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Mod 101

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Jun 25th, 2018
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  1. [quote=,][font=Times New Roman][center][color=#005C51][size=15]A GUIDE TO MODERATING[/size][/color][/center][hr][indent]Welcome to the Mod Den! This thread is a guide to help you understand the different aspects of being a Moderator. This post wouldn’t have been possible without the help of posts in the past, so credit etc. This will be easy to navigate and find what you need, and if free to be updated with new procedures should any be added. If something you find may need to be added, shoot me a message and I’ll be sure to add it. Let’s start![/font][table][font=Times New Roman][center][b][u]USEFUL LINKS:[/u][/b][/center][list][*][url=]Community Rules[/url]
  2. [*][url=]Moderator Reports[/url]
  3. [*][url=]The Undesirables[/url][/list][/font][/table][hr][center][b][u]MOD TOOLS:[/u][/b][/center][spoiler=Thread/Post Options][img][/img]
  4. This is the drop down menu you’ll find at the bottom left of every thread. This spoiler will explain each of these options:
  6. [b][u]Closing Threads:[/u][/b] Easy enough, just click the “close thread” option when there is a topic that needs (or is asked) to be locked. As mods, ofc we can reply to closed topics, but don’t do so unless there is a reason you would ever need to. If you’re looking at an already closed topic, it will alternatively say “open topic”, self explanatory.
  8. [b][u]Deleting/Trashing Threads:[/u][/b] Don’t ever do this, or face the wrath of Jena. If someone ever asks you to remove their topic, simply [u]TRASH[/u] it instead. It’s self explanatory what trashing a thread does. It moves the thread to the recycling bin that you can see at the bottom of the forum main page.
  10. [b][u]Pinning Threads:[/u][/b] Pinned topics remain at the top of the first page in subforums and will not be bumped to a new page. Try to avoid having too many topic pinned, it can get really messy and cluttered. If you are looking at a pinned topic, the option will alternatively switch to “unpin topic”.
  12. [b][u]Moving Threads:[/u][/b] This is an important one! After you select a location to move the thread, you'll see the section part that gives you the option to leave a link in the first forum, that redirects to the new forum. [u]ALWAYS CHOOSE NO[/u]. If you come across this problem (we all do from time to time), make sure you trash the link from the source forum. If you delete it, the whole topic is deleted. As for leaving a message for the topic creator, that's really down to whether you feel the need to let them know that their topic has been moved.
  14. [b][u]Editing Thread Titles:[/u][/b] By clicking "Edit Topic" in the drop down menu, or going to the upper right hand corner of the first post and clicking Edit Topic Title.
  16. [b][u]Bumping Threads:[/u][/b] This is a nice tool to have at times. When you use this, it'll bump the thread up to the top of the forum, but it'll show the last poster's name instead of yours.
  18. [b][u]Hiding Topics:[/u][/b] This tool isn't used as much but it's handy to have. When you use it, the thread will be hidden from public view and placed at the very bottom of the forum page. To get it back, you just have to select it and hit approve.
  20. [b][u]Combining Topics:[/u][/b] If there are two topics with the same idea, you can merge them together so all the replies appear in one topic. For this to work, they need to be in the same forum, and then in the bottom right hand corner, there's another drop down menu. Just hit "Combine Topic" and put in the new title (pretty much use the same one).
  22. [img][/img]
  23. You've probably noticed the checkboxes at the top right of each individual post by now, so this will help you know when and how to use them.
  25. [b][u]Deleting/Trashing Posts:[/u][/b] For double posts, rule breaking posts that are brought up in the den, or if someone asks you to delete their post, it's usually best to [u]TRASH[/u] it instead. Never delete, or face the wrath of Jena etc.
  27. [b][u]Hiding Posts:[/u][/b] Much like hiding a thread, this'll take your post out of the public's view and have it only viewable by the mods and admins. To get it back, just select it and approve it.
  29. [b][u]Splitting Posts:[/u][/b] There isn't really a situation where you'll need to split a post, but it's still useful to know. Splitting posts from a topic basically means putting them in their own thread. You'd have to title the post and pick a place to put it, too.[/spoiler][spoiler=Warning/Sanction Menu][img=130,230][/img]
  30. This here is the information listed beside each post, and also at the bottom left of everyone’s profile. If you are going to raise their warning level, obviously you’ll hit the [img][/img] button. This will take you to the next window that goes into the fun stuff.
  31. [img=500,270][/img]
  32. In the box marked “Warning Reason” just put a brief sentence to outline why they are being warned/sanctioned (you can take a look at some other warning histories to get an idea). It’s also important to put in some evidence, either quote the post that broke the rules, or a link to the mod den topic where their sanction was discussed.
  33. The “Message to Member” section is a compulsory part of the process, it’s basically where you give the member more detail into their warning/sanction.
  34. [img=500,130][/img]
  35. You can remove people’s posting rights or ban them. If the punishment is less than 24 hours, make sure you change the “days” to “hours”. If you’re perming them, be sure to select “an indefinite period”. Once you submit that, fill up the Mod Report (linked above) and you’re done.[/spoiler]
  36. [center][b][u]PROTOCOLS:[/u][/b][/center][spoiler=Moderators Making Reports]Moderators, of course, have just as much right to report incidents, though certain protocols will be made when this does happen.[list]
  37. [*]You must bring your report to another moderator to post it in the den.
  38. [*]Once the report is posted, a separate channel will be created in the mod discord chat to discuss the report there to avoid influence from the reporting mod.
  39. [*]Once the decision is made it will be posted on the topic with the feedback and final conclusion from each mod, and archived after the appropriate action has been taken.[/list][/spoiler][spoiler=Evidence]A lot of reports require sufficient evidence to be looked at in order to give the correct sanctions to all those involved. The following will be a list of steps to follow upon receiving a report in regards to the evidence you have to look at:[list]
  40. [*]Screenies are usually the most preferred method of evidence, and should be uncropped to give all context into what is being reported. If the screenies provided are cut, try to recover full ones or try and gather as much information you can regarding the missing parts of the evidence.
  42. [*]If there are more people you see involved in the reported case, try to question them one on one to uncover what exactly happened and work with the parts that seem to match up.
  44. [*]If you see more than one rule being broken in what evidence you receive, sanction those appropriately. A rule break is still a rule break, the people in this community are capable of making their own conscious decisions.
  46. [*]ONLY if necessary, you can ask the person being reported about the situation. [b]Do not do this unless it’s a last resort.[/b] Approaching the reported party can end up giving away the fact that the reporting party sent in something against them. In turn, this can lead to throwing the reporting party under the bus and harming their safety in this community.
  48. [*]Do not show the reported party evidence against them unless it’s one of two things: a public mass on client, or a general statement said in a crowded habbo room. If it is directed at a person, avoid showing them the evidence because they can draw their own conclusions and accuse that person.
  50. [*]If you ban someone and then receive new evidence or context that requires reopening the report, [u]do not[/u] unban the member. Inform them that their case is currently under review and you will update them on their forum status after everything is looked at. Do not overturn a decision until you know 100%.
  51. [/list][/spoiler][spoiler=Checking IP’s][color=Red][u][b]IMPORTANT NOTE: [/b][/u][/color]The methods explained in this guide are [u][b]ONLY[/b][/u] to be used for suspected rulebreaking. IP addresses, while they don’t give away intimate personal information, does give away the details of their location that they may not wish to be public. (They can also be used to aid in internet attacks). In no way is it okay to view or share them for personal vendetta’s. The abuse of this moderation right should be treated with the appropriate punishments & sanctions.[hr]That stated, this guide will use my own IP to avoid revealing any information about another.
  53. Starting with the main types of IP’s and how to recognize them, using this website: [u][b][url][/url][/b][/u] — which works by typing in an IP and getting an overwhelming amount of information. But this is most important, specifically the (TYPE:) part.
  54. [img=260,200][/img]
  56. [b][u]Basic IP/Broadband[/u][/b] This is the most basic kind of IP address, it's what the vast majority of people will be using, and is the normal kind of connection someone has at with their home computer. Now, people's IP won't always necessarily be the same, sometimes the last few digits can change throughout time, as mine does, or sometimes the whole thing can change, depending on how their internet is set up, either way, the key to recognizing something as a normal IP is if it says 'Broadband'.
  58. [b][u]Corporate IP/Proxy[/u][/b] Through using we can generally tell if something is a proxy one of two ways: The first easy way of spotting a proxy is if the IP search comes back saying that it's a “Suspected network sharing device”, that's pretty much the results saying, it's a proxy. The second is if the result comes back as a “Corporate” IP address, It’s not a 100% guarantee to finding a proxy, but it’s a high possibility. A corporate IP address is one used by a company or corporation, it has faster speeds and better access to handle traffic from a large number of people, which it what allows them to operate as a proxy.
  59. Of course there is a chance they may in fact be working in an office environment and goofing off on the forums in their spare time, it may explain a corporate IP address.
  61. [b][u]Other IPs[/u][/b] You May come across others that don’t fit the examples above. Typically it can be because someone is using their phone, in which case the whol 3G network thing complicates things, or they're using some kind of public wireless, such as some campuses have. Usually these will come up as “wireless broadband”.[/spoiler][spoiler=Ban Appeals]The following are a guide for ban appeals:[list]
  62. [*]If you are banned for less then 1 month, you cannot appeal the ban.
  63. [*]If you are caught evading a ban for whatever reason your ban will be lengthened according to the Avoiding Punishment rule, any third parties involved will be punished accordingly.
  64. [*]If you wish to appeal a perm ban and your Warn Level is 100%, you must wait at least 3 months from the time of the ban to appeal. If your appeal is declined, you must wait another 3 months to do another appeal.
  65. [*]If you wish to appeal a perm ban and your Warn Level is 120%, you must wait at least 6 months from the time of the perm ban to appeal. If your appeal is declined, you must wait another 6 months to do another appeal.
  66. [*]If you wish to appeal a perm ban and your Warn Level is 130%, you must wait at least 1 year from the time of the perm ban to appeal. If your appeal is declined, you must wait another year to do another appeal.
  67. [/list][/spoiler][spoiler=Requested Bans]The following is a guide for the when someone requests a perm ban on their account:[list]
  68. [*]Tell them they have 24 hours before the account is banned to opt out of it.
  69. [*]Admins, please don't delete accounts (especially ones over like 10 post), no matter how much a person asks, just set the ban to indefinite.
  70. [*]Try to see what's bothering them whether it's something going on within `H` or if they just need the ban for personal reasons.
  71. [/list][/spoiler][spoiler=Mediation]When you’re dealing with a disagreement between two individuals or groups, sometimes it preferable to go through a process of mediation instead of sanction. [u]This way or dealing with things can best be used for first time offences, or petty-level arguments[/u]. The examples below will give you a guide to detail how some scenarios may use this method.[list]
  72. [*]Have both parties meet in a closed room on habbo to open a source of communication for them to converse with each other and work out differences — have a mediator watch over to make sure things don’t get out of hand.
  73. [*]Get the bullying party to write up an apology to the party they bullied to avoid a verbal warning or a ban (only if the ban is 3 or less days). Have the mediator review the letter and talk to the group to determine sincerity.
  74. [*]If one person is causing problems but it's not enough to sanction, talk to them one on one to look at the issues they’ve caused and why. Work with them to come to an understanding and resolution.
  75. [/list][/spoiler][spoiler=Reply Templates]Here are a few different templates to help you with the “Message to Member” option of the warning page. These are simple example and you aren’t required to use them, they are just a guide.[quote=,FORMAL]Hello (forumnamehere),
  77. This is a message to inform you that the following--
  79. (linktopost, screenie, or quote)
  81. --has breached the following community rule(s):
  83. (post the rule here)
  85. This is a verbal warning to recommend that you do not breach this rule again. Further offences can result in more severe punishments.
  87. Please familiarize yourself with the Community Rules, and the Terms you agreed to abide by when you signed up to these forums. In the future, please remember that any issue you might have regarding another member, content on the forums, or content in an `H` room can be dealt with accordingly when you communicate with a member of the staff.
  89. Thank you.
  90. -The Mod Team.[/quote][quote=,INFORMAL]Hello (forumnamehere),
  92. This message is to inform you that recent behaviours you expressed have broken the following rule(s):
  94. -Rule & summary.
  96. Familiarize yourself with the Community Rules and remember that this is a roleplay where people come to have fun. If you are having an issue with another member you can bring it to the attention of staff, and please avoid confrontation by simply ignoring the party you have an issue with. Further actions of this nature will only result in further punishments.
  98. If you have any questions, bring them to a member of staff. Thank you.
  99. -The Mod Team[/quote]
  101. Credit to Kate for formal, Credit to Mish for informal.[/spoiler]
  102. [center][b][u]MISCELLANEOUS:[/u][/b][/center][spoiler=Tips]A lil section for Mods to add on to help future mods get an idea for how to handle reports, or arguments in rooms on the client, or what to look for in certain situations etc.[list][*][b]Warning History:[/b] Always check the level and history of the person being reported. High level + last offence 2+ years ago = you can maybe ease up a bit. High level + recent offences = safe to say there is no improvement. Excessive and consistent behaviour that breaks rules does hurt the RP, so be aware.
  104. [*]Perms: It’s important to know the difference between an indefinite ban and a permanent ban. Being indefinitely banned means you have a chance to appeal at a stated time. Permanent bans are without any chance to appeal and the person is forever removed from the community. Make sure you know to use the correct term and that the person banned does not get any wrong ideas.
  109. [/list]If you find something worth adding, feel free to add on and leave it in the change log in the comment below the OP![/spoiler][spoiler=Mod Apps (Link)]The link for the app page for the Moderator apps is the following: [url][/url][/spoiler][spoiler=Mod Apps (Question Samples)]These are a variety of questions that can be rotated through between mod apps to keep ppl on their toes with different rules. Keep in mind, reports do include a lot more factors but these are general examples of situations that have been dealt with in the den previously.[list]
  110. [*]Given this situation what moderation actions would you undertake to resolve it. Someone PMs you that they are reporting X for saying that Y was a "retard". Moments later X sends you a PM reporting Y for telling him to kill himself. What would you do?
  112. [*]Given this situation what moderation actions would you undertake to resolve it. You receive a report from an underage member with proof that a nude picture of them is being spread by another member. What would you do and which sanction would you recommend?
  114. [*]Given this situation what moderation actions would you undertake to resolve it. Person A is reporting Person B for continuing to make malicious remarks towards Person A's personal life. Although not directly at Person A, Person C still provides them with screen shot evidence of the malicious remarks, however the screen shots are cropped, and all parties involved have been known to have a continued feud against each other. How do you proceed?
  116. [*]Given this situation what moderation actions would you undertake to resolve it. A report comes in about Person B, making a malicious and blatant attempt to personal attacking Person A, on discord. Further into the investgation you find out the intial comment has been removed, although the screen shot evidence shows what it was. How do you proceed?
  118. [*]Given this situation what moderation actions would you undertake to resolve it. A continued investigation after receiving many complaints about how a member of the community has been making numerous people uncomfortable, finally hits evidence of a clear rule break. However, the evidence doesn't match the parties involved complaints. How do you proceed?
  122. [/list][/spoiler][hr][center]For any clarity issues, things you want to understand better, or something you feel is missing — please feel free to PM me (or another mod if I’m no longer here) about adding it to this post.
  124. Credit to Jena, Josh, Bri, Tim, & Benjamin — for use of their past material to create this guide. Credit to Mish for additions/changes.[/center][/quote]
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