
Some mouse story

Nov 4th, 2017
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  1. >You open your eyes to the sound of heavy metal from a couple rooms down thumps through the wall
  2. >Goddamn dorm mates thinking it's okay to screw with your sleep
  3. >What time is it anyway?
  4. >You fumble for your clock in the dark until you almost knock it off the desk
  5. >You squint at it until you can make out: 3:15 AM
  6. >Fuck, it's too early for this shit
  7. >at least you have your gf to snuggle with, you love the feel of her
  8. >Her long hair
  9. >Her small tits
  10. >Her soft fur
  11. >Her...
  12. >Wait, fur?
  14. >That doesn't make sense
  15. >You rub her back a couple times
  16. >Yep, that's fur all right
  17. >What
  18. >The
  19. >Absolute
  20. >Fuck
  21. >You turn on your lamp to see her in all her naked glory
  22. >Dark grey fur covers her body broken only by a patch of white fur on her stomach
  23. >A pair of almost comical sized ears sit atop her head
  24. >She's a mouse...person...thing?
  25. >You give a little yelp as you jump out of bed
  26. >She gives a little stretch and yawns before looking over at you
  27. >"What do I have bad bedhead or something?" she asks as she ruffles her hair
  29. >She's not surprised at all unlike you
  30. >You throw open the door and make a mad dash to the nearest bathroom
  31. >You catch a glimpse of her looking confused before you leave
  32. >Breathe in...breathe out...breathe in...breathe out
  33. >Surely there has to be some simple reason why your gf is a mouse
  34. >Costume?
  35. >No, too lifelike
  36. >Body paint?
  37. >No, that was 100% all natural fur
  38. >Some kind of prank?
  39. >...your gf isn't like that
  40. >Shit you need to call your pal
  41. >Maybe you're having a bad trip? You don't remember taking anything, but this is college
  42. >four taps later and your phone is unlocked
  43. >You're just about to bring up the phone when you notice your background
  44. >That's the picture you took with your gf on that hike last summer
  45. >She's wearing that same outfit with the stupid hat you bought at a gas station
  46. >The only thing different is that she looks like a mouse
  48. >You don't remember anything about her being a mouse
  49. >A slight breeze slips under the window frame
  50. >Brr that's cold
  51. >Oh. In your mad dash out of your room you forgot that you weren't wearing anything but boxers
  52. >That means going back in to the bedroom
  53. >with her
  55. >You hear a soft knock at the door
  56. >"Hey babe, you alright? You're worrying me a little"
  57. >Fuck, she's here
  58. >You manage to mumble out a response,"I j-just had t-to take a p-piss"
  59. >"Okay, but remember to come back soon. You want to keep the bed warm, right~"
  60. >You swear you could hear her sexy smile on the last word
  61. >You've got to get your shit together, and fast
  62. >It has to be a dream, just go to bed and in the morning everything will be perfect
  63. >right?
  65. >You take a step into the hallway
  66. >Fuck these floors are cold
  67. >You kind of hop/run back to your room
  68. >Once inside you give a sigh of relief
  69. >Sweet, sweet, warm carpet
  70. >"Are you done orgasming over some warm carpet or are you gonna make me wait all night?"
  71. >She's laying there giving you those bedroom eyes
  72. >And dat ass, unf
  73. >Fake confidence will get you through this
  74. >"Nah, just enjoying the feeling for a sec" you lie as you get into bed
  75. >She turns her back to you and scooches her butt back into you
  76. >You feel her hand snake between her legs and start rubbing your cock
  77. >Fuck that feels good
  78. >"So, you up for a little more fun tonight?"
  79. >Oh jeez, you are not ready for this
  80. >"Uh..., not tonight, I'm pretty tired right now"
  81. >You hold your breath
  82. >"Awww"
  83. >You feel her hand retreat and are left with a twinge of sadness
  84. >You hate to disappoint her
  85. >No, it's not your gf, it's some mouse thing
  86. >If you can make it through tonight everything will be okay
  87. >Sleep takes you as you snuggle into her soft fur
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