

Mar 2nd, 2019
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  1. Skullsplitter (a male Gnoll) walks in from Dragon's Way.
  2. Salandra whoops and bonks heads with Skullsplitter!
  3. Remiel (OOC) thinks really that will get a Wiz reaction because that much pasting shouldn't work. Lots of line breaks and things.
  4. Lutea has been on the internet since 1989. It's not even in the top 10,000
  5. l skullsplitter
  6. Gnoll. Raider. Marauder. Danger. All these fit the species well, no matter the era they're found, and it fits this particular creature as well. Having earned the moniker 'Skullsplitter', his true name has fallen away, and he goes by the other name now. Not overly tall for a Gnoll, the black striped and spotted, golden furred brute still stands at about 7 and a half feet, a little more when not slouched. Long and lean of limb, he has the body of a scavenger, raider: muscles lightly bulked, but corded with sinew, sparse of fat, screaming dangerous strength.
  7. A head like his hyena cousins: black of muzzle, and lip, right hand canine sometimes peaking over his lower lip. Black of muzzle gives way to golden eyes, golden fur around his black tipped ears, and the back spots that run down the back of head. Left ear notched from battle, both ears pierce with jewelry. Gold rings, and the right ear has a large, round pearl. To the victors go the spoils.
  8. Broad shoulders are capped in spearheaded deltoids, golden fur, and some more black spots. Biceps are long and lean with a vein down them. The horseshoe of his triceps is there, along with the rippling muscles of his forearms that end in large black padded and sharp blacked nailed hands. Those look dangerous enough themselves.
  9. Back and chest belong on a fitness model. Skull's body is chiseled, no fat, no unneeded bulk. There's no room for that in the life of a raider. Hit hard, get out. Flat, cobbled belly, with a V down to his crotch show his lean lifestyle as well. Quads and hamstrings are a little more bulked, just as defined as the rest of him, as there isn't a horse that will willingly sit a Gnoll, and fuel or motorized transportation hard to come by he must travel on those big black padded bare feet. Skullsplitter's ass is round, bubbled, dimpled on the side and firm, his cleft barely covered by his black tipped short tail, which flips back and forth with thought, along with his ears.
  10. Seems someone has shoved Skullspitter forward in time. Still a raider though, it seems the Gnoll has hit a military surplus storage. Instead of a steel breast plate, the brute wears an open Vietnam Era flak jacket, exposing the swells of his pecs, cobbles of his belly. Ares are bare well as it's more of a vest than a jacket, showing the scars on his body, showing despite era, it's hard being a Gnoll. The vest is good ole G.I .green in color and while in decent shape, it has seen better days.. Around lean hips on a green double holed canvas utility belt holds up magazine cases, and a high quality, but well used combat tomahawk in a carrying case, the haft down his thigh, as well as well-worn black, green and brown splotched camo BDU's. The Gnoll is also armed with a well-used and well cared for M-14 rifle. The walnut stock is notched in places, but not cracked, and it's kept well oiled, and will easily dot pages of bull's eyes, a holographic sight on a rail on top of the stock.
  11. Everything the Gnoll has is second hand, found or the original owner no longer 'needed' it. This version of the raider must of gotten his moniker from using those big hands of his, or the steel butt plate of that battle rifle.
  12. l salandra
  13. Hey! It's a hyena! No,'s a small gnoll boy! This gnoll stands about four feet tall, overall, and has a slightly bulky form..but let's get into details.
  14. Starting at his head, you see his pointed ears, swiveling this way and that to catch any sounds. Between them lies his long, dark brown hair, which flows down his back to about mid-knee. It has been braided and in it are 4 steel thongs to keep it from coming undone. Now your eyes find his, a set of golden orbs that shine with the mischevious nature of the very young, regardless of species, while they watch you or his surroundings. Now you come to his muzzle, light brown-furred and usually showing his white teeth or pink tongue as he giggles, laughs, or grins.
  15. Next are his arms, muscled under the fur, they are the same light-brown with dark splotches as the rest of his body. Though his upper arms are easy to see, his forearms are both covered in brown leather gauntlets from the elbow to the wrist. The gauntlets also cover the back of each paw in a triangle shape, the point ending at her middle finger, where a loop wraps around the base of said finger to help keep the gauntlet on. On the right triangle of leather is the gnollish word for 'Love' and on the left is 'Honor'.
  16. Now you come to his chest and there is not much there, considering his young age. That nearly-flat area is covered in a chest-wrap of leather strips, the buckles all aligned down his left side. His trim belly is bare, showing more of his light-brown fur with random splotches of black and dark-brown and that leads to his waist. The boy wears a black belt with a silver belt-buckle of a grinning wolf-skull, the eyes are small, maybe fake, rubies. Off of the belt is a black loincloth with brown inlay and the loincloth hangs behind him, too..though split to allow his tail free movement.
  17. Next is his digigrade legs, the upper and lower parts having more brown leather armor strapped to them, though the knee is left bare, as are his footpaws.
  18. Carrying:
  19. Pin: Age can vary from what's listed in my desc. I go from 5 to 12.
  20. Button: Feel free to say hello. I don't bite.
  21. Pin: No sheathless (or equivalent) cocks (a foreskin is not a sheath) and no humanlike cocks, sorry! :)
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