
Brazen Bump Bumping (WIP) - BoundlessAnon

May 30th, 2017
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  1. Original:
  2. Prompt -
  3. Princess Celestia keeps on 'accidentally' bumping into people with her rather wide pregnant belly. How embarassing.
  5. Tags - SFW, Large Pregnancy (Implied Hyper), Trollestia.
  7. "I'm sorry for worrying so much, Princess," Twilight stammered, rubbing her forehooves together anxiously, "but are you sure it's a good idea for you to be out and about like this?"
  9. Princess Celestia smiled patiently, stepping into her horseshoes and fastening her golden peytral around her neck. Warm morning light streamed in through the castle window; with the sun raised and breakfast out of the way, another busy day lay just ahead. "Whatever do you mean, Twilight?"
  11. Twilight stood and started pacing, her magic drawing several books from the bulging saddlebag at her side. "Well, it's just that *Pureheart's Papers on Pony Pregnancy* recommends that a mare getting closer to her term should get as much rest as she can. Marigold Mantra's *Magical Multiples* says that stress can cause complications." Her voice began rising in pitch, eyes widening as she drove herself deeper into a whirlpool of worry. "Did you read Flora Flicker's *What to Forsee When You're Fecund*? And then there's *Starswirl's Secondary Sexual Study Series*, which..."
  13. "Twilight..." Celestia sighed, cupping her former student's chin supportively, "I'm only six months along, and there's lots to do. I appreciate your concern, but-"
  15. Twilight blinked. "Six months?" she blurted in surprise, her collection of books tumbling to the floor. Celestia nodded, her smile widening ever so slightly. "B-but," Twilight stammered, "you're huge!"
  17. "I can forgive that little misjudgment, I suppose," Celestia teased, quietly wondering how long it would be before Twilight's jaw could close again. In all fairness, she *was* getting rather large. Her ivory-coloured midsection bulged pendulously, the short velvety fur stretched widely across her burgeoning womb. Signs of fullness were beginning to show, breaking up the rounded surface with its own subtle geography - little ridges of veins and arteries that bordered the smooth, tender plains of her underside. Perhaps the most striking feature was the way her belly had expanded outwards to her sides; Celestia's gravid state was making her not only bigger and heavier in general, but appreciably *wider*. And with almost half a year to go, that fact was only going to get more and more pronounced.
  19. Twilight took a few seconds to find her voice. "A-are you sure? I mean, that's..."
  21. Celestia shushed her quickly, ever the paragon of patience and calm. "Trust me." Of course she was sure. As if she could forget that night she'd spent with (former) Dragon Lord Torch six months ago, under the pretense of 'diplomatic outreach' and with the help of a few very powerful growth spells. Twilight didn't need to know about that just yet, of course. Cleaning up the damage that their fling had done to the landscape had been stressful enough. "Now, I've a few events to attend. How about this? You can come with me, and if I start getting tired or anything goes wrong, I shall retire for the afternoon so that you can take my place."
  23. Twilight sighed, her gaze turning downwards. "Well, alright. I jus-" She found herself cut off as the great firm mass of Celestia's swollen middle bumped into the side of her head, almost knocking her off balance. It felt like getting body-checked by a fluffy zeppelin.
  25. "Come along, Twilight," Celestia said, smiling serenely and apparently oblivious as she headed for the door. "We're behind schedule already."
  27. -----
  29. The first stop of the day was mercifully close by - the grand opening of a new confectionary shop on Canterlot's main street. Celestia arrived with her guards in tow and Twilight hovering nervously above, to be met with a small but enthusiastic crowd of smiling faces. The opening ceremony was a simple one, but slowed down somewhat by the constant stream of well-wishes and compliments directed at Celestia herself. The owners were ecstatic - to have their new store graced not only by Princess Celestia, but Princess Twilight as well! The princess of the sun accepted all this with centuries-practiced grace, while Twilight's smiles and platitudes grew more and more forced as the morning wore on, torn as she was between the need to keep up appearances and the ever present vigil she kept over Celestia. One grunt of discomfort, one misplaced hoof, one unscheduled rest stop, and the princess would be getting teleported *straight* back to Canterlot Castle for a nap.
  31. Celestia, for her part, was unfazed. In fact, beneath her veneer of regal dignity she was quietly overjoyed that the morning's appointment involved cake. She sampled as many sweet treats as public decency and table manners would allow. And then a few more. And a couple after that. By the time her schedule demanded that they move on, Celestia found herself (and her many foals) entirely satiated; it took some effort to haul her gravid bulk up and out of her seat. She graciously thanked the shop's owners for their hospitality and made her way towards the exit, where a sky chariot would be waiting.
  33. Ponies held Princess Celestia in great respect, and it was entirely normal for them to make way for her. Many underestimated just how much space she needed as of late, though, leading to more than a few getting bumped by her bump. Twilight brought up the rear, her own path entirely clear as if she were walking in the wake of a ship, offering sheepish apologies and getting nervous, bashful or even amorous glances in return.
  35. -----
  37. "Where to next, Pricess?" Twilight asked, squeezing into the Princess' chariot. Celestia's girth didn't leave much room for other passengers, and as the contraption took flight the smaller alicorn found herself squashed between the padded wall of the carriage and the softer, warmer but equally immovable wall of Celestia's midsection.
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