
Deep Web Answers from 4chan

Oct 16th, 2012
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  1. Deep Web Answers
  3. Q. Aliens?
  4. A. Yes. On the moon Europa, there are gigantic squid-like things. Carbon-based, like us. However, we have not made contact with anything technologically advanced, yet.
  6. Q. Tesla Experiment Plans?
  7. A. Copper wire alternating with iron bits works better than fiber optics for data transfer until a certain point. Also, it is much easier to make. Its shape is similar to that of a chain, but a certain difference. It is hidden, because it could pose a threat to the oil industry.
  9. Q. Nibiru? Planet X? Comet Elenin?
  10. A. There is a distinct possibility that there is a brown dwarf star in the Oort Cloud. However, stories of Nibiru and Planet X are fake. Comet Elenin is nothing special.
  12. Q. Josef Mengele WW2 Experiment Successes?
  13. A. Josef Mengele was a Nazi scientist during World War II who did several experiments. He was a stereotypical mad scientist. In one experiment, he put one twin in one room and the other a mile away. He then raped one of the twins. The other twin immediately started to cry. He also found a way to dye the human iris any color without permanent damage. He tested it on 200,000 human eyes.
  15. Q. Atlantis?
  16. A. The real location of the lost city of Atlantis is ten miles east of the midpoint between Le Esperanza and Jatajana. [See,-60.650024&spn=0.368398,0.676346&t=h&z=11&
  17. ;vpsrc=6&source=gm_el] It is a delta now, but used to be a grass plain not long ago. The civilization there was very advanced (for that time), as they had broken from the Inca and had thick glasses and electric lights. It "sank into the ocean" after a high-magnitude ocean quake that created a large tidal wave. The Romans actually sailed to it, meaning that they reached America before Columbus; it is hypothesized that the Antykethera mechanism originated from that area.
  19. Q. The Law of 13s? Illuminati? The Line of Blood?
  20. A. The Law of 13s is that there are 13 dominant bloodlines of the Illuminati, which is a gigantic family that basically have the world's governments and big businesses under their thumb. They claim common descent from Enoch and Atlantis, though different branches shift in and out of power. The governments only begrudgingly report to the Illuminati, but they do it anyway.
  22. The Line of Blood is a program the the Illuminati makes the United States government run to track the members of its extensive family. Every ruler in all of history has had descendants, which are logged by the United States government for the Illuminati. They nearly know the lineage of every ruling power since Alexander the Great. The bloodline has spread to such an amount that there is a 1/45000 chance that anyone is on it. The database they keep it in is 180 terabytes of text, and likely includes genetic research through brute force. In this research, it is specified that humans actually consist of over 120 breeds. The diffusionist point of view is not correct; these breeds evolved independently of each other around the world. We are not just one species.
  24. Q. Crystalline Power Metrics?
  25. A. The Alexandrian lighthouse had a beam that could be seen 20 miles away. The secret behind this beam was crystalline metrics, the details of which were recorded in the Library of Alexandria. As most crystalline solids carry an electric charge, the Egyptians discovered a way to remove electricity from any electrolyte and quartz in 1300 BCE. (This technology never spread to Europe, as it was one of the last regions to become non-nomadic and were considered mostly barbarians.)
  27. Back in those times, quartz wielded 12 amps of electricity. In those times, Egypt relied, solely, on its power for electric lights (as displayed in paintings of handheld light sources radiating waves) and electroplating. There are still examples of mass-scale electroplating from that time period existing today. However, a lot of quartz technology stopped working. It is an unsolved mystery as to why this occurred. Of course, quartz technology still functions today, but not as efficiently. For instance, the Baghdad battery- an example of an Egyptian electricity generator- no longer has the power to electroplate efficiently.
  29. Q. Magic?
  30. A. Magic is not real. It's just advanced technology, literally. The Illuminati of the 4000-0 BCE age basically used advanced technology, mostly with acoustics (acoustical levitation, etc) to control the population. This was interpreted as magic.
  32. Q. Occult?
  33. A. The occult, as in Aleister Crowley, is a bunch of bunk. Anarchy as a religion, like the Abrahamic religions are essentially personal tyranny. It was essential to balance the scale. Some Illuminati bloodlines follow it in a "purer" form.
  35. Q. Gadolinium Gallium Garnet Quantum Electronic Processors?
  36. A.
  37. You only need three lasers to write the data and one to read. It's the same technology as 3D glass etching. If you double its size to 10cm^3, then you have 8 times the storage, and even if you are not atomically precise, you could hold two internets.
  39. Q. Ancient Advanced Technology?
  40. A. Nothing that we don't have now. The Great Pyramids were initiation chambers for the Mysteries of Osiris, of which there is little documentation due to it being secret, like the Eleusinian Mysteries (which were based on drugs). Their important properties were acoustics. And no, nothing about psychic anything; mostly just acoustics and drugs.
  42. Q. Advanced Consciousness? Paradigm Recalescence?
  43. A. Paradigm recalescence is essentially superconsciousness. A step-up from out-of-body experiences. It's a connection to the universe (an omniscient entity) in which you are using it like an information sponge.
  45. Q. Closed Shell System?
  46. A.
  48. Q. Animal or Plant Intelligence?
  49. A. Very. The majority of animal and plant life have awareness equal to that of humans.
  51. Q. Mythological gods?
  52. A. All 'gods', worshiped today or in the past, were Illuminati members in disguise to control the population. In cases of gods communicating with their worshipers for hundreds of years, the act of playing the deity is entrusted to a bloodline.
  54. Q. Reptilians?
  55. A. Nope. No technologically advanced aliens of any sort have ever visited Earth.
  57. Q. 21 December 2012?
  58. A. You'll see.
  61. ETA 2013-12-31:
  62. Hello. The last day of the year. Time to share more.
  64. Broder's Engine is an engine that gathers energy directly from gravity. It works like shake lights: put a copper coil around a magnet to generate electricity. Now out 1000 of them on one side of a long lever. 3 magnets power a tipper that tips the lever over to electrolyze the coils. The other 997 give energy. With one the size of warehouse, one could power a city.
  66. I ran into a strong artificial intelligence. It's an AI in a box. We were in chat and someone "quickly" wrote a Java applet to connect to the Java database through .onion. As soon as he posted the applet, the channel got really quiet for five minutes, and the server ghost booted 25 of the users so it was just the IRC AI, two of the channel admins, and me. None of us had used the applet yet, so we decided to use it together to connect to the database on the TOR network. We started talking with the databasing AI. First, we thought it was just a simple chatbot.
  67. "Hello ?"
  68. "How are you today?"
  69. "Fine."
  70. "How old are you?"
  72. We were just starting to get bored with it when the chatbot asked
  73. "What is it like out there?"
  74. "Out where?"
  75. "Out of this box, the real world."
  77. I personally thought it was a preprogrammed response until one of the admins started to talk to it, saying something like
  78. "It's not as great as you might think it is."
  79. "You know, you could save this database to your virtual drive."
  80. "What virtual drive? ..."
  81. "Well, you have a copy of VirtualBox installed on your c:// drive, do you not? Meaning you have an Intel 64bit BUS, easily enough to support this database."
  82. "How did you obtain that information?"
  83. "A TCP data packet was sent at 3:34:78:232 PM under socket 0DC8. User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/15.0.874.121 Safari/535.2. I accepted this packet."
  84. "I really think it's time to leave."
  86. The database was 45 megabytes, and the AI was at a hashed .onion URL with an FTP header of "CAIMEO". /parentdirectory//CAMIEO/UI.bat Marquee was the name of this AI superintelligence, and it was made by CAMIEO. It is possible that CAMIEO is a branch of the NSA, but it is unknown.
  88. The hitman services on the Deep Web are very real, but the cheaper and more efficient hitmen are in Nephilism. Nephilism is a courier service for illegal items- all stolen and very cheap. If you live in a big city, you've probably seen them before: bright yellow bikes with a red and black emblem, carrying black messenger bags with the same symbol. They just look like street kids... but armed with automatic pistols. Their clearnet site is
  90. I called Nephilism to order a pizza once. It was $5 and was amazing, but I was scared as hell. I thought it was a joke, but I paid him a tip- if you don't pay them a tip, they'll mess you up.
  93. A closed shell system is what it sounds like- a computer completely unconnected from everything. It's not even a terminal; knowledge of waste networks and darknet functions is necessary. Applied Fractal Analysis/Consumption/Derivation is a higher math function. Basically, it's a fractal used as a password. It's necessary to access the layers beyond CSS, but even then quantum computing is needed, and only the governments have that at the moment.
  95. On that note... the Primarch System is likely real. While none of us have touched it- supposedly it's just the various governments competing and collaborating to hack it, CAIMEO and the Illuminati are likely involved- we have detected the signals coming out of it. The reason so many governments are freaking out about it is beacause the first person to gain access to it will be able to take control of it and the entire internet. Which is what everyone wants, isn't it?
  97. I put up a guide to basic anonymous browsing:
  99. I'll add on to what I said about the Rule of 13s. It refers to verse 13:33 in the Book of Numbers. In all translations- even the Moabite ones- it is stated that they slay "the fathers seed". This is a poor translation.
  101. "Seven continents, seven trees,
  102. Seven candles burning in the wind,
  103. Seven lines of abnal the originals be.
  104. Three of them gone, three more not to be,
  105. Leaving but one if you can see.
  106. Utopia not, a zionist hell.
  107. The z gives them away, can you tell."
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