoming Harvest Festival in the nearby village of Menoch. Her elderly mother sleeps soundly nearby, undisturbed by the various calisthenics being performed by her daughter.
  156. Isolde_Argyris Outside, her people are already hard at work, tending to their herds or preparing to sally out for a scavenging run.
  157. -->| Samael ( has joined #godbound3godboundagain
  158. GOD Are you doing anything to help prepare for the Harvest festival?
  159. Isolde_Argyris Her training is her primary contribution; after she came into her powers, no headman or elder would dare demand menial labor from her. As the morning slowly drifts forwrad, Isolde finishes up her warm-ups before emerging into the newborn daylight. The air is foul, choking the life from her throat even after years of enduring it. One never gets used to a Mochthonian village. It's
  160. Isolde_Argyris always soul crushing.
  161. GOD One of the villagers walks by and remarks upon what a bitter day it is
  162. Isolde_Argyris "Love the lash," She grunts. The phrase is something of a dismissive remark, a universal way of saying "stop complaining" in the language of the Mochthonians. Clapping him on the shoulder, she walks to the edge of the village, staring at the vast expanse before her. Herds of Opli canter by, trying to edge out their rivals for what little grazing there is. For a moment, Isolde
  163. Isolde_Argyris pictures what's out there. New animals. New people. Larger villages. Something better than...this.
  164. GOD Suddenly, you hear yelling and hoofbeats! ATTACK!
  165. Isolde_Argyris "I'm such a worry wart," she says to no one other than herself. "Like a bad cliche. I-..."
  166. Isolde_Argyris She strains her ears and hears it...the beat of hooves, like hands on a war drum, shaking the earth with its fury.
  167. Samael Has a majority warriors surround the villagers before the attack, then sends a minor force in to push the Mockthoniums into the larger force
  168. Samael he himself rides in the front of the probe force, killing anyone who resists the herding
  169. Samael brings them down with his bear hands, or grows fangs and claws and tears them apart
  170. GOD The terrified villagers run in front of your horses, desperate to stay alive... except for one.
  171. GOD Isolde comes onto the scene just into to see one old man gripping a spear, with it pointed at the head rider's horse
  172. Isolde_Argyris "Pescanavians..." She breathes, her eyes widening with a fear far older than she. But she does not move. The soles of her sandals do not churn dust. Instead, her fingers twitch, her muscles bulge, and adrenaline pumps through her body. She cracks her knuckles, ready to go for round two against her people's ancient enemies.
  173. Samael gives little pause before attempting to rip the spear from the man
  174. Samael {Redact}
  175. Samael disregards the spear as he kicks his mount viciously to ride harder directly like them man
  176. GOD The horse intentionally lets the spear go through it an attempt to also hit Samael. It shouts "Fuckkkkk yoooooou!" as it leaps toward the spear. It's efforts are in vain, and he avoids the spear. However, he does go flying off the horse as it suddenly stops. He manages to plant his feet on the old man's chest, crushing his sternum and ribs. He then rides the man across the ground like a goreboard, bringing him face to face with Isolde.
  177. GOD Isolde, what do you do?
  178. Isolde_Argyris stares down the Pescanavian, her eyes burning with intense hate. That was Alika he just crushed; he was the man that taught her how to search for tubers out in the wilderness. He was always a pleasant man, and seeing him so ruthelessly murdered spurs her forward. She screams incoherently as she charges forward, intent on tackling the savage barbarian!
  179. Isolde_Argyris She succeeds! She wraps her arms around the man, hitting him with a sickening crunch and wrapping her arms around his waist, trying to wrestle him to the ground!
  180. Samael calls for all the beasts around himself to trample the insolent girl
  181. Isolde_Argyris "SCUM!" She spits, her legs kicking and her fingers scratching.
  182. GOD The horses trample forward, viciously kicking Isolde
  183. Isolde_Argyris But Isolde is not there; one moment she's grabbing the Pescanavian, the next she's nearby, huffing and puffing but ready for battle!
  184. Samael leaps at the girl, claws flashing. But he is unable to catch her with a strike
  185. Samael "Finally, A challenge."
  186. Isolde_Argyris She effortlessly twists out of the way, putting her combat training for good use. She stretches her arms out into a clear gesture of challenge. "You? Challenge? Hardly!"
  187. Isolde_Argyris She charges forward, her arm reeled back for a punch...but once she gets close enough, she locks her arm to her side and springs forward, head first! She hits him with the top of her noggin like a human missile, falling to the ground after delivering a bone shattering blow to his ribcage!
  188. GOD As this is happening, the villagers and the horsemen have stopped their killing and dying to watch
  189. GOD The king's eyes are filled with hope
  190. Samael leaps towards the King, attempting to grab him
  191. Isolde_Argyris She rolls to her feet, and pumps her fist in the air. "This daughter of Mochthious is not afraid of you, worm! Get out of here, lest I trounce you yet more!"
  192. Samael Grabs him by the throat and hurls him at the girl
  193. GOD In midair, he shrugs and sighs
  194. GOD He is killed, and the several of the horsemen cheer Samael as the new king
  195. Isolde_Argyris Her triumphant posing is interrupted by a sudden gasp as a Pescanavian rockets towards her and explodes in a welt of gore! She staggers backwards, suddenly robbed her breath and now covered in gore!
  196. Samael "Bitch." he snarls at her
  197. Isolde_Argyris " the...what?" She blinks, cocking her head side ways at the Pescanavian. "How did you do that?'
  198. Isolde_Argyris Slowly, a stomach churning realization starts to dawn over her...
  199. GOD One of the horsemen starts edging around the fight, trying to get to the body of the old king
  200. Isolde_Argyris She's not the only one blessed with these powers.
  201. Samael grabs the warhorn from his side, blowing to call off the attack
  202. GOD All the horsemen but one turn their horses. The remaining horseman clutches the upper half of the body of his father, weeping openly. A villager stabs him the back, ending his grief
  203. Samael "Weak." he barks, before turning to the girl
  204. Samael "You'd make a fine wife."
  205. GOD +1 xp for Isolde
  206. GOD +1 dominion for both Isolde and Samael
  207. Isolde_Argyris "You dare?" She snarls, taking a few heavy steps forward. "Isolde Argyris doesn't need a man, a Pescanavian especially. How about you come here and make that request to my face?"
  208. Samael "I like it when they resist." he snarls back, taking a step forward
  209. Isolde_Argyris "Knave..." She sighs, rolling her eyes. "Who dares say these things to me? Come on now, speak."
  210. Samael "I am Samael. Son of Therimos." he laughs, grinning wildly
  211. Isolde_Argyris Her intense glare sharpens at the utterance of that name. "Pescanavian, leave this place at once, and never return. My people have sufferened long enough from your trangressions. Mastigio be damned, I take my stand here. If you refuse..." She taps the toes of her sandals against the ground before rolling her neck with an audible crack. "I'm standing right here."
  212. Samael laughs "Such Is not the way of the beast girly, We will just come back stronger and hungrier." he then turns away and begins walking "And next time you won't catch me off guard. And I'll make you wish for death."
  213. GOD Does this mean that Samael the Hunter retreats?
  214. Isolde_Argyris "So you're running then?!" She cries, pointing her finger accusingly. "I always knew Pescnavians were cowards!"
  215. Samael stops
  216. Samael "I will kill you." he says
  217. Isolde_Argyris "You know it be true," She continues, her voice low and malicious. "Building your own society frightens you. So all you do is *take*."
  218. Samael "No, I take what I want because I can."
  219. Samael "And nobody will stop me."
  220. Samael "Not even you."
  221. Isolde_Argyris "Is that a challenge I hear?" She says, whimsically skipping towards him. "Tough words coming from a man who had to resort to cheap shots."
  222. Samael "Where did you get so strong." he stops and asks, suddenly realizing what the past moments mean?
  223. Isolde_Argyris Her eyes lock with his. Her intense icy blue gaze bores into his face, and two whole decades of repressed emotion come pouring out in utter silence. "Mochthonians are born with a thousand and one burdens. It has made us strong. It made me strong. My strength is that of the my people. What about you, savage?"
  224. Samael stares at her likes she is crazy "No....Really."
  225. GOD One of the villagers yells out "Yeah! Savage!"
  226. Samael his head snaps towards the villager and bares his teeth
  227. GOD He remains unsure which villager called him out in such a way
  228. Isolde_Argyris "Is a lifetime of focuse and dedication that alien to you? I lived hand to my mouth my entire life. Adversity is a Mochthonian's friend. Through focus, we can achieve what no Pescanavian can: true excellence. You, and the rest of your ilk, are untempered tools. We are not. We are better. We are Mochthonians."
  229. Samael "So you were born like this?" he says, cocking his head
  230. Isolde_Argyris strikes a traditional Mochthonian wresttling pose, flexing her arms and baring her teeth at the man.
  231. Isolde_Argyris "I grew into this. A life time of suffering can turn a dull knife into a sharp blade. My powers came slowly first, but not they are great you very well know." She shoots Samael a smug grin.
  232. Samael picks up a small stone, wiping it off with his hands, before slinging it at the nearest villager
  233. Samael "true excellence?"
  234. GOD It kills one villager, going through him and into the one behind him. Decapitating one and punching a hole through the forehead of another
  235. GOD All villagers but one run away.
  236. GOD The remaining simply folds his arms, looking both suicidal and unimpressed
  237. Isolde_Argyris Her eye twitches. Her hands tremble. She runs forward, screaming bloody murder, fists raised and ready to attack!
  238. Samael sees the punch coming and sidesteps the attack miraculously
  239. Samael then grabs the horn from his side, issuing the call for attack
  240. Isolde_Argyris swears audibly as her target disappears with a whoosh. She looks around, and her jaw drops as she realizes he's several feet clear of her blow.
  241. Samael leaps at her as she looks at him. He brings his claws across her belly
  242. GOD The remaining Mochthonian calls you a pussy
  243. GOD Samael
  244. Isolde_Argyris The raking blow creates huge gashes across her pale flesh. She cries out in agony, the wounds burning like fire. She lashes out desperately, and finds no purchase on her target with her supersonic punch! A follow up blow is similiarly unsuccessful
  245. GOD The two titans swing at eachother futilely
  246. Samael backhands her and sends her spinning
  247. Samael stalks over to where she landed, then learns in close to her. They end up touching noses and he bares his teeth at her " For all your strength you are weak, come back when you can finish me." he says before spitting in her eyes and stalking away to rejoin his people
  248. GOD At this point, the horsemen return and give Samael his horse back
  249. GOD One of them dismounts and says "I'll walk, my King."
  250. GOD +1 xp for Samael
  251. Samael "Even their gods are weak." he says, mounting his horse
  252. GOD -1 xp
  253. GOD retract
  254. GOD Samael: what do you do?
  255. Isolde_Argyris She attempts to spit her contempt at the man, but is too weak to even lift her head. Her hands take great handfuls of mud, desperately trying to find purchase on some solid ground so that she can stand. But she finds nothing, only the crushing humiliation of defeat. As a Mochthonian she knows the sting well, but this time...something was different. The pain was more personal.
  256. Isolde_Argyris Less bearable. A burning barb in her heart. She can only growl and spit blood, writhing on the ground in pain.
  257. Samael rides away in silence, the words the girl spat at him gnawing at his thoughts.
  258. Samael comes back and rapes Isolde_Argyris
  259. GOD Oh my god, shut up
  262. Godbound 4:
  263. GOD Zoltan, leader of the bibliocians, what are you doing? This morning is grim, and hungry, like all mornings since the attack. Your sleep was uneasy.
  264. Zoltan The first thing Zoltan does, as he does every morning after waking, is to check the well-being of the wounded and ill in his care. Next he summons his impromptu second-in-command, a retired outrider in service to his late father's cavalry, if anything had been sighted or if everything is quiet. The old man is in charge of keeping a picket line surrounding the squatters, survivors, and...
  265. Zoltan ...leftovers of the city of Troklios.
  266. GOD He says that he has seen sightings of riders on the horizon. He does not know whether they are friend or foe, but their horses are black and wreathed in flame.
  267. Zoltan by picket line, I mean an early-warning system set up around the survivors.
  268. GOD Okay. So they... don't see that?
  269. Zoltan "Wonderful. Summon what we have for warriors, I'll see if we can't handle this diplomatically. Tell them to meet me at Cyclic Square, we'll meet whoever is in charge."
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