
vehicle hack

May 26th, 2020
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  1. local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
  2. local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
  3. local Players = game:GetService("Players")
  4. local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
  5. local CoreGui = game:GetService("CoreGui")
  6. local Hint ="Hint", CoreGui)
  7. local ui = loadstring(game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://4133667265")[1].Source)("Library by wally")
  8. local w = ui:CreateWindow('Vehicle Simulator')
  9. local b = w:Button("Crate Esp", function()
  10. local Crates = Workspace:getChildren()
  11. for i=1,#Crates do
  12. if Crates[i].ClassName == "Model" then
  13. local Crates2 = Crates[i]:getChildren()
  14. for i=1,#Crates2 do
  15. if Crates2[i].ClassName == "Model" then
  16. local Crates3 = Crates2[i]:getChildren()
  17. for i=1,#Crates3 do
  18. if Crates3[i].ClassName == "MeshPart" then
  19. if Crates3[i]:findFirstChild("Smoke") then
  20. if Crates3[i]:findFirstChild("BoxHandleAdornment") then
  21. else
  22. local BoxHandleAdorment ="BoxHandleAdornment",Crates3[i])
  23. BoxHandleAdorment.Size =,500,6)
  24. BoxHandleAdorment.SizeRelativeOffset =,135,0)
  25. BoxHandleAdorment.Color3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0)
  26. BoxHandleAdorment.Transparency = 0.5
  27. BoxHandleAdorment.AlwaysOnTop = true
  28. BoxHandleAdorment.Adornee = Crates3[i]
  29. BoxHandleAdorment.ZIndex = 1
  30. local BoxHandleAdorment2 ="BoxHandleAdornment",Crates3[i])
  31. BoxHandleAdorment2.Size =,4,6)
  32. BoxHandleAdorment2.Color3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,255)
  33. BoxHandleAdorment2.Transparency = 0.3
  34. BoxHandleAdorment2.AlwaysOnTop = true
  35. BoxHandleAdorment2.Adornee = Crates3[i]
  36. BoxHandleAdorment2.ZIndex = 1
  37. end
  38. end
  39. end
  40. end
  41. end
  42. end
  43. end
  44. end
  45. end)
  46. local b = w:Button("Unlock Achievements", function()
  47. Objects = Workspace.Insteractibles.AchievementObjects:GetChildren()
  48. Objects.AchievementZones.CFrame =
  49. end)
  50. local b = w:Button("Unlock Perks", function()
  51. Players.LocalPlayer.UserId = 1099580
  52. end)
  53. local SC = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("speed_camera", 1)
  54. if SC then
  55. w:Section("Speed Cameras")
  56. w:Dropdown("Camera Name", {
  57. list = {
  58. "airport_camera",
  59. "beach_camera",
  60. "downtown_camera2",
  61. "downtown_camera1",
  62. "farm_camera",
  63. "police_camera",
  64. },
  65. location = shared,
  66. flag = "cameratype"
  67. })
  68. w:Button("Fire Camera", function()
  69. SC:FireServer(({
  70. ["airport_camera"] = "airport_camera",
  71. ["beach_camera"] = "beach_camera",
  72. ["downtown_camera2"] = "downtown_camera2",
  73. ["downtown_camera1"] = "downtown_camera1",
  74. ["farm_camera"] = "farm_camera",
  75. ["police_camera"] = "police_camera",
  76. })[shared.cameratype or "airport_camera"])
  77. end)
  78. end
  79. local b = w:Button('Fire All Cameras', function()
  80. ReplicatedStorage["speed_camera"]:FireServer("airport_camera")
  81. ReplicatedStorage["speed_camera"]:FireServer("beach_camera")
  82. ReplicatedStorage["speed_camera"]:FireServer("downtown_camera2")
  83. ReplicatedStorage["speed_camera"]:FireServer("downtown_camera1")
  84. ReplicatedStorage["speed_camera"]:FireServer("farm_camera")
  85. ReplicatedStorage["speed_camera"]:FireServer("police_camera")
  86. end)
  87. local b = w:Button("Super Car", function()
  88. FindPlayersCar()
  89. PlayerCar.Handling.Braking.Value = 100000
  90. PlayerCar.Handling.MaxSpeed.Value = 1000
  91. PlayerCar.Handling.Torque.Value = 100000
  92. PlayerCar.Handling.FrictionOffRoad.Value = math.huge
  93. PlayerCar.Handling.FrictionRoad.Value = math.huge
  94. PlayerCar.Handling.Nitro.NitroSpeed.Value = math.huge
  95. PlayerCar.Handling.Nitro.NitroForce.Value = 250000
  96. PlayerCar.Handling.Nitro.NitroRegen.Value = math.huge
  97. Workspace.Gravity = 1000
  98. end)
  99. local w = ui:CreateWindow('Settings')
  100. function FindPlayersCar()
  101. local Vehicle = Workspace.Vehicles:getChildren()
  102. for i=1,#Vehicle do
  103. if Vehicle[i]:findFirstChild("owner") then
  104. if Vehicle[i].owner.Value == LocalPlayer.Name then
  105. PlayerCar = Vehicle[i]
  106. end
  107. end
  108. end
  109. end
  110. local box = w:Box('Braking', {
  111. flag = "b";
  112. type = 'number';
  113. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  114. print(new, old, enter)
  115. FindPlayersCar()
  116. PlayerCar.Handling.Braking.Value = (tonumber(new))
  117. end)
  118. local box = w:Box('MaxSpeed', {
  119. flag = "ms";
  120. type = 'number';
  121. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  122. print(new, old, enter)
  123. FindPlayersCar()
  124. PlayerCar.Handling.MaxSpeed.Value = (tonumber(new))
  125. end)
  126. local box = w:Box('SteeringForce', {
  127. flag = "sf";
  128. type = 'number';
  129. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  130. print(new, old, enter)
  131. FindPlayersCar()
  132. PlayerCar.Handling.SteeringForce.Value = (tonumber(new))
  133. end)
  134. local box = w:Box('SteeringRate', {
  135. flag = "sr";
  136. type = 'number';
  137. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  138. print(new, old, enter)
  139. FindPlayersCar()
  140. PlayerCar.Handling.SteeringRate.Value = (tonumber(new))
  141. end)
  142. local box = w:Box('Torque', {
  143. flag = "t";
  144. type = 'number';
  145. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  146. print(new, old, enter)
  147. FindPlayersCar()
  148. PlayerCar.Handling.Torque.Value = (tonumber(new))
  149. end)
  150. local box = w:Box('AirForceMultiple', {
  151. flag = "afm";
  152. type = 'number';
  153. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  154. print(new, old, enter)
  155. FindPlayersCar()
  156. PlayerCar.Handling.AirForceMultiple.Value = (tonumber(new))
  157. end)
  158. local box = w:Box('ReturnSteeringRate', {
  159. flag = "rsr";
  160. type = 'number';
  161. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  162. print(new, old, enter)
  163. FindPlayersCar()
  164. PlayerCar.Handling.ReturnSteeringRate.Value = (tonumber(new))
  165. end)
  166. local variables = getfenv()
  167. local t = w:Toggle('RearWheelDrive', {flag = "rwd", location = variables}, function()
  168. if rwd then
  169. FindPlayersCar()
  170. PlayerCar.Handling.RearWheelDrive.Value = true
  171. else
  172. PlayerCar.Handling.RearWheelDrive.Value = false
  173. end
  174. end)
  175. local box = w:Box('Force', {
  176. flag = "rwdf";
  177. type = 'number';
  178. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  179. print(new, old, enter)
  180. FindPlayersCar()
  181. PlayerCar.Handling.RearWheelDrive.Force.Value = (tonumber(new))
  182. end)
  183. local t2 = w:Toggle('FrontWheelDrive', {flag = "fwd", location = variables}, function()
  184. if fwd then
  185. FindPlayersCar()
  186. PlayerCar.Handling.FrontWheelDrive.Value = true
  187. else
  188. PlayerCar.Handling.FrontWheelDrive.Value = false
  189. end
  190. end)
  191. local box = w:Box('Force', {
  192. flag = "fwdf";
  193. type = 'number';
  194. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  195. print(new, old, enter)
  196. FindPlayersCar()
  197. PlayerCar.Handling.FrontWheelDrive.Force.Value = (tonumber(new))
  198. end)
  199. local t3 = w:Toggle('TurboJump', {flag = "jp", location = variables}, function()
  200. if jp then
  201. FindPlayersCar()
  202. PlayerCar.Handling.TurboJump.Value = true
  203. else
  204. PlayerCar.Handling.TurboJump.Value = false
  205. end
  206. end)
  207. local box = w:Box('TurboJumpHeight', {
  208. flag = "tjh";
  209. type = 'number';
  210. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  211. print(new, old, enter)
  212. FindPlayersCar()
  213. PlayerCar.Handling.TurboJump.TurboJumpHeight.Value = (tonumber(new))
  214. end)
  215. local box = w:Box('FrictionOffRoad', {
  216. flag = "for";
  217. type = 'number';
  218. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  219. print(new, old, enter)
  220. FindPlayersCar()
  221. PlayerCar.Handling.FrictionOffRoad.Value = (tonumber(new))
  222. end)
  223. local box = w:Box('FrictionRoad', {
  224. flag = "fr";
  225. type = 'number';
  226. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  227. print(new, old, enter)
  228. FindPlayersCar()
  229. PlayerCar.Handling.FrictionRoad.Value = (tonumber(new))
  230. end)
  231. local t4 = w:Toggle('AirRotation', {flag = "ar", location = variables}, function()
  232. if ar then
  233. FindPlayersCar()
  234. PlayerCar.Handling.AirRotation.Value = true
  235. else
  236. PlayerCar.Handling.AirRotation.Value = false
  237. end
  238. end)
  239. local box = w:Box('Power', {
  240. flag = "p";
  241. type = 'number';
  242. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  243. print(new, old, enter)
  244. FindPlayersCar()
  245. PlayerCar.Handling.AirRotation.Power.Value = (tonumber(new))
  246. end)
  247. local box = w:Box('SteeringRadiusConstant', {
  248. flag = "src";
  249. type = 'number';
  250. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  251. print(new, old, enter)
  252. FindPlayersCar()
  253. PlayerCar.Handling.SteeringRadiusConstant.Value = (tonumber(new))
  254. end)
  255. local box = w:Box('SteeringRadius', {
  256. flag = "sr";
  257. type = 'number';
  258. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  259. print(new, old, enter)
  260. FindPlayersCar()
  261. PlayerCar.Handling.SteeringRadius.Value = (tonumber(new))
  262. end)
  263. local t5 = w:Toggle('Nitro', {flag = "n", location = variables}, function()
  264. if n then
  265. FindPlayersCar()
  266. PlayerCar.Handling.Nitro.Value = true
  267. else
  268. PlayerCar.Handling.Nitro.Value = false
  269. end
  270. end)
  271. local box = w:Box('NitroSpeed', {
  272. flag = "ns";
  273. type = 'number';
  274. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  275. print(new, old, enter)
  276. FindPlayersCar()
  277. PlayerCar.Handling.Nitro.NitroSpeed.Value = (tonumber(new))
  278. end)
  279. local box = w:Box('NitroForce', {
  280. flag = "nf";
  281. type = 'number';
  282. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  283. print(new, old, enter)
  284. FindPlayersCar()
  285. PlayerCar.Handling.Nitro.NitroForce.Value = (tonumber(new))
  286. end)
  287. local box = w:Box('NitroRegen', {
  288. flag = "nr";
  289. type = 'number';
  290. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  291. print(new, old, enter)
  292. FindPlayersCar()
  293. PlayerCar.Handling.Nitro.NitroRegen.Value = (tonumber(new))
  294. end)
  295. local box = w:Box('StickyWheels', {
  296. flag = "nr";
  297. type = 'number';
  298. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  299. print(new, old, enter)
  300. FindPlayersCar()
  301. PlayerCar.Handling.StickyWheels.Value = (tonumber(new))
  302. end)
  303. local t6 = w:Toggle('Suspension', {flag = "s", location = variables}, function()
  304. if s then
  305. FindPlayersCar()
  306. PlayerCar.Handling.Suspension.Value = true
  307. else
  308. PlayerCar.Handling.Suspension.Value = false
  309. end
  310. end)
  311. local box = w:Box('Stiffness', {
  312. flag = "st";
  313. type = 'number';
  314. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  315. print(new, old, enter)
  316. FindPlayersCar()
  317. PlayerCar.Handling.Suspension.Stiffness.Value = (tonumber(new))
  318. end)
  319. local box = w:Box('Damping', {
  320. flag = "d";
  321. type = 'number';
  322. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  323. print(new, old, enter)
  324. FindPlayersCar()
  325. PlayerCar.Handling.Suspension.Damping.Value = (tonumber(new))
  326. end)
  327. local w = ui:CreateWindow('Settings 2')
  328. local box = w:Box('RearHeight', { --Suspension
  329. flag = "rh";
  330. type = 'number';
  331. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  332. print(new, old, enter)
  333. FindPlayersCar()
  334. PlayerCar.Handling.Suspension.RearHeight.Value = (tonumber(new))
  335. end)
  336. local box = w:Box('FrontHeight', { --Suspension
  337. flag = "fh";
  338. type = 'number';
  339. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  340. print(new, old, enter)
  341. FindPlayersCar()
  342. PlayerCar.Handling.Suspension.FrontHeight.Value = (tonumber(new))
  343. end)
  344. local box = w:Box('RearStance', { --Suspension
  345. flag = "rs";
  346. type = 'number';
  347. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  348. print(new, old, enter)
  349. FindPlayersCar()
  350. PlayerCar.Handling.Suspension.RearStance.Value = (tonumber(new))
  351. end)
  352. local box = w:Box('FrontStance', { --Suspension
  353. flag = "fs";
  354. type = 'number';
  355. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  356. print(new, old, enter)
  357. FindPlayersCar()
  358. PlayerCar.Handling.Suspension.FrontStance.Value = (tonumber(new))
  359. end)
  360. local t7 = w:Toggle('Ejector', {flag = "e", location = variables}, function()
  361. if e then
  362. FindPlayersCar()
  363. PlayerCar.Handling.Ejector.Value = true
  364. else
  365. PlayerCar.Handling.Ejector.Value = false
  366. end
  367. end)
  368. local t8 = w:Toggle('Manual', {flag = "m", location = variables}, function()
  369. if m then
  370. FindPlayersCar()
  371. PlayerCar.Handling.Manual.Value = true
  372. else
  373. PlayerCar.Handling.Manual.Value = false
  374. end
  375. end)
  376. local box = w:Box('Gears', {
  377. flag = "g";
  378. type = 'number';
  379. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  380. print(new, old, enter)
  381. FindPlayersCar()
  382. PlayerCar.Handling.Gears.Value = (tonumber(new))
  383. end)
  384. local box = w:Box('Mass', {
  385. flag = "ma";
  386. type = 'number';
  387. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  388. print(new, old, enter)
  389. FindPlayersCar()
  390. PlayerCar.Handling.Mass.Value = (tonumber(new))
  391. end)
  392. local box = w:Box('SteeringTorque', {
  393. flag = "st";
  394. type = 'number';
  395. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  396. print(new, old, enter)
  397. FindPlayersCar()
  398. PlayerCar.Handling.SteeringTorque.Value = (tonumber(new))
  399. end)
  400. local box = w:Box('DownForceMultiple', {
  401. flag = "dfm";
  402. type = 'number';
  403. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  404. print(new, old, enter)
  405. FindPlayersCar()
  406. PlayerCar.Handling.DownForceMultiple.Value = (tonumber(new))
  407. end)
  408. local t9 = w:Toggle('Camber', {flag = "c", location = variables}, function()
  409. if c then
  410. FindPlayersCar()
  411. PlayerCar.Handling.Camber.Value = true
  412. else
  413. PlayerCar.Handling.Camber.Value = false
  414. end
  415. end)
  416. local box = w:Box('FrontCamber', {
  417. flag = "fc";
  418. type = 'number';
  419. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  420. print(new, old, enter)
  421. FindPlayersCar()
  422. PlayerCar.Handling.Camber.FrontCamber.Value = (tonumber(new))
  423. end)
  424. local box = w:Box('RearCamber', {
  425. flag = "rc";
  426. type = 'number';
  427. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  428. print(new, old, enter)
  429. FindPlayersCar()
  430. PlayerCar.Handling.Camber.RearCamber.Value = (tonumber(new))
  431. end)
  432. local t10 = w:Toggle('WeldedDiff', {flag = "wd", location = variables}, function()
  433. if wd then
  434. FindPlayersCar()
  435. PlayerCar.Handling.WeldedDiff.Value = true
  436. else
  437. PlayerCar.Handling.WeldedDiff.Value = false
  438. end
  439. end)
  440. w:Section('Variables')
  441. local box = w:Box('AirMultiple', {
  442. flag = "am";
  443. type = 'number';
  444. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  445. print(new, old, enter)
  446. FindPlayersCar()
  447. PlayerCar.Variables.AirMultiple.Value = (tonumber(new))
  448. end)
  449. local box = w:Box('GroundMultiple', {
  450. flag = "gm";
  451. type = 'number';
  452. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  453. print(new, old, enter)
  454. FindPlayersCar()
  455. PlayerCar.Variables.GroundMultiple.Value = (tonumber(new))
  456. end)
  457. local t11 = w:Toggle('Customizable', {flag = "c", location = variables}, function()
  458. if c then
  459. FindPlayersCar()
  460. PlayerCar.Variables.Customizable.Value = true
  461. else
  462. PlayerCar.Variables.Customizable.Value = false
  463. end
  464. end)
  465. local t12 = w:Toggle('Drifting', {flag = "d", location = variables}, function()
  466. if d then
  467. FindPlayersCar()
  468. PlayerCar.Variables.Drifting.Value = true
  469. else
  470. PlayerCar.Variables.Drifting.Value = false
  471. end
  472. end)
  473. local t13 = w:Toggle('Insanity', {flag = "i", location = variables}, function()
  474. if i then
  475. FindPlayersCar()
  476. PlayerCar.Variables.Insanity.Value = true
  477. else
  478. PlayerCar.Variables.Insanity.Value = false
  479. end
  480. end)
  481. local t14 = w:Toggle('InAirAverage', {flag = "iaa", location = variables}, function()
  482. if iaa then
  483. FindPlayersCar()
  484. PlayerCar.Variables.InAirAverage.Value = true
  485. else
  486. PlayerCar.Variables.InAirAverage.Value = false
  487. end
  488. end)
  489. local t15 = w:Toggle('IsInWater', {flag = "iiw", location = variables}, function()
  490. if iiw then
  491. FindPlayersCar()
  492. PlayerCar.Variables.IsInWater.Value = true
  493. else
  494. PlayerCar.Variables.IsInWater.Value = false
  495. end
  496. end)
  497. local box = w:Box('mileage', {
  498. flag = "mi";
  499. type = 'number';
  500. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  501. print(new, old, enter)
  502. FindPlayersCar()
  503. PlayerCar.Variables.mileage.Value = (tonumber(new))
  504. end)
  505. local t16 = w:Toggle('Controls_Enabled', {flag = "ce", location = variables}, function()
  506. if ce then
  507. FindPlayersCar()
  508. PlayerCar.Variables.Controls_Enabled.Value = true
  509. else
  510. PlayerCar.Variables.Controls_Enabled.Value = false
  511. end
  512. end)
  513. local t17 = w:Toggle('Shunt', {flag = "sh", location = variables}, function()
  514. if sh then
  515. FindPlayersCar()
  516. PlayerCar.Variables.Shunt.Value = true
  517. else
  518. PlayerCar.Variables.Shunt.Value = false
  519. end
  520. end)
  521. local t18 = w:Toggle('Tbone', {flag = "tb", location = variables}, function()
  522. if tb then
  523. FindPlayersCar()
  524. PlayerCar.Variables.Tbone.Value = true
  525. else
  526. PlayerCar.Variables.Tbone.Value = false
  527. end
  528. end)
  529. local t19 = w:Toggle('Slam', {flag = "sl", location = variables}, function()
  530. if sl then
  531. FindPlayersCar()
  532. PlayerCar.Variables.Slam.Value = true
  533. else
  534. PlayerCar.Variables.Slam.Value = false
  535. end
  536. end)
  537. local w = ui:CreateWindow('Character Cheats')
  538. local t20 = w:Toggle('Godmode', {flag = "go"})
  539. spawn(function(GO)
  540. if w.flags.go then
  541. LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
  542. LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = math.huge
  543. end
  544. end)
  545. local t21 = w:Toggle('Noclip', {flag = "n"})
  546. spawn(function(N)
  547. game:GetService('RunService').Stepped:connect(function()
  548. if w.flags.n then
  549. LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(11)
  550. end
  551. end)
  552. end)
  553. local box = w:Box('JumpPower', {
  554. flag = "jp";
  555. type = 'number';
  556. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  557. print(new, old, enter)
  558. LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = tonumber(new)
  559. end)
  560. local b2 = w:Button('Reset JumpPower', function()
  561. LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = 50
  562. end)
  563. local box = w:Box('HipHeight', {
  564. flag = "hh";
  565. type = 'number';
  566. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  567. print(new, old, enter)
  568. LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.HipHeight = tonumber(new)
  569. end)
  570. local b2 = w:Button('Reset HipHeight', function()
  571. LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.HipHeight = 2
  572. end)
  573. local s = w:Slider("Gravity", {
  574. min = 0;
  575. max = 1000;
  576. flag = 'gr'
  577. }, function(v)
  578. Workspace.Gravity = v;
  579. end)
  580. local b2 = w:Button('Reset Gravity', function()
  581. Workspace.Gravity = 196.2
  582. end)
  583. local old = workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView
  584. local s = w:Slider("FOV", {
  585. min = math.floor(Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView);
  586. max = 120;
  587. flag = 'fov'
  588. }, function(v)
  589. Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = v;
  590. end)
  591. local b2 = w:Button('Reset FOV', function()
  592. s:Set(old)
  593. end)
  594. w:Section('Kill Yourself')
  595. w:Bind("Kill Player", {
  596. flag = "killbind";
  597. kbonly = true;
  598. default = Enum.KeyCode.RightAlt;
  599. }, function()
  600. LocalPlayer.Character:BreakJoints()
  601. end)
  602. local w = ui:CreateWindow('Miscellaneous')
  603. w:Section('LeaderStats')
  604. local box = w:Box('Money', {
  605. flag = "mo";
  606. type = 'number';
  607. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  608. print(new, old, enter)
  609. LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Money.Value = tonumber(new)
  610. end)
  611. local box = w:Box('Exp', {
  612. flag = "e";
  613. type = 'number';
  614. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  615. print(new, old, enter)
  616. LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Exp.Value = tonumber(new)
  617. end)
  618. local box = w:Box('Bounty', {
  619. flag = "b";
  620. type = 'number';
  621. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  622. print(new, old, enter)
  623. LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Bounty.Value = tonumber(new)
  624. end)
  625. local box = w:Box('Miles Driven', {
  626. flag = "md";
  627. type = 'number';
  628. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  629. print(new, old, enter)
  630. LocalPlayer.leaderstats["Miles Driven"].Value = tonumber(new)
  631. end)
  632. w:Section('Car Stuff')
  633. local box = w:Box('Exit Distance', {
  634. flag = "ed";
  635. type = 'number';
  636. }, function(box, new, old, enter)
  637. print(new, old, enter)
  638. ReplicatedStorage.VehicleEvents.exit_distance.Value = tonumber(new)
  639. end)
  640. local b2 = w:Button('Exit Distance', function()
  641. ReplicatedStorage.VehicleEvents.exit_distance.Value = 3
  642. end)
  643. local t22 = w:Toggle('No Spawn Delay', {flag = "nsd", location = variables}, function()
  644. if nsd then
  645. ReplicatedStorage.VehicleEvents.CarSpawnDelay.Value = 0
  646. else
  647. ReplicatedStorage.VehicleEvents.CarSpawnDelay.Value = 3
  648. end
  649. end)
  650. local b = w:Button('Detonate', function()
  651. ReplicatedStorage["Vehicle Modules"].C4.detonate:InvokeServer()
  652. end)
  653. w:Section('Other')
  654. local b = w:Button('Panic', function()
  655. CoreGui.ScreenGui:Destroy()
  656. end)
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