

Mar 6th, 2018
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  1. 03.03.2018 02:19:24: DEBUG CODE OF [NW]VODKA{E1}(76561198149280927): comment "----------------------------------------------------------";
  3. comment "JAM V1.2A: J-WoLF's Admin Menu Version One (Alpha Release)";
  5. comment "----------------------------------------------------------";
  7. SystemChat "JAM V1.2A | Status: Loading...";
  8. JAM_myName = name player;
  9. JAM_mySteam64UID = getPlayerUID player;
  10. SystemChat format ["JAM V1.2A | Status: Activated | Name: %1 | SteamID: %2",
  11. JAM_myName, JAM_mySteam64UID];
  13. comment "----------------------------------------------------------";
  14. comment "--------------------GLOBAL VARIABLES----------------------";
  15. comment "----------------------------------------------------------";
  17. JAM_isLoaded = false;
  18. JAM_blacklist = []; comment "steamIDs";
  19. JAM_banList = [];
  20. JAM_myOwnerID = owner player;
  21. JAM_myClientID = clientOwner;
  22. JAM_tColor = [0,0.5,0,0.6];
  23. JAM_fColor = [0,1,0,1];
  24. JAM_tColorChanged = false;
  25. JAM_key_arsenal = "INS";
  26. JAM_key_mainMenu = "NUM5";
  27. JAM_key_3DTP = "H";
  28. JAM_blackListEnabled = false;
  30. comment "----------------------------------------------------------";
  31. comment "-----------------INITIATE BLACKLIST-----------------------";
  32. comment "----------------------------------------------------------";
  34. _loopBlacklist = [] spawn {
  35. waitUntil {JAM_blackListEnabled};
  36. while {JAM_blackListEnabled} do {
  37. {
  38. If ((getPlayerUID _x) in JAM_blacklist) then {
  39. [["BACK-TO-LOBBY"],
  40. {
  41. ["LOSER",false,0,true] spawn BIS_fnc_endMission;
  42. }] remoteExec ["spawn",_x];
  43. };
  44. } forEach (allPlayers select {(str (getPlayerUID _x)) in JAM_blacklist});
  45. };
  46. };
  48. comment "----------------------------------------------------------";
  49. comment "--------------------INTRO & LOADING-----------------------";
  50. comment "----------------------------------------------------------";
  52. 0 = [] spawn {
  53. playMusic ["LeadTrack01_F_Malden", 2.5];
  54. sleep 2.5;
  55. playMusic "";
  56. };
  57. typeWriter =
  58. [
  59. [
  60. ["J.A.M","<t align = 'center' ,<br\>,size='10' color='#00FF00'>%1</t><br/>"],
  61. ["Version 1.2 Alpha Release","<t align = 'center' <br\>,size='2' color='#42D6FC'>%1</t><br/>"],
  62. ["CLEINT INITIALIZING","<t align = 'center' <br\>,size ,color='#ff5134'= '1'>%1</t>"]
  63. ]
  64. ] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText;
  65. [] spawn {
  66. hint "W";
  67. sleep 0.1;
  68. hint "We";
  69. sleep 0.1;
  70. hint "Wel";
  71. sleep 0.1;
  72. hint "Welc";
  73. sleep 0.1;
  74. hint "Welco";
  75. sleep 0.1;
  76. hint "Welcom";
  77. sleep 0.1;
  78. hint "Welcome";
  79. sleep 0.1;
  80. hint "Welcome ";
  81. sleep 0.1;
  82. hint "Welcome t";
  83. sleep 0.1;
  84. hint "Welcome to";
  85. sleep 0.1;
  86. hint "Welcome to ";
  87. sleep 0.1;
  88. hint "Welcome to J";
  89. sleep 0.1;
  90. hint "Welcome to J-";
  91. sleep 0.1;
  92. hint "Welcome to J-W";
  93. sleep 0.1;
  94. hint "Welcome to J-Wo";
  95. sleep 0.1;
  96. hint "Welcome to J-WoL";
  97. sleep 0.1;
  98. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF";
  99. sleep 0.1;
  100. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF'";
  101. sleep 0.1;
  102. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's";
  103. sleep 0.1;
  104. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's ";
  105. sleep 0.1;
  106. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's A";
  107. sleep 0.1;
  108. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's Ad";
  109. sleep 0.1;
  110. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's Adm";
  111. sleep 0.1;
  112. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's Admi";
  113. sleep 0.1;
  114. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's Admin";
  115. sleep 0.1;
  116. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's Admin ";
  117. sleep 0.1;
  118. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's Admin M";
  119. sleep 0.1;
  120. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's Admin Me";
  121. sleep 0.1;
  122. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's Admin Men";
  123. sleep 0.1;
  124. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's Admin Menu";
  125. sleep 0.3;
  126. hint " ";
  127. sleep 0.3;
  128. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's Admin Menu V";
  129. sleep 0.3;
  130. hint " ";
  131. sleep 0.3;
  132. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's Admin Menu V1";
  133. sleep 0.3;
  134. hint " ";
  135. sleep 0.3;
  136. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's Admin Menu V1.";
  137. sleep 0.3;
  138. hint " ";
  139. sleep 0.3;
  140. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's Admin Menu V1.2";
  141. sleep 0.3;
  142. hint " ";
  143. sleep 0.3;
  144. hint "Welcome to J-WoLF's Admin Menu V1.2A";
  145. sleep 0.3;
  146. hint " ";
  147. sleep 0.3;
  148. hint "-----------------------------\nJ.A.M KEYBINDS\n-----------------------------\nNUM 5 - Main Menu\nINS - Arsenal Menu\nH - 3D Teleport\n-----------------------------";
  149. };
  150. comment "Post-Process Effects";
  151. [] spawn {
  152. _startEffect = ["ChromAberration", 200, [0.1, 0.1, true]] spawn {
  153. params ["_name", "_priority", "_effect", "_handle"];
  154. while {
  155. _handle = ppEffectCreate [_name, _priority];
  156. _handle < 0
  157. } do {
  158. _priority = _priority + 1;
  159. };
  160. _handle ppEffectEnable true;
  161. _handle ppEffectAdjust _effect;
  162. _handle ppEffectCommit 0.3;
  163. };
  164. sleep 0.3;
  165. _stopEffect = ["ChromAberration", 200, [0, 0, true]] spawn {
  166. params ["_name", "_priority", "_effect", "_handle"];
  167. while {
  168. _handle = ppEffectCreate [_name, _priority];
  169. _handle < 0
  170. } do {
  171. _priority = _priority + 1;
  172. };
  173. _handle ppEffectEnable true;
  174. _handle ppEffectAdjust _effect;
  175. _handle ppEffectCommit 1;
  176. waitUntil {ppEffectCommitted _handle};
  177. _handle ppEffectEnable false;
  178. ppEffectDestroy _handle;
  179. };
  180. };
  181. [] spawn {
  182. sleep 0.2;
  183. 0 = ["ColorCorrections", 1500, [1, 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0]]] spawn
  184. {
  185. params ["_name", "_priority", "_effect", "_handle"];
  186. while {
  187. _handle = ppEffectCreate [_name, _priority];
  188. _handle < 0
  189. } do {
  190. _priority = _priority + 1;
  191. };
  192. _handle ppEffectEnable true;
  193. _handle ppEffectAdjust _effect;
  194. _handle ppEffectCommit 0.4;
  195. };
  196. sleep 3.6;
  197. 0 = ["ColorCorrections", 1500, [1, 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0]]] spawn
  198. {
  199. params ["_name", "_priority", "_effect", "_handle"];
  200. while {
  201. _handle = ppEffectCreate [_name, _priority];
  202. _handle < 0
  203. } do {
  204. _priority = _priority + 1;
  205. };
  206. _handle ppEffectEnable true;
  207. _handle ppEffectAdjust _effect;
  208. _handle ppEffectCommit 7;
  209. waitUntil {ppEffectCommitted _handle};
  210. _handle ppEffectEnable false;
  211. ppEffectDestroy _handle;
  212. };
  213. };
  214. comment "init done message";
  215. [] spawn {
  216. waitUntil { scriptDone typeWriter };
  217. _typeWriter2 =
  218. [
  219. [
  220. ["INIT COMPLETE","<t align = 'center' <br\>,size ,color='#ff5134'= '1'>%1</t><br/>"],
  221. ["Use JAM responsibly.","<t align = 'center' <br\>,size='2' color='#42D6FC'>%1</t>"]
  222. ]
  223. ] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText;
  224. playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F_patrol\radio\combatPatrol\02_mission_start_a.ogg", player, false];
  225. };
  227. comment "----------------------------------------------------------";
  228. comment "---------------------QUICK SCRIPTS---------
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