Guest User


a guest
May 11th, 2017
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  1. Locations:
  2. spawn: '{"world":"Speedrun2","x":621.5117449702041,"y":83.5,"z":-837.5176906846107}'
  3. Storage:
  4. Type: YAML
  5. MySQL:
  6. Host: localhost
  7. Port: '3306'
  8. User: user
  9. Password: '123456'
  10. Database: database
  11. Update-Interval: '5'
  12. Options:
  13. Bungee:
  14. Enabled: 'false'
  15. Lobby-Server: lobby
  16. Server-Name: sr1
  17. Checkpoint-Particles: FIREWORKSSPARK
  18. Whitelisted-Commands:
  19. - sr
  20. - tell
  21. - r
  22. PreStart-Countdown: '35'
  23. Time-After-Game: '8'
  24. Grace-Time: '5'
  25. Use-Vault: 'true'
  26. Enable-Rewards: 'false'
  27. Always-Update-Scoreboard: 'false'
  28. Use-MC-Jukebox: 'false'
  29. Use-Musics: 'true'
  30. Use-WinFirework-Party: 'true'
  31. Per-Arena-Chat: 'true'
  32. Use-Titles: 'true'
  33. Use-Action-Bar: 'true'
  34. Checkpoint-Velocity-Booster:
  35. Enable: 'false'
  36. Multiply-Forward: '1.5'
  37. Multiply-Y: '0.8'
  38. Titles:
  39. Fade-In: '8'
  40. Stay: '28'
  41. Fade-Out: '5'
  42. Economy:
  43. Coins-Per-Win: '250'
  44. Coins-Per-CheckPoint: '25'
  45. Messages:
  46. Join: '&7%player% &eà rejoint la partie. (&7%players%&e/&7%maxplayers%&e)'
  47. Left: '&7%player% &eà quitté la partie. (&7%players%&e/&7%maxplayers%&e)'
  48. Chat-Format: '&7%player_name%: &r%message%'
  49. Jukebox-Command: '&c&lSPEEDRUN &7&l>> &e&lClick on the message below to play a music!'
  50. Already-Started: '&c&lSPEEDRUN &7&l>> &cCette partie a déjà commencée!'
  51. Already-InGame: '&c&lSPEEDRUN &7&l>> &cDéjà en jeu!'
  52. No-Permission: '&c&lSPEEDRUN &7&l>> &4Vous n''avez pas la permission!'
  53. Game-Is-Full: '&c&lSPEEDRUN &7&l>> &cCette partie est complète!'
  54. CannotJoin: '&c&lSPEEDRUN &7&l>> &cCette partie a déjà commencée!'
  55. Player-Checkpoint: '&c&lSPEEDRUN &7&l>> &6&lCheckpoint !'
  56. Visibility-Players-Enabled: '&c&lSPEEDRUN &7&l>> &6&lLes joueurs sont visibles.'
  57. Visibility-Players-Disabled: '&c&lSPEEDRUN &7&l>> &6&lLes joueurs sont invisbles.'
  58. Teleport: '&c&lSPEEDRUN &7&l>> &aTeleporter!'
  59. Starting: '&eLa partie commence dans &b%time% &esecondes.'
  60. Game-Started: '&e&lPartie démarrée! Courrez!'
  61. Win: '&7Vous êtes %position%ième! Vous devez attendre %count% autres joueurs pour
  62. commencer la partie.'
  63. CommandFailed: '&cVous ne pouvez pas utiliser cette commande en partie!'
  64. Empty: '&7Vide'
  65. Empty-Time: '&7Temps inconnu'
  66. Grace-Time: '&eLa partie commence dans &c%time% &eseconde(s).'
  67. Achievement:
  68. - '&7&m---------------&7[&6&lACHIEVEMENT&7]&m---------------'
  69. - ' '
  70. - '%name% - %description%'
  71. - ' '
  72. - '&7&m--------------------------------------'
  73. GameStart:
  74. - '&7&m---------------&7[&6&lSPEEDRUN&7]&m---------------'
  75. - ' '
  76. - '&3Map: &c%mapname%'
  77. - '&6&l♬ Musique: &e&l%song_name% &6&l♬'
  78. - ' '
  79. - '&7&m----------------------------------------'
  80. GameEnd:
  81. - '&7&m---------------&7[&c&lSPEEDRUN&7]&m---------------'
  82. - ' '
  83. - '&71: &6%winner_1% &7avec &6%timer_1%s'
  84. - '&72: &6%winner_2%'
  85. - '&73: &6%winner_3%'
  86. - ' '
  87. - '&7&m----------------------------------------'
  88. Player-Stats:
  89. - '&7&m---------------&7[&c&lSPEEDRUN STATS&7]&m---------------'
  90. - ' '
  91. - '&8Parties jouées: &b%games_played%'
  92. - '&8Gagnées: &b%wins%'
  93. - '&8Perdues: &b%losses%'
  94. - '&8Erreurs: &b%fails%'
  95. - '&8Checkpoints: &b%checkpoints%'
  96. - '&8Argent: &b%balance%'
  97. - ' '
  98. - '&7&m----------------------------------------'
  99. Enough-Money: '&cVous n''avez pas assez d''argent!'
  100. Titles:
  101. Titles:
  102. Join: '&eMap:'
  103. Left: '&eVous avez quitté le jeu'
  104. Player-Eliminated: '&b%player%'
  105. Grace-Time: ''
  106. Title:
  107. Starting: '&eCommence dans:'
  108. Checkpoint: '&e&lCHECKPOINT!'
  109. Subtitle:
  110. Starting: '&e&l%countdown%'
  111. Subtitles:
  112. Join: '&b%mapname%'
  113. Left: ''
  114. Player-Eliminated: '&7est éliminé!'
  115. Grace-Time: '&c&l%time%'
  116. Checkpoint: '&6&l%checkpoints%&f/&b&l%all_checkpoints%'
  117. ActionBar:
  118. Format: '&c&l%timer% &e&l| &c&l%score% &e&l| &c&l%checkpoints%&r/&b&l%all_checkpoints%'
  119. Sign:
  120. Line:
  121. '1': '&7[&cSpeedRun&7]'
  122. '2': '%state%'
  123. '3': '%mapname%'
  124. '4': '%players%/%maxplayers%'
  125. State:
  126. Waiting: '&aAttente'
  127. Starting: '&6Démarrage'
  128. InGame: '&cEn Cours'
  129. Ending: '&4Finie'
  130. Leaderboard:
  131. Prefix: '&7[&cSpeedRun&7]'
  132. Wins-Stats: 'Gagnées: %wins%'
  133. CheckPoints-Stats: 'Checkpoints : %shots%'
  134. Position: '#%position%'
  135. Motd:
  136. State:
  137. Waiting: '&aAttente'
  138. Starting: '&6Départ'
  139. InGame: '&cEn Cours'
  140. Ending: '&4Finie'
  141. Scoreboard:
  142. Lobby-Title: '&m&7----&c&lSPEEDRUN&m&7----'
  143. Lobby-Format:
  144. - ' '
  145. - '&cMap: &7%mapname%'
  146. - '&3Joueurs: &7%players%&8/&7%maxplayers%'
  147. - '&3Minimum: &7%minplayers%'
  148. - ' '
  149. - '&3Etat: %capitalize_state%'
  150. - ' '
  151. - '&6&lMC.HAPPYBLOCKS.INFO'
  152. Game-Title: '&m&7----&c&lSPEEDRUN&m&7----'
  153. Timer-Format: '&3Votre temps: &4%timer%'
  154. Players-Format: '&3Runners: &7%players%'
  155. Check-Points-Format: '&3Checkpoints: &7%checkpoints%&r/&8%all_checkpoints%'
  156. Deaths-Format: '&3Erreurs: &7%deaths%'
  157. Score-Format: '&3Score: &7%score%'
  158. Map-Format: '&3Map: &c%map%'
  159. Sounds:
  160. Checkpoint: LEVEL_UP:0.2
  161. Starting: ANVIL_USE:0.2
  162. Itens:
  163. Leave-Item:
  164. Name: '&c&lPartir'
  165. Type: BED
  166. CheckPoint-Item:
  167. Name: '&6&lRetour au checkpoint'
  168. Type: MAGMA_CREAM
  169. Players-Showing-Item:
  170. Name: '&eVisibilité &c&l(Visible)'
  171. Showing-Item:
  172. Type: EYE_OF_ENDER
  173. Players-Hidden-Item:
  174. Name: '&eInvisibilité &c&l(Invisible)'
  175. Hidden-Item:
  176. Type: ENDER_PEARL
  177. Rewards:
  178. Win-Commands:
  179. - eco give %player% 100
  180. Position2-Commands:
  181. - eco give %player% 50
  182. Position3-Commands:
  183. - eco give %player% 25
  184. CheckPoint-Commands:
  185. - eco give %player% 150
  188. #HappyBlocks - Server
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