
Tijuana part 3: Dig it uh oh oh

Apr 4th, 2018
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  1. Tsaaq: Remy was in the kitchen with a beer in hand. He narrowed his eyes. "I will require something stronger..." He trailed off as he busted out the liquor. // Hayley glanced at herself in the mirror and adjusted her once piece before grabbing a towel and excitedly heading down the stairs and outside towards the pool. // Bliss sat by the pool with a book cracked open and sunglasses sitting on the top of her head. She hummed as she turned a page carefully.
  2. Covet: Cadence was coming back from her walk on the beach, making her way into the house she waved at Hayley seeing her walk down to the pool. When she stepped into the kitchen she saw Remy and bit the inside of her cheek. Forcing a smile on her face, she gave him a wave, "Hey Babe." she told him making her way towards the bathroom quickly. She didn't have to pee, but she didn't want to linger around because of what was on her mind. // Tae was sitting out by the beach with her phone in hand, listening to music, but also sending a message to Drew. // Eli had been by the outside bar getting himself and Bliss a drink. He made his way around over to where she was sitting with her book. Sitting down on a neighboring lounger he set the mimosa next to her and set his beer down near himself. // Felix had his camera out and was taking pictures of the coastline out on the beach as the sun was going down. He'd been taking pictures most of the day. // Kelsey was already three margaritas in for the night and had been upstairs, letting her hair down out of the pony tail it'd been in all day.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Steph made her way down the stairs from her room, a towel slung over her shoulder with intend to head down to the pool like she'd told Cadence earlier today. Moving through the kitchen, she sent Cadence a wave. "Meeting us out by the pool, right?" She asked as she made her way out onto the patio to head in that direction. // Brad was up in the bedroom with Kelsey, his half naked bodydraped across the bed in just his swimsuit with his arms and legs spread out in all directions. "I'm hungry. Do we have any more tacos from earlier?" He asked with a little bit of a whine, turning his head to look over in her direction. // Adam was down by the beach after playing some volleyball today which he thoroughly enjoyed because athletic and stuff. Tucking the ball underneath his arm, he spotted Felix standing on the beach nearby, making his way over to him and glancing toward the sunset over the water that the other male was clearly taking pictures of. "I'm sure your pictures look really nice. It's such a pretty view."-
  4. Tsaaq: "Hey-" Remy watched her pass him and frowned once he saw she was gone just as fast as she arrived. He lowered his head and filled his glass up to the top. // Hayley waved at Cadence and went towards the pool. She looked around and glanced out at the horizon. "Everyone is at the damn beach." She grumbled as she crossed her arms. "Hey Bliss, hey Eli." She greeted. "Everybody left me." She pouted. // Bliss looked up once Eli came to sit beside her. She set her book aside and reached for her drink. "Thank you so much, handsome." She smiled. "Hello- Oh I'm sorry." She frowned as she glanced at Hayley.
  5. Covet: "Hmm? Oh yeah, of course I'm just going to the bathroom real quick." Cadence told her as she ducked into the downstairs bathroom. She took a couple of breaths, then decided she was going to use the bathroom anyways, better safe than sorry. Once she was done she came back out and watched Remy for a moment before she spoke up, "I'm going to head down to the pool, Steph was saying something about a Chicken rematch to see who wins this year."// Biting her lip a little bit, feeling bad because Tae knew she shouldn't invite Drew, over, but at the same time everyone else was all coupled up and she was kind of feeling left out. So she went about inviting Drew over to the Timeshare house.// "You're very welcome, My Love." He told her than Looked at Hayley, "Maybe they're on their way here?" Eli asked, taking a drink of his beer, "I don't think we're going anywhere immediately."// Felix looked at Adam, "Oh yeah, I've got a lot of good shots today. I just wanted to get some shots of the sunset before I headed back up to the pool with Steph tonight." He said with a smile.// She looked over at Bradly, and walked over to him giving his stomach a bit of a slap, " There should be, if you didn't eat them all. You want to grab them as we head down to the pool?" Kelsey asked.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Making her way down to the pool, Steph tossed her towel over one of the lounge chairs, slipping out of her sandals and running her hands down over her stomach, a little more comfortable in the high waisted bikini than she had previously been in her swimsuits. She glanced over to Hayley and then Eli and Bliss. "Did you guys want to join in our annual chicken match?" // Brad groaned when Kelsey gave his stomach a slap, sitting up on the bed. "I dont think I ate them all. I'm pretty sure I didnt..." He started to wander off mentally, trying to remember what was left of their lunch tacos. "That sounds awesome. Do tacos taste as good if you reheat them in the microwave?" He asked as he pushed up from the bed, giving a little stretch before starting for the door. // Adam nodded, pulling the ball out from under his arm and kind of handling that ball in his hands all nice. Ball handling. "Oh, that's cool. I've seen some of your pictures. They're pretty good. I was just going to head up to the pool too, but I was hoping to get another volleyball game in later. You in?"-
  7. Tsaaq: Remy turned his head as he looked her over. "Okay... So long as nobody does anything to hurt you two." He said as he put his hand on the small of her back and pulled her in. // She pouted before nodding like a child and then jumping into the pool. "Yeah but Bliss would rather die than get in the pool." She chuckled as she flailed around a moment. "I don't have a partner though. I would have to get Adam." She said to Steph. // Bliss shrugged her shoulders. "She's kind of right." She chuckled. She sat up and looked over to Steph. "Oh that does sound fun." She said as she began to get off her seat, slurping down her mimosa. // Drew was driving towards the property of the timeshare in his BMW, with his party favors in tow. He parked out front and put the car in park. "Wow, this place is kind of nice."
  8. Covet: "I was going to see if I could have someone sub in for me. I'm not sure I'm game for getting into the middle of the battle. But I definitely want to watch."Cadence told him, leaning into him. "Put my feet in the water.You good to go with your drink?" She asked him, looking at him for a second then started heading out the doorway.//Getting the confirmation from Drew, She ran back up the beach and up to the house, "I'll be right back!" She said intending to get up to the front door in time to meet Drew. She was panting a little bit as she waited by the front door.//"Well if Adam doesn't want to go, You and I could team up, since Bliss won't be getting in." Eli offered to Hayley, taking another drink off of his bottle of beer.// "Yeah sure man, I'm in. Just let me know when." Felix said to him, then started walking up to the house seeing a few people already gathering near the pool.//Kelsey nudged Bradley again, "I'm sure they'd taste fine cold too. You're going to eat them so fast you're barely going to taste it anyways." She said then got up offering her hand to him. "C'mon. We've got a game of Chicken to win."
  9. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "Last I saw, he was down at the beach so I'm sure he'll make his way over here soon." She said, slipping to sit down on the edge of the pool and then slipping into the water. She started to tread water because it was a little too deep for her short ass. // Brad rolled his eyes at Kelsey even though she was completely right, putting his hand in hers. "I'll taste them. And they'll be glorious." He shot back at her with a little attitude because he's definitely in denial about his eating habits. He started down the stairs, turning to make his way into the kitchen so he could go into the fridge and get them tacos. // "Sure. Cool." Adam said a little awkwardly with a head nod, turning to follow Felix in the direction of the house.-
  10. Tsaaq: Remy glanced down at his drink then looked over to Cadence. He put it down on the counter and shrugged. "I don't need anymore alcohol tonight." She smiled with a shrug. He put his hand in hers. "Well if it's even already I'll just sit out with you." // "Oh okay." She said to Steph. She smiled to Eli. "Wow, thanks, that would be good." Hayley nodded as she held onto the edge of the pool, kicking her legs in the water to keep afloat. She furrowed her brow as he foot grazed something. "Eep!" She shrieked before trying to float away but her foot grazed whatever it was again. She looked a little frantic as she tried to peer into the water as she tried to discern what it was. // Bliss sputtered her lips and nudged Eli. "I would get in... After this drink." She laughed. She furrowed her eyebrows at Hayley. "What's wrong?" // Drew got out of his car and walked to the front door, smiling once he saw Tae "Hey." He grinned as he kissed her. "I brought the stuff you asked for." Drew combed his hands through her hair.
  11. Covet: "You sure? You can bring the drink if you want to."Alright that sounds good." Cadence said giving his hand a squeeze, heading down to catch the beginning of the match.//Tae grinned and kissed him back, looking at him. " Thank you, You're the best. C'mon we can go up to my room real quick and then head to the pool, that's where everyone else is." She held her hand out for him, curious to see what he'd brought.//"Eli got up and took the stairs to get into the water, then looked over at Hayley, "Eep? You alright?" He asked her then looked at Bliss, giving her a wink and some kissy lips.// Felix set his camera a safe distance away from the pool because that'd be bad news bears, along with his hearing aid, then made his way over to the pool jumping in with a splash.//"Exactly." Kelsey said with a laugh, shaking her head following with him stopping as he got his tacos for just a second,"I'll see you down there hun." She said then went to head out, giving Cadence and Remy a wave, "Hi"
  12. Alexithymiaa: -Steph furrowed her brows when she heard the noise Hayley made, her eyes staring at the dark shadow that was at the bottom of the pool below Hayley's feet. Ducking her head underneath the water, she stared at the figure through blurry vision since she'd removed her glasses up in the room. Staring for a long moment, she finally realizing the figure matched that of a person which was clearly down there since before any of them had even gotten down to the pool. Opening her mouth, she let out a scream beneath the water which was mostly muffled to anyone above water, beginning to thrash her arms and legs in a panic. // "Okay. I might heat these up. Maybe not. Hold on." He grabbed one of the tacos and took a bite, deciding they were just as good cold and he didnt want to wait for them to heat up. He turned while shoving the taco into his mouth, following Kelsey out of the kitchen and waving his taco at Cadence and Remy as well. // Making his way up to the pool, Adam set the volleyball down next to one of the chairs so it wouldnt roll away, turning to look down at the few people in the pool. "What's the matter?" He asked Hayley when he heard her.-
  13. Tsaaq: "Hey Kels." He waved back. He nodded his head again. "I don't need anymore drinks." He whispered as he smiled down at her. "I'm here with you-" Remy picked up his head once her heard the screams. // Hayley made the same realization and began to scream loudly as she attempted to climb out the pool. She gasped as she slipped back and fell back into the pool. She lifted her head to the surface and began to pant as she firmly pulled herself out of the water and went to run out of the pool. She couldn't speak works, only terrified gibberish as she went to hide behind him. // Bliss tilted her head as well and her expression changed once she saw Steph had been scared too. "What? What is it? What's wrong?" // Drew led her upstairs and looked around. "Which room si yours?" He asked Tae. "I got us some uppers. SInce you said you wanted a pick me up"
  14. Covet: Cadence's look became more concerned hearing more screaming and saw Hayley scrambling to get out of the pool. She started walking faster over there. "What's wrong?"//"Uppers, what kind of uppers?" She asked as she walked to the room that was hers and stepped inside closing the door behind her, giving him another kiss. "Do I need to get anything for us?"//Eli looked around and made his way over to the edge to lift himself out of the pool, wiping the water off of his face, " Where is it at?" He asked, at least trying to figure out what was going on.//Coming up for air he looked around because now he couldn't hear and needed to read lips to figure out what was going on. He was confused looking around for Steph, seeing her flail about.//Kelsey waited at the bottom on the stairs for Bradley, then heard the commotion going on over at the pool. "Did they start already?"
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Resurfacing, she made gargled scream noises that were combined with choking on water, trying to swim to the edge of the pool. Grabbing ahold of the edge and pulling herself up and out of the water, scrambling to get out and scraping her knee on the pavement on her way out. She whirled around to face the pool again, seeing Felix still just in there being confused. She waved her arms through the air at him, trying to get his attention and yelling anyway even though he couldn't hear her. "Felix! Get out of the pool!" // Coming down the stairs behind Kelsey, he finished off his first taco, glancing around at all of the screaming and shit going on. "Those are not fun screams..." He said before quickening his pace to head over to the group. "The hell is going on?" // Adam put his arm around Hayley, searching her face to make sure she wasnt in any physical pain before looking around because he wasnt actually sure what just happened since he wasnt in the pool to actually see it. "What happened? What did I miss? Are you okay?" He asked her, his eyes dropping back down to her face.-
  16. Tsaaq: He moved his head, left and right. "I don't know." He said as he went to stroll quicker over them. "Is everything alright?" Remy inquired in a stern tone. // "Th-There's-" She began to stammer as she shivered. "Javi!" Hayley yelled as she waved her hand at the pool. "He's- He's..." She screamed as she noticed Felix was still inside the pool. "Get the hell out of there!" // Bliss went to where Eli was and leaned over the edge before spotting Javier's bloated corpse at the bottom. "Oh my god!" She yelled as she hurriedly doubled back. // "We just snort it, nothing crazy." Drew told her as he went to sit on the bed as he smashed the pill into power for sniffles. "Just sit down babe."
  17. Covet: "Holy shit... is that a body... What the hell happened?" Cadence said expecting to get an answer as if any of them knew.//"Oh, okay.Easy enough." She said, then sat down watching him crush the pill,"Will it kick in quick?"//"What did you guys see?" Eli asked, then saw Bliss stumble back, reaching out to catch her. "Oh wow... That's.. That's a body..."//"What?!" Felix said then made his way to the edge to get out of the pool as quick as possible. //"Oh no..." Kelsey said worried, now as they saw people getting out of the pool.
  18. Alexithymiaa: -Steph instantly grabbed hold of Felix when he climbed out of the pool, burying her face into his chest to keep herself from turning around to look back into the pool at the body. // Brad walked up with his tacos in hand as he heard the chatter of people declaring it was a fucking body in the pool, instantly examining who was standing there. "Why is everyone just standing around? We need to get it out of the pool, obviously." He spoke, pushing the bag of tacos toward Kelsey because he didnt want her to help. // Adam put his hand on Hayley's head, giving her a hug and trying to pet her hair to calm her down despite being pretty freaked himself. "Get it out? We need to call someone." He snapped a little at Brad because what the fuck.-
  19. Tsaaq: "I don't know. Just stay here. Don't get any closer." He said protectively as he pushed Cadence back a bit. // Hayley frowned widely as she looked up at Adam and wraped her arms around him tight, not letting go any time soon. "Who do we call?" She asked. // "How'd he get in there?" Bliss asked loudly. " Of course we should get him out but how did he get in there in the first place!" // He nodded his head. "It's speed, it kicks in the quickest." He laughed as he snorted some of the crushed power then waved his hand so tht Tae could take her turn. "Jeez they're loud."
  20. Covet: Cadence stayed back, her hand resting on her stomach, not wanting to get close to what was going on.//Tae watched him then took her turn pinching her nose, scrunching it up, "Oh god.. it burns." She said inhaling hard, trying to get the powder to clear out of her nose. "Yeah, they are...I think they were all going to play chicken or something." She told him, then anxiously waited for the drugs to kick in.//"But what if we can't get it out?" Eli asked raising an eyebrow, holding onto Bliss. "He's sank to the bottom which means, he's going to be heavy, even in the water."//Felix kept brushing her hair, then looked at everyone else, trying to pick up parts of the conversatsion, while trying to calm Steph. //"Bradley, why would we get it out of there, obviously it's not going anywhere." Kelsey said, "Did anyone see this happen?" She asked taking the tac
  21. Alexithymiaa: -She pried her face from his chest, blinking back the tears in her eyes and looking up at Felix, realizing he wasnt wearing his hearing aid which she probably should have realized before since he was in the pool. Pulling her hands away from him, she started to sign for him what everyone else was saying, sniffling hard. // "I know it's not going anywhere, that's why we have to get it out and do something with it. What do you think is going to happen if we call someone?" He asked, looking around their group anxiously. "A bunch of college kids on spring break in Mexico? They're going to pin this on us. We need to get it out, and get rid of it before anyone shows up looking for him." // Adam instantly felt uneasy with Brad's words and suggestions because it felt wrong. Keeping his hand on Hayley's back, he shook his head. "But we didnt do anything wrong. We found him like this..."-
  22. Tsaaq: "Why wouldn't we be able to get it out? It's just a guy. It's not like he's Johnny Depp's mom in What's Eating Gilbert Grape." Remy said as he strode closer to the pool. // Hayley shook her head. "When do you think he passed?" Hayley asked as she looked at the pool then back at Adam. "Yeah we didn't like, kill him on purpose why can't we just tell somebody! This was clearly an accident! Unless somebody actually pushed him in the pool!" // Bliss furrowed her eyebrows and scrunched up her face. "This is so disgusting." She whispered. "I think we should call someone too. What do you think?" She aksed Eli. // Drew smirked at her and pushed her on her back on the bed and leaned over to make out with her cause one track mind.
  23. Covet: "I don't care what you do with it, so long as nobody here can get in trouble for it." Cadence said watching them all a little nervously.//She looked at Drew as he pushed her back and laughed,"You have to pull out, or fuck my ass, because I don't have my diaphragm in right now." She told him, still lucid enough to say that much, then totally got down to pound town.//"Sorry, if you think you can get him out, then I guess go for it, but then what, are we calling someone?" Eli asked, "I don't know, My love. I've never had to deal with a dead body before."//Felix grabbed Steph's hands and pulled her close getting by on just reading lips, without her stressing out. "Whatever you guys do, you'll want to hurry before he starts coming out in parts."//Kelsey clutched the bag of tacos tightly, then had to look away because she so couldn't watch these guys get this body out of the pool.
  24. Alexithymiaa: -She stepped into Felix again, hiding her face from everything because this super sucked. // "No, listen. It doesnt matter what we tell authorities. They'll never believe us. Let's get him out of the pool, and then we have to bury him. Someone help me." He said as he walked to the edge of the pool, slipping into the water and swimming down to begin hauling the body up, but definitely needed some help getting it out of the pool. // Adam frowned, not wanting to be a part of this evening activity. "I still think-" His words were cut off by Brad basically telling everyone what to do, releasing Hayley and walking over to the edge of the pool to help Brad get poor Javier out of the pool. At the very least he needed to come out, right?-
  25. Tsaaq: Remy frowned as he looked over to the group, his eyes going to Brad. "Why wouldn't they believe us-" He began to ask. He shook his head as he looked at Brad and Adam. He went to grab Hayley and started to drag her away as he went towards Cadence. "Come on, we're getting out of here. // "No wait! But are we calling somebody or not?" Hayley asked hurriedly. She easily let Remy take her away as she watched Adam. She cringed when looking at Javier's body. // "I definitely think we should call someone." Bliss said under her breath as she went to take out her cellphone and began to open her call screen. // "Pulling out sounds fine." He waved his hand as he went back into going to pound town.
  26. Covet: Cadence just wanted away from it, her stomach already sensative as is. She walked with Remy away from all of it with Hayley, mostly just wanting to sleep. But with all this craziness she wasn't freaking out about baby related things, so there was that bonus.//Tae is on the bang train now. Boning the night away with the extra aid.//Eli looked at Bliss and started to walk away with her, "C'mon we can maybe call someone over here. Let's just not get involved. //Felix looked at Brad, who was determined to bury this body alone, then groaned, giving Steph a kiss on the head, "Go inside with your cousin, I'm going to help this idiot get things taken care of.// Kelsey was already making her way inside because there were so many nopes she had to get away from.
  27. Alexithymiaa: -Steph frowned and looked up at Felix, not thrilled with the idea that these fucks were about to go bury a body. "Arizona..." She started before pursing her lips, saying nothing else and turning away to walk into the house with Kelsey, definitely sitting with her until the dicks came back into the house when they were done. // Brad pushed the body out of the pool with Adam's help, climbing out of the water and proceeding to grab the legs, carrying it out to the beach with Adam and Felix so they could bury him. What kind of Christian are you? // Adam very reluctantly helped the guys carry the body to the beach, helping bury this poor guy in the sand. Hopefully he has no family.-
  28. Tsaaq: "Come on, we'll go to our room." Remy said. "You can stay in there until Adam is done burying a dead guy." He told him. // Hayley lowered her head as she speed walked back into the house. // Bliss frowned and nodded. "Right." She whispered as she went to hide with Eli, trying to figure out who to call now that these assholes were burying the fuckin body.
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